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EAD Archives – August 2001

  1. 30 day demos

  2. CD-RW Drives

  3. Characters stripped by xmetal

  4. comma and a space with quoted elements

  5. cperrier/MHT/Nypl is out of the office.

  6. dlachatanere/MHT/Nypl is out of the office.

  7. encoding special characters

  8. encoding special characters- continued

  9. Gregory Whitfield is out of the office.

  10. html to ead

  11. New EAD list message archive

  12. New on EAD

  13. Page Preview problem

  14. Ptr and Footnotes and some other questions

  15. query

  16. Query

  17. Query (fwd)

  18. Style sheet workshop

  19. wordperfect 10

  20. XSL question
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