
White House Summit on Federal Sustainable Buildings

Office of the Federal Environmental Executive
White House Task Force on Waste Prevention and Recycling
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW      Mail Code 1600S      Washington, DC  20460
(202) 564-1297         www.ofee.gov         task_force@ofee.gov

Promoting Sustainable Environmental Stewardship Throughout the Federal Government

Image of Ed Pinero, Federal Environmental Executive

To All Summit Participants:


I would like to sincerely thank you for participating in the White House Summit on Federal Sustainable Buildings.  Your involvement and participation helped to make this first ever Summit a phenomenal success.


As you saw, we had a very good turn out with more than 25 federal agencies represented.  I firmly believe that the participants at the Summit walked away with a greater appreciation of the environmental, health, social and economic issues associated with Federal buildings and the adverse impacts associated with not managing our buildings in a sustainable manner.  The Summit also provided a strong foundation upon which we can move forward with a clear vision of the future of Federal high performance buildings.


Your presence was very helpful in demonstrating the importance of stakeholder involvement in addressing our nation’s building sustainable performance issues.  I particularly appreciate the investment that you and your organization have made in participating and supporting a number of the federal initiatives related to sustainable buildings.  Together we can more effectively achieve our efforts for more high performance and sustainable buildings.


Raising awareness among our federal community about sustainable practices and operations in buildings is important goal of our environmental stewardship efforts.  With your help and those of others who participated in our Summit, we can accomplish this task.  Of course, much more work remains ahead of us.  I hope I can count on your leadership and support as we strive to make our Federal buildings and facilities more sustainable.


Thank you!


Ed Piñero
Federal Environmental Executive                   

For questions/additional information, please contact:
Juan D. Lopez
Office of the Federal Environmental Executive
lopez.juan@ofee.gov       202-564-5214

Last Updated: February 01, 2006