================================================================================ Box ID --- 261 Location --- Area C, bank of box drawers on plastic pallets, Rm. 1133 in Bldg. 1 at 345 Middlefield Rd., column 21, row 04 Activity ID --- ____NP Scientist --- Contents --- Loran C track chart (no name, no date) ================================================================================ Item ID --- 1331 Location --- Area A2, metal shelves, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St., column 01, row 02 Activity ID --- ____NP Scientist --- Dave Cacchione Contents --- GLORIA atlas from California, Oregon, Washington (COW) ================================================================================ Item ID --- 1339 Location --- Area A6, metal shelves, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St., column 01, row 02 Activity ID --- ____NP Scientist --- Team Contents --- GLORIA atlas from California, Oregon, Washington (COW)-~30 in shelves 9 and 10 ================================================================================ Drawer ID --- 1710 Location --- Area A17, standard map cabinets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St., column 02, row 04 Activity ID --- ____NP Scientist --- Contents --- bathymetry ================================================================================ Roll ID --- 1895 Location --- Area A4, rolled map racks, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St., column 04, row 01 Activity ID --- ____NP Scientist --- Mike Marlow Contents --- gravity magnetics navigation -- mylar (North Pacific) ================================================================================ Drawer ID --- 2007 Location --- Area A20, oversized map cabinets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St., column 01, row 05 Activity ID --- ____NP Scientist --- Contents --- miscellaneous -- Open File #80-542 East Pacific Rise ================================================================================ Drawer ID --- 2014 Location --- Area A8, rolled map racks, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St., column 05, row 05 Activity ID --- ____NP Scientist --- Mike Marlow Contents --- gravity magnetics navigation mylar (North Pacific) ================================================================================ Item ID --- 5557 Location --- Area M, metal shelves, Rm. M1205A in Bldg. 15 at 345 Middlefield Rd., column 01, row 02 Activity ID --- ____NP Scientist --- T. Hadai Contents --- Samples in box Comments --- Pacific Northwest