Brea Dam


Brea Dam, constructed, operated and maintained by the Corps of Engineers (COE), is a single purpose flood control project. The dam is located in the city of Fullerton just upstream of the fork of Brea Boulevard and Harbor Boulevard. Construction on the dam began in July 1940 and was completed in March 1942. Brea Dam, one of the units of the flood-control project for the San Gabriel River Basin and Orange County, California, was conceived under authorization of the Flood Control Act of 22 June 1936.

Brea Dam controls 22.0 square miles of drainage area of Brea Creek and its tributaries. Brea Creek generally flows southwesterly into the reservoir. Below the dam, the creek flows southward through the central business district of the city of Fullerton, where it turns westward to join Coyote Creek, a tributary of the San Gabriel river.

Brea Dam consists of : (1) an earthfilled embankment; (2) a reinforced concrete outlet works; (3) an ungated outlet; (4) a detached spillway; (5) saddle dike; and (6) reservoir.

The stand-by gate setting for the dam is currently 2 gates open at 3.5 feet. The regulation schedule at the dam during flood events is based on a combination of precipitation at the Brea Dam station during the preceding 30-minute period and current water surface elevation. Additionally, the downstream channel capacity must be monitored, and if need be, modify releases from the published schedule to prevent overtopping of the downstream channel.

The channel capacity immediately downstream of the dam is 2,000 cfs as provided by a rectangular reinforced concrete channel. For next three miles, the capacity increases to a 2,200 cfs to 3,000 cfs capacity rectangular reinforced concrete channel. In the next 2 miles of channel, the capacity expands to 11,000 cfs. For last mile, just upstream of the confluence with Coyote Creek, the capacity ranges from 3,500 cfs to 4,000 cfs.

The current water control manual for Brea Dam was approved in May 1990.

Photographs of Brea Dam

Physical Data

Type Earth Fill
Crest Elevation 295 feet NGVD* 89.92 meters NGVD
Maximum height above streambed 87 feet 26.52 meters
Crest Length 1,765 feet 538 meters
Freeboard 5.8 feet 1.77 meters
Type Concrete Ogee
Spillway Crest 279 feet NGVD 85.04 meters NGVD
Crest Length 150 feet 45.72 meters
Outlet Works
Number of Passages 2
Height x Width (each) 2.5 x 3 feet 0.76 x 0.91 meters
Entrance Invert Elevation 251 feet NGVD 76.50 meters NGVD
Number of Passages 2
Height x Width (each) 8 x 5 feet 2.44 x 1.52 meters
Entrance Invert Elevation 208 feet NGVD 63.40 meters NGVD
Length of Conduits 484 feet 147.52 meters
Maximum Capacity 3,800 cfs 108 cms
Area at Top Flood Control Pool 162.7 acres 658,424 sm
Gross Storage at Spillway Crest 4,008.5 acre-feet 4.94 MCM
Flood Control Allocation 4,008.5 acre-feet 4.94 MCM
Sedimentation Allocation 0 acre-feet 0 MCM
Spillway Design Flood
Peak Inflow (12-hours) 37,000 cfs 1,047.2 cms
Peak Outflow 27,000 cfs 764.2 cms
Maximum Water Surface Elevation 292.2 feet 89.06 meters
Historic Maximum Flood
Date 1 March 1983
Maximum Elevation 252.0 feet NGVD 76.81 meters NGVD
Peak Inflow 2,625 cfs 75 cms
Peak Outflow 1,440 cfs 40 cms
NGVD = National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
MCM = million cubic meters
cfs = cubic feet per second
cms = cubic meters per second
sm = square meters
* Top of parapet wall elevation 298.0 feet.

Storage Allocation Diagram

View Current Brea Dam Data

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Brea Dam Flood Inundation Maps

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Last Updated on February 12, 1998 by R. Kuboshige