[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology Program
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  Antiquities Act 1906-2006 [link to homepage] Credits [title]

Content Development

Francis P. McManamon, Teresa S. Moyer, Charlotte King, Sophia Kelly

Layout and Design

Everett Lindsay, Matt Burns, Teresa Moyer


S. Terry Childs, Barbara J. Little, Francis P. McManamon

Site Management

Barbara J. Little


Don Klosterman, Keir Morse, Norma Ortiz, and Steve Williams

Special thanks for supplying park information to:

Sarah Beckwith, Park Ranger, El Morro National Monument; Tom VandenBerg, Park Ranger, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve; John Schroeder, Archeologist, Tuzigoot National Monument and Montezuma’s Castle National Monument

We are indebted to the Georgia Law Review and the Journal of the Southwest for permitting the electronic reproduction of articles.

Additional thanks

David Harmon, Executive Director, George Wright Society; Dwight Pitcaithley, Chief Historian, NPS; Cameron Binkley; Historian, Southeast Region, NPS; Jacilee Wray, Anthropologist, Olympic National Park, NPS; John Sprinkle, Historian, NPS; Richard Sellars, Historian, NPS; Betty Janes, Mesa Verde National Park, NPS; Frank Norris, Historian, Alaska Support Office, NPS; Tony Knapp, Training Manager, Mather Training Center, NPS; Janet McDonnell, Bureau Historian, NPS; Harry Butowsky, Bureau Historian, NPS



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