The Journey Through Hallowed ground
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David McCullough video Ken Garrett video
David McCullough's gives a captivating talk about the Journey Ken Garrett discusses his photographs of the Journey


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Video - Land of Leadership

Land of Leadership

Video - Land of Conflict & Unification

Land of Conflict & Reunification

Video - Land of Beauty

Land of Beauty

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Full Scholarships Available for Educators
Scholarships available now for educators to take NVCC Course: Teaching with Local Historic Sites.  More »

Thank you for visiting. I hope you will stay a while and feel free to roam around as you learn more about Where America Happened™.

  1. Use our Explore by Interest or Explore by Region links above to do just that, explore, or plan a visit and experience the feeling of walking in the footprints of those who created America.
  2. Visit our Education section to learn about the programs we have created for students of every age. 
  3. Order a copy of National Geographic Society’s book, which is just off the press: Journey Through Hallowed Ground, Birthplace of the American Ideal…or any of the other publications we have produced to share the stories of our American History and Heritage.

These are some of the programs we have created to share our American Heritage with you. This website and all our programs have been created by The Journey Through Hallowed Ground Partnership, a non-profit organization which relies on the support of many.

We invite you to become a supporter as we work to ensure the stories and contributions of those who created the ideals of our country–from its communities, farms, citizens unknown and those known to the world–are shared and celebrated. Your support is vital to this effort.
Again, thank you for visiting, return often and I invite you to Take The Journey to Where America Happened.
Cate Magennis Wyatt,
Founder and President

President Bush Signs Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area Into Law

On May 8, President Bush endorsed legislation sponsored by Congressman Wolf and Senator Warner, to establish the Journey Through Hallowed Ground National Heritage Area, the 38th–and most historic–National Heritage Area in the nation. This designation is a tribute to the collective efforts of the over 200-partners who have worked for two years to educate members of Congress and the White House. This national honor will expand opportunities for to share the educational programs for students of every age.  More »

National Geographic Society Book Showcases the Journey Through Hallowed Ground

National Geographic BookTake home a first edition copy of National Geographic Society’s new book, Journey Through Hallowed Ground: Birthplace of the American Ideal, today.  

“On every page, this book evokes the beauty of America’s hallowed ground.  In a rich tapestry of images and words, it weaves a powerful history that stretches for centuries across the most dramatic events this county has known.  This book is a gift to everyone who cares about this nation and its past.”
~ Edward Ayers, National Book Award winner and Pulitzer Prize finalist

This is the perfect gift for graduation, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day…actually, everyday. Celebrate our shared American heritage by ordering your copy today.
Order Now»
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Dates in time along the Journey Through Hallowed Ground

Frederick Historic District Gettysburg Eisenhower National Historic Site Antietam National Battlefield Explore the Journey

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None of this would be possible, without the support of many, please consider joining this effort

The Journey Through Hallowed Ground Partnership is a non-profit organization
dedicated to raising awareness of this region and encouraging Americans and world visitors
to appreciate, respect, and experience this rich cultural landscape
through education and heritage tourism.


Information is deemed to be accurate at time collected.
Not all sites listed have public access.
Please contact destinations before visiting, and respect the rights of property owners.
This site assumes no liability for errors and omissions.

Some photographs on this site are copyrighted © by Kenneth Garrett. Please contact us for permission for use.

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© 2008 The Journey Through Hallowed Ground


history, tourism, maryland, virginia, pennsylvania, tourist, historic sites