
Glas Amerike ▪SerbianPouzdan izvor informacija

08 Januar 2009 

Glas Amerike danas:

Vesti na 45 jezika
A gas pressure gauge is seen at a snow-covered transit point on the main pipeline from Russia in the village of Boyarka, near Kyiv, Ukraine, 06 Jan 2009
Rusija će opet otvoriti ventile i gas će krenuti put Evropske Unije i Balkana. Ta vest objavljena je u Briselu posle  intenzivnih,odvojenih razgovora evropskih znavičnika sa predstavicima ruske i ukrajinske strane.
President-elect Barack Obama makes remarks on nation's economy at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, 08 Jan 2009 <br />
London Shoppers pass a High Street shop offering large discounts to encourage shoppers, 23 Dec 2008
EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, left, shakes hands with head of the Russian gas company Gazprom, Alexei Miller, at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, 08 Jan 2009
Senate floor during debate on bailout bill (pool video)

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