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Peace Agreements Digital Collection: Northern Ireland

The Northern Ireland Peace Agreement
The Agreement reached in the multi-party negotiations
10 April 1998

Table of Contents

1. Declaration of Support

2. Constitutional Issues

Annex A: Draft Clauses/Schedules for Incorporation in British Legislation
Annex B: Irish Government Draft Legislation

3. Strand One: Democratic Institutions in Northern Ireland

4. Strand Two: North/South Ministerial Council

5. Strand Three:

British - Irish Council
British - Irish Intergovernmental Conference

6. Rights, Safeguards and Equality of Opportunity

Human Rights
United Kingdom Legislation
New Institutions in Northern Ireland
Comparable Steps by the Irish Government
A Joint Committee
Reconciliation and Victims of Violence
Economic, Social and Cultural Issues

7. Decommissioning

8. Security

9.Policing and Justice

Annex A: Commission on Policing for Northern Ireland
Annex B: Review of the Criminal Justice System

10. Prisoners

11. Validation, Implementation and Review

Validation and Implementation
Review Procedures Following Implementation

ANNEX: Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ireland

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Posted by USIP Library on: July 9, 1998
Source Name: Department of the Taoiseach, Irish Government
Source URL: http://www.irlgov.ie/taoiseach/publication/niagreement/annex.htm
Date Downloaded: July 2, 1998


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