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Citiesalive Student Design Competition 2009
GRHC Media Release

Announcing The 2009 Citiesalive ‘Transforming The Face Of Buildings’ Student Design Competition

This design competition challenges students to rethink the facade and roofs of buildings and the way they connect with the surrounding landscape. Roofs and walls provide an excellent opportunity for providing infrastructure and ecosystem services in urban settings. The CitiesAlive Student Design Competition requires multi‐disciplinary approaches by participants to focus on the issues of connecting buildings across city blocks, considering sustainable uses of the walls and roofs and creating a seamless transition between buildings and the surrounding landscapes.

Green Wall Research Funding Awarded To UoM & BCIT
Image GRHC Media Release

Green Wall Research Funding Awarded To University Of Maryland & British Columbia Institute of Technology

Green Wall Research to Focus on Energy Savings and Water Management

Toronto, Canada – April 21, 2009 - Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) congratulates the University of Maryland and the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s Centre for Architectural Ecology on their successful applications to conduct leading edge Green Wall research. The University of Maryland will focus its efforts at better understanding the thermodynamic properties of two distinct green wall systems. The Centre for Architectural Ecology will focus its research efforts on the ability of green wall systems to reduce stormwater runoff. The total value of this research is more than US $200,000.00 and the collaborative effort represents a first of its kind in North America.

Flat-out green
mnn.com - Flat-out green

Color me shocked, but did Los Angeles really just recently get its first green roof?

For a city famed for innovative architecture and verdant landscaping, I’m truly astonished that the Alexis Rochas-designed green roof atop the downtown residential building, The Flat, is being heralded as the city’s first.

NYC Wildflower Week: Wild Project Green Roof
nyas.org - NYC Wildflower Week: Wild Project Green Roof

The Wild Project Theater lives up to its name with a mix of native wildflowers, groundcovers and sedum on its roof. The roof is one of the few green roofs in New York City that include native species. It is 1,500 square feet with a small deck area, solar panels, and lightweight pavers made from recycled materials. The roof was installed by the green roof installation company Alive Structures in September 2007.

Geography building roof also used as garden
media.www.redandblack.com - Geography building roof also used as garden - NATHAN POWELL

A geography class grows peas, okra, broccoli, beans, bell peppers, tomatoes, lettuce and potatoes up there on the green roof and donates all of it to the Athens Area Homeless Shelter.

$5.3 Million Green Roof Project at Target Center
myfoxtwincities.com - $5.3 Million Green Roof Project Underway at Minneapolis Target Center - Patrick Armijo

Normally it’s the action on the floor of the Target Center that screams for attention, but to see the latest project underway you’ll have to look up. Crews are replacing the building’s roof with an environmentally-friendly green roof.

The reroofing of government
federaltimes.com - The reroofing of government - By TIM KAUFFMAN

The combination of stimulus funds and green building requirements could translate into millions of square feet of federal roofs being outfitted with either vegetative roofs or solar-powered systems, Kehrli said.

What Is a Green Job? Green Roof Edition
thedailygreen.com - What Is a Green Job? Green Roof Edition - By Dan Shapley

Van Jones, the special adviser on green jobs to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, is featured in this White House video, takes a look at one category of green jobs: designing, building and maintaining green roofs.

Continuing Coverage of Toronto Green Roof Legislation
calgaryherald.com - Go green on top, or face $100,000 fine, city proposes - BY ALLISON HANES

Toronto is poised to become the first city in North America to make green roofs mandatory on most new buildings and set standards for their construction.

A city committee yesterday considered a proposed bylaw that would require roofs on new buildings with an area of 5,000 square metres or greater to be 30% to 60% covered by vegetation. The bigger the building, the more planted space it would have to have--otherwise fines of up to $100,000 could be levied.

redgreenandblue.org - Toronto Trying to Force Green Roofs - Could Your City be Next? - Written by Stephen Boles

Earth movers
columbusdispatch.com - Earth movers - BY DEAN NARCISO

"I love getting dirty," said third-grader Kolby Martin, his palms black from pressing sedum plants into trays of rich, dark soil.

Dozens of the trays, each with a variety of nine sedum plants, would be joined into a blanket of green, part of the school's new Earth-friendly roof.

First experiments with green roofs under way in area
joplinglobe.com - First experiments with green roofs under way in area - By Andy Ostmeyer

McAlester is the executive director of the Wildcat Glades Conservation and Audubon Center, which has one of the first green roofs in Southwest Missouri.

“It’s beautiful up here,” McAlester remarked one day last week.

Zoning changes to encourage ‘green’ development
akron.com - Fairlawn OKs zoning changes to encourage ‘green’ development - By Ed Wojnaroski

At the April 20 Fairlawn City Council meeting, Council approved zoning changes to encourage “green” development in Fairlawn Corporate Park.

The new zoning changes allow for buildings constructed after May 1 to have LEED-certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) vegetative “green” roofs.

“Roofs that you can mow,” said Councilwoman Barbara Potts (Ward 2).

Fenty Celebrates Completion of Green Roof
washingtoncontinent.com - Fenty Celebrates Completion of Green Roof in Observance of Earth Day

The 6,140 square foot sustainable roof of the Regency House Senior Center consists of low-level vegetation, stone walkways, and assorted seating areas. A rain-harvesting system aims to help irrigate the roof using rainwater as much as possible instead of the city’s water. In addition, the roof includes six state-of-the-art solar panels that collect energy used to power the building.

D.C. planners topping off H Street rehab with green
washington.bizjournals.com - D.C. planners topping off H Street rehab with green - by Vandana Sinha

D.C. Greenworks, green roof aficionados, received a $150,000 grant from the city to plant vegetation on 11 commercial rooftops along H Street, starting this spring. But when you’re on the roof, the sky is the limit, according to the nonprofit, which will use the opportunity to draft a blueprint to green the entire 13-block corridor.

Atlanta's Residential Green Roofs and Green Homes
examiner.com - Atlanta's Residential Green Roofs and Green Homes - 81 Weatherby

The vegetated roof on 81 Weatherby is a modular extensive green roof system which employs a series of 2’x4’ trays containing 5 different varieties of sedum, engineered soil and drainage media. The plants and soil sit atop a drainage system that traps rainwater beneath the soil and irrigates the plants through capillary action.

Indy unveils document on green building
indystar.com - Indy unveils document on green building - By Melissa Tussing

Even small details are included in the document. “If you want to design a rain garden, the document will tell you how to do it,” Karen Haley, director of the Office of Sustainability said. “It will tell you how much space you need to build a green roof and the load capacity the roof needs to hold two inches of water.”

National Geographic - Up on the Roof
ngm.nationalgeographic.com - Green Roofs: Up on the Roof - By Verlyn Klinkenborg

But step out through a hatch onto the roof of the Vancouver Public Library at Library Square—nine stories above downtown—and you'll find yourself in a prairie, not an asphalt wasteland. Sinuous bands of fescues stream across the roof, planted not in flats or containers but into a special mix of soil on the roof. It's a grassland in the sky. At ground level, this 20,000-square-foot garden—created in 1995 by landscape architect Cornelia H. Oberlander—would be striking enough. High above Vancouver, the effect is almost disorienting. When we go to the rooftops in cities, it's usually to look out at the view. On top of the library, however, I can't help feeling that I'm standing on the view—this unexpected thicket of green, blue, and brown grasses in the midst of so much glass and steel and concrete.

Greens, builders both raining on green-roof plan
metronews.ca - Greens, builders both raining on green-roof plan - VANESSA LU

Under a proposed bylaw before the planning and growth committee next week, the city would require a "green roof" on any office building or retail plaza bigger than 5,000 square metres (about 53,000 square feet), as well as on most condominium buildings higher than seven storeys.

Troy, Troy, how does your garden grow?
komonews.com - Troy, Troy, how does your garden grow? - By Robert Santos

It takes more than seeds and dirt to get Troy Wagner's garden to bloom. That's because his garden sits on his roof.

"This has worked on my roof now for five years," he said. "Once you get the roof established, then it's just a normal garden."

Green jobs blossom in a tough economy
telegram.com - Green jobs blossom in a tough economy - By Lisa D. Welsh

“Initially integrating green thinking into real life practices was thought of as a hippie thing, but times have changed,” said John Orr, Worcester Polytechnic Institute provost. “Now the thinking is ‘Save the planet to save a buck.’ ”

Experimental 'green roof' will be studied
canada.com - Experimental 'green roof' will be studied

A Vancouver Island University researcher has been awarded $46,000 to research green roofs, coinciding with an experimental green roof system that will begin in Nanaimo.

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