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ID M-1-04-NC
Abstract United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary,Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary,Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary,National Marine Fisheries Service Santa Cruz Laboratory,Northwest Fisheries Science Center,Washington State University Vancouver,National Marine Protected Areas Center Science Institute,Deep Ocean Engineering. Chief Scientists: Tara Anderson, Roberto Anima. Geophysical data (Kleinsidescan, underwatertelevision) of field activity M-1-04-NC in Cordell Bank, Gulf of Farallones, and Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary, CA from 04/01/2004 to 04/22/2004
Organization United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
National Marine Fisheries Service Santa Cruz Laboratory
Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Washington State University Vancouver
National Marine Protected Areas Center Science Institute
Deep Ocean Engineering
Project/Theme National Benthic Habitat Studies: Pacific Project
Chief Scientist Tara Anderson
Roberto Anima
Activity Type Geophysical
Platform McArthur II
Area of Operation
Cordell Bank, Gulf of Farallones, and Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary, CA
Location map M-1-04-NC location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 38.26140
-123.45797    -121.89277
Ports leave Redwood City, CA
arrive Redwood City, CA
Dates 04/01/2004 (JD 092) to 04/22/2004 (JD 113)
Analog Materials No analog holdings.
Index map

M-1-04-NC map of where navigation equipment operated

Information Specialist
Roberto Anima
Tara Anderson Chief Scientist, Ecologist, USGS, NMFS Santa Cruz
Roberto Anima Chief Scientist, Geologist, USGS Menlo Park
Jean de Marignac Research Leader, Biologist, MBNMS
Dale Roberts Research Leader, Biologist, CBNMS
Erica Burton Research Leader, Biologist, MBNMS
John Chin Geologist, USGS Menlo Park
Brian Edwards Geologist, USGS Menlo Park
Andy Stevenson Image Processing, USGS Menlo Park
Fred Payne Electronics Technician, USGS Menlo Park
John Gann Physical Scientist, USGS Menlo Park
Larry Kooker Electronics Technician, USGS Menlo Park
Ellen Phillips Research Technician/Biologist, Earth Surface Processes, USGS, Menlo Park
Mark Amend Biologist/GIS Specialist, NMFS Santa Cruz
Paul Chetirkin Biologist, MBNMS
Julia Clemons Biologist, NMFS Newport
Mark Gleason Biologist, NMFS Santa Cruz
Dan Howard Biologist, Director CBNMS
Chad King Biologist/GIS Specialist, MBNMS
Kelly Palacios Biologist/GIS Specialist, MPA
Jodi Pirtle Biologist, WSU
Sarah Smith Biologist, MBNMS
Huff McGonigal Socio-biologist, MBNMS
Shane Washburn Camera Engineer, DOE
Equipment Used
Use side scan sonar and underwater video,
to acoustically image, document and film
extensive seafloor habitats and life on the seafloor
within the MBNMS, CBNMS, and GFNMS
as part of a multi-agency seafloor mapping project.
Information to be Derived
Side scans; Underwater video;
Map of the seafloor
in three West Coast national marine sanctuaries: MBNMS, CBNMS, and GFNMS;
Groundtruthing of habitat maps
in two West Coast national marine sanctuaries
using a camera sled (MBNMS and CBNMS);
Characterization of habitats and associated benthic macroinvertebrates and fish assemblages
in two West Coast national marine sanctuaries
using a camera sled (MBNMS and CBNMS).
A variety of seafloor types were identified within the sanctuaryies. For example:
1) Sand-wave habitats were occupied by sanddabs and often contained schools of baby rockfish;
2) Sediment-ripple habitats were commonly occupied by white brittle starts buried within the sediment;
3) Low-lying cobble beds were occupied by encrusting sponges, gorgonians, and half-banded rockfishes;
4) High relief bedrock habitats, although less common on the mid to outer shelf, were occupied by encrusting invertebrates, vase sponges, large anemones, gorgonians, and many species of rockfishes.
While the ability to record seafloor descriptions in real time at sea requires a team of dedicated researchers, this approach dramatically improves the speed at which seafloor information can be made available to managers, stakeholders, and the public.
Importantly this novel approach also enables web-users to examine the nature of the seafloor at locations of interest with the capability of viewing footage from these areas, within weeks of completion of the survey.
Associated cruises in northern California:


Notes from Cruise Fact Sheet. May 2004. Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary SIMoN Program. 17 May 2004
Multi-agency Seafloor Mapping Project in Monterey Bay, Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists recently returned from a 21-day research mission
with some of the most expansive seafloor documentation ever recorded of the Monterey Bay (MBNMS), Cordell Bank (CBNMS) and Gulf of the Farallones (GFNMS) national marine sanctuaries.
The platform for the cruise was the 224 feet NOAA ship McArthur II.
This was a collaborative venture involving the MBNMS; CBNMS; GFNMS; USGS; National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Santa Cruz Laboratory; Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Newport, OR;
Washington State University Vancouver, Vancouver, WA; NOAA Marine Protected Areas Center's Science Institute (MPA); and Deep Ocean Engineering (DOE).
Researchers mapped the seafloor with side-scan sonar and captured video showing the diversity of sea life, health of habitat and characteristics of the seafloor, including a first look at many areas.
The cruise consisted of 3 different legs:
Cordell Bank Survey (1-7 April);
Fanny Shoal and Shelf Survey in GFNMS (7-14 April); and
Continental Shelf Survey in the MBNMS (14-22 April).
Results of the research from the 2004 McArthur II seafloor mapping cruise of the sanctuaries will provide valuable characterization of sanctuary biology and geology that is useful as a foundation for management of the national marine sanctuaries.
Mapping, describing and visualizing seafloor habitats and their biodiversity within the sanctuaries will help managers to protect important habitats, plants, and animals.
The knowledge of what is present today will also provide the foundation to monitor changes in these important resources.
Goal of mission:
To acoustically image, document and film extensive seafloor habitats and life on the seafloor within the MBNMS, CBNMS, and GFNMS as part of a multi-agency seafloor mapping project.
1) To map the seafloor in three West Coast national marine sanctuaries: MBNMS, CBNMS, and GFNMS.
2) To groundtruth habitat maps in two West Coast national marine sanctuaries using a camera sled (MBNMS and CBNMS).
3) To characterize habitats and associated benthic macroinvertebrates and fish assemblages in two West Coast national marine sanctuaries using a camera sled (MBNMS and CBNMS).
4) To make mapping information available to the public.
Technology and equipment used:
The small (125 pounds) video-sled (51 inches long x 16 inches wide x 20 inches high) was towed underwater behind the NOAA research vessel McArthur II to film and document habitats and life over large areas of the seafloor of the MBNMS, CBNMS and GFNMS.
Scientists used a Klein 3000 side-scan sonar system to acoustically image several previously unmapped sections of the seafloor within these sanctuaries.
During the cruise (April 1 to April 21) teams of scientists worked day and night to collect information on the seafloor using towed video and side-scan sonar.
Seafloor descriptions were recorded by the scientists every 30 seconds during real-time observations of the seafloor, providing a wealth of information about habitats and life on the seafloor.
Key findings or results:
A variety of seafloor types were identified within the sanctuaries:
1) Sand-wave habitats were occupied by sanddabs and often contained schools of baby rockfish.
2) Sediment-ripple habitats were commonly occupied by white brittle stars buried within the sediment.
3) Low-lying cobble beds were occupied by encrusting sponges, gorgonians, and half-banded rockfishes.
4) High relief bedrock habitats, although less common on the mid to outer shelf, were occupied by encrusting invertebrates, vase sponges, large anemones, gorgonians, and many species of rockfishes.
While the ability to record seafloor descriptions in real time at sea requires a team of dedicated researchers, this approach dramatically improves the speed at which seafloor information can be made available to managers, stakeholders, and the public.
Importantly, this novel approach also enables web-users to examine the nature of the seafloor at locations of interest, with the capability of viewing footage from these areas within weeks of completion of the survey.
In addition, close to 300 miles of the seafloor were mapped at Cordell Bank, Fanny Shoal (GFNMS) and off Pescadero Point (MBNMS) using side-scan sonar.
Dr. Tara Anderson, Principal Investigator, Ecologist, USGS & NMFS Santa
Dr. Roberto Anima, Principal Investigator, Geologist, USGS Menlo Park;
Dale Roberts, Co-Principal Investigator, Biologist, CBNMS;
Jean de Marignac, Co-Principal Investigator and Cruise Co-ordinator (leg 1 and 2), Biologist, MBNMS;
John Chin, Co-Principal Investigator, Geologist, USGS Menlo Park.
Erica Burton, Cruise Co-ordinator (leg 3), Biologist, MBNMS;
This project demonstrates the quantity and quality of work accomplished between government agencies to conduct needed investigative work to ascertain what resources we have in our sanctuaries.
The cooperating agencies pulled together sea-floor mapping tools and video-camera expertise to conduct both habitat mapping and biodiversity mapping.
Dr. Roberto Anima, USGS, (650) 329-5212
Rachel Saunders, MBNMS, (831)647-4237;
Andrew DeVogelaere, MBNMS, (831)647-4213;
Dan Howard, CBNMS, (415)663-1456.
Dr. Tara Anderson, Australia, +61 (7) 4753-4384
On the Web:
Sanctuary Integrated Monitoring Program (SIMoN) <>;
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary <>;
Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary <>;
Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary <>;
National Marine Fisheries Services <>;
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report Continental Shelf GIS for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary <>.
Multi-agency Seafloor Mapping Project in Monterey Bay,
Cordell Bank and Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries.
May 2004. Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary SIMoN Program. 17 May 2004
Got Help? For M-1-04-NC, we would appreciate any information on -- analog materials, contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, owner, project number, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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