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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Organizations: Zimbabwe

Includes non-governmental organizations, associations, institutes (US and abroad).

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

Britain High Commission (Zimbabwe) (
Travel and business services of the High Commission. Selected articles from the quarterly, Britain and Zimbabwe Magazine.

Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR) (
Areas of work, HIVAIDS, children, primary health work in the African countries of Namibia, Somalia, and Zimbabwe.

Catholic Internet and E-mail Directory of Southern Africa (CIDSA) (
Provides names, e-mail addresses; information on the Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference, Dioceses and Parishes, Religious Orders and Congregations, Catholic Organisations, Catholic Schools, Catholic Health Care, Catholic Bookshops & Repositories, Catholic Publications, personal homepages and E-Mail addresses of Catholics.

Christian Network Links for Africa (
Extensive list of sites for Southern African religious (Christian) organizations.

Civnet (New York, NY) (
Website of Civitas International. An online resource and service for civic education practitioners (teachers, teacher trainers, curriculum designers), as well as scholars, policymakers, civic-minded journalists, and non-governmental organizations promoting civic education....Presents excerpts from numerous documents, articles and reports on civic education, civil society; in English and French.

Commercial Farmers' Union. (
Established in 1942 and officially represents commercial farming interests. Includes press releases, letters, regarding the farm invasions, email addresses of producer associations and the CFU branches, the CFU bulletin and newsletters.

Computer Society of Zimbabwe (
Provides accreditation, training, publishes a monthly magazine, Computer and Telecom News.

Directory of Development Organizations (
"The Directory is a compilation of contact data of the main sources of assistance available for private sector development (micro, small an medium-sized enterprises) and poverty reduction. A wide range of organizations is included in the Directory: international organizations, government ministries, private sector institutions, development agencies, universities, research and training institutes, NGOs/PDOs, grantmakers, banks, microfinance institutions, and development consulting firms." Searchable by keyword.

Helen Suzman Foundation (
"Promoting liberal democracy in South Africa and Southern Africa."

Human Sciences Research Council, HSRC (
Supports programs in education, human resources (health, youth, etc.), science development, social dynamics; provides such databases as South African Data Archive. A Modern Constitutions Database enables comparison and analysis of constitutions from, for example, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Institute Of Chartered Secretaries And Administrators, Zimbabwe Division (
"The Institute is the professional home of members with a high level of competence in business administration, general management, accounting, company secretaryship, taxation and corporate governance."

International Committee of the Red Cross (
A search of this English language version of the ICRC site provides reports on the current humanitarian initiatives of this organization in any given country.

South African Data Archive, SADA (
Non-profit organization that acts as a facilitator between data providers B statistical agencies, government departments, market research companies, academic institutions B and research community. Links to other data archives worldwide.

Southern Africa and the Southern African Development Community ( Provides economic and energy sector overview for the 14 member-states of Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Overviews included also forComoros and Madagascar.

Southern African Center for Cooperation in Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Training (SACCAR) (
"Was established in 1984 by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to coordinate and monitor agricultural and natural resources research and training activities in the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Sector of SADC, and to promote cooperation between member states."

Southern African Migration Project (
Research program facilitating new policy initiatives on migration; includes full text of selected articles, reports and its newsletter. Also links to numerous migration-related sites worldwide.

United Nations Development Program -- Zimbabwe (Harare) (
Has full text publications online on the economy, development assistance.

United States Committee for Refugees (USCR) (
Founded in 1958 to complement the UN's initiative to aid refugees, the USCR's site offers brief and detailed reports on refugee status in and from the various countries of the world.

Websites of U.S. embassies and consulates (
Provides information on US government mission and services, and public and private sector information on each country.

The World Conservation Union (
Founded in 1948, and with 980 members in 140 countries. "The World Conservation Union brings together States, government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organizations in a unique world partnership."

Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (
The government's political party. History, press releases, politburo members, land resettlement, cabinet ministers, etc.

Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops' Conference (ZCBC) (
Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference of the Catholic Commission of Justice and Peace. Formed in 1972, by the National Catholic Bishop's Conference. Provides history, diocese directory, bishop statements, news releases, selected articles from their publication, Catholic Church News. Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops' Conference (Catholic Commission of Justice and Peace).

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (
Has the Union constitution, position papers, press statements, articles from The Worker.

Zimbabwe Human Rights Non-Governmental Organisations Forum (
Site for regular reports on human rights violations in Zimbabwe. NGO provides legal and psycho-social services to victims of organized torture and violence.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Zimbabwe
  December 6, 2005
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