Flair with the Pear!

Our Pear Panache program recognizes top chefs from around the country for their innovative flair with pears! Try our award-winning chefs' featured recipes in your own kitchen!

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The Many Varieties of Northwest Pears

Become familiar with the many varieties of Northwest-Grown USA Pears. Each has a distinctive character, texture, and flavor. You'll enjoy them more if you know what to expect from each kind. Try them all to find your favorites!

Yellow Bartlett (BART-let)
Available: August through January
Ripens to bright yellow. Aromatic, perfect for fresh eating. Very sweet and juicy. Excellent for canning or cooking.

Red Bartlett and Starkrimson (BART-let, star-KRIM-son)
Available: August through January
Bright red skin when fully ripe. Similar flavor,texture and use as yellow Bartletts.

Green Anjou (ON-ju)
Available: October through June
Abundant juice and sweet flavor when ripe.They do not change color as they ripen.

Red Anjou (ON-ju)
Available: October through May
Much the same flavor and texture as green Anjous. Remains maroon red when ripe.

Bosc (BAHSK)
Available: September through April
Highly aromatic flavorful pear. Dense flesh makes it ideal for baking and cooking. They are brown and often russeted. They do not change color as they ripen.

Comice (Co-MEESE)
Available: September through February
One of the sweetest, juiciest varieties, and often are very large. An elegant dessert pear that's excellent with cheese. Almost no color change when ripe.

Concorde (CON-kord)
Available: September through January
Known for its tall, elongated neck and firm, dense flesh. Skin is a beautiful golden green and oftentimes has golden yellow russeting in spots. Has a vanilla-sweet flavor and firm texture that holds up well when baking, grilling, or poaching. Shows little color change during ripening.

Seckel (SEK’L)
Available: September through February
Tiny pears with ultra-sweet flavor, maroon and olive green in color. Excellent choice for children's snacks, pickling, or as a garnish. No color change when ripened.

Forelle (For-ell)
Available: September through February
A smaller variety. Turns bright yellow with crimson freckling when ripe. Sweet, very juicy.


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