[Wilbur Wright in Europe] Postcard, ca. 1908-1909, from The Dream of Flight
The Library of Congress offers other institutions and cultural organizations the opportunity to host touring exhibitions from its diverse exhibition program. The following exhibitions are currently on tour. This page will be updated as additional ones become available.

“With an Even Hand” Brown v. Board at Fifty
Commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the landmark judicial case, which declared that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” This decision was pivotal to the struggle for racial desegregation in the United States.
Tubman African American Museum
Macon, Georgia
May 2–July 27, 2008

From the Home Front and the Front Lines
Consists of original materials and oral histories drawn from the Veterans History Project collections at the Library of Congress.
Museum of History and Industry
Seattle, Washington
November 1, 2008–January 19, 2009
Last Updated: 04/11/2008