Press Room


July 24, 2003

Introduction of the President by Secretary Snow Philadelphia, PA July 23, 2003

Good morning.

I am very pleased to be here at the Treasury Department’s FMS facility on the eve of the printing and mailing of child tax credit checks to more than 25 million hardworking American families.

We are here today of course because of the remarkable leadership of President Bush, whose decisive action is helping us get the economy going again.

President Bush has urged each and every one of us on his economic team to keep working until every American who wants a job can get a job. Getting America back to work is the President’s number one domestic priority, and it’s an honor for me to assist him with that goal.

Now that the President’ jobs and growth act is beginning to take affect, I am confident that we will be seeing more and more of those “help wanted” signs across America in the weeks and months ahead.

Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, George W. Bush.