DCSC Contractors

Contractor Contract Number
Autonomic Resources LLC N00140-07-D-0003
Compass Solutions Corp N00140-07-D-0004
DLS Engineering Assoc. Inc. N00140-07-D-0005
Exhibit Arts LLC N00140-07-D-0006
Global Solutions Network, Inc. N00140-07-D-0007
Henderson Group Unlimited N00140-07-D-0008
Intaset Technology Corp N00140-07-D-0009
Symtech Corp N00140-07-D-0010
TSI Corp N00140-07-D-0011

Note: These contracts allow for Rolling Admissions. The Contracting Officer and the DCSC Program Office will periodically review the need for addition of contract holders.

This page last updated: April 30, 2008
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