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Apollo 8

Day 4: Lunar Orbits 4, 5 and 6

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2004 by W. David Woods and Frank O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2008-01-29
[It is 24th December, 1968; Christmas Eve and Apollo 8 has completed three full orbits of the Moon, with its crew of Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders well into the thick of their tasks. Prime among these is to extensively photograph the ground passing beneath the spacecraft and to visually appraise the approaches to two possible landing sites on the southern plains of Mare Tranquillitatis.]

[Around the far side, as they began flying over the sunlit half of the Moon, Bill started taking a long series of stereo photographs of the surface, as per the Flight Plan, using magazine D on a Hasselblad camera mounted in one of the forward-facing windows. The camera is controlled by an intervalometer that takes frames at preset intervals. While the intervalometer operates one camera, Bill has been taking photographs of so-called "targets of opportunity" on mag E. Meanwhile, Frank flies the spacecraft and currently has it pointed vertically down so that the mounted camera gets a view of the ground below. As instructed by the Flight Plan, he executes a 180° roll to the right, a maneuver that is beautifully portrayed in the series of frames from the bracket-mounted Hasselblad by virtue of the camera being aimed along the spacecraft's roll axis.

Composite strip from 122 degrees E to 105 degrees E. Includes crater Meitner.

This is a composite of images from frames AS08-12-2136 to 2149. As the spacecraft moves from right to left with the camera automatically taking regular images, the rotating frames betray Frank's maneuver. The whole of crater Meitner is visible slightly left of centre, revealed by its darker floor and the lightening of some of its inner rim. The composite stretches from 122° on the right to 105° on the left.]

[Frank's rotation of the spacecraft is bringing the three main windows around to look towards their direction of travel. At this point, either Frank or Bill looks out of a window and catches sight of a beautiful, coloured orb coming over the Moon's western horizon. The event becomes historic and the result is one of the most famous photographs to emerge from the Apollo program, as well as a controversy about who took it that has sustained for over a generation.]

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. 75 hours, 47 minutes and we are due to acquire just any second. A whole host of stations; Ascension, Bermuda, MILA [Merrit Island Launch Area], Grand Bahama and Madrid and, well, and the Canaries. This is the fourth revolution around the Moon by a manned spacecraft. Our orbit is 60.4 nautical miles by 61.7 [111.9 by 114.3 km]. We've had no attempted comm yet. You can hear a little keying going on the background, but just any moment we should get an establishing call. A period of acquisition - this time is estimated at an hour and 11 minutes. Let's see if we can get charge C [?] of a receiving telemetry yet. It is on this pass where - in which Bill Anders will do an extensive four-rev tracking task. He will do a vertical stereo photography, and in considerable detail, to chart all the approaches to several landing sites in - near the center line - in the center of 20 degrees - I'm sorry - on the face of the Moon, front face. And here goes up the first call from Mike Collins. Let's see what we can catch."

075:47:30 Anders or Borman (onboard): Oh, my God! Look at that picture over there! Here's the Earth coming up. Wow, is that pretty!

075:47:37 Borman or Anders (onboard): Hey, don't take that, it's not scheduled.

[At this point, a photograph is taken on magazine E, loaded with black & white film. It seems evident that the person who took it was the same person who expressed astonishment at the view.

The first image of Earthrise taken by a human.

Click for a larger version.

This is the first photograph taken of Earthrise taken by a human as he watched the event unfold. Interestingly, it is not the image that has become iconic over the years by virtue of the fact it is monochrome. Two colour photographs taken in a minute or so will become the images that are favourite of photo editors around the world. Note how close the Earth is to the lunar horizon. We are looking across the middle of Pasteur, a large degraded mini-basin at 224-km diameter. The lighting renders its rim invisible but the distinct crater in the central foreground is Pasteur G. A cluster of craters at the top of the frame are centred around Pasteur U.]

[We have presented this photograph in an unconventional orientation with the Moon's horizon vertical. On Earth, the convention for a sunrise or moonrise shot is to have the horizon running left to right. Bill Anders has said that this is how he see this image. They were orbiting around the Moon's equator and with north being to the top, Earth came out from behind a vertical horizon. ]

075:47:39 Borman (onboard): [Laughter] You got a color film, Jim?

075:47:46 Anders (onboard): Hand me that roll of color quick, will you...

075:47:48 Lovell (onboard): Oh man, that's great!

075:47:50 Anders (onboard): ...Hurry. Quick.

075:47:54 Borman (onboard): Gee.

075:47:55 Lovell (onboard): It's down here?

075:47:56 Anders (onboard): Just grab me a color. That color exterior.

075:48:00 Lovell (onboard): [Garbled.]

075:48:01 Anders (onboard): Hurry up!

075:48:06 Borman (onboard): Got one?

075:48:08 Anders (onboard): Yeah, I'm looking for one.

075:48:10 Lovell (onboard): C 368.

[368 refers to film type, SO-368, which is essentially an Ektachrome-type transparency film manufactured by Kodak. Bill has found magazine B whose images will eventually get the prefix "AS08-14".]
075:48:11 Anders (onboard): Anything, quick.

075:48:13 Lovell (onboard): Here.

075:48:17 Anders (onboard): Well, I think we missed it.

075:48:31 Lovell (onboard): Hey, I got it right here!

075:48:33 Anders (onboard): Let - let me get it out this window. It's a lot clearer.

075:48:37 Lovell (onboard): Bill, I got it framed; it's very clear right here. You got it?

075:48:41 Anders (onboard): Yep.

075:48:42 Borman (onboard): Well, take several of them.

075:48:43 Lovell (onboard): Take several of them! Here, give it to me.

075:48:44 Anders (onboard): Wait a minute, let's get the right setting, here now; just calm down.

075:48:47 Borman (onboard): Calm down, Lovell.

075:48:49 Lovell (onboard): Well, I got it ri - Oh, that's a beautiful shot.

075:48:54 Lovell (onboard): 250 at f/11.

075:49:07 Anders (onboard): Okay.

075:49:08 Lovell (onboard): Now vary the - vary the exposure a little bit.

075:49:09 Anders (onboard): I did. I took two of them.

075:49:11 Lovell (onboard): You sure we got it now?

075:49:12 Anders (onboard): Yes, we'll get - we'll - It'll come up again, I think.

075:49:17 Lovell (onboard): Just take another one, Bill.

[Jim manages to get a magazine of colour film for Bill who then shoots two images of the continuing Earthrise.

AS08-14-2383. Bill's first colour image of Earthrise over the Moon.

AS08-14-2383 - Click for a larger version.

AS08-14-2384. Another Earthrise image.

AS08-14-2384 - Click for a larger version.

The first of these two images is likely the photograph that has become an icon for environmental groups around the world. It manages to contrast the rugged, hostile, barren landscape of the Moon with the dynamic, colourful life-giving sphere of the Earth.]

[So who took the famous Earthrise photograph? Bill Anders had always been sure he had taken it, and strictly speaking he had, as it is quite clear he did take the two colour images. Yet, in his book, Countdown, Frank Borman claims that the famous colour image was taken by him.]

[There are competing theories to explain this difference which were laid out in an article and subsequent letters in The Sciences magazine on the thirtieth anniversary of the flight by Robert Zimmerman, author of Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8, and Andrew Chaikin, author of A Man on the Moon. Both of these historians agree that Bill took the two colour images and can take credit for the famous image. But who took the first black and white image? The controversy hinges on the identity of the speaker at 075:47:30 who expresses astonishment at the sight of the rising Earth. If the transcripts are correct and it is Frank, then it seems likely that he actually took the early B+W image by grabbing the camera Bill had been using and firing off a shot while Bill jokingly admonishes him for carrying out unscheduled photography. If, on the other hand, the utterance at 075:47:30 is made by Bill then it seems likely that he had kept the camera as Frank was rotating the spacecraft, spotted the rising Earth and fired off a shot before getting Jim to help him.]

[The unfortunate fact about this controversey is that Frank and Bill have very similar voices and it can often be difficult to distinguish between them. When possible, we will make a recording of the moment available to readers so they can judge for themselves.]

[As the crew are enjoy an historic view of their home planet, the other Hasselblad in its mounting is still photographing the landscape below.

Composite strip from 106 degrees E to 94 degrees E. Includes crater Hansky.

This strip from the vertical stereo sequence passes through the northern half of Pasteur. The crater itself is virtually invisible in this image, but for reference, Pasteur G is slightly east of the crater's centre and its northwest rim runs roughly from Pasteur U around north of Pasteur Y.]

075:49:30 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over [No answer.]

075:50:08 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over [No answer.]

Public Affairs Officer - "And we are advised that we are having antenna problems at our prime site. We have handed it to another site, Goldstone, I believe. You will notice, on some of these transmissions, a lot of background noise, that is being done on the smaller-powered antennas from the spacecraft. Around the High Gain Antenna - the one which transmits the television pictures and other data, the reception is much clearer. Another call has gone out, here is the conversation."

075:50:26 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over

075:50:33 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8 here.

075:50:36 Collins: Roger. We have been having a little antenna problem on the ground here. We are reading you now with a lot of noise in the background. How me?

075:50:46 Borman: Loud and clear, Michael.

075:50:59 Collins: Roger. Frank, we are still trying to get a little bit better comm here. Stand by; you're unreadable.

[Comm break.]

[Their current attitude is unfavourable for the High Gain Antenna (HGA) so communications will be via the omnidirectional antenna whose performance can be marginal at this distance.]

075:52:26 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

075:52:30 Borman: Loud and clear, Houston. Apollo 8

075:52:32 Collins: I understand you are reading us loud and clear; we are barely reading you. Would you go to P00 and Accept, please? We are going to send you a P27 update.

075:52:45 Borman: Roger. Going to P00 and to Accept, Houston. [Long pause.]

075:53:47 Borman: We are in P00 and Accept.

075:53:51 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. You are not readable. We are going to delay the P27 until we get a little bit better lock on you. [Long pause.]

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. We are having antenna difficulties. We are going to try some more. Stand by. Let's continue to monitor."

[The vertical stereo sequence is still being taken, now looking at terrain that can be seen, if somewhat obliquely, from Earth.

Composite strip from 96 degrees E to 82 degrees E. This pan reashes the southern limits of Mare Smythii with flooded craters Helmert and Kiess.

To the left of this image, compiled from frames AS08-12-2164 to 2177, the flooded craters Kiess and Helmert represent the southern limits of Mare Smythii. The three craters, Hirayama Q, M and K lie along the degraded southern rim of Hirayama itself.]

[These images essentially form the last of the stereo sequence as Frank is about pitch the spacecraft away from its nose-down attitude.]

075:54:11 Collins: As long as you are reading me okay, Frank, I'll bring you up to date on a couple of things. The P27 which we will be sending you is a state vector update going to the LM slot, and we'd like to - as per plan - to transfer that to the CSM slot by a Verb 47, Enter, and we would like to just remind you that prior to doing your Verb 47, Enter, manually select P00 and wait for the computer activity light to go out. Did you copy? Over.

075:54:49 Borman: Roger. Roger. We copy.

[The computer's knowledge of where it is and how fast it is going is about to be updated by information uploaded directly into its memory by the flight controllers on the ground. There are two slot in memory where this information is stored, known as the LM slot (for when the spacecraft has a Lunar Module attached) and the CSM slot. The LM slot is being used as a back-up copy for this mission. There is a specific command, Verb 47, for the computer to transfer the contents of the LM slot to the CSM slot.]
075:54:47 Collins: Okay, Frank. Are you still reading me loud and clear? Over.

075:55:03 Borman: Roger. Loud and clear.

075:55:05 Collins: All right. I'll go ahead with a map update when you're ready to copy.

075:55:17 Borman: Okay. Can you hold off a minute? [Long pause.]

075:56:17 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. How are you reading now?

075:56:34 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. This is Apollo 8. [Long pause.]

075:57:04 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston with a map update. Are you ready to copy?

075:57:12 Borman: Just a minute, Mike.

075:57:20 Collins: Roger. Apollo 8, Houston. Your map update for rev 4 to 5: LOS, 76:59:59; sunrise, 77:09:06; prime meridian, 77:15:47; AOS, 77:45:50; sunset, 78:22:03; IP-1 position time for control point 2, 77:29:42; IP-1 time closest approach for target B1, 78:10:25. Over.

075:58:23 Borman: We'll have to get that data later on.

075:58:31 Collins: We'll try it again later, Frank.

075:58:38 Borman: Thank you.

[Long comm break.]

[The map update will be read up at 076:20:26.]

[As they head towards the terminator, Frank begins pitching the spacecraft up to a 'sharp-end-forward attitude. This maneuver results in the windows facing the black sky while the optics on the opposite side of the Command Module are directed downwards for Jim to make an evaluation of the landing site. As the pitch maneuver progresses, the camera taking the vertical stereo sequence continues recording the view and shows the pitch motion occurring. Frames AS08-12-2178 to 2186 have been brought together in an animated GIF file that shows the horizon pass through the field of view until the Earth is at the edge of frame, at which point Frank stops the maneuver. The first frame of the animation shows a collection of craters between Kiess and Kastner. Just before the horizon goes out of shot, we see a glimpse of the eastern edge of Mare Fecunditatis towards the bottom of frame and Mare Spumans towards the top.]

[Bill stops the mounted camera as it is no longer looking at anything useful. Magazine D will not be used again until after the Trans-Earth Injection (TEI) burn as the Moon is receding.]

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control here. I want to correct something I apparently said, Frank Borman dedicated that prayer to St. John's Episcopal church, he is a member of St. Christopher's, the confusion is due to the fact that Jim Lovell is a member of St. Johns, so we have two Episcopalians going to two different churches. I apologize. The correct name of the church is St. Christopher. We have the correct town. Now let's get back and monitor. We will take the line down due to the noise [and bring it] back up to you with anything significant. At 76 hours into the flight, this is Apollo Control, Houston."

076:03:14 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

076:03:23 Anders: Do you want to take this nav sighting?

[Comm break.]
076:06:12 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

076:06:17 Anders: Roger, Houston. How do you read?

076:06:19 Collins: Reading you a lot better, Bill. How are you reading me?

076:06:25 Anders: I'm reading you five - loud and clear, and [are] you copying our low bit data to record these tracking passes? Over.

076:06:35 Collins: That is affirmative. We are getting low bit data now.

076:06:41 Anders: Okay. I've played - run the tape recorder back to the beginning. We have quite a bit of high bit, so all you'll have to do is start recording when you are ready.

076:06:55 Collins: Roger. Stand by one, Bill. [Long pause.]

076:07:27 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Stand by one on the tape recorder dump. We would like you to look at your steam pressure. We think that the primary evaporator may have dried out, and if the steam pressure shows off-scale low, would you please close the back pressure valve and reservice the evaporator? Over.

076:07:50 Borman: Roger.

076:08:49 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We are ready to send you the P27 LM state vector update when you are ready. Over.

076:08:58 Borman: You will have to wait until this tracking exercise is over with, Mike.

076:09:02 Collins: Roger. Thank you.

[Long comm break.]

[With the HGA being on the same side of the spacecraft as the optics, both of which are facing the Moon while Jim completes his tracking exercise, the communications with Earth are poor.]

[At 074:27:40, times were read up by the ground that included two which represented the acquisition times of two "initial points" that Jim would view on the lead up to tracking the B-1 landing site. Jim will take marks on these point and the landing site so that comparison with their orbit will allow accurate positions to be computed.]

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control here. 76 hours, 09 minutes into the flight. In the past few minutes, we've established a much cleaner communication with Apollo 8. ..."

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control, Houston here. 76 hours, 24 minutes. Communication much improved now as we move out on the front side of the Moon. Here is how it is going."

076:18:09 Anders: Apollo 8.

076:18:14 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Were you calling? Over.

076:18:19 Anders: Roger. You can go ahead now and give the computer the updates, and let's get going on the PAD messages.

076:18:26 Collins: Roger. [Pause.]

076:18:36 Anders: It is in P00 and Accept. [Pause.]

076:18:44 Anders: Okay, Houston. Are you ready to talk about the water boiler problem?

076:18:49 Collins: Roger. We copy you in P00 and Accept, and we are sending you a P27 LM state vector. On the water boiler, it looks to us like the evaporator has been reserviced. How does it look to you? Over.

[Bill is in charge of the spacecraft's systems and he has had trouble with the evaporator since halfway through the translunar coast. If water was passing through the evaporator's cooling plates, the pressure of the vapour on the other side would be measurable. Mike Collins commented earlier that this steam pressure was lower than the sensor's range allowed so the implication is that the evaporator has dried out and is no longer functioning.]
076:19:06 Anders: Roger. I reserviced it, put it to Auto, H2O flow to Auto; and the steam pressure went to zero again. So I tried reservicing it the second time for 1 minute, and again no results. I'm in the present process of closing the back-pressure valve manually. Over.

076:19:25 Collins: Roger. Understand you tried to reservice it twice, both times steam pressure has gone to zero, and now you are closing the back-pressure valve manually.

076:19:36 Anders: Roger. Each time I have reserviced it, the steam pressure came up to about 0.07 to 0.1; but as soon as the steam and water were put to Auto, the steam pressure went right back down again.

076:20:01 Collins: Roger. We copy, and we are reading you loud and clear now, Bill. On your map update, did you copy that that I gave you previously?

076:20:13 Lovell: Negative. We have not copied it yet.

076:20:14 Anders: Negative.

076:20:17 Collins: Okay. I have it for you again when you are ready to copy.

076:20:24 Lovell: Ready to copy.

076:20:26 Collins: This is a map update for revs 4/5: LOS, 76:59:59; sunrise, 77:09:06; prime meridian, 77:15:47; AOS, 77:45:50; sunset, 78:22:03. Remarks: IP-1, acquisition time for CP2 is 77:29:42; IP-1 time closest approach for target B1, 78:10:25. Over.

[This map update refers to events and landmarks that will be encountered as the spacecraft ends the fourth and begins the fifth orbit around the Moon. It is interpreted as follows:

Loss Of Signal (LOS) before start of rev 5: 76:59:59.

This is the time they lose contact with Earth as they go behind the Moon.

Spacecraft Sunrise in orbit: 77:09:06.

At this time, the spacecraft will emerge into sunlight. About 6 minutes later, it will pass over the Moon's sunset terminator.

Passing over Prime Meridian of 150°W: 77:15:47.

At this time, they will be passing over the eastern rim of the large far-side crater Korolev which coincides with the 150°W line of longitude.

Acquisition Of Signal (AOS): 77:45:50.

Communications with Earth will be re-established 45 minutes, 51 seconds after LOS.

Spacecraft sunset in orbit: 78:22:03.

As the spacecraft moves across the near-side face of the crescent Moon, this is the time it will pass from lunar daytime into the lunar night 6 minutes after it passes over the sunrise terminator.

Jim has an exercise to track a control point on the Moon's surface about 150 km west of crater Keeler. To help him lead to it, he has a recognisable initial point that he can track which becomes visible earlier. He will acquire this point at 77:29:42.

Additionally, he will make sightings of the possible landing site B-1 for which he also has an initial point. The update PAD includes the time of closest approach to this initial point, at 78:10:25.]

076:21:27 Borman: Roger. LOS, 76:59:59; sunrise, 77:09:06; 77:45:47; 77:45:50; 78:22:03; IP-1, CP2, 77:29:42; IP-1, TCA for B1, 78:10:25.

076:21:52 Collins: That's right, and the prime meridian time is 77:15:47, and you got your computer back. We've got a good P27 update.

076:22:04 Borman: Okay. We will go to P00 and Transfer.

076:22:07 Collins: Roger. [Long pause.]

076:22:45 Borman: Houston, do you have a TEI-5 for us?

076:22:48 Collins: We are working on it now, Frank. [We will] have it for you momentarily.

076:22:56 Borman: Roger. [Long pause.]

[Each time they come across the Moon's near side, Houston gives the crew a PAD that would allow them to make an accurate return home in case of an emergency during their next far-side pass.]

[Apollo 8 has just passed into the Moon's shadow. Frank stops the spacecraft's orb-rate maneuver and instead adopts an inertial attitude while they coast through the Earthlit darkness. Bill aims the HGA]

076:23:27 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

076:23:32 Anders: Go.

076:23:33 Collins: Roger. On your back-pressure valve, we would like to know how long after you closed the back-pressure valve the first time - how long was it from the time you closed it until the time you started the reservicing. We would like for you to wait about 15 minutes to prevent any ice from forming due to flash freezing. Over.

076:23:59 Anders: Okay. I started immediately to reservice it. [Long pause.]

076:24:17 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We showed that you closed it this last time about 4 minutes ago, so we would like you to wait another 15 minutes and then try to reservice it again at that time and then go to Auto. Over.

076:24:41 Anders: Roger.

[What Collins is referring to as the back-pressure valve is the Steam Pressure Control Valve. This valve controls the flow of water vapour into space and therefore the degree of evaporation from the wick. If needed, it can be used to close the steam duct completely from the vacuum of space. If Bill closes the valve, he can restart the flow of water into the metal wick. However, when he first closes the Steam Pressure Control Valve, the space in the steam duct that has been isolated is still at a vacuum. Mission Control are aware that the sudden presence of water in a vacuum would cause quick evaporation, hence rapid cooling and possibly the formation of ice. This would be a dangerous situation as the expansion of ice could damage the structure of the evaporator and perhaps the integrity of the spacecraft's pressure hull. Waiting for 15 minutes would allow vapour to slowly build up in the closed-off steam duct and make the introduction of water into the wick a safer operation.]
076:24:43 Collins: Roger. Thank you. The TEI-4 PAD which you have is still valid. We will have a TEI-5 PAD for you shortly.
[The Mission Report indicates that Jim has just perfomed a realignment of the guidance platform using stars 22 (Regulus) and 30 (Menkent).]
076:24:55 Anders: Roger. Be advised we are presently in steam pressure, Manual, and we're in H2O flow, Auto; and are now in H2O flow, Off, as of about 5 seconds ago.

076:25:15 Collins: Roger. We copy that, Bill. And we confirm that's a good configuration.

076:25:28 Anders: Right now, I've got the H2O flow, Off. Do we stay that way?

076:25:32 Collins: Affirmative. [Long pause.]

076:25:45 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. On your television update, we propose that you start the TV at the Flight Plan time of 85 hours, 37 minutes and simply extend the stop time a few minutes. You're currently scheduled to stop at 86 hours, and we would like to keep it going until the terminator, which should be approximately 86:14. Over.

[The crew asked for a slight readjustment of the Flight Plan during the ninth rev so that the crew could include imagery of the terminator while they make an important TV transmission to Earth.]
076:26:13 Borman: Roger. [Long pause.]

076:26:27 Collins: Frank, I know you are busy up there. We've got the daily news for you whenever and if ever you'd like to hear it.

076:26:38 Borman: I'll give you a call.

[Comm break.]
076:27:46 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston.

076:27:51 Borman: Go ahead.

076:27:53 Collins: I have the TEI-5 PAD for you whenever you are ready to copy.

076:28:05 Borman: Okay. Go ahead.

076:28:07 Collins: Okay. TEI-5; SPS/G&N; 47 - correction - 45701; minus 0.43, plus 1.16; 079:21:26.03. Are you with me so far?

076:28:41 Borman: Roger.

076:28:43 Collins: Plus 3117.1, minus 0076.7, minus 0021.4; 180, 017, 001; not applicable, plus 0018.8; 3118.1, 2:59, 3100.3. Are you with me? Over.

076:29:44 Borman: Roger.

076:29:47 Collins: Roger. 40, 271.1 39.8; 033, down 04.3, left 2.3; plus 08.32, minus 165.00; 1295.6, 36208, 146:39:44; north set of stars remain Sirius and Rigel; roll, pitch, and yaw remain same angles, 129,155, 010; ullage remains 2 quads for 20 seconds, quads B and D. Horizon on 4 degree line at TIG minus 3 minutes. Over.

[The PAD is interpreted as follows:

Purpose: The PAD is for an emergency burn to return to Earth at the end of Rev 5.

Systems: The burn would be made using the SPS engine, under the control of the Guidance and Navigation system.

CSM Weight (Noun 47): 45,701 pounds (20,730 kg).

Pitch and yaw trim (Noun 48): -0.43° and +1.16°.

Time of ignition (Noun 33): 79 hours, 21 minutes, 26.03 seconds.

Change in velocity (Noun 81), fps (m/s): x, +3,117.1 (+950.1); y, -76.7 (-23.4); z, -21.4 (-6.5).

The large positive number in the X direction inplies a large prograde component, essentially adding to their orbital velocity, exactly what would be expected from an escape maneuver.

Spacecraft attitude: Roll, 180°; Pitch, 17°; Yaw, 1°.

The crew will be in a heads-down attitude at ignition with the nose pitched slightly above the horizontal.

Expected apogee of resulting orbit (Noun 44): Not applicable. Being initiated around the Moon, the apogee of the resulting orbit around the Earth is too large to register on the computer.

Expected perigee of resulting orbit (Noun 44): 18.8 nautical miles (34.8 km).

Delta-Vt: 3118.1 fps (950.4 m/s). The total sum of the three velocity components.

Burn duration or burn time: 2 minutes, 59 seconds.

Delta-Vc: 3,100.3 fps (945.0 m/s). A suitable figure to enter in the EMS to allow it to shut down the engine as a backup in case the G&N system fails.

Sextant star: Star 40 (Altair, or Alpha Aquilae) visible in sextant when shaft and trunnion angles are 271.1° and 39.8° respectively.

Boresight star: Star 33 (Antares, Or Alpha Scorpii).

COAS Pitch Angle: Down 4.3°.

COAS X Position Angle: Left 2.3°.

Expected splashdown point (Noun 61): 8.32° north, 165° west; which is in the mid-Pacific.

Range to go: 1,295.6 nautical miles (2,339.4 km). This nautical-mile figure is used to set up the EMS.

Expected velocity at Entry Interface: 36,208 fps (11,036 m/s).

Time of Entry Interface: 146 hours, 39 minutes and 44 seconds GET.

Stars to be used for GDC align purposes are Sirius and Rigel. The align angles are roll, 129°; pitch, 155°; yaw, 10°.

There are two additional points given in the PAD. An ullage burn of 20 seconds should be made by two of the RCS jets to settle the contents of the half-empty SPS tanks prior to the burn. This is minimise the chance of helium gas being ingested when the engine ignites.]

076:31:14 Borman: Roger. Here we go. TEI-5; SPS/G&N; 45701; minus 0.43, plus 1.16; 079:21:26.03; plus 3117.1, minus 0076.7, minus 00214; 180, 017, 001; N/A, plus 0018.8; 3118.1, 2:59, 3100.3; 40, 271.1, 39.8; 033, down 04.3, left 2.3; plus 08.32, minus 165.00; plus 1295.6, 36208, 146:39:44. Set stars are the same; ullage - we'd like - do you have any objection to using four quads for 15 seconds?

076:32:23 Collins: No objection to four-quad ullage, Apollo 8.

076:32:28 Borman: Okay. We'd like to just go ahead and use four quads all times, unless we get a lot shorter on fuel than we are now.

076:32:34 Collins: Understand. [Pause.]

076:32:39 Borman: And is that 15 seconds?

076:32:42 Collins: Affirmative: 15 seconds, four quads.

076:32:49 Collins: Apollo 8...

076:32:50 Borman: Thank you, and horizon is 4 degrees at minus...

076:32:54 Collins: That readback is correct, Frank, and we'd like to advise that the voice quality on that high bit rate is excellent. Over.

076:33:04 Borman: Thank you. Mike, it's 4 quads for 15 seconds. Is that right?

076:33:12 Collins: That is affirmative, Apollo 8: 4 quads for 15 seconds.

076:33:18 Borman: Thank you.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston, here with 24 minutes left to run in this period of acquisition. We might make note of our velocity in this revolution; it is approximately 3,560 statute miles per hour. And here goes another call from Mike Collins."

076:35:45 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

076:35:50 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

076:35:53 Collins: Roger for Bill. He can go ahead and do his standard reservice on the water now. It's looking good.

076:36:05 Borman: Okay. You want us to reservice it now?

076:36:07 Collins: That's affirmative, and on completion, go back to Auto.

076:36:19 Anders: Roger.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "During this - Apollo Control here - during this lull we have been looking at the biomedical data and the harness is switched over to Bill Anders. We're looking at a mean heart rate of 68. His high, during this particular reporting period, is 69; a low of 67. Mean respiration rate, 10; activity mode is listed as normal. Cabin pressure, 4.9 [psi, 33.8 kPa]; cabin temperature, 79 [degrees Fahrenheit, 26.1°C], that's a 2-degree rise from what we saw about an hour or so ago - 77 [°F, 25°C]. A little more than 21 minutes before Loss Of Signal. We'll just leave the line open."

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. Our time 76 hours and 40 minutes, and I think Mike Collins is about to advise the crew that they have a Go for rev 5. Stand by."

076:40:21 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

076:40:27 Borman: Go ahead, Houston.

076:40:28 Collins: Roger. We are still dumping your tapes. The voice quality on high bit is coming through superb, and you are Go for next rev. And we would like to get a brief status report on your rest between 60 hours and LOI-1, just to fill in some information for us.

076:40:56 Borman: We only got a couple of hours rest.

076:40:58 Collins: Okay. [Pause.]

076:41:06 Borman: We're tired right now, but we will have to wait until TEI before we get back to the regular cycle.

076:41:12 Collins: All right. I suspect you're right.

[Sleep has been an abiding problem throughout mission. Not only did the crew find it difficult to sleep in shifts due to the close quarters of the other crewmembers, they are noy keyed up and very busy fulfilling the major goal of the mission around the Moon. They will struggle to get rested during their 20-hour stay in lunar orbit and yet must be alert enough to complete the complex procedures for the burn to get them home.]

[By the Flight Plan, Frank is due to begin his meal. For this, Bill should be taking his seat on the left ready to control the spacecraft in preparation for Jim's next tracking exercise.]

076:41:17 Anders: Okay, Houston. The water boiler has been reserviced. Back-pressure valve closed for 1 minute; water, On, for 2; and it's now steam pressure, Auto; H2O flow, Auto.

076:41:30 Collins: Roger. We copy, Bill. [Long pause.]

076:41:56 Anders: If we have a problem, a similar problem, again on the back side in the sunlight, might be a good idea to crank the secondary loop until we have AOS. What do you think about that?

[As well as the primary cooling system, whose evaporator is prone to drying out, the spacecraft has a secondary circuit that can be brought into play should the primary fail to provide enough cooling. The evaporator in the secondary loop is entirely automatic.]
076:42:11 Collins: Stand by one, Bill.
[Comm break.]
076:43:17 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. [Pause.]

076:43:23 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

076:43:25 Collins: Roger, Jim. In regard to your evaporator, we feel that if you do have a similar problem next time on the back side in the sunlight, check the evaporator outlet temperature, and if it gets above 60, we concur that it would be a good idea to bring up the secondary loop. Over.

076:43:47 Lovell: Roger. [Long pause.]

076:44:17 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. When we say bring up the secondary loop, we mean bring up the evaporator only on the secondary loop. Copy?

076:44:28 Borman: Roger.

076:44:29 Lovell: Roger.

[Long comm break.]
076:49:51 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. We got time for a little news.

076:49:56 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

076:50:02 Anders: I say how about a little bit of that news you promised?

076:50:05 Collins: Roger. We got the Interstellar Times here, the December 24 edition. Your TV program was a big success. It was viewed this morning by most of the nations of your neighboring planet, the Earth. It was carried live all over Europe, including even Moscow and East Berlin. Also in Japan and all of North and Central America, and parts of South America. We don't know yet how extensive the coverage was in Africa. Are you copying me all right? Over.

076:50:38 Borman: You are loud and clear.

076:50:40 Collins: Good. San Diego welcomed home today the Pueblo crew in a big ceremony. They had a pretty rough time of it in the Korean prison. Christmas cease-fire is in effect in Vietnam, with only sporadic outbreaks of fighting. And if you haven't done your Christmas shopping by now, you better forget it.

076:51:02 Anders: Thank you.

076:51:04 Collins: A couple of [Houston] Oilers made the All Star team, Webster and Farr.

076:51:14 Anders: Roger. [Pause.]

076:51:22 Collins: And that's about all our news. How about your news?

076:51:28 Borman: Well, we'll be looking forward to a big burn here shortly.

076:51:34 Collins: Roger.

076:51:39 Lovell: Mike, I think I can say it without contradiction, it's been a mighty long dry spell up here.

076:51:48 Collins: I guess you can say anything you like without contradiction.

076:51:56 Borman: When do we dump water, Houston?

076:52:00 Collins: Say again, Frank.

076:52:04 Borman: When can we dump water?

076:52:06 Collins: Stand by.

[Comm break.]

[Water builds up from two sources, the excess produced by the fuel cells and urine passed by the crew. Both are ejected through two ports on the side of the Command Module, as shown in this image of Charlie Brown, the Apollo 10 CM. As the water hits the vacuum of space, it quickly evaporates as well as freezing. As it does so, it imparts a tiny thrust on the spacecraft that has measurable effects on its trajectory. At some point, such perturbation must be compensated for.]

076:53:32 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

076:53:38 Borman: Go, Houston.

076:53:39 Collins: We will get you the number after a while on your water dump. It looks like the quantity isn't increasing very slightly, and we're considering not only the quantity in regard to the dump, but also its effects on the trajectory relative to TEI and so forth, but we will have a good answer for you shortly.

076:54:00 Borman: We are not just thinking about the waste water tank: we're thinking about some other kind of water that has to get dumped out of the spacecraft, slightly used water.

076:54:11 Collins: Roger. We understand.

[Comm break.]
076:56:30 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

076:56:35 Borman: Go ahead.

076:56:36 Collins: Roger. We have about three and a half minutes to LOS. We'll give you back the DSE under your control, and in regard to your water dump, we are tentatively predicting a waste water tank dump at about 80 hours GET and any other dumps are your discretion, any time you would like to make them.

076:57:00 Borman: Thank you. [Pause.]

076:57:08 Collins: People listening to the high bit rate down here say it's like sitting in your living room listening to a good hi-fi.

076:57:21 Borman: Sounds like a good idea. [Long pause.]

076:58:03 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Coming up on two minutes to LOS. We got a good reservice on the primary evaporator, and everything is still looking very good down here.

076:58:16 Borman: Okay. Thank you. [Long pause.]

[The evaporator will function normally for the rest of their stay at the Moon. After they begin their coast home, they will deactivate it so that the vapour coming from the steam vent does not influence their trajectory. Prior to re-entry, it will be reactivated, only to dry out again.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. 76 hours, 58 minutes. The spacecraft will lose lock with Earth in about one minute and start its fifth - actually its sixth trip behind the Moon - and it will be the start of its sixth rev and when it gets to zero."

076:59:12 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. One minute to LOS. Are you still reading us loud and clear?

076:59:18 Borman: Loud and clear. Loud and clear.

076:59:20 Collins: Okay, fine. We've been noticing a little bit of increase in our background noise as you approach back-side.

076:59:30 Borman: Roger. We had to go off the High Gain. That's why.

076:59:35 Collins: Roger. [Pause.]

076:59:44 Collins: Have a good back-side; we'll see you next time around.

076:59:49 Borman: Okay, Mike.

Public Affairs Officer - "Mike Collins has reminded the crew one minute to LOS and Frank says, "Loud and clear. Loud and clear". They will say their goodbyes on, you heard nothing much from Bill Anders on this pass and you are not likely to for several more. He is an extremely busy photographer. His column in the Flight Plan is almost solid with instructions. He is moving from one couch to another. He is using several kinds of cameras, changing lens, and he is as busy as one man - one astronaut could be. Jim Lovell is working down at the G&N station, getting pointing data. And the Command Pilot in addition to flying the spacecraft, having lunch, is been carrying on a running conversation with his compatriot, Mike Collins, down here on the Earth. We have lost lock, we should be back with the crew in 44 minutes. This is Apollo Control at 77 hours into the flight."

[As Apollo 8 moves around behind the Moon, Jim prepares for a series of tracking exercises. By the Flight Plan, this will require him sighting on a landmark on the far side known as Control Point 2 which is situated in the vicinity of crater Keeler. His subsequent comm after AOS shows that he also sights on Control Point 1, a keyhole-shaped pair of craters within Korolev. Using an adapter, he will attach the 16-mm movie camera to the sextant so that it can simultaneously film the sightings.]

[Part of the mission objectives for Apollo 8 is to demonstrate the ability of the spacecraft's optics and computer to determine the position of a landmark. Up to this time, much of the Moon's far side had been photographed by the Lunar Orbiter probes though the photography provided could not allow accurate determination of positions of surface features. Jim will use the computer to approximately aim the optics at the landmark. He will then aim them accurately and take marks. Using its knowledge of their orbit, the computer will calculate where it thinks the landmark really is with three parameters; latitude, longitude and altitude. Note that their computer is not programmed to deal directly with longitude. Instead it was programmed to work with longitude divided by two so that the limited range of its registers can deal with longitude to the required precision.]

077:15:20 Lovell (onboard): I tried it. [Garble] a problem. Would you believe the [garble].

077:16:47 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

077:16:57 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

077:17:07 Lovell (onboard): That's everything.

077:17:09 Anders (onboard): Pardon?

077:17:14 Lovell (onboard): Roll - roll right.

077:17:31 Lovell (onboard): [Garble] okay.

077:17:50 Lovell (onboard): [Garble] go back to your residuals. Proceed. [Garble] 2000 [garble.] Okay, we should be 00 now.

077:18:31 Lovell (onboard): 00; proceed. Latitude - Okay, this is what you copied down. Let's see, latitude and longitude, [garble] and altitude [garble] best points at 239. Write down 239. That's your latitude and longitude and [garble] altitude.

077:19:07 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

077:19:13 Lovell (onboard): Latitude, minus 06269; longitude over two, minus 78954; altitude, plus 00152.

[Jim's figures represent the computer's idea of where CP-1 is. This is a small crater next to this keyhole-shaped feature in Korolev.

Apollo 8 frame AS08-12-2052, showing the Keyhole feature within Korolev

The Keyhole is quite distinctive in this image from Bill's stereo sequence. There are spaces on page 2-59 of the Flight Plan where these figures can be written in. By looking up these coordinates in the Clementine Lunar Atlas, it appears Jim's mark is very close, much more so than the mark given in the Flight Plan which appears to be 140 km to the west. Subsequent comm will show that Jim has decided to choose his own marks for the tracking exercise rather than use those given in the Flight Plan.]

077:20:20 Lovell (onboard): [Garble] okay, that would be the - okay.

077:20:37 Lovell (onboard): [Garble] the way you resolved and [garble].

077:21:10 Lovell (onboard): We're a little bit - We're on the fourth rev? This is the fourth rev, right? You're just a little bit south of [garble] yes, this [garble] stuff is really great for this. See, he's trying to get the right attitude, here.

077:22:42 Lovell (onboard): You're 5 degrees up, huh? That's a good attitude.

077:27:11 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I just [garble].

077:27:41 Lovell (onboard): I wish I hadn't added the time to that.

077:27:54 Borman (onboard): You looking it up again?

077:27:57 Lovell (onboard): Yes, I am [garble].

077:28:11 Lovell (onboard): Yes, there's a big probability too there's a [garble].

077:30:02 Lovell (onboard): 1. 2. 3. [Garble] 4. 5. Proceed. Two balls? Two balls.

077:31:26 Lovell (onboard): [Garbled.]

077:31:28 Anders (onboard): I demanded it on that one.

077:31:34 Lovell (onboard): [Garbled.]

077:31:36 Anders (onboard): You haven't got - Do you have the one before Mike, by any chance?

077:31:40 Lovell (onboard): I don't know; I better check. This is what you call 222, friends.

077:31:51 Lovell (onboard): Yes, this has got to be right [garble] I figured that once and I know I can find it.

077:32:18 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Latitude is minus 09638.

077:32:24 Anders (onboard): Minus 09638.

077:32:30 Lovell (onboard): Okay, and longitude over two is plus 81691.

077:32:40 Anders (onboard): [Garble?]

077:32:42 Lovell (onboard): Plus 81691.

077:32:51 Lovell (onboard): Altitude is minus four balls 7.

[These are the computer's figures for Jim's mark on CP-2. By the Clementine Lunar Atlas, this is a point just north of the crater Plante, itself within the larger crater Keeler.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. 77 hours, 32 minutes into the flight. All quiet for approximately 20 minutes. We are due to acquire again in about 13 minutes. One of the more interesting system phenomena, I guess we could call it, to come out of these early revolutions around the Moon is the temperature variance we are seeing within the environmental control system. The system is proving capable to the task, but it seeing much wider excursions that it sees in Earth orbital flight. I'm talking about temperatures on the variances - excursions, I guess is the proper word, of 40 to 50 degrees within the system: That is not in the cabin, of 40 to 50 degrees, whereas at the same point in Earth orbital flight between the light and dark side, might see an excursion on the order of 10 to 15 degrees. Again, the environmental control system is handling the cabin very nicely, it's been purposely set up somewhat than warmer than yesterday and previous days the crew prefers the cabin up in the higher 70's and that is where it has been on consistently today, 77 to 79. But again and again, we hear action on the water boiler as we come around from the dark side into the Sun side. This phenomena I'm sure, will be examined at more length at the change of shift briefing, and as the flight progresses. No new conversation to report, all is well at 77 hours, 34 minutes into the flight."

077:33:04 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

077:34:17 Lovell (onboard): Okay, could you read off the latitude and longitude [garble].

077:34:23 Anders (onboard): [Garbled.]

077:34:29 Lovell (onboard): 06?

077:36:56 Anders (onboard): [Garble.] Okay, f - f:11. 250th.

077:37:40 Lovell (onboard): Okay, 37:48. You can go right [garble] this will give us the - [garble] 37:48 [garble].

077:38:34 Anders (onboard): Well, if it's not [garble]; It'll drop to zero, if it doesn't [garble] because [garble] yes.

077:40:47 Anders (onboard): Okay.

077:41:02 Borman (onboard): The [garble] says we have to go about 50 before this should start falling.

077:41:17 Anders (onboard): We can do nothing at the [garble] before high bit rate.

077:41:27 Anders (onboard): Yes, I'm going - Are you positive about that?

077:41:29 Borman (onboard): Yes.

077:41:33 Anders (onboard): Give me a 30-second warning when you want to say something. I'll have to stop it, [garble] that leaves 30 seconds [garble].

077:42:47 Borman (onboard): Yes.

077:43:23 Borman (onboard): If it would have been Lock, we've got - got two of them.

077:43:46 Lovell (onboard): Bill, [garble]. Do you know I can see the horizon? Can you see the horizon?

077:43:59 Anders (onboard): Pitch up?

077:44:00 Lovell (onboard): Yes, pitch up to...

077:44:20 Borman (onboard): Pitch is about 50.

077:44:23 Lovell (onboard): Can you pitch up some more?

077:45:20 Lovell (onboard): No, that's about right. Let's take pictures of [garble]. You see the [garble] right there.

077:46:37 Borman (onboard): Houston, Apollo 8. How do you read?

077:46:40 Lovell (onboard): You have the (garble)?

077:46:43 Anders (onboard): Yes, I've got it over here.

077:46:45 Lovell (onboard): You've got it?

077:46:46 Anders (onboard): Here you go; I'll pass (garble).

077:46:48 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. [Long pause.]

077:47:05 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. Go ahead.

077:47:07 Collins: Roger. Read you loud and clear. Welcome back.

077:47:13 Anders: Roger. Looks like the evaporator - looks like the evaporator is holding okay, or at least it's trying to. It dropped the temperature down to about 32 and now it's come back up again and stabilized at about 42 degrees.

077:47:31 Collins: Roger. Copy you, Bill.

[Comm break.]
077:48:14 Anders (onboard): Do you need any more film there, Jim?

077:48:30 Borman (onboard): Okay, if I'm [garble].

077:48:32 Lovell (onboard): Huh? Okay.

077:48:41 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8.

077:48:44 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

077:48:50 Lovell: Roger. Houston, this is Apollo 8. What we are doing on the control point tracking - I managed to look for a CP-1 at the same time we were trying to do a CP-2 on this rev. I picked up two marks which are just as small, but more easily recognizable, than the ones that were given to me. I know that I can repeat the process and pick the same small point on the next rev. Now I can try to look for the control points that are written down, but I think that I have better control over the ones that we have.

[Jim's comm implies that he has chosen points like Keyhole to suit himself rather than using ones which are chosen for him. As long as he can reference them after the flight. this should not be a problem.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. 77 hours, 49 minutes into the flight and just three minutes ago we acquired Apollo 8 as it came around the corner on this fifth revolution around the Moon, here is the conversation as it progresses."

077:49:29 Collins: Roger, Jim. Understand. We'll check that for you.

077:49:34 Lovell: Roger. One more point: the control point times which you have given me are a little bit off, and I can notice, by comparing these maps, that these maps are not too well aligned either.

077:49:47 Collins: Roger, these two small points that you can repeat your marks on: will you be able to identify those precisely on a map? Over.

077:50:00 Lovell: That's affirmative; that is why I picked them. They are both - they're both very prominent features, and they are both very small craters about the same size as the ones we are looking for, but I can pinpoint them on a map.

077:50:13 Collins: Roger. [Long pause.]

077:50:41 Lovell (onboard): Yes, you need about a 10-degree pitch up from that attitude. 077:50:48 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8.

077:50:49 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

077:50:54 Lovell: Roger. One more comment: is just that what with all the controversy at data priority meetings, it looks like 10 degrees pitch-up is the best attitude to obtain the horizon so that you can follow the landmark down through the scanning telescope. If you pitch down any more, a full-up trunnion will not get the horizon, and the horizon is a great help in leading yourself into the control point.

077:51:28 Collins: Roger. Understand.

[Comm break.]
077:52:03 Borman (onboard): How does that look, Jim? We should be about over PC-3

077:52:08 Lovell (onboard): Well, I just sort of find PC-3 because [garble] get it [garble].

077:52:30 Lovell (onboard): Let's see, do you have that [garble] thing? Is that it?

077:52:40 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

077:52:45 Lovell: Go ahead.

077:52:47 Collins: Jim, we concur with your use of the two small craters which you can repeatably mark on and find on the map; and also, if you will give us your new latitudes and longitudes, we can compute for you a time of closest approach to those points with the spacecraft 10 degrees pitched up. Over.

077:53:12 Lovell: Roger, Houston. CP-1, latitude, minus 6 - 06269; longitude over 2, minus 78954; altitude, plus 00152; for CP-2, latitude, minus 09638; longitude over 2, plus 81691; altitude, minus 00007. I tried to get CP-3 at the same last pass, but I let it go by to get set up for this first crack at the landing site.

077:54:05 Collins: Roger, Houston. CP-1: would you say again the latitude, and on CP-2, say again the longitude CP-2, please.

077:54:15 Lovell: Roger. CP-1, latitude, minus 06269 - that's the latitude; and for longitude over 2 for CP-2, plus 81691.

077:54:34 Collins: Okay. We copied them. Thank you.

077:54:43 Lovell: And it appears that Resolve, Medium is a very good combination to use around the track.

077:54:53 Collins: Roger. I understand. Resolve medium.

077:54:54 Borman (onboard): Yes.

077:54:59 Lovell: And it appears so far, Houston, that no spacecraft pitch motion is required to get 5 marks on the target in plenty of time.

077:55:10 Collins: Roger. I understand you require no spacecraft motion to get 5 marks.

[Long comm break.]
077:55:21 Borman (onboard): Okay, let's get ready for - Here's a couple of (garble).

077:55:56 Lovell (onboard): How's the water boiler doing, Frank?

077:56:40 Lovell (onboard): Okay, that would be 78 percent.

077:57:03 Lovell (onboard): Frank, could you just get me (garble)?

077:57:15 Lovell (onboard): Hey, Frank, why don't you go ahead and get some sleep?

077:58:41 Lovell (onboard): Yes, Frank.

077:58:49 Lovell (onboard): Yes, roll some up there.

077:58:57 Lovell (onboard): Okay, just hold it there, 10 degrees down and ... Are you sure you're aligned good? Did you use the landing site? Okay.

077:59:17 Anders (onboard): I got about a 10-degree yaw, here, Jim,

077:59:51 Anders (onboard): Okay, Jim, what's the other (garble)?

077:59:54 Anders (onboard): You going to be turning it off?

078:00:10 Anders (onboard): (Garble) which one was this? Control point sighting? CP number 526?

078:00:16 Lovell (onboard): No, this will be landing mark zero, Auto Optics.

078:00:25 Anders (onboard): What - what's that? (garble) pseudo landing site?

078:00:40 Lovell (onboard): I got (garble). Is that about 10 degrees?

078:00:47 Lovell (onboard): Oh, (Garble) I think that's perfect. The horizon just comes up to the top (garble) zero optics.

078:01:25 Lovell (onboard): (Singing)

078:02:59 Lovell (onboard): Pitch up there about 7 degrees.

078:04:07 Lovell (onboard): Okay, we'll stop and compute the (garble) right now.

Public Affairs Officer - "And that brings us up to this point, we have had no additional comments now, for a half a minute or so, that is excellent data to have, precisely the kind of data that we had hoped to get. The navigational side of lunar orbit which will be flown by both the command - future command module and LM flights around the Moon. Lovell will continue to his navigational work; and dear old Bill Anders, sitting off in one corner there, squeezing off pictures that the most professional photographers wouldn't believe. Frank Borman is entering a rest period here, which is to extent of three hours. It is doubtful that he will really go to sleep, but he has been excellent about following Flight Plan today - he probably needs rest. At 77 hours, 57 minutes into the flight; this is Apollo Control, Houston."

078:04:15 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

078:04:20 Lovell: Go ahead.

078:04:21 Borman (maybe Anders): Go ahead, Houston.

078:04:23 Collins: Roger. I am about 15 minutes early with the TEI fix update and the map update. I will have them here whenever it's convenient for you to copy.

078:04:36 Anders: Okay. Just a little bit, Mike.

[Long comm break.]
078:04:43 Anders (onboard): You have some updates here (garble).

078:04:50 Lovell (onboard): Okay, now we might get a program alarm.

078:04:52 Anders (onboard): Okay, I've got the (garble).

078:05:35 Lovell (onboard): Okay, what I'm going to do now, is (garble).

078:06:41 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I (garble) a little bit - yaw to the right. You're indicating 50 degrees in pitch and yaw (garble). Oh, this (garble) is a piece of cake. It's a real piece of cake.

078:07:21 Lovell (onboard): (Garble) about 3 minutes fast in (garble).

078:07:59 Lovell (onboard): (Garble) yaw (garble) roll left instead of right (garble).

078:08:05 Anders (onboard): Okay, how's your TEMP?

078:08:40 Lovell (onboard): For your information, Houston, instead of (garble) the landing site again, I'm going to give it to Auto Optics, now. (Garble) one (garble) it's very easy to distinguish (garble) and I can even pick out the - If I can see (garble) landing site even though it's still about 60 degrees trunnion.

078:09:05 Lovell (onboard): Okay, let's...

078:09:07 Anders (onboard): Roll right?

078:09:23 Anders (onboard): Here we are.

078:09:25 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

078:09:34 Anders (onboard): How far below 10 degrees are you reading, anyway?

078:09:38 Lovell (onboard): I don't know, Just don't worry about it.

078:09:40 Anders (onboard): Oh, okay.

078:09:46 Anders (onboard): What kind of a pitch are we reading?

078:11:24 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

078:11:26 Anders (onboard): Which way do you want to roll? Roll left?

078:12:47 Anders (onboard): Okay.

078:13:00 Anders (onboard): Yaw up, roll right 180 (garble) 2 degrees (garble) 2 degrees (garble).

078:13:26 Lovell (onboard): Call them (garble).

078:13:28 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

078:13:35 Lovell: Go ahead. Houston.

078:13:37 Collins: Roger. We would like to ask you to stop using auto optics on the pseudo-landing site. It's necessary that we send you up a P27 to update the RLS values stored in the computer. Over.

078:13:54 Lovell: Roger. I found out it didn't work [garble] I went to manual optics on B-1.

078:14:01 Collins: Roger. Understand.

[Comm break.]
078:14:45 Borman (onboard): Houston, Apollo 8. Stand by one.

078:16:44 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

078:16:49 Borman: Go ahead, Houston.

078:16:51 Collins: Roger. If you would go to P00 and Accept, please, we are going to send you a P27 load which will update an RLS value which will be followed by a procedural change, Jim, we will give you later; and auto optics should be working shortly.

078:17:12 Lovell: Roger. Or I could use no-landmark Auto Optics instead of the code. [Pause.]

078:17:31 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We are also sending you up a state vector update at the same time.

078:17:39 Lovell: Okay. We will be expecting that. [Long pause.]

078:18:14 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We taking the DSE for a dump. Over. [Pause.]

078:18:31 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

078:18:36 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston.

078:18:38 Collins: Roger. We would like to take Bill's DSE for a dump. Over.

078:18:44 Lovell: Roger. Go ahead.

078:18:46 Collins: Thank you.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control in Houston here. 78 hours, 19 minutes into the flight. We've had a few sporadic conversations with two very hard working pilots, actually I guess all the conversation has been with one, Jim Lovell, in the last few minutes. ... let's cut up there.

Public Affairs Officer - "Our orbit this rev 6 - shows a 62-[nautical] mile apogee [means apolune or apocynthion] and a 60.1-[nautical] mile perigee [means perilune or pericynthion] - perigee occurring at 10 degrees south by 101 degrees east and apogee occurring at 10 degrees north by 78 west. Here goes a call."

078:24:33 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. We're ready for the - your updates, your PADs.

078:24:38 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Roger. I have updates, a map update for rev 5/6, and TEI-6 update. Which would you like first?

078:24:51 Anders: Okay. I've got the map update page now. Why don't you give me that one?

078:24:55 Collins: Okay. Map update for rev 5/6. LOS, 78:58:49; sunrise, 79:08:07; prime meridian, 79:14:30; AOS, 79:44:36; sunset, 80:21:05; IP-1, time of closest approach to target B-1, 80:09:08. Now your two new control points that Jim gave us: control point number 1, acquisition, 79:10:32; control point number 2, acquisition, 79:23:14. Over.

078:26:16 Anders: Roger. Copy. Ready for the TEI

078:26:26 Collins: Okay, Bill. Before we read the big TEI update here, I'd like to give Jim, briefly, a procedure for P22. When he comes to Noun 89, we request that he do a Verb 34, Enter. Do not Proceed, and by so doing then, he will not incorporate the lat. and longitude from his mark, and he will not change the reference value of the landing site, and we will solve this auto optics problem. Over.

078:27:08 Lovell: Let me see if I have this correct, Mike. When flashing [Verb] 06 [Noun] 89 comes up with the latitude and longitude information, I will not Proceed but will go to Verb 34 and terminate. Is that correct?

078:27:24 Collins: Yes, that is affirmative. Do a Verb 34, Enter, instead of a proceed. And that will...

078:27:34 Lovell: All right. Is this technique true? [Pause.]

078:27:45 Lovell: Houston, is this technique true for both the node control point auto optics on P25?

078:27:52 Collins: Stand by one, Jim.

078:27:54 Lovell: And the len [garbled]. [Long pause.]

078:28:09 Collins: That is affirmative, Apollo 8. That is always true.

078:28:16 Lovell: Okay. Roger. True for the code auto optics and no landmark. I'll proceed instead of going on - or I'll use 34 instead proceeding on 89.

078:28:25 Collins: Roger. Thank you, Jim, and I have the TEI-6 hour, when you are ready - or TEI number 6.

078:28:45 Borman: Go ahead. [Pause.]

078:28:52 Anders: Ready to copy.

078:28:54 Collins: Roger. I'm glad you are ready to copy TEI number 6. I've got one last comment for Jim before you do so. The Verb 89 - or correction - the Noun 89 we are talking about is the one that he gets after marking. There are two Noun 89s, one prior to marking and one after, and our procedure references Noun 89 after marking. Over.

078:29:21 Lovell: Roger. Understand.

078:29:24 Collins: Thank you, and, Bill, you still ready to copy?

078:29:29 Anders: Ready to copy, Mike.

078:29:31 Collins: TEI-6, SPS/G&N; 45701; minus 0.40, plus 1.57. Are you with me so far?

078:29:56 Anders: Roger.

078:29:57 Collins: 081:21:24.43; plus 3177.6, minus 0082.3, minus 0136.5; 180, 016, 001; not applicable, plus 0018.8. Are you still with me? Over.

078:31:56 Anders: That's Roger.

078:31:57 Collins: Good. 3181.6, 3:02, 3162.4; 40, 269.9 39.6; 033, down 05.4, left 2.1; plus 08.10, control minus 165.00, 1296.8, 36222, 146:42:04; GDC align remains the same, Sirus and Rigel; roll 129, pitch 155, yaw 010; ullage, 4 quads for 15 seconds. Horizon on 6 degree line at TIG minus 3 minutes. Over.

078:32:46 Anders: Roger, Houston. TEI-6; SPS/G&N; 45701; minus 0.40, plus 1.57; 018:21:24.43; plus 3177,6, minus 0082,3, minus 0136,5; 180, 016, 001; N/A, plus 0018.8; 3181.6, 3:02, 3162.4; 40, 269.9. Are you with me?

078:33:39 Collins: Yes, I'm with you, Bill.

078:33:44 Anders: 39.6; 033, down 05.4, left 2.1; plus 08.10, minus 165.00; 1296.8, 36222, 146:42:04; same GDC align, Sirius and Rigel, 129, 155, 010; 4 jet, 15 seconds; horizon, 6 degrees, TIG minus 3. Over.

078:34:27 Collins: Roger, Bill. On your ignition time, GETI is 81 hours, 081. Over.

078:34:39 Anders: Roger. Got it, 081.

078:34:42 Collins: Thank you, sir.

078:34:46 Anders: Thank you, Michael. As a matter of interest, these side windows are so hazy, that when the Sun shines on them, they just about - they are real poor for any visual observation or photography - heads up.

078:35:04 Collins: Roger. Understand.

[Comm break.]
078:36:05 Anders (onboard): Okay. Okay, IMU align, REFSMMAT - We've done that.

078:36:17 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

078:36:20 Lovell (onboard): I think it's better

078:36:22 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Did you finish that camera, or do you want me to do it?

078:36:27 Anders (onboard): No, I never got around to that.

078:36:30 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

078:36:36 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston.

078:36:35 Anders (onboard): Hey, that thing is so loose it's coming apart.

078:36:37 Collins: Roger. The last state vector updates we sent you, Jim, was to the LM slots and you will have to transfer that over to the CSM slots using Verb 47 Enter. Over.

078:36:52 Lovell: Roger. Will do.

078:36:54 Collins: Thank you.

[Comm break.]
078:36:52 Anders (onboard): Okay, I'm going to go to Block, right?

078:36:55 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

078:36:57 Anders (onboard): Okay.

078:37:00 Lovell (onboard): That's in the checklist, isn't it - Verb 47 - or the Flight Plan?

078:37:06 Anders (onboard): What's that?

078:37:08 Lovell (onboard): Transfer of the state vector.

078:37:09 Anders (onboard): Yes. You did the IMU alignment? Think the GDC will last for another REV or not?

078:37:21 Lovell (onboard): That's okay.

078:37:26 Anders (onboard): Roll 180 degrees at 2 degrees per second.

078:37:45 Anders (onboard): You ready to roll, Jim?

078:37:47 Lovell (onboard): Yes, you're going back to what now?

078:37:55 Lovell (onboard): You're just going back to the landmark again.

078:38:00 Anders (onboard): Yes.

078:38:01 Lovell (onboard): Okay. You got - Do you have a map update, Bill?

078:33:07 Anders (onboard): Yes.

078:38:16 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

078:38:19 Anders (onboard): I got it.

078:38:21 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston.

078:38:23 Collins: Roger. Bill has got his tape recorder back, and we noticed during that last dump, it was all in low bit rate. We wonder whether that was intentional or not? Over.

078:38:35 Anders (onboard): Yes, he's asking if we didn't have anything to say.

078:38:38 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

078:38:42 Anders: Roger. We didn't have much to say; we couldn't see out of the windows very well, Mike.

078:38:47 Collins: Roger. Understand. Thank you, Bill.

078:38:53 Anders: It's really too bad.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control Houston here, and that is a pretty tired Jim Lovell we're hearing, I take it, from somebody who has listened to him now for some 18 - 14 and 4 and 3 - 21 days [Reference to G-7, G-12 and A8]. Here is some more conversation, I think he is just about to get a Go for Rev 6."

078:39:07 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Here's a piece of camera equipment. Where does this go?

078:39:18 Anders (onboard): Stick it down in that box on the left - on your right-hand side - in one of those boxes.

078:39:22 Lovell (onboard): You still got about a quarter of a roll of film left a little more than that.

078:39:30 Anders (onboard): Okay, man.

078:39:31 Lovell (onboard): I'll stick it in my pocket.

078:39:32 Anders (onboard): We might an well use it.

078:39:36 Lovell (onboard): In order to identify it, why don't I just take this one off?

078:39:50 Anders (onboard): Here's your map, and here's your book, Jim.

078:39:52 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Okay, let me make sure I'm (garble).

078:40:05 Anders (onboard): Have you got through reviewing your landmark map?

078:40:09 Lovell (onboard): Okay, now here's what we have to do this time, Bill. I've got two AUTO OPTICS positions in, and - and - I've got to get a third landmark. Okay, let me see. The time would be...

078:40:31 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

078:40:38 Anders: Go ahead...

078:40:39 Collins: Roger, Bill. This next time around into the sunlight, we don't expect any problem with the primary evaporator. If it does start drying out, we think it is best just to close the back-pressure valve, and there is no need to activate the secondary boiler. Over.

078:41:02 Anders: Okay. I guess the 60-degree limit will still hold then.

078:41:12 Collins: Stand by. [Long pause.]

078:41:40 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We are suggesting you disregard the 60-degree limit, and let it go ahead and rise up above 60. There is no need to activate the secondary. Over.

078:41:54 Anders: Okay. We just don't want to boil our IMU.

078:41:57 Collins: [Laughter.] Roger. Understand then.

078:41:59 Anders (onboard): No, the...

078:42:XX Collins: Apollo 8, you are Go for the next lunar orbit rev.

078:42:06 Anders: Roger, Houston.

078:42:06 Anders (onboard): No, they just said don't worry about the sixt - No, it's working, but they said if it does act up, don't worry about the...

078:42:11 Lovell: Roger, Houston. I'll read the book this time.

078:42:14 Collins: Roger.

[Very long comm break.]
078:42:11 Anders (onboard): ...60-degree limit, with a secondary loop.

078:42:32 Anders (onboard): Frank, here's a map floating or - Jim, here's a map floating around.

078:42:40 Anders (onboard): 0h, it's right there.

078:42:42 Lovell (onboard): You know, that was one of the easiest points I've ever found.

078:42:46 Anders (onboard): Good.

078:42:47 Lovell (onboard): You didn't need maps or anything to make that (garble). You saw it, too, didn't you? You didn't have to look at the map but one time?

078:42:58 Anders (onboard): Yes, out the side window there when we had the TV pass.

078:43:05 Lovell (onboard): I hope you got some good 70-millimeter shots of the area, Bill, because that's - that's it...

078:43:10 Anders (onboard): Of what area?

078:43:11 Lovell (onboard): Of our prime landing area, because right now we'll be passing over lighting conditions of our P-2...

078:43:16 Anders (onboard): I haven't, Jim, because we - we always roll about that time when we get TV.

078:43:22 Lovell (onboard): No, I'm still taking pictures. I'm still landmark tracking.

078:43:26 Anders (onboard): Yes, I can't take - I can't take pictures when you're tracking, because these side windows are shot. They look out the side anyway.

078:43:33 Lovell (onboard): Well, that's why I wanted to get some before when we were doing that tracking, because then - Did you do them when we got that other track?

078:43:38 Anders (onboard): I tried to.

078:43:42 Lovell (onboard): I think - Probably be our primary landing site.

078:43:44 Anders (onboard): Why don't you just make it a project just to make sure you get some, because you can recognize it better than I can.

078:43:55 Lovell (onboard): Oh, yes, but you...

078:43:56 Anders (onboard): You got...

078:43:57 Lovell (onboard): ...the 16-millimeter through here is lousy.

078:43:58 Anders (onboard): No, the 16's no good. You've got to - you've got a 70-millimeter lens? If you have image - if you - if you - if you track your target, then you've got better resolution than the other one.

078:44:10 Lovell (onboard): Well, the thing is, it doesn't show enough of what you want to look for; that's the big thing, too. Yet, in spite of the place to land, you...

078:44:16 Anders (onboard): Did you ever see how big it could work?

078:44:17 Lovell (onboard): ...you want the big picture.

078:44:18 Anders (onboard): Huh? Okay, let me show you how much you get, though.

078:44:26 Lovell (onboard): What - what I'm trying to show the people is the big - big areas around there, what they can see in the way of craters and mountains and things. You see, if I just show them a real fine resolution of a bunch of craters, they don't know what they are.

078:44:43 Anders (onboard): Okay.

078:44:44 Lovell (onboard): That's the big point.

078:44:48 Lovell (onboard): That's why that Earth-Moon shot with a whole big expanse of - What have we got?

078:44:53 Anders (onboard): High gain. Okay. It's behind us and up. Let's try omni B. Okay.

078:46:18 Anders (onboard): Okay. (Garble) pitch down at 0000.

078:46:36 Anders (onboard): Rolling over; got to get it back down.

078:46:47 Anders (onboard): It'll get worse before it gets better.

078:46:52 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Let's see, out first control point is at...

078:46:56 Anders (onboard): Okay, let's see how much time we got.

078:46:57 Lovell (onboard): ...78:46. We got all sorts of time. We got 25 minutes.

078:47:02 Anders (onboard): 0.2 of a degree per second.

078:47:25 Anders (onboard): You get - give me the word on the ORDEAL, here, Jim, and - let me know how we're doing. 62 60?

078:47:36 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

078:47:37 Anders (onboard): Okay, that sounds good. How about giving me a...

078:47:40 Lovell (onboard): Oh, that's our orbit.

078:47:44 Anders (onboard): Yes, how about giving me the High Gain?

078:47:51 Lovell (onboard): GDC isn't aligned in roll; I've got to do that.

078:47:54 Anders (onboard): Okay, stop your attitude there before you - stop your...

078:47:58 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'll wait until I get there then.

078:49:49 Lovell (onboard): What else does the Flight Plan say, Bill?

078:49:53 Anders (onboard): I don't see any - There's a 16-millimeter camera, sextant bracket, C-EX, 1 - 1/500th of a second. You been having any at 1/500th of a second?

078:50:11 Lovell (onboard): Mine was at 250. They say 1/500th of a second, now?

078:50:13 Anders (onboard): Yes.

078:50:16 Anders (onboard): The other one's 1/250?

078:50:17 Lovell (onboard): Take a look, take a look.

078:50:20 Anders (onboard): (Garble) left and then 150th.

078:50:28 Lovell (onboard): Okay, 1/500th of a second.

078:50:30 Anders (onboard): Okay. Start it at IP-1 (CP-1?), time of closest approach.

078:50:33 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

078:50:54 Anders (onboard): That'll be doing spacecraft exterior atmosphere, but, hell, we can't do anything with these windows.

078:50:45 Lovell (onboard): Shouldn't it be getting a little more picturesque?

078:50:48 Anders (onboard): Yes, beginning rev 6. It doesn't seem like we've hardly been here that long, does it?

078:51:21 Lovell (onboard): It seems like I've been here forever.

078:51:32 Anders (onboard): You know, it really isn't all that - Anywhere near as interesting as I thought it was going to be. It's all beat up.

078:51:53 Lovell (onboard): The things that I saw that were interesting were the new craters.

078:51:57 Anders (onboard): Yes, but they're not the ones that people are really interested in; some of them they are, but...

078:53:55 Anders (onboard): Listen, I'm going to align the GDC here, Jim.

078:53:59 Lovell (onboard): Huh?

078:54:00 Anders (onboard): I'm going - align the GDC. You want to make sure I do it right?

078:54:03 Lovell (onboard): Well, let's get out the book.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control here. We are 15 minutes to Loss Of Signal. We will take the line down and bring you any additional comments that may occur between now and Loss Of Signal. This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 78 hours, 43 minutes."

078:54:08 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

078:54:13 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8 here.

078:54:16 Collins: Roger. We have about 4½ minutes left before we have LOS; we'd like your last PRD readout. Over.

078:54:29 Lovell: Stand by. The commander is asleep; we'll get his when he wakes up.

078:54:39 Anders (onboard): The LMP is still 6 - 0.6, correction, 0.64.

078:54:57 Lovell (onboard): Here's mine: CMP is 0.09.

078:55:07 Collins: Roger. Copy 0.64, 0.09. Thank you.

[Comm break.]
078:55:19 Anders (onboard): Okay, Jim, you want to look at this operation, here?

078:55:22 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'll - Give me that - Okay, let me just go through this whole procedure here.

078:55:27 Anders (onboard): Yes, I got it on - number 1 Att Set, IMU, that's a firm wheel trim and the pictures match up with the ball.

078:55:38 Lovell (onboard): You're at Att Set, IMU, and number 1 ball, right?

078:55:42 Anders (onboard): Yes.

078:55:43 Lovell (onboard): Okay, just a second.

078:55:45 Anders (onboard): Yes.

078:55:48 Anders (onboard): Pardon me?

078:55:50 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

078:55:51 Anders (onboard): No, I just put it to number 1 - number 1 ball align to GDC.

078:55:57 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

078:55:58 Lovell (onboard): Okay, is the COAS...

078:56:04 Anders (onboard): Okay.

078:56:06 Lovell (onboard): Getting ready to get align with the number 2 ball?

078:56:08 Anders (onboard): I'm going to align the GDC, right.

078:56:14 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

078:56:23 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

078:56:27 Lovell (onboard): Okay, now you want this one?

078:56:29 Anders (onboard): Yes, now I'll need that.

078:56:33 Lovell (onboard): You got it, looking at you.

078:56:36 Anders (onboard): Okay, that's...

078:56:39 Lovell (onboard): That's your pitch.

078:56:40 Anders (onboard): What? Zero? Or 34?

078:56:44 Lovell (onboard): 34 degrees.

078:56:45 Anders (onboard): That's good. Good.

078:57:17 Anders (onboard): Coming up on rev 6.

078:57:19 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

078:57:21 Anders (onboard): Yes, you just went down about 5 minutes ago.

078:57:23 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

078:57:24 Anders (onboard): No. (Laughter)

078:57:26 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

078:57:27 Anders (onboard): That's right. (Laughter)

078:58:04 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. About 40 seconds to LOS, and everything's looking good down here.

078:58:14 Lovell: Roger. Houston. We will give it another try here.

078:58:19 Collins: Roger.

[Very long comm break.]
078:58:32 Lovell (onboard): What time is it there? About 2 o'clock?

078:58:42 Lovell (onboard): Are you finished with the computer?

078:58:44 Anders (onboard): Yes, go ahead.

078:59:20 Borman (onboard): How are the systems, Bill?

078:59:25 Anders (onboard): Well, the last time I looked at them, they were pretty good, chief.

078:59:32 Anders (onboard): All the gauges are looking at each other.

079:00:03 Anders (onboard): If you want to say anything about your tracking pass this time, I - Just let me know and we can go into high bit rate.

079:00:15 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

079:00:25 Lovell (onboard): Okay, how about keeping your eye on these camera settings, too, on the next couple of passes?

079:00:29 Anders (onboard): You wanted to be 10 degrees, didn't you?

079:00:33 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

079:00:36 Anders (onboard): Well, overshot, then.

079:00:54 Anders (onboard): Okay, the first one is 1/500th of a second.

079:00:56 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

079:02:05 Lovell (onboard): All those scientists are saying now, "Ohhh, if we only had a geologist onboard."

079:02:10 Anders (onboard): Okay, he couldn't see anything. I took that monocular and tried to eyeball it out the window last time.

079:02:16 Lovell (onboard): Yes?

079:02:18 Anders (onboard): Nothing but a big blur out there. He'd see enough to make it interesting, but not enough to do anything.

079:03:05 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'm going to go out of here.

079:05:30 Anders (onboard): 4 minutes.

079:05:51 Anders (onboard): Okay. when's your first PCA - TCA?

079:05:56 Lovell (onboard): 79:10.

079:05:58 Anders (onboard): Huh?

079:05:59 Lovell (onboard): 79:10.

079:06:00 Anders (onboard): 79:10?

079:06:04 Lovell (onboard): Yes, sunrise, it says here.

079:06:06 Anders (onboard): I can't hear you.

079:06:07 Lovell (onboard): Sunrise is 79:08.

079:06:08 Anders (onboard): Yes.

079:06:22 Lovell (onboard): We're 3 minutes away; that's 9 degrees.

079:06:35 Lovell (onboard): Oh. boy. I may see the Sun; I'd better be careful too. Hey, there is - there's a - Here's a glow, you can see the Sun come around a little bit.

079:06:44 Anders (onboard): Is that right?

079:06:45 Lovell (onboard): Yes, I can see the Sun come up before it comes up.

079:06:54 Lovell (onboard): Like zodiacal light, a little bit, maybe.

079:06:57 Anders (onboard): Rim brightening, they call it? (Probably means Limb brightening)

079:06:59 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

079:07:27 Lovell (onboard): Yes, you sure can.

079:07:34 Lovell (onboard): Oh boy!

079:07:43 Anders (onboard): Can you describe it?

079:07:50 Lovell (onboard): Yes, it's a real bright glow right in one spot, and it fans out all over the horizon. And I'm just trying to move my eye away, because the Sun's going to peek over here any second now, and it's getting brighter and brighter, and it's get - It's an even light.

079:08:04 Anders (onboard): Bright spot fans out over horizon?

079:08:06 Lovell (onboard): Yes, yes, then it fans up into the air; it's an even light; then all of sudden, it - The Sun is peeking out right now.

079:08:12 Lovell (onboard): Whooo!

079:08:19 Lovell (onboard): See it?

079:08:35 Anders (onboard): Geez, I got a start there. I saw that - some stuff come out of the optics or something; I thought it was a star whirling by.

079:08:53 Lovell (onboard): All right, now you want to roll to keep that trunnion...

079:08:57 Anders (onboard): We wouldn't want - I didn't realize you were that quick. Okay, which way?

079:09:00 Lovell (onboard): Okay, roll - roll left.

079:09:01 Anders (onboard): Roll left, okay.

079:09:03 Anders (onboard): I'm yawing...

079:09:05 Lovell (onboard): Watch her - watch her as she comes down.

079:09:07 Anders (onboard): I yawed a little left.

079:09:09 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

079:09:44 Anders (onboard): How are we doing?

079:09:47 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

079:09:52 Lovell (onboard): Is it 10 degrees left?

079:09:54 Anders (onboard): Yes, right now. You got enough roll? What happened?

079:10:06 Lovell (onboard): I went to Manual. I'll get it for you.

079:10:47 Anders (onboard): You all right? You got your camera on?

079:10:53 Lovell (onboard): I'll put it on, just as soon as we get rid of the Sun.

079:11:11 Lovell (onboard): (Garble) turn it down now.

079:11:16 Anders (onboard): Wait a minute, you - you want me to - you want me to try to avoid it?

079:11:19 Lovell (onboard): Yes, you can pitch down a little bit.

079:11:22 Anders (onboard): Hey, wait a minute, are you - I'm roll - I may roll over 10 degrees.

079:31:29 Anders (onboard): That you that's driving it?

079:11:31 Lovell (onboard): No, I'm not driving it now. Well, I'm driving it now, yes. That's enough. That's enough.

079:11:38 Lovell (onboard): Let me go back there and try this CMC again.

079:11:48 Lovell (onboard): Okay, let's try that one again.

079:11:53 Anders (onboard): Pitch down?

079:12:03 Anders (onboard): We're right smack on 10 degrees.

079:12:06 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

079:12:12 Lovell (onboard): You can pitch down a little more, if you want to.

079:12:14 Anders (onboard): Okay.

079:12:55 Lovell (onboard): Okay, Auto Optics is doing the whole thing for me. Now - get this camera going.

079:13:28 Lovell (onboard): Auto is fairly close.

079:13:52 Lovell (onboard): Fantastic pictures here, Bill.

079:14:36 Lovell (onboard): Give you a Manual Optics.

079:16:01 Lovell (onboard): Oh my gosh!

079:16:02 Anders (onboard): What?

079:16:03 Lovell (onboard): My Auto Optics has put it right on.

079:16:05 Anders (onboard): We going to make that angle, or not?

079:16:14 Lovell (onboard): I'm just letting it run here for a little bit before I try to brake it.

079:16:17 Anders (onboard): It's getting kind of small.

079:16:19 Lovell (onboard): That's - that's okay. Don't bother using up gas. Okay.

079:16:23 Anders (onboard): All right. I already bothered, I'm sorry.

079:16:30 Anders (onboard): I haven't loaded this camera, (garble).

079:17:18 Lovell (onboard): Ahhhh!

079:17:19 Anders (onboard): What? What happened?

079:17:24 Lovell (onboard): Oh, that's okay.

079:17:26 Lovell (onboard): It's chilly in here...

079:17:28 Anders (onboard): Don't - don't wake up Frank.

079:17:29 Lovell (onboard): Oh, okay. Okay.

079:17:37 Lovell (onboard): Yes. Sorry, Frank, I didn't mean to disturb you. Thought I pushed the wrong button.

079:18:13 Lovell (onboard): Okay, what's your attitude now?

079:18:17 Anders (onboard): Seems to - oh, about 6 degrees.

079:18:18 Lovell (onboard): Above?

079:18:19 Anders (onboard): Yes.

079:18:21 Lovell (onboard): Okay, just hold it right there.

079:18:56 Lovell (onboard): Okay, we've got another one coming up. Same procedure.

079:19:06 Lovell (onboard): This is - Now, where's that book?

079:19:14 Lovell (onboard): I've got (garble) book's over there.

079:20:43 Lovell (onboard): Should be coming up on Low right now.

079:21:13 Lovell (onboard): Okay, we're tracking the new one.

079:21:15 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

079:21:16 Anders (onboard): Yes?

079:21:17 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

079:21:18 Anders (onboard): It's still going on, Frank.

079:23:39 Lovell (onboard): Do we have the recorder on?

079:23:43 Anders (onboard): On LOW bit rate. Do you want to say something?

079:23:46 Lovell (onboard): Yes, well.

079:23:48 Anders (onboard): You're quite welcome. Okay, why don't you stop it, and put it to high bit rate, and put it forward again?

079:24:03 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

079:24:10 Lovell (onboard): (Whistling) Okay.

079:24:13 Lovell (onboard): Tape recorder is where - Record, Forward...

079:24:16 Anders (onboard): Just put it - put it to Stop

079:24:19 Lovell (onboard): Which one is it, the center?

079:24:21 Anders (onboard): Yes.

079:24:22 Anders (onboard): No, no, no, no. Push this forward.

079:24:24 Lovell (onboard): Forward?

079:24:25 Anders (onboard): Put it this way in the middle.

079:24:26 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

079:24:42 Lovell (onboard): ...several comments on...

079:24:43 Anders (onboard): Good and loud; they'll never be able to hear you there.

079:24:46 Lovell (onboard): Several comments on landmark tracking. The last time I used Auto Optics, putting in the coordinates, I found the first time in Manual Optics for CP-1, the G&N system did quite well. It tracked almost as good as I could track manually right on the target, and I tipped it over just at the last moment to take my five marks. There - appears to be very smooth tracking; no problem - with this particular system. I'm now in CP-2; I have it just below the horizon now, and it's tracking down from the horizon automatically.

079:25:32 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Now, what do you want me to do?

079:25:36 Anders (onboard): The same deal in reverse.

079:25:40 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'll go to - Stop?

079:25:45 Anders (onboard): Yes.

079:27:45 Lovell (onboard): Look at that! It is right on!

079:32:32 Borman (onboard): Are you using this map for anything, Jim?

079:33:23 Anders (onboard): Got the rate, Jim?

079:38:42 Lovell (onboard): No, this is pretty good, though, I didn't - Maybe that could be the problem. Maybe I could (garble).

079:38:56 Lovell (onboard): Oh, it's scheduled a little later in the day (garble).

079:39:11 Anders (onboard): What is that, Jim?

079:39:42 Lovell (onboard): What was that? (Garble).

079:39:47 Anders (onboard): Oh, that?

079:39:48 Lovell (onboard): You hear that noise over there?

079:39:49 Anders (onboard): Yes.

079:42:17 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

079:44:17 Anders (onboard): How long does this hand controller stay armed?

079:44:23 Anders (onboard): Hey, Jim.

079:44:24 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

079:44:25 Anders (onboard): This hand controller's armed.

079:45:36 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. [No answer.]

079:46:32 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. [No answer.]

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. 79 hours, 46 minutes into the flight. Mike Collins has sent up two calls and has gotten no response - we think we have some key action, but that's all. To date, we've - on the basis of earlier revs, we've gotten used to now, turning to our EECOM and asking the first question as we come around the corner - how is the evaporator and the answer is this time it is working great. They apparently have the right handle on it. As I mentioned earlier, it is seeing large temperature excursions - apparently no larger than people within the project office and at North American and, I'm sure, at the Air Corporation had felt they might see. And I know many people in those positions who are very much relieved to see these excursions and all - excursions of only 40 to 50 degrees."

079:46:47 Lovell (onboard): This should be [garble] or [garble]?

079:47:16 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. [No answer.]

[Comm break.]
079:47:20 Anders (onboard): Houston, Apollo 8.

079:47:29 Lovell (onboard): Try them again.

079:47:30 Anders (onboard): Houston, Apollo 8.

079:48:43 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. [No answer.]

079:48:47 Anders (onboard): Houston, this is Apollo 8. Over.

Public Affairs Officer - "It still no answer, no additional calls or anything. Mike Collins tries again. And we might have a ground antenna problem. Checking our ground stations now. In this temperature area, the evaporator, of course, isn't the only area seeing the same order of temperature excursions. I am looking at a Command Service Module RCS summary here, which shows - presents temperature readings at four or five points, on various tanks surfaces in the Service Module and see one valve in the temperature here which is a specific ... digit identified point which marries the low and the high over any given rev and they happen to range from 50 degree Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. There are four other readings in the Service Module, which range from 50 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It's been nearly six minutes now since we acquired and just getting a general back ground noise in orbit. No additional attempts to raise the spacecraft. So based on what EECOM says, we may wait a few minutes before trying additional calls, we will be back up then. It is 79 hours, 51 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control, Houston."

079:50:09 Lovell (onboard): Did you see our landing site, Frank?

079:50:11 Borman (onboard): Huh?

079:51:56 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

079:52:05 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

079:52:07 Collins: Reading you very weak but - a lot of background noise. Welcome back around. How are you reading us?

079:52:18 Anders: Reading you fine.

079:52:20 Collins: Okay.

[Long comm break.]
079:55:43 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8.

079:55:45 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Go ahead.

079:55:51 Lovell: Roger, Houston. A few words about our optics tracking system. I used auto optics for control points 1 and 2 on the backside, and they worked beautifully, tracked both the targets for me. And I went to the control point 3, as designated in our orbital control book, to see the latitude and longitude that was given to me and used auto optics to track that particular coordinate with it, and it was very close to the actual tracking plot. I picked the mark there where I did a final marking and recorded latitude and longitude. I'm now about to come up on the landing site and using auto optics in the coded input to see how that works.

079:56:57 Collins: Roger, Apollo 8.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control Houston here. We are locked up and Jim Lovell is giving us some interesting description of his use of the auto optics in his tracking tasks on the back side of the Moon. ..."

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control here. In this lull, we perhaps should take advantage at least to point to the people in the news rooms, who, may not - have not noticed it yet. Our latest data display on one of our walls, there's the words Merry Christmas, Apollo 8. The Merry is in red letters, the Christmas is in white letters, and the Apollo 8 is in blue letters. That display went up about an hour ago. I guess it technically should be called data. The consensus here is of course, that the crew is and remains quite busy and we are going to have some updates in the course of this pass, the sixth rev. ..."

079:59:28 Collins: Apollo 8. Houston.

079:59:34 Anders: Go ahead.

079:59:35 Collins: Roger. We know you're busy so we are not going to bother you. We are watching your progress on the DSKY. You are looking good; all your systems are looking good and we have maneuver PADs for you any time at your convenience.

079:59:52 Anders: Roger. We will take them when we are doing the P52, if that's okay.

079:59:56 Collins: That is just fine.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "And this is Apollo Control, Houston, at 80 hours, 1 minute into the flight. We apparently are not going to have very much communication at this point. We will come back up when we do. This is Apollo Control Houston."

080:01:05 Anders (onboard): Yes.

080:02:48 Lovell (onboard): Well, you can almost (garble).

080:02:53 Lovell (onboard): I'll do one thing until I get up there, but [garble].

080:06:25 Lovell (onboard): You want to take a look at this? (Garble) it's something - I don't know what.

080:06:52 Lovell (onboard): Just wonderful [garble] right on [garble].

080:07:56 Anders: Mike, Apollo 8.

080:07:58 Collins: Apollo 8, go ahead.

080:08:03 Lovell: Roger; I'm in Auto Optics now on the landing site. It would just warm up old Jack Schmitt's heart. This auto optics is tracking perfectly on the target, and the two IPs turned out beautifully. I have a beautiful view of it. The first IP's just barely beneath the vertical now, and the second one is coming up - it's just a grand view.

080:08:28 Collins: Roger, Jim. Glad to hear it. Jack's listening.

[Comm break.]
080:09:45 Lovell: For Jack's information, the Sun angles that we see now from the first IP, second IP, and the P-1 are just right, I think, for landing conditions. The shadows aren't too deep for you to get confused, but the land is - has texture to it, and there are enough shadows to make everything stand out.

080:10:01 Anders: If Jack's listening, tell him that the optics may be doing all right, but the eyeballs are having a little trouble looking through all this smear on the windows.

080:10:25 Collins: Roger. Understand the optics are doing better than the eyeballs. How about the cameras?

080:10:33 Anders: The windows have the same smear to - The rendezvous windows are okay, but they're so small and looking in the wrong directions here so far.

080:10:42 Collins: Roger.

080:10:43 Anders: I think the vertical stereo will be okay. [Long pause.]

080:11:10 Anders: It certainly looks like we're picking the more interesting places on the Moon to land in. The back-side looks like a sand pile my kids have been playing in for a long time. It's all beat up, no definition. Just a lot of bumps and holes. [Pause.]

080:11:27 Lovell: I'm looking IP-2 right now, Houston, and it's a great spot.

080:11:33 Anders: The area we're over right now gives some hint of possible volcanic, though I can't eyeball it at the moment to pin that down. There are some craters and build-ups that just definitely suggest volcanic activity.

080:11:52 Collins: Roger. Understand, Bill, and understand Jim thinks the ole IP-2 is a winner.

080:12:06 Anders: Yes, that backside doesn't look good at all.

080:12:10 Collins: Roger. [Pause.]

080:12:15 Anders: That's relatively speaking, of course.

080:12:18 Collins: Of course.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. 80 hours, 15 minutes into the flight. In the last few minutes we recorded some most enthusiastic comments from Jim Lovell on his assignment. Comments from Lovell and from Anders on their tracking assignment during these middle revs around the Moon. Lovell pays astronaut Jack Schmitt - Harrison Schmidt actually, a PhD in Geology - a great compliment with the work that he and other members of the Lunar Mapping Science Laboratory here in MSC has done in picking various Moon marks or land marks leading to the sites we've picked out as probable landing sites for subsequent lunar missions. Jim, as I say, is most enthusiastic about the clarity of the ridges and rilles that he was given to work with. And Anders chimes in that he thinks it's all great, too, except he wishes the windows were more easily seen through. ..."

080:12:29 Lovell (onboard): Frank, we're just finishing up the (garble) here. (Garble).

080:14:56 Lovell (onboard): We've got to copy this (garble), too.

080:16:55 Anders (onboard): (Garble) Frank, the SPS is about (garble) hours (garble).

080:16:59 Borman (onboard): Okay.

080:17:06 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

080:17:07 Anders (onboard): We got about 4 hours (garble). It's about 4½ hours.

080:17:32 Lovell (onboard): You know, (garble) the trash bag, we ought to get out that (garble) and look it over.

080:18:04 Anders (onboard): Same set.

080:18:05 Lovell (onboard): Do you need that any more, Bill?

080:18:07 Anders (onboard): Lan - landing site, landing site. Yes.

080:18:13 Lovell (onboard): Do you need that any more, Bill?

080:18:14 Anders (onboard): Do I need what? No, I don't need any more.

080:18:19 Anders (onboard): You might as well sleep, or one of us might as well, because it doesn't - doesn't take two guys to do it, and you can't see anything else anyway. The other guy's just sitting around scratching his rear.

080:18:43 Lovell (onboard): Have they sent us updates, yet?

080:18:45 Borman (onboard): No.

080:18:52 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

080:18:53 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8.

080:18:56 Collins: Roger, Jim.

080:18:57 Lovell (onboard): Go ahead, Houston.

080:18:58 Collins: We have you on the High Gain Antenna. We'd like you to take the DSE and dump it over.

080:19:05 Lovell: Roger. [onboard] Get all - the figures?

080:19:07 Anders (onboard): Roger.

080:19:08 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

080:19:09 Anders (onboard): It's up to him.

080:19:13 Borman (onboard): Have we lost contact with them?

080:19:XX Lovell: Houston. Are you going to use our computer to update our state vector?

080:19:34 Collins: That's affirmative, Jim. We'd like to - stand by one, and I'll tell you when to go to P00 and Accept.

080:19:45 Lovell: Roger. Then I'll work my 52 around your [garble].

080:20:05 Collins: Jim, would you please go to P00 and Accept, and we'll send you a P27 and run a state vector update.

080:20:12 Lovell: Roger. You have P00 and Accept.

080:20:16 Collins: Thank you. [Long pause.]

080:20:36 Lovell: Houston, this is Apollo 8. We have a little piece of useful information if you're interested in deliberating over it.

080:20:46 Collins: Go ahead. Say again?

080:20:51 Lovell: Roger. Our first control point is very near the terminator, and as the optics were tracking it, I had occasion to watch the Sun come up. And at about 2 minutes before sunrise, you get - the limb begins to brighten up into sort of a fine white haze, a faint glow completely over the space just behind the limb.

080:21:23 Collins: Roger. I understand. About 2 minutes before the Sun comes up, you get a fine white haze radiating out from behind the limb. How far out does it extend?

080:21:34 Lovell: It goes up quite a ways. It takes a fan shape, unlike the sunrise on Earth where the atmosphere affects it. This is just sort of a complete haze all over the local area. It's concentrated at the exact spot the sun comes up at ignition and then goes away from the sun spots. Very interesting.

080:21:54 Collins: Thanks you, Jim. Thanks you. [Long pause.]

080:22:36 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We're standing by with your map and TEI-7 updates.

080:22:48 Lovell: Stand by. [Pause.]

080:22:54 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. You can go back to Block with your computer.

080:23:02 Lovell: Roger. [Long pause.]

080:23:31 Anders: Okay, Mike. We're ready for the map update and then the TEI

080:23:38 Collins: Okay. When you get your - before you get your map book out, the Houston Comm Techs have got a little word for an old ex-CapCom. They say they consider you in NonRemote. Over.

080:23:54 Anders: Not permanently, I hope.

080:23:59 Collins: Okay. Your map update for rev 6/7: LOS, 80:57:24; sunrise, 81:06:57; prime meridian, 81:13:02. Are you with me?

080:24:29 Anders: You cut out after the prime meridian. I got it, but not AOS

080:24:33 Collins: AOS, 81:43:05; sunset, 82:19:54; remarks: IP-1, TCA for B-1, 82:07:39; and now I've got four more times for you which - acquisition times for when various things come over the horizon. Over.

080:25:09 Anders: Roger. Go ahead.

080:25:12 Collins: Okay. Control point 1, acquisition time, 81:09:05; control point 2, acquisition time, 81:21:48; control point 3, acquisition time, 81:43:17; B-1 acquisition time, 82:03:54. And I say again, all those ACQ times are when they first come over the horizon. Over.

080:25:54 Anders: Roger. Copy, Houston. In about 2 seconds, I'll be ready for the TEI.

080:26:01 Collins: All right. [Long pause.]

080:26:13 Anders: I'm ready.

080:26:16 Collins: TEI-7; SPS/G&N - stand by one, Bill. [Long pause.]

080:26:55 Anders: Just a matter of general interest, Houston: everybody is feeling good, and the CDR is taking a snooze.

080:27:01 Collins: Roger. Glad to hear it. We were just talking about a water dump down here. We've got one coming up, and it looks like on this rev prior to the time around LOS or just prior to LOS, would be a convenient time to do it. Do you concur?

080:27:20 Anders: Okay. We will. Down to 25 percent again?

080:27:24 Collins: That's affirmative, and we'd also be interested in any comments about what these various dumps have done to your optics, if anything, and how long the effects last after a dump.

080:27:38 Anders: Don't seem to have done anything to the optics, but they've definitely got in some of the windows. There are a few little chunks of ice on window number 1, which is nearest the vent, and also on window number 5 a little bit; windows 2 and 4 remain amazingly clear.

080:28:11 Collins: Roger. Thank you, Bill, and I'm ready to resume the PAD when you are.

080:28:19 Anders: Okay. Press on with the weight.

080:28:22 Collins: All right. Weight, 45701; minus 0.40, plus 1.57; 083:18:20.80; plus 3234.6, minus 0116.8, plus 0573.0. Are you with me so far? Over. [Pause.]

080:29:08 SC (onboard): I think there's pieces of a (garble).

080:29:10 SC (onboard): I think I'll just hold onto this thing (garble).

080:29:28 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

080:29:33 Anders: Go ahead, Mike.

080:29:35 Collins: Roger. I got down through Delta-V, minus-X, minus-Y, and minus-Z. Did you copy these? Over.

080:29:44 Anders: No I didn't read a word. I'm still waiting for the weight.

080:29:49 Collins: Roger. Let's go back to the weight: 45701; minus 0.40, plus 1.57. Are you with me? Over.

080:30:09 Anders: Sounds good.

080:30:11 Collins: Okay. GETI, 083:18:20.80; plus 3234.6, minus 0116.8, plus 4 - correction - plus 0573.0. Are you with me, over.

080:30:52 Anders: Roger.

080:30:53 Collins: Thank you. 179, 009, 001; not applicable, plus 0018.7; 3287.0, 3:07, 3267.6, 42, 088.0,25.3; 033, down 121, left 27; plus 07.90, minus 165.00; 1297.3, 36238, 146:44:14; same north set, Sirius and Rigel, roll 129, pitch 155, yaw 010; 4 quads for 15 seconds; horizon on the 2-degree mark at Pignition. Over.

080:32:53 Anders: Roger. TEI-7; SPS/G&N; 45701; minus 0.40, plus 1.57; 083:18:20.80; plus 3234.6, minus 0116.8, plus 0573.0; 179, 9 - correction - 009, 001; N/A. Are you with me?

080:33:28 Collins: Yeah, I'm with you, Bill.

080:33:32 Anders: Plus 0018.7; 3287.0, 3:07, 3267.6; 32 - correction - 42, 088.0, 25.3; 033, down 121, left 27; plus 07.90, minus 165.00; 1297.3, 36238, 146:44:14; same north set, Sirius, Rigel, 129, 155, 010; 4 jet, 15 seconds, 2 degrees, now horizon and Pig.

080:34:26 Collins: That's all correct.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control, Houston, here. 80 hours, 36 minutes into the flight and I think we are going to have a little pause here perhaps for another 10 to 15 minutes before we come upon a final conversation. Then the spacecraft goes over the hill on this sixth rev around the Moon. That orbit's apogee, 62.3; perigee, 59.8; velocity, 5,338 feet per second. At 80 hours, 36 minutes this is Apollo Control, Houston."

080:39:12 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

080:39:18 Anders: Go ahead, Houston.

080:39:20 Collins: Roger. You got your DSE back, and you are Go for the next lunar orbit. Over.

080:39:27 Anders: Roger. How far did you want us to dump that water?

080:39:34 Collins: 25 percent, please, Bill.

080:39:44 Anders: Roger. 25 percent.

[Comm break.]
080:39:43 Lovell (onboard): We ought to get that thing set up right now.

080:39:45 Anders (onboard): Okay.

080:39:49 Lovell (onboard): Because I can be - we can be tracking while we're dumping, too.

080:40:52 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8.

080:41:07 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over.

080:41:13 Lovell: Are you receiving our tracking data?

080:41:24 Collins: That's affirmative, Jim. We are receiving.

080:41:29 Lovell: Okay. Thank you.

080:41:33 Collins: And also, Jim, we are - That last P27 we sent was for the LM state vector only, and it will require a Verb 47 Enter to transfer to the CSM slot. Over.

080:41:48 Lovell: Roger. Will do.

080:41:49 Collins: Thank you.

080:41:5X Lovell (onboard): Now, isn't this (garble) in the Flight Plan, some place along the way, there?

080:42:04 Lovell (onboard): Are you getting out, Frank? You getting out?

080:42:37 Anders (onboard): Wait a minute; pitch up. You (garble) you pitch down (garble).

080:42:56 Lovell (onboard): Well, let me see now. That's the right connection; I think so. We got - Where is the filter, Bill?

080:43:05 Anders (onboard): I think they made a mistake here in the Flight Plan.

080:43:07 Lovell (onboard): Oh, you have it on here, huh?

080:43:11 Lovell (onboard): Do you have the water - This - Urine Heater's been On, right?

080:43:14 Anders (onboard): If you pitch down, yes...

080:43:37 Lovell (onboard): Okay, we have the hose connected, so we want to go through the procedure.

080:43:47 Anders (onboard): Okay, Waste Stowage Vent, Vent for 5 seconds.

080:43:51 Lovell (onboard): You want to be...

080:43:52 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:43:54 Lovell (onboard): I'll show you; just a minute.

080:44:00 Lovell (onboard): Yes, they're Opened and Closed (garble) here. I'm in 4-A? Okay, if it's reading 1, I could put Waste - Waste Tank's Vent for 5 seconds, huh?

080:44:12 Anders (onboard): Right, Waste Stowage, Vent, yes, for 5 seconds.

080:44:17 Lovell (onboard): Done.

080:44:21 Lovell (onboard): Battery, Vent.

080:44:22 Anders (onboard): 4-A?

080:44:25 Lovell (onboard): Yes. Take her down?

080:44:27 Anders (onboard): Take the Battery, Vent, down. It's not down; let it come down.

080:44:31 Lovell (onboard): Well, it's getting real close to it.

080:44:32 Anders (onboard): Oh, there it goes. Okay, it's down.

080:44:34 Lovell (onboard): It's down?

080:44:35 Anders (onboard): Okay, close them both.

080:44:37 Anders (onboard): Make sure your Urine Heater's On.

080:44:44 Lovell (onboard): Urine Heat's on A.

080:44:45 Anders (onboard): Okay. And - go ahead and dump the waste.

080:44:48 Lovell (onboard): Okay, we take that over and put it an - where it says, "Open/Close, Waste Tank Servicing."

080:44:55 Anders (onboard): Yes.

080:44:56 Lovell (onboard): Put that to Open. Leave it go in there.

080:45:03 Lovell (onboard): Okay, now we got to watch the waste tank.

080:45:11 Anders (onboard): Yes, I'm watching it.

080:45:13 Lovell (onboard): You're watching it? Okay. You got Waste Tank, On, then?

080:45:16 Anders (onboard): Yes.

080:45:17 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

080:45:20 Anders (onboard): I don't know, Frank.

080:45:36 Lovell (onboard): It's still pretty good. Let's see here (garble).

[Long comm break.]
080:45:39 Anders: Okay. We're dumping the waste tank now, Houston.

080:45:44 Collins: Roger, Bill.

[Long comm break.]
080:45:42 Anders (onboard): You want to get up here now?

080:45:48 Lovell (onboard): Okay, just about even.

080:45:59 Lovell (onboard): You want to get up on one of these seats? You want to get up here?

080:46:05 Anders (onboard): This is okay over here. Clear.

080:46:25 Anders (onboard): It'd be a good time to do it, because there's more - Jim's really the only one that's busy, and I can fix his.

080:46:45 Anders (onboard): Yes.

080:46:47 Anders (onboard): Yes, it - it'll take a good while.

080:46:53 Anders (onboard): It's up at 85 percent. Right now, it's 47.

080:46:59 Lovell (onboard): Now much film do we have left over, Bill?

080:47:02 Anders (onboard): Well, I'll tell you, Jim, these windows are so bad, you can just take pictures - say one - We need - we need - Don't get into that interior - interior's for inside stuff; and we need one - 16 millimeter for the convergent stereo, and - oh, about a half of one for that image-motion compensation which - kind of a low-priority thing.

080:47:33 Lovell (onboard): Do you do you want Verb 83? Did you look for...

080:47:40 Anders (onboard): Yes, it's the (garble) isn't all that bad, but we could try - we are allowed to yaw. We could try Verb 83 for drill.

080:47:59 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'd better get out the books and...

080:48:00 Anders (onboard): This one says 92; I'll crank it around a little bit.

080:49:09 Lovell (onboard): Okay, how's our RCS doing?

080:49:11 Anders (onboard): Good.

080:49:12 Lovell (onboard): Let's see if...

080:49:14 Anders (onboard): Well, it hasn't changed since we started. See, it's still about - 67 percent.

080:49:28 Anders (onboard): SPS is holding steady.

080:49:32 Anders (onboard): Did you cycle through the EPS, Jim? (Garble)...

080:49:38 Lovell (onboard): No, I haven't done that, yet. Okay, and don't forget...

080:49:42 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:49:43 Anders (onboard): Yes, well...

080:50:02 Lovell (onboard): Okay, EPS. You're on BAT B charge, you know?

080:50:05 Anders (onboard): Yes, just leave that there, don't change that.

080:50:07 Lovell (onboard): Okay, it's 39 (garble) now.

080:50:14 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I can cycle this one okay, right?

080:50:17 Anders (onboard): Slip those around those cameras, Jim, and I'll fix them while you're shooting that landing site.

080:50:30 Anders (onboard): Okay, we got - let's see, we got 23 minutes until sunrise, so we've got a lot of time.

080:50:49 Anders (onboard): I haven't seen that water going down any at all.

080:50:52 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:50:55 Lovell (onboard): Well, (garble) steam pressure's...

080:50:56 Anders (onboard): It's not going down any.

080:50:58 Borman (onboard): Bill.

080:50:59 Anders (onboard): Not going down.

080:51:00 Borman (onboard): What?

080:51:01 Anders (onboard): Not going down.

080:51:03 Lovell (onboard): Ask Houston if it's...

080:51:01 Anders (onboard): Okay. you want to - Let's see here. Put the purge line - Take that wat - Shut the wa - Well, that off - put the water on, and - put that purge fitting on it.

080:51:16 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:51:19 Anders (onboard): Oh!

080:51:20 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:51:22 Lovell (onboard): That's one thing you forgot to tell us!

080:51:23 Anders (onboard): (Laughter.)

080:51:28 Lovell (onboard): Here it goes.

080:51:29 Lovell (onboard): Yes, I can see it; it's dumping.

080:51:33 Lovell (onboard): And we solved another mystery!

080:51:37 Lovell (onboard): We have three problems and one's F. Borman.

080:51:40 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:51:42 Anders (onboard): Yes, it's going down.

080:52:57 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

080:53:02 Lovell: Go ahead, Houston.

080:53:04 Collins: Roger. We've got four minutes 'til LOS, and everything is looking good down here.

080:53:13 Anders: Roger. How much longer do you think we have to go into battery charge there, Mike?

080:53:19 Collins: I'll find out for you. [Pause.]

080:53:26 Anders: If you can wake up the EECOM, why don't you have him ask the back room?

080:53:33 Collins: Oh, you really know how to hurt a guy. [Pause.]

080:53:36 Anders (onboard): (Laughter)

080:53:40 Anders (onboard): Yes, it is. Yes.

080:53:41 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. We estimate the charge will be complete in another 45 minutes. Over.

080:53:51 Anders: Okay. Thank you very much.

[Comm break.]
080:54:30 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:54:31 Anders (onboard): Huh?

080:54:33 Borman (onboard): (Garble) water?

080:54:36 Anders (onboard): 60 - 70 - 75 percent, 75 percent.

080:54:42 Anders (onboard): Yes.

080:54:56 Lovell (onboard): (Singing.)

080:55:42 Lovell (onboard): Well, did you guys ever think that one Christmas you'd be orbiting the Moon?

080:55:47 Lovell (onboard): I say, one Christmas Eve you'd be orbiting the moon?

080:55:51 Anders (onboard): Just hope we are not doing it on New Year's.

080:55:54 Lovell (onboard): Hey, hey, don't talk like that, Bill; think positive.

080:55:57 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:55:59 Anders (onboard): I said, just hope we don't do it on New Year's.

080:55:59 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. One minute 'til LOS, and standing by.

080:56:06 Anders: Okay. See you on the other side, Mike.

080:56:09 Collins: Looking forward to it.

080:56:21 Anders: Me too.

[Very long comm break.]
080:56:25 Lovell (onboard): That was pretty spectacular: never to see the Moon until just before braking into - into LOI.

080:56:32 Anders (onboard): That's kind of a nonchalant approach, you know that (laughter)? Remember Warren North's procedure of eyeball the Moon, and whatever we had to do to...

080:56:41 Lovell (onboard): Yes, (garble).

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 80 hours, 57 minutes. We're - we've just lost signal with the spacecraft. ... I want to mention one or two things. I don't think we've made mention of the fact today that we have finally, after 6 revolutions, gotten used to watching the spacecraft go from the right side of your front wall map to the left, just as it is proceeding around the Moon in a retrograde orbit. This, after all these years of watching the spacecraft move from the left side of the wall map to the right. It's quite a transformation in just one brief day. Another point regarding the windows; obviously that this has to be the worst system we've turned up with on this flight, and we've been talking to several experts about it here. This particular condition that we're seeing, the fogging on the hatch window and on - to a considerable degree - and on windows one and five, is similar to a condition that existed on spacecraft 101, commonly known as Apollo 7. The situation has, within very recent days, been - if not duplicated very closely - approximated in test within the Spacecraft Industrial Government Complex. The test has shown that the material used in the window caulking, if you will, substance around the window that provides the trough in which the three pane windows ride. It has been demonstrated that some outgassing occurs. That's the particular kind of rubbery material being used in these windows joints, that is the window joints in windows 1, 3, and 5. In the rendezvous windows 2 and 4, a different material treated under different conditions is being used and apparently it is quite successful. Some changes will be made on the next spacecraft. And that represents about all the information we have on that particular area."

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