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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Administration for Children and Families

Administration for Children, Youth and Families

1. Log No.: ACYF-PI-CB-95-10 2. Issuance Date: April 11, 1995
3. Originating Office: Children's Bureau
4. Key Word: Allotment of Funds FY l995


TO:   State Administrators Of State Public Welfare Agencies, Child Welfare Services State Grant Program (Title Ivb Of The Social Security Act)

SUBJECT:   Allotment of Funds to States and Territories Fiscal Year 1995

CONTENT:   Congress has approved for FY 1995 a total of $291,989,000 for the Child Welfare Services State Grant Program (title IVB of the Social Security Act (the Act). The amount of each State's allotment for the fiscal year has been determined and is listed in the attached table. There are no extra requirements for States to meet in order to be eligible for their share of $l4l,000,000. States meeting the requirements of section 427(a) or 427(b) of the Act are entitled to their share of $291,989,000.

ATTACHMENTS:   Attached is a State table listing the allotment of Federal Child Welfare Services State Grant funds for the fiscal year ending September 30, l995 at the $141,000,000 level and at the $291,989,000 level.

ACTION REQUIRED:    The allotment table should be used by States and Territories in preparing their FY l995 Annual Budget Request (Form CWS101). States shall use the current forms and shall designate on the form the funds for which the State is applying: Allotment (funds allotted directly to the State) or Reallotment.

States meeting the requirements of section 427(a) or (b) of the Act may request their full share of $291,989,000. Requests for reallotment may be submitted at any time before the deadline set in the annual transmittal on that subject.

States not meeting the requirements for section 427 funds may request their full share of $l4l,000,000.

States that currently have requested less than the amount for which they are eligible must send in revised requests in order to receive their full share of funds.

In all cases, if the State's jointlydeveloped State plan and their Annual Summary of Child Welfare Services do not incorporate plans up to the level of their revised request, they must also be revised and submitted.

Within 30 days following the end of each quarter, the State must file a Quarterly Expenditure Report (Standard Form 269).

Under section 428 of the Act and 45 CFR 1357.40, direct grants will be made to eligible Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs). The amount of their allotments will be determined by the amount appropriated and allotted to the States. A separate announcement is being sent to eligible ITOs.

States and Territories should send their original CWSl0ls (signed and dated), and the Annual Summary of Child Welfare Services, to the following address:

Division of Formula, Entitlement and Block Grants
Office of Program Support
Administration for Children and Families
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20447

A copy of the CWS101 should be sent to the appropriate Regional Office, where staff will review the request for completeness and accuracy and will ensure that the State Plan and Annual Summary have been approved at the same funding levels before forwarding them to the Central Office. States should be certain that they have properly signed and dated the documents. If any of the requirements regarding these documents have not been met, Regional Office staff will contact the States to request necessary action.

INQUIRIES TO: Regional Administrators, Administration for Children and Families
  Olivia Golden

Attachment A-   FY 1995 State Title IV-B Allotments