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Illinois Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Final Report
Primary Eligibility Review
Final Report
October 1, 2006 - March 30, 2007


During the week of July 30, 2007, staff from the Children's Bureau (CB), Central and Regional Offices, a consultant peer reviewer and the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) staff conducted a primary eligibility review of Pennsylvania's title IV-E foster care program. The purpose of the title IV-E foster care eligibility review was to determine if Pennsylvania was in compliance with eligibility requirements outlined in 45 CFR 1356.71 and Section 472 of the Social Security Act; and to validate the basis of Pennsylvania's financial claims to ensure that appropriate payments were made on behalf of eligible children to their placements in licensed or approved foster family homes and child care institutions.

Scope of the Review

Pennsylvania's primary title IV-E foster care eligibility review encompassed a sample of all of the title IV-E foster care cases that received a foster care maintenance payment during the period of October 1, 2006 though March 31, 2007. A computerized statistical sample of 100 cases (80 cases plus 20 over sample cases) was drawn from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) data submission which was transmitted by the State agency to CB for the period under review. Of the 20 over sample cases, five cases were selected for the review to replace cases in which it was found that Pennsylvania had not made title IV-E foster care maintenance payments during the period under review (PUR).

During the on-site review each child's case file in the selected sample was reviewed to determine title IV-E eligibility. The foster care provider's file was examined to ensure that the foster home or child care institution in which the child was placed during the PUR was licensed or approved and that safety considerations were appropriately addressed. Payments made on behalf of each child were also reviewed to verify that the expenses were allowable under title IV-E. Efforts were made to identify any underpayments that may exist in the reviewed sample cases. In addition, CB and DPW agreed that, subsequent to the on-site review, Pennsylvania would have several weeks in which to submit additional child and provider documentation for any case that was found to be in error, in undetermined status, or to have an ineligible payment. As a result of the provision of additional documentation, a number of case and payment determinations were modified.

For a primary review, substantial compliance means that the number of case errors does not exceed four. As a result of the primary title IV-E foster care eligibility review conducted in Pennsylvania, eleven cases were found to be in error for either part or all of the PUR for reasons that are identified in the Case Record Summary section of this report. Therefore, Pennsylvania is considered not in substantial compliance with title IV-E child eligibility requirements as outlined in 45 CFR 1356.71 and Section 472 of the Social Security Act.

In addition to the eleven cases with errors, three cases were identified that contained ineligible payments. Although these cases are not considered error cases for determining substantial compliance, the ineligible maintenance payments and the associated administrative costs are subject to disallowance. A disallowance in the amount of $72,206 Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for maintenance payments and $14,144 FFP for administrative costs are assessed for the error and non-error cases with ineligible payments. The total disallowance, as a result of this review, is $86,350 FFP. Please refer to the letter transmitted with this report for further information on the disallowance and to the Disallowance section of this report.

Case Record Summary

Error Cases

The following chart provides details for the eleven cases containing errors, the reasons for ineligibility, the appropriate Federal citations, the dates of ineligibility, and the total disallowance amounts.

Case Number

Reason For Ineligibility
Ineligibility Period

Federal Citation

Maintenance Payment FFP*

Administrative Cost FFP*


Safety Requirements for Foster Care Provider (3/19/07 - 3/28/07)

Provisional License for Provider (01/01/07 - 03/28/2007)

471(a)(20), 1356.30

472(b)and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20




Ineligible Title IV-E Facility, Boot Camp (12/04/06 - 03/31/07)

Safety Requirements for Foster Care Provider (12/11/06 -12/14/06) and (03/26/07 - 03/31/07)

472(b) and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20

471(a)(20), 1356.30




Ineligible Title IV-E Facility, Boot Camp (10/27/06 - 03/31/07)

Safety Requirements for Foster Care Provider (10/27/06 - 03/31/07)

472(b) and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20

471(a)(20), 1356.30




Ineligible Title IV-E Facility, Forestry Camp, Outdoor Program (07/03/06 - 01/16/07)

472(b) and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20




Safety Requirements for Foster Care Provider (03/26/07 - 03/31/07)

471(a)(20), 1356.30




Ineligible Title IV-E Facility, Boot Camp (01/31/07 - 03/31/07)

472(b) and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20




Ineligible Payments made while Child Was on Runaway Status. (11/28/06 - 11/30/06)

CWPM Section 8.1B, Question #24




Ineligible Title IV-E Facility, Boot Camp (08/11/06 - 01/16/07)

Safety Requirements for Foster Care Provider (08/11/06 - 01/16/07)

472(b) and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20

471(a)(20), 1356.30




Ineligible Title IV-E Facility, Psychiatric Facility (04/24/06 - 03/31/07)

472(b) and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20




Safety Requirements for Foster Care Provider (02/26/07 - 03/05/07)

471(a)(20), 1356.30




Ineligible Title IV-E Facility, Boot camp - Outdoor program (11/20/06 - 02/20/07)

472(b) and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20









Grand Total for Error Cases




*Amounts rounded to nearest dollar.

Ineligible Payment Cases

The following chart provides details for three cases containing ineligible payments, the reasons for ineligibility, the appropriate citations, the dates of ineligibility, and the disallowance amount.

Case Number

Reason for Ineligibility

Federal Citation

Maintenance Payment FFP*

Administrative Cost FFP*


Safety Requirements for Foster Care Provider (05/15/06 - 05/19/06)(03/13/06 - 03/16/06)

471(a)(20) 1356.30




Title IV-E payments claimed for the period before requirements met for Reasonable efforts, Contrary to the Welfare(09/09/03-11/30/03)

472(a)(1), 471(a)(15)(B)(i),1356.21(c)




Title IV-E Ineligible Facility (08/30/06 - 09/11/06)

472(b) and(c), 1356.71(d)1(iv), 1355.20









Grand Total




*Amounts rounded to nearest dollar.

Underpayment Cases

Case Number

Maintenance Payment FFP





Total FFP


Areas of Concern

The review also identified some areas that DPW should focus attention on to further improve the program. These issues include the following:

Strengths and Model Practices


The review included a sample of 80 cases. The sample was drawn from a universe of cases that received at least one title IV-E foster care maintenance payment during the six-month AFCARS period of October 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007. Based on the results of the review, Pennsylvania has been found not in substantial compliance. Eleven cases were determined in error and three additional cases were identified as having ineligible payments. Therefore, a disallowance in the amount of $83,376 in Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for title IV-E foster care maintenance payments and related administrative costs for the cases determined to be in error is being assessed for the entire period of time that these cases were determined to be in error. An additional disallowance of $2,974 in FFP is being assessed for title IV-E foster care payments claimed improperly for the cases determined to be non-error cases. The total disallowance as a result of this review is $86,350 FFP.

Federal Review Team

Pennsylvania Review Team

Alan Ademski

TaWonda Jones Williams

Christine Craig

Julie Mochon

Gary Koch

Tamara Carter

Anh Nghiem

Nellie Moon

Lisa Pearson

BethAnn Smetak

Tom Strawderman

Cliff Crowe

Jennifer Butler-Hembree

Teri Taschner

Gail Collins

Cindy Scott


Jennifer Barnes


Kim Brookens


CarrieAnn Frolio


Ann Staskelunas


Elizabeth Hummel