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Day 4: Lunar Orbits
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Journal Home Page Day 4: Final Orbit and
Trans-Earth Injection

Apollo 8

Day 4: Lunar Orbits 7, 8 and 9

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2001 by W. David Woods and Frank O'Brien. All rights reserved.
Last updated 2008-12-27

Public Affairs Officer - "... In view of the extraordinarily long hours that many of us have been in the Control Center, we would like to bypass the afternoon Press Conference which would have occurred about 6 o'clock. And [we] continue to observe the activities through the evening hours and top off the evening with a Trans-Earth Injection sometime around midnight, Houston time. ..."

080:56:50 Anders (onboard): Would you turn my S-band volume down to about 2, Mike - Jim?

080:56:54 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:57:10 Anders (onboard): The other way (laughter).

080:57:12 Lovell (onboard): How's that?

080:57:13 Anders (onboard): Great!

080:57:16 Anders (onboard): You know that venting that water put a good torque on us.

080:57:20 Lovell (onboard): Well, I'm debating now, - I'm debating whether to use it again or not, Frank.

080:57:23 Lovell (onboard): I can use it for the landing site, I guess, again.

080:57:29 Anders (onboard): Hey, we were tracking down there real nice. Soon as we started to vent, we went poof!

080:57:34 Lovell (onboard): Is that right?

080:57:35 Anders (onboard): Yes.

080:57:36 Lovell (onboard): You'd better have - It's a good thing we are venting now, and not on that tenth rev or something like that.

080:57:42 Lovell (onboard): Did you sleep?

080:57:46 Lovell (onboard): We're on the 7th - coming over here - Where are we? We're corning from here.

080:57:58 Lovell (onboard): Yes, we're coming - Actually we are right down here. How's your - There's one I've got to get. Huh?

080:58:30 Lovell (onboard): You all finished with 83, Bill?

080:58:33 Anders (onboard): Yes, I sure am.

080:58:37 Lovell (onboard): I'll see if our orbit has changed any.

080:59:08 Lovell (onboard): These optics are outstanding.

080:59:10 Borman (onboard): What?

080:59:12 Lovell (onboard): The optics.

080:59:28 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

080:59:35 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

080:59:41 Anders (onboard): Okay, water quantity is 55 percent.

080:59:44 Borman (onboard): How much?

080:59:45 Anders (onboard): 55.

080:59:58 Lovell (onboard): 5th REV.

081:00:02 Lovell (onboard): 7 and 8 are the last two that we got. You got TV right down here.

[Caution and Warning/Master alarm sounds]
081:00:19 Anders (onboard):O2 flow high.

081:00:23 Borman (onboard): Huh?

081:00:24 Lovell (onboard): O2 high flow; it's from that venting, I guess.

081:00:29 Anders (onboard): That and - oh, the water - the accumulator just came on. The accumulator just came on.

081:01:10 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:01:12 Anders (onboard): 50 percent.

081:01:18 Lovell (onboard): Are you in position, Bill?

081:01:20 Anders (onboard): Yes.

081:01:22 Lovell (onboard): 81:01, it's coming up on that time, now.

081:01:26 Lovell (onboard): 81:09, I got to get this stuff started.

081:01:30 Anders (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:01:49 Anders (onboard): This one calls for pitch down 5°, Jim.

081:01:55 Anders (onboard): You want to do that, or are you just going to do that 10° thing?

081:01:59 Lovell (onboard): No, you can - pitch at least on the horizon for this, because - otherwise, it's going to - This hasn't changed though, I don't think.

081:02:31 Anders (onboard): Well, it has in the Flight Plan, whether you - it's up to you, however you want it. Doesn't make any difference...

081:02:14 Lovell (onboard): Huh?

081:02:15 Anders (onboard): ...I can't see anything out here anyway.

081:02:16 Lovell (onboard): I just don't want to get the Sun in my eyes.

081:02:18 Anders (onboard): You want me to pitch down to the horizon or past?

081:02:24 Lovell (onboard): Yes, you can pitch down a little bit past the horizon.

081:02:26 Anders (onboard): Give me a moment here, then.

081:02:48 Anders (onboard): Okay, you want to hop in here, Frank?

081:02:50 Anders (onboard): Say, you want to get in here?

081:02:54 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:02:56 Anders (onboard): Okay.

081:03:09 Anders (onboard): Huh?

081:03:13 Anders (onboard): Oh, okay.

081:03:10 Anders (onboard): I can put this (garble) right there.

081:03:44 Anders (onboard): Is it?

081:03:52 Anders (onboard): Okay. That better?

081:01:02 Anders (onboard): It's about 35, huh, Frank?

081:04:11 Anders (onboard): Well, I still say 35.

081:04:20 Anders (onboard): Well, it does. You got to lead it a little bit, because it's - Any time now - It - it always drops a little bit more.

081:04:27 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:04:28 Anders (onboard): Yes, it would be a good time.

081:04:30 Anders (onboard): Jim, you want to give him that vacuum vent?

081:04:41 Anders (onboard): Okay, stick the vacuum thing on there, and vent it for a while.

081:04:44 Lovell (onboard): Here's the vacuum.

081:04:45 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:04:46 Lovell (onboard): What?

081:04:47 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:04:49 Lovell (onboard): Here you go.

081:05:22 Lovell (onboard): We might get a possible program alarm.

081:06:15 Lovell (onboard): What's your attitude, Bill?

081:06:17 Anders (onboard): I'm about 5 degrees pitch down and 5 degrees roll right.

081:06:30 SC: (Blowing nose.)

081:07:09 Borman (onboard): Did you get through?

081:07:10 Lovell (onboard): Okay (garble).

081:07:11 Borman (onboard): Okay, Jim.

081:07:13 Lovell (onboard): Well, the sunlight suddenly came in there. It wasn't like the last time I saw it.

081:07:20 Anders (onboard): I'm pitched down quite a bit this time.

081:07:30 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Keep tracking, Bill. She'll be ready.

081:07:38 Lovell (onboard): I changed the IP, Frank. I thought this had a better symbol to it. I can remember this one better.

081:07:49 Anders (onboard): When did you start the first time?

081:07:52 Lovell (onboard): Let's see.

081:07:55 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:07:56 Anders (onboard): Say again.

081:07:58 Lovell (onboard): How's the water doing?

081:08:02 Lovell (onboard): 81:09 is...

081:08:05 Anders (onboard): Yes, I do.

081:08:06 Lovell (onboard): Yes, I have...

081:08:19 Lovell (onboard): We're still throwing away a lot of stuff on that.

081:08:56 Lovell (onboard): You want something to hold on to or what?

081:09:50 Lovell (onboard): Boy, you ought to see the lunar surface with this 28-power scope!

081:10:05 Lovell (onboard): This is fantastic!

081:10:13 Anders (onboard): Can you see anything at all that looks like a volcano?

081:10:16 Lovell (onboard): No.

081:10:17 Anders (onboard): Huh?

081:10:19 Lovell (onboard): This is utterly fantastic!

081:10:27 Lovell (onboard): You should get it when it's just rising - you get it with just the horizon still there; you've got to hurry, though. I've got to take a shot here shortly.

081:10:39 Lovell (onboard): She's tracking.

081:10:46 Lovell (onboard): I got it right there, big as the mark.

081:11:25 Lovell (onboard): Where - How far are you pitched down now, Bill?

081:11:27 Anders (onboard): 10 degrees - 6 degrees.

081:11:32 Anders (onboard): Too much?

081:11:37 Lovell (onboard): I just wanted to know - Yes, 6 degrees is too much; although it's Auto tracking, I can just barely see the edge. 6 degrees is too much pitchdown.

081:12:16 Anders (onboard): How's that?

081:12:54 Lovell (onboard): That's it - Whatever you have right now is a good shot.

081:12:56 Anders (onboard): Okay.

081:13:12 Anders (onboard): Got 5 degrees.

081:13:14 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

081:14:19 Lovell (onboard): I'm tracking on this - on this telescope, and it's - the sextant, and it's much better.

081:14:59 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

081:15:02 Anders (onboard): Almost.

081:18:27 Lovell (onboard): You don't get...

081:18:47 Lovell (onboard): You know, even at 60 miles though, it seems like it's still that far away.

081:19:58 Lovell (onboard): There's still things coming off.

081:20:01 Anders (onboard): There's still stuff coming out.

081:20:31 Lovell (onboard): Well, I wish I could say that we saw a volcano or some thing, but I'm afraid this is - just an amazing sight.

081:20:37 Anders (onboard): I haven't seen a thing - seen a thing that looked like a volcano all day long.

081:20:41 Lovell (onboard): I haven't either.

081:20:43 Anders (onboard): I said I haven't seen a thing that looked like a volcano.

081:20:47 Lovell (onboard): Tsiolkovsky - Tsiolkovsky is the only one that has the distinct appearance to it...

081:20:50 Anders (onboard): Yes, the filling does.

081:20:54 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:20:55 Anders (onboard): Yes, please.

081:20:56 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:20:57 Anders (onboard): Yes, I'll just kind of ease - just - Oh - okay, you coming over here, now?

081:21:01 Anders (onboard): Sure.

081:21:02 Lovell (onboard): Have you dropped down in attitude?

081:21:06 Lovell (onboard): What's your attitude in pitch, Bill?

081:21:07 Anders (onboard): I'm going to take a leak, now. I should have told you.

081:21:11 Anders (onboard): About 8 degrees.

081:21:13 Lovell (onboard): Above?

081:21:14 Anders (onboard): Below.

081:21:15 Lovell (onboard): Oh, below, yes. That's bad.

081:21:24 Lovell (onboard): Should stay at least at the horizon, if you can.

081:21:26 Anders (onboard): Well, you liked what I had before; it's only about 2 degrees difference.

081:21:30 Lovell (onboard): Well, when it's tracking far like this, see what the trunnion is? 46°?

081:21:37 Lovell (onboard): Well maybe it does, maybe it's (garbled).

081:21:41 Anders (onboard): Tell you what - Why don't I give you that other camera?

081:21:45 Anders (onboard): You've got color film; why don't you get a picture of the Earth as it comes up next time?

081:22:05 Anders (onboard): (Laughter) Well, that was real good. Okay, you ready?

081:22:18 Lovell (onboard): Have you pitched up at all?

081:22:26 Anders (onboard): Yes, we're pitching up. Just having a changing of the watch, here.

081:22:34 Anders (onboard): I'll get that, Frank. Go ahead.

081:22:38 Anders (onboard): In the back - It's toward me - it's right there. (Garble) lower.

081:22:50 Lovell (onboard): Boy, here's another amazing sight! Watching Auto tracking with the orange background.

081:23:00 Lovell (onboard): Man, that's an amazing sight!

081:23:04 Lovell (onboard): The landmark line of sight is going by; it's so bright, it's orange! And the star line of sight is white.

081:24:27 Anders (onboard): Hey, let me swap you cameras there.

081:24:31 Anders (onboard): It floated off the wall.

081:24:35 Anders (onboard): Camera.

081:25:41 Anders (onboard): Here you go.

081:28:30 Borman (onboard): Bill?

081:28:34 Anders (onboard): Yes.

081:28:36 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:28:39 Anders (onboard): All right.

081:28:40 Borman (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:28:47 Lovell (onboard): Still try to get a series, Frank, if you have a - (garble) you using 70-millimeter?

081:28:51 Borman (onboard): Yes.

081:29:02 Lovell (onboard): Huh?

081:29:03 Lovell (onboard): Yes, yes, go ahead; I'm just - just waiting for the solution to come up.

081:29:13 Lovell (onboard): I've been using the sextant to mark -

081:29:53 Lovell (onboard): Boy, this tracking is - Yes, it is fairly easy.

081:32:21 Anders (onboard): You boiling?

081:32:28 Anders (onboard): Huh,

081:32:41 Lovell (onboard): Do we have Low bit going? Maybe we ought to discuss what we're seeing here. You have some sort of tape recorder going so that we can discuss what we're seeing?

081:32:50 Lovell (onboard): Yes, just something that I could talk for some time without...

081:32:54 Borman (onboard): Go ahead and (garble, probably speak).

081:32:55 Lovell (onboard): Okay, anytime.

081:33:09 Lovell (onboard): The last two control points I've been tracking with the sextant which gives us - gives me much finer control to track the landmark with. I've been using the same landmarks as before. And the sextant magnifies the landmark, and it's very easy to maintain the sextant on the landmark.

081:33:29 Lovell (onboard): Resolved to Medium were the control modes.

081:33:37 Lovell (onboard): On the second control point, the crater which I take, which is in the middle of Gemini, is very easy to see one side has collapsed, the side to the left. And you can see rocks and debris tumbling down. On many of the craters that go by, especially near the one on control point 1, I can see where hard rock had stayed in place around the rim of the crater as the rest of the debris had folded over into a mound down into that crater floor.

081:34:56 Lovell (onboard): I'm coming up on the crater - as a matter of fact, the Crater Slayton right now. We're going directly over it.

081:35:11 Lovell (onboard): And just beyond that one is the Crater Carr.

081:35:22 Lovell (onboard): The newer craters that surround the older ones have sharper ridges - and the - They're more roundly formed - like - like cones, funnels, and along the insides are a brighter material than the other craters. And they also don't have the step functions that the ligger - bigger craters have. There's one - there's two bright craters just to the west of Slayton that have this particular characteristic.

081:37:55 Lovell (onboard): In the vicinity of the Crater Carr, it's very difficult to see the ground now; it's very bright, a uniform brightness, and the craters seem to dim out somewhat.

081:38:08 Lovell (onboard): You can still make some of the rilles and hills of the smaller craters and the white material of the newly formed ones, but - it's much more a hazy appearance than craters on either side. That must be near the sub-solar point.

081:38:29 Lovell (onboard): Okay. You can stop it now, if you want to.

081:38:34 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

081:40:35 Borman (onboard): You got a program alarm, Bill.

081:40:43 Anders (onboard): What did I do wrong?

081:40:51 Lovell (onboard): Oh, counted 15 seconds from zero.

081:41:01 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

081:41:07 Lovell (onboard): Well, you got a Restart that time.

081:41:10 Anders (onboard): Oh, shit!

081:41:11 Lovell (onboard): Don't worry.

081:41:21 Lovell (onboard): (Singing.)

081:41:26 Lovell (onboard): Verb 34, huh? Well, you gave me bum dope. Well, I'll be dog-gonned!

081:41:38 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled), I guess.

081:41:46 Borman (onboard): It's not mine.

081:42:52 Lovell (onboard): 34, Enter.

081:43:06 Borman (onboard): Oh, brother! Look at that!

081:43:16 Lovell (onboard): What was it?

081:43:18 Borman (onboard): Guess.

081:43:20 Lovell (onboard): Tsiolkovsky?

081:43:21 Borman (onboard): No, it's the Earth coming up.

081:43:22 Lovell (onboard): Oh.

081:43:29 Anders (onboard): Augh! Quit rocking the boat!

081:43:34 Borman (onboard): What did you get, another program alarm?

081:43:35 Anders (onboard): Yes, 1620.

081:43:43 Lovell (onboard): Verb - Verb 37, not permitted.

081:43:54 Anders (onboard): Fine. Okay, Jim, well, it's your time to take a rest.

081:43:57 Lovell (onboard): (Laughter.)

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control, Houston here. 81 hours, 43 minutes. We have not yet acquired nor have we put in a call, but since it is about that time, we thought we had better come up and let everyone know we are here. We have acquisition now and we are getting telemetry data. And apparently my call is going to wait a few minutes before he initiates the conversation. Here we go with the call. Let's bring it up."

081:43:58 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. (No answer.)

081:44:00 Borman (onboard): (Garbled) reach those two program alarms and the Restart. And it is your time to take a rest.

081:44:04 Lovell (onboard): Okay, just a minute. Let me - Verb 37 - Verb 37, Enter, 00. Okay, we got one more coming up here.

081:44:18 Lovell (onboard): 81:43.

081:44:30 Lovell (onboard): Verb...

081:44:34 Collins: Apollo 8, this is Houston. Over. (Pause.)

081:44:34 Borman (onboard): Are you getting MSFN?

081:44:44 Lovell (onboard): Huh!

081:44:47 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8.

081:44:49 Collins: Roger, Frank. Good morning. You're loud and clear, how me?

081:44:54 Borman: Loud and clear.

081:44:54 Lovell (onboard): Proceed. Verb 22, Enter.

081:44:58 Collins: Welcome back.

081:45:04 Borman: Thank you.

[Comm break.]
081:45:06 Lovell (onboard): Enter; Proceed; Verb 25, Enter.

081:45:21 Lovell (onboard): Minus 89, then plus 48631, Enter; minus 00253, Enter, Proceed.

081:45:54 Borman (onboard): How's the SPS doing?

081:46:05 Lovell (onboard): Verb...

081:46:16 Anders (onboard): What do you want, the gun? I'll hand it to you.

081:46:32 Lovell (onboard): Yes, would you, please?

081:46:39 Borman (onboard): Where's the update book? Does anybody know?

081:46:44 Anders (onboard): I've been looking for it.

081:46:46 Lovell (onboard): Yes, I got it here in my hand.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control. Let's see our cabin temperature. Cabin pressure is 4.9 [psi]. Cabin temperature, 77 degrees [F] and we apparently have the biomed switch on none of the pilots at this point. We're getting no data there. Here goes our call."

081:46:51 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over. (Pause.)

081:46:58 Borman: Go ahead, Houston.

081:46:59 Collins: Roger. We have a request that Jim space his marks, his five marks out a bit more slowly. If possible, we would like to get a couple of them past the zenith. We're getting five of them with rather rapid spacing, and from the geometry viewpoint, it would be better if you'd slow them down a little bit and lengthened them out so as to include a couple of them past the zenith. Over.

081:47:29 Borman: Roger. We understand. (Pause.)

081:47:39 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8. That last set of marks are invalid. Disregard what Jim drew the last time.

081:47:48 Collins: Roger. Understand the last set of marks are invalid. Over

081:47:54 Lovell: Roger. If you'd correlate with - The set I'm about to take is the last set.

081:48:03 Collins: We have an awful lot of background noise, Jim. Could you say again please?

081:48:12 Lovell: Roger. I'm coming up on control point 3. I tried to stick another control point in between 2 and 3, but didn't do it, so I just - to get out of the program, I just marked and got out of the program.

081:48:25 Collins: Roger. Understand you are coming up on 3.

[Long comm break.]
081:49:49 Lovell (onboard): If I got a program alarm, disregard it - it's because I took too many marks.

081:51:25 Borman (onboard): Huh?

081:51:28 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:51:35 Borman (onboard): What?

081:51:40 Borman (onboard): This time, it did though, huh?

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. It sounds like another long, quiet - very much of a working pass. The - 81 hours, 51 minutes with Frank Borman up as you heard. He'll be very busy flying the spacecraft. Lovell continues doing program 22 auto optic exercises. He has just a solid block, one after another to do through this entire rev. Bill Anders is literally sandwiching in an eat period between additional land marks and more photography. Here is more conversation."

081:52:03 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

081:52:07 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

081:52:09 Collins: Roger. On Jim's marks, we'd like to get spacing of approximately 30, 30 seconds between each mark. The last ones, we are copying roughly 15 seconds between marks and we would like to stretch it out even further if that is okay with you.

081:52:28 Lovell (onboard): Okay, tell him (garble).

081:52:31 Borman: All right.

[Long comm break.]
081:52:30 Lovell (onboard): I'll stretch her out all the way.

081:53:31 Lovell (onboard): You got the hot water on? I can pour some hot water while I'm waiting.

081:53:34 Borman (onboard): Yes. Here's one for you.

081:53:38 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

081:53:46 Lovell (onboard): Okay, just stand by 1.

081:54:31 Lovell (onboard): Here's one.

081:54:32 Borman (onboard): Thank you.

081:54:34 Lovell (onboard): I got it.

081:54:41 Lovell (onboard): Thank you.

081:55:15 Anders (onboard): Let me know if anybody else wants some.

081:57:31 Lovell (onboard): Here it comes, Bill.

081:57:41 Anders (onboard): (Garbled.)

081:58:31 Lovell (onboard): What's that noise?

081:58:35 Borman (onboard): What is that noise?

081:58:38 Borman (onboard): Huh?

081:58:41 Borman (onboard): Oh.

081:58:43 Lovell (onboard): What was it?

081:58:44 Borman (onboard): Had his leg against the hose.

081:59:19 Lovell (onboard): There you go.

081:59:23 Borman (onboard): (Garbled) book?

081:59:24 Borman (onboard): I just gave it to you.

081:59:27 Lovell (onboard): Check Bill's.

082:01:16 Borman (onboard): The program alarm just blinked.

082:01:18 Lovell (onboard): That's okay. It's below the Earth.

082:01:45 Lovell (onboard): It won't drive now until it - If it's below 50.

082:01:53 Borman (onboard): Until what?

082:01:54 Lovell (onboard): Until that trunnion gets up.

082:02:22 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8.

082:02:22 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

082:02:27 Lovell: Roger, Mike. I find that tracking is much easier using the sextant than the scanning telescope. You have finer control, and at these orbital speeds, Resolved to Medium seems to be the best combination.

082:02:46 Collins: Roger, Jim. I copy that it's easier for you to use the sextant than the scanning telescope. It gives you finer control, and say again after that. (Pause.)

082:03:05 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Do you read?

082:03:09 Lovell: Roger. Did you copy?

082:03:12 Collins: Roger. I copy that it's - tracking is easier using the sextant than the scanning telescope; it gives you finer control, and say again after that? Over.

082:03:26 Lovell: And the combination of Resolve and Medium is perhaps the best combination - the combination of - Speed, Low is too low; we can't catch up with the target.

082:03:39 Collins: Roger. Understand that the best combination is resolved and medium. Low is just too low.

082:03:49 Lovell: Roger.

[Long comm break.]
082:03:51 Lovell (onboard): You can't keep up with the landing site, I should say.

082:03:56 Lovell (onboard): There goes the trunnion now, see, Bill - Frank?

082:04:00 Borman (onboard): Yes.

082:04:02 Lovell (onboard): It's tracking us beneath the Earth.

082:05:43 Lovell (onboard): How do you all feel?

082:05:44 Borman (onboard): Fine. Why?

082:05:48 Lovell (onboard): I was just curious.

082:05:50 Borman (onboard): You tired?

082:05:53 Lovell (onboard): Oh, I'm a little tired. I guess we all are.

082:05:57 Borman (onboard): You're going to be busy right afterwards. Those last two rev's.

082:06:02 Lovell (onboard): I've got a sleep period coming up here, though, I think. Don't I?

082:06:04 Borman (onboard): Yes, right - right after this.

082:06:08 Borman (onboard): Let that computer rest.

082:06:15 Lovell (onboard): What do we have on our TV debut?

082:06:19 Borman (onboard): I got that (garble).

082:06:25 Anders (onboard): (Garbled.)

082:06:27 Borman (onboard): You mean on the left there?

082:06:29 Lovell (onboard): Well, it's always here; I haven't started tracking, yet.

082:06:35 Lovell (onboard): Do you see it coming up already?

082:06:38 Borman (onboard): On the left; I'm not sure if that's it or not, though, but it's a triangular - shaped mound.

082:06:42 Lovell (onboard): Oh, here we go, right now.

082:06:47 Lovell (onboard): This isn't computing the right thing, here.

082:07:40 Lovell (onboard): What's your attitude, Frank?

082:07:42 Borman (onboard): I'm down some. You want me to pitch up?

082:07:45 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

082:07:46 Borman (onboard): Huh?

082:07:50 Lovell (onboard): Yes, it's down now.

082:09:06 Anders (onboard): Got it.

082:09:12 Borman (onboard): What are you doing, Jim?

082:09:14 Lovell (onboard): Tracking.

082:09:25 Lovell (onboard): I could easily see a LM on here.

Public Affairs Officer - "Ground Elapsed Time, 82 hours to 83 hours, 10 minutes - an hour and 10 minutes - Bill Anders will get a rest, a well deserved one with all his lunch. At 81 hours, 53 minutes this is Apollo Control, Houston. We'll be back up with more action when it occurs."

082:10:10 Lovell (onboard): What's my trunnion and shaft?

082:10:13 Borman (onboard): 20 and four- 15; 203 and 16, 17, 18...

082:10:18 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

082:12:21 Lovell (onboard): I'm through with the landing site right now. Don't touch the computer, though.

082:13:10 Borman (onboard): Let me see - Have you got the update book, Bill?

082:13:21 Lovell (onboard): No, I gave it back to you if I recall. Did you look down in here?

082:13:28 Borman (onboard): Huh?

082:13:29 Lovell (onboard): I did, I gave it back, because I don't think that...

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control, Houston. 82 hours, 13 minutes into the flight, and we are in the midst of one of our quieter passes today. We've had very little conversation. ..."

082:13:33 Lovell: Houston, Apollo 8.

082:13:34 Borman (onboard): I got it.

082:13:36 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Over.

082:13:41 Lovell: Roger. I'm not to too sure what happened that time, Mike. I was marking on the landing sites, using the code, and I kept getting a large trunnion for auto optics. And I could see the target, or landing site was coming up, so I just went manually and marked, and yet the - the latitude and longitude was - were quite different from the nominal.

082:14:14 Collins: Roger. We copy that, Jim.

[Long comm break.]
082:14:37 Borman (onboard): Get rolled over here, Jim. Then, you can do a P52.

082:14:41 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

082:15:37 Borman (onboard): You might as well start shooting some of this film, Bill, because we're not going to do this convergent stereo because we've got that high TV. And then we're going to get ready for TEI and knock everything else off.

082:15:54 Lovell (onboard): Bill, you want to take care of this 16-millimeter camera?

082:16:02 Anders (onboard): What?

082:16:11 Anders (onboard): I need a lens (garble).

082:16:49 Borman (onboard): We should be able to get them on - on High Gain here in a minute, Bill.

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control here. ... I can't really tell if this conversation will be extended or not. Mike Collins is doing a lot of note taking. Let's hold on for a minute or two and see. Each revolution around the Moon today, the crew has been given a Go approximately about 20 minutes before Loss Of Signal. Right now we stand 38 minutes from Loss Of Signal on this particular rev. About to pass the navigational updates to the crew. And here it goes."

082:17:20 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

082:17:24 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

082:17:26 Collins: Roger. We're checking into Jim's remarks on his P22; and in the meantime, I have your maneuver PADs and map updates, at your convenience. Over.

082:17:26 Borman: Roger. [Long pause.]

082:17:42 Borman (onboard): If we're going to get settled here, you want to do a P52, Jim?

082:17:46 Lovell (onboard): Yes, whenever you get settled down.

082:17:50 Borman (onboard): How about right now?

082:17:54 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Proceed (garble) that inertial, and I'll have it in a jiffy.

082:18:01 Lovell (onboard): One more rev of this stuff and we're finished. No more experimentation.

082:18:12 Lovell: Go ahead with your data, Mike.

082:18:14 Collins: Okay. And before that, we'd like to take the DSE away from you, please, for a while.

082:18:22 Borman (onboard): All right? Is that all right, Bill?

082:18:28 Lovell: All yours.

082:18:30 Collins: Thank you, and we'd like you to go to P00 and Accept. We have a P27 state vector update for you.

082:18:42 Lovell: There's POO, and I'm going to Accept.

082:18:46 Collins: Thank you.

082:18:48 Lovell: All yours. (Pause.)

082:18:55 Collins: Which would you like first, the map update or the TEI-8?

082:19:02 Lovell: The map would be fine.

082:19:07 Collins: Okay. Map update. LOS, 82:55:54; sunrise, 83:05:49; prime meridian, 83:11:38; AOS, 83:41:43; sunset, 84:18:45; remarks: control point 1, acquisition, 83:07:39; control point 2, acquisition, 83:20:21; control point 3, acq, 83:41:51; B-1 acquisition, 84:02:28. Over.

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control here. While Mike is passing this update up, we're looking at biomedical data on Jim Lovell. And his mean heart rate is registering 66; his high heart rate over the recent sample period has been 76; his low is - well now, we have a new data point here so his low is now 70; his mean rate is 74. He must be moving around a little bit. His respiration rate is up somewhat 20 to 21 and shows an activity mode as normal. Could be that he just went from the couch down to his G&N station removed in the opposite direction. Cabin pressure, 4.9; cabin temp, 77 degrees (F), where it's been most of the day. Get back now to the update."

082:20:05 Lovell: 82:55:54, 83:05:49, 83:11:38, 83:41:43, 84:18:45. CP-1, 83:07:39; CP-2, 83:20:21; CP-3, 83:41:51; B-1, 84:02:28.

082:20:29 Collins: That's affirmative. (Long pause.)

082:20:52 Collins: Understand...

082:20:53 Lovell: ...for the TEI PAD.

082:20:56 Collins: Roger. The TEI-8 PAD; SPS/G&N; 45701; minus 0.40, plus 1.57; 085:18:19.04. Are you with me so far? Over.

082:21:31 Lovell: Roger.

082:21:33 Collins: Okay. Plus 3319.5, minus 0126.7, plus 0471.6; 179, 008, 001; not applicable, plus 0018.7; 3355.2, 3:11, 3335.5; 42, 090.9, 25.2. Are you still with me? Over.

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control here. The crew now is directly opposite the Earth. They're just west the Sea of Tranquillity, just south of the Imbrium Sea, southeast of the big crater Aristarchus, and directly east of the enormous Ocean Procellarum. They're only just a few miles north of a cluster of landing sites which are right along the lunar equator. They're about 8 degrees, 8 lunar degrees north of the sites, four of them that we consider prime sites in that central Apollo zone which is boxed in by an area of about 45 degrees west by 45 degrees east and running 5 degrees north and south of the lunar equator. And that's the area, of course, that the crew concentrated today on their optics check just as well as they're photographic efforts."

082:22:40 Lovell: Roger.

082:22:43 Collins: Okay, Picking up with the boresight star, it's old Dzuba, who is the center star in the head of Scorpion; he's down 06.0, left 4.2; plus 07.73, minus 165.00; 1298.2, 36256, 146:46:18; north set stars remain Sirius, Rigel; roll, 129; pitch, 155; yaw, 010; four quad ullage of 15 seconds, horizon on a 4 degree line at TIG, and requesting that you zero the optics. Over.

082:24:03 Borman: Roger. Going to zero optics. (Pause.)

082:24:14 Borman: Are you through with the computer now, Mike?

082:24:17 Collins: It's your computer. P27 LM state vector in and verified.

082:24:26 Lovell: Roger. We're going to put it in the CSM slot.

082:24:30 Collins: Roger. That's affirmative. (Pause.)

082:24:38 Borman: Okay. TEI-8; SPS/G&N; 45701; minus 0.40, plus 1.57; 085:18:19.04; plus 3319.5, minus 0126.7, plus 0471.6; 179, 008, 001; N/A, plus 0018.7; 3355.2, 3:11, 3335.5; 42, 090.90, 25.2; Dzuba, down 06.0, left 4.2, plus 07.73, minus 165.00; 1298.2, 36256, 146:46:18; Sirius, Rigel, 129, 155, 010; 4-quad, 15 seconds; horizon, 4 degrees at TIG.

082:25:36 Collins: You keep good books; that's all correct.

082:25:42 Borman: Thank you.

[Comm break.]
082:26:44 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

082:26:50 Borman: Go ahead, Houston.

082:26:52 Collins: Roger. Some time back, we noted evidence of a restart in the computer and wondered if you had any remarks about it. Over.

082:27:00 Borman: I know It. Jim got screwed up on one of those programs. He's getting kind of tired here, and we got a restart and a couple of program alarms. I don't know what he did.

082:27:12 Collins: Roger, Frank. The main point is computer is looking fine to us now.

082:27:20 Borman: That's good.

082:27:23 Lovell: Houston, don't believe all you hear up here.

082:27:28 Collins: No, we have a filter, Jim, for that.

082:27:34 Borman: Thank you. (Long pause)

082:28:32 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

082:28:37 Borman: Go.

082:28:39 Collins: Roger. In some of Jim's previous comments, (he spoke) about the limb brightness as the Sun was about to come up, (and) has sparked a lot of interest down here. And we'd like to ask him, if he gets a chance to notice again or perhaps he can recall, whether there were any changes in the appearances of the stars. Such as, did he notice any twinkling while this was taking place, and did he notice any narrow limb brightening within 10 to 20 seconds prior to the Sun's rising. Over.

082:29:14 Anders: He'll be with you - he's doing a P52 now.

[Jim may be realigning the guidance platform after causing the computer restart. We believe he may have hit P01.]
082:29:17 Collins: Okay. (Long pause.)

082:30:08 Lovell: Houston, my comments concerning the sunrise was the comment above the terrain. There appeared what might be called diagonal light or light due to the haze or something like that. As the Sun came above or before the Sun came above the limb, definite rays could be seen coming from the other side. It was a uniform haze emanating from the center spot where the Sun was going to rise, and this was something which I didn't expect.

082:30:42 Collins: Roger, Jim. Understand. We copied that and just curious, and if you see it again whether you notice any stars twinkling or any additional information.

082:30:55 Lovell: Will do. Won't have a chance until control point 1.

082:31:06 Anders: Actually, he doesn't want to pass out too much of that information. He wants to save it and write a paper when he gets back, Mike.

082:31:12 Collins: Right. In German, probably, huh?

[Long comm break.]
082:35:57 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8.

082:35:59 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

082:36:04 Borman: Okay. What time is that TV, Mike, 85:37?

082:36:08 Collins: 85:37 to terminator, which is probably like 86:14.

082:36:20 Borman: Okay. Well, I don't know if we can go that long with it, and I'm going to scrub all the other experiments, the converging stereo or other photography, and we are a little bit tired; I want to use that last bit to really make sure we're right for TEI.

082:36:38 Collins: Roger. I understand, Frank. (Pause.)

082:36:42 Collins: A couple of miscellaneous items for you. We'd like for you to discontinue charging battery B at this time. We'd also like to get a cryo stir, 2 minutes on all four (tanks), and your Up Telemetry IU switch, put to Block, please, and you are Go for the next lunar orbit.

082:37:08 Borman: Thank you.

082:37:10 Collins: Roger.

[Comm break.]
082:40:10 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8.

082:40:14 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. Go ahead, Frank.

082:40:18 Borman: Roger. I want to scrub these control point sightings on this next rev, too, and let Jim take a rest.

082:40:25 Collins: Roger. I understand. (Pause.)

082:40:30 Collins: I understand you want to scrub control points 1, 2 and 3 on the next rev and the converging stereo on the following rev.

082:40:42 Borman: That's right. We're getting too tired.

082:40:44 Collins: Okay, Frank. (Long pause.)

082:40:54 Anders (onboard): Go ahead with (garble) I'll get (garble).

082:40:57 Borman (onboard): Are you - are you comfortable?

082:40:59 Anders (onboard): Why?

082:41:00 Borman (onboard): I mean, do you want to sleep?

082:41:01 Anders (onboard): No, I was just asking.

082:41:03 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

082:41:00 Anders (onboard): Come again.

082:41:07 Borman (onboard): I - I (garble).

082:41:11 Anders (onboard): Go on.

082:41:12 Borman (onboard): No, no. They've - they've got - Jesus Christ, they've got plenty of data. You can tell them almost anything (garble) everybody...

082:41:16 Lovell (onboard): Okay (garble).

082:41:18 Borman (onboard): Oh, I did, you're too tired; you need some sleep, and I want everybody sharp for TEI; that's just like a retro.

082:41:24 Anders (onboard): Why don't - Hey, Frank, how about on this next pass you just point it down to the ground and turn the goddamn cameras on; let them run automatically.

082:41:30 Borman (onboard): Yes, we can do that.

082:41:32 Anders (onboard): Okay.

082:41:37 Borman (onboard): Shit, I just burned this film up.

082:41:39 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

082:41:41 Borman: Go ahead.

082:41:44 Collins: This rev coming up we would like to clarify whether you intend to scrub Control Point 1, 2, and 3, only, and do the pseudo landing site; or whether you also intend to scrub the pseudo landing site marks. Over.

082:42:01 Borman: We're scrubbing everything. We'll - I'll stay up and point - keep the spacecraft vertical and take some automatic pictures, but I want Jim and Bill to get some rest.

082:42:10 Collins: Roger. Understand.

[Long comm break.]
082:42:49 Borman (onboard): Unbelievable - the detail these guys study up. A very good try, but just completely unrealistic, stuff like that. I should have...

082:43:05 Anders (onboard): I'm willing to try it.

082:43:06 Borman (onboard): I should have warned you. No. You try it, and then we'll make another mistake, like entering instead of proceeding or screwing up somewhere like I did.

082:43:14 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

082:43:15 Borman (onboard): I want you to get your ass in bed! Right now! No, get to bed! Go to bed! Hurry up! I'm not kidding you, get to bed!

082:43:24 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled) try again?

082:43:26 Borman (onboard): No, they said they don't want to.

082:43:27 Anders (onboard): No, no, they said okay.

082:43:29 Borman (onboard): Yes, really.

082:43:30 Anders (onboard): What - what would you like me to do?

082:43:31 Borman (onboard): Go to bed! When we come over it, we'll get that thing going when we get to daylight, and then you guys go sack out for 2 hours.

082:43:37 Anders (onboard): Shall we - shall we do that detailed thing there, that really...

082:43:40 Borman (onboard): No.

082:43:46 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

082:43:56 Anders (onboard): Say, give me that lens back there, will you?

082:43:59 Borman (onboard): Which one, Bill, this one?

082:44:01 Anders (onboard): No, the 80.

082:44:02 Borman (onboard): Camera, you mean?

082:44:03 Anders (onboard): Yes.

082:44:09 SC: (Whistling)

082:44:20 Borman (onboard): You haven't been in there since we've been in lunar orbit yet, have you?

082:44:13 Anders (onboard): In where?

082:44:14 Borman (onboard): Down below. Why don't you - why don't you - go local horizontal, sometime before you turn - We haven't shot a single high-speed picture yet, that's any good; just let me just turn the goddamn thing on prior to...

082:44:30 Anders (onboard): All right.

082:44:31 Borman (onboard): ...prior to (garble).

082:44:56 Anders (onboard): This is the tail end (garble) this time.

082:45:00 Borman (onboard): Huh? Are we losing it?

082:45:02 Anders (onboard): No, I don't want to go to local horizontal yet.

082:45:03 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

082:45:05 Borman (onboard): Oh, no, just go to sleep, Jim.

082:45:09 Borman (onboard): I know how I felt, and I know how you guys do.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. You heard the last transmission from Frank Borman wherein he indicated that he planned a drastic reduction in activities in the next 4 revs. We've been noting and suggested earlier we had a tired crew. Certainly indicated in Lovell's voice. We heard very little crack from Bill Anders who is presently in a sleep period. It just could be that that will wind up our activities in lunar orbit. There is a conference going on, now, around the Flight Director's console, and it will be from that, that the ground will make up its mind on what, if anything, is needed or if anything we might suggest to Borman. And that will be the subject of a further conference if anything more was needed. Sounded to me like Frank was very definite that he wanted to wrap it up at this point and certainly let Lovell get some rest before Trans-Earth Injection burn. The Trans-Earth Injection burn is planned for 89 hours, 15 minutes. The major question in our minds on this particular console is whether the spouting off of activities will include the television transmission on the 9th rev. We don't have the answer to this yet. We should have the answer shortly. At 82 hours, 46 minutes into the flight; this is Apollo Control, Houston."

082:46:17 Anders (onboard): Hey, I can see the Moon out here (garble).

082:46:30 Borman (onboard): Is that Earth's turn on here, or what?

082:46:32 Anders (onboard): Yes, that's what...

082:46:33 Borman (onboard): Huh?

082:46:34 Anders (onboard): I - I - Yes, that's why I want to get the pictures over here.

082:46:36 Borman (onboard): Okay.

082:47:31 Anders (onboard): You want to put it on Omni?

082:47:32 Borman (onboard): Okay, give me the roll left - Which way are you going to go?

082:47:36 Anders (onboard): Well, let's see. I can roll to the right, and that'll keep us good, won't it?

082:47:39 Borman (onboard): Yes.

082:47:44 Borman (onboard): The only window that's any good - are these rendezvous - You kind of pitch it down, and you get some...

082:48:35 Borman (onboard): Okay, which way are you headed? Oh, you're going to roll, going to roll...

082:48:38 Anders (onboard): We're going to roll to the right, so we can get that High Gain up. Right window...

082:49:04 Borman (onboard): All right, I keep expecting to be seeing the Moon.

082:49:12 Anders (onboard): Yes.

082:49:13 Borman (onboard): Right.

082:49:16 Anders (onboard): Well, you're going to have to just yaw towards me a little bit.

082:49:18 Anders (onboard): (Garbled.)

082:49:31 Anders (onboard): Would you hit those lights down there with your foot, Frank.

082:50:37 Anders (onboard): Hell, we're going away from it, huh?

082:50:39 Borman (onboard): Huh?

082:50:40 Anders (onboard): We're going away from it, huh?

082:50:42 Borman (onboard): Oh, yes.

082:50:44 Anders (onboard): Yes, sure is.

082:50:50 Borman (onboard): I'm pitching down, but we're going that way.

082:50:52 Anders (onboard): Are we? We're going this way?

082:50:53 Borman (onboard): Yes, we're going that way.

082:50:55 Anders (onboard): Oh, okay.

082:51:00 Borman (onboard): You know, it kind of gets you down.

082:51:04 Anders (onboard): I thought we were going - we're going towards the Earth.

082:51:10 Anders (onboard): Why don't you snap a few? Can you see it still in your rendezvous window?

082:51:13 Borman (onboard): See what? The Earth?

082:51:15 Anders (onboard): No, the - ground.

082:51:17 Borman (onboard): Oh, I see, yes.

082:51:31 Borman (onboard): That enough?

082:51:32 Anders (onboard): Yes. What happened?

082:51:35 Borman (onboard): Snap that thing on or we end up doing another automatic one.

082:51:42 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston. 4 minutes to LOS You have control of the DSE now, and all your systems are looking good.

082:51:53 Borman: Thank you very much, Mike.

082:51:55 Collins: You bet. (Pause.)

082:52:03 Borman: Lovell is snoring already.

082:52:06 Collins: Yeah, we can hear him down here.

[Comm break.]
082:54:07 Anders (onboard): You going to point at the horizon, Frank?

082:54:10 Borman (onboard): I pointed it straight down, I thought.

082:54:13 Anders (onboard): Like when we get ready to go inertial, we get a shot of the horizon as it comes up.

082:54:18 Borman (onboard): Well, I'm already straight down pointing (garble). Thought you might (garble) one of these (garble).

082:54:25 Anders (onboard): No, I did back there.

082:54:35 Collins: Apollo 8, Houston.

082:54:39 Borman: Go ahead.

082:54:41 Collins: We have 1 minute to LOS, Frank. You can terminate stirring up your cryos any time, and we agree with all your Flight Plan changes. Have a beautiful backside, and we will see you next time out.

082:54:57 Borman: Thank you. [onboard] I'll get those, Bill.

082:54:59 Collins: Roger.

[Very long comm break.]
082:54:59 Anders (onboard): Have you - have you done any of the cryos?

082:55:03 Borman (onboard): Huh?

082:55:20 Borman (onboard): Is that thing running now?

082:55:24 Borman (onboard): Is that thing running already?

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control, Houston here. 82 hours, 56 minutes into the flight. We have just lost signal with the spacecraft and I believe you heard earlier Frank Borman declare that he had a tired crew. Jim Lovell was very tired; you could tell it from his voice as the afternoon wore on. He said he was relieving him of all further Flight Plan responsibilities. Five minutes after he said that - he came back on the line and said Lovell is snoring already. ..."

082:57:18 Borman (onboard): Huh? Did you put it on Off?

082:57:31 Anders (onboard): Here you go.

082:58:06 Borman (onboard): We're doing fine; why don't you go to bed? I'll (garble). Just tell me what the click - just turn that thing? Look! This thing here? Right over your head?

082:58:26 Borman (onboard): No, I want you to get to bed. Come on now. You've been up all the time; it's in the Flight Plan. God damn it, go to bed! To hell with the other stuff! We'll bust our ass for it.

082:58:42 Borman (onboard): Do I just turn that when the time comes? What do I have to do to start it?

082:59:53 Anders (onboard): (Garbled) eighth; it's going to start with me.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston here. You heard Borman and since that conversation, the project manager George Low has come over to our console and he said that he urged me to make it very clear that Apollo spacecraft Program Office is altogether happy with the data they have gotten today and they feel like they have gotten as nearly 100 percent of the data as they could possibly get. He is quite pleased with it and he is ready to give the crew a well earned little extra bonus rest. According to the last information we have from the Flight Director, Cliff Charlesworth, and from the incoming Flight Director, we are going through a change of shifts here. We will still have the television pass as scheduled at about 8:25 or 8:27 in Houston time, to last approximately 45 minutes. We'll refine more as we get to it. Let me check my log here. We show it scheduled for 85 hours, 37 minutes as delineated earlier in the day. It used to run to 86 hours, 14 minutes. That's Elapsed Time and this is Apollo Control, Houston; at 82 hours, 59 minutes."

083:02:54 Anders (onboard): (Garbled) stay 1 more minute.

083:03:01 Borman (onboard): I know it. Get going! I think this is a closed issue. Get to bed!

083:03:07 Borman (onboard): I don't care; get to bed!

083:03:09 Borman (onboard): No, you get to bed; get your ass to bed. You quit wasting one - one - I - I - I - I don't want to talk about it.

083:03:20 Borman (onboard): Shut up; go to sleep, both of you guys.

083:03:27 Borman (onboard): I'll just click it on when the time comes.

083:03:32 Borman (onboard): You should see your eyes; get to bed!

083:03:35 Borman (onboard): Don't worry about the exposure business, Goddamn it, Anders; get to bed! Right now! Come on!

083:05:05 Borman (onboard): I don't want (garble) All right. You want me to take some pictures? Get some sleep now. You've only got a couple hours, Bill, before we're going to have to be fresh again.

083:05:20 Borman (onboard): Yes. Okay. I'll take care of it all. All right. I just got up, remember? I slept for 4 hours.

083:05:34 Borman (onboard): No, I didn't.

083:05:40 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

083:05:42 Borman (onboard): Yes. Go to sleep.

083:05:46 Borman (onboard): Houston already came back and said, "Fine."

083:05:52 Borman (onboard): Yes.

083:05:59 Borman (onboard): A quick snooze, and you guys will feel a hell of a lot better tomorrow.

083:06:45 Borman (onboard): Well, you're tired; it's not cold.

083:06:51 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 83 hours, 11 minutes. At the present time, Apollo 8 is nearing the end of it's seventh revolution. We've had Loss Of Signal now for about 16 minutes. Our displays here in Mission Control Center show that we should reacquire the spacecraft again in about 30 minutes. At the present time here in Mission Control Center, Flight Director Milton Windler is in the process of relieving Clifford Charlesworth, and our Capsule Communicator will be Ken Mattingly replacing Mike Collins in that position. Windler at present is going over the status of the spacecraft and the mission with his team of flight controllers. And as I said we will be reacquiring the spacecraft again in about 30 minutes. At the present time, all systems aboard the spacecraft look good, and as you heard in previous conversation shortly before we had Loss Of Signal, Lovell is sleeping at the present time, and the crew is modifying the Flight Plan to allow both Lovell and Anders to get some sleep or rest at least before the Trans-Earth Injection maneuver scheduled to occur at 89 hours, 15 minutes into the flight. At 83 hours, 12 minutes; this is Apollo Control, Houston."

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston, at 83 hours, 41 minutes into the mission. We're standing by at this time to reacquire the spacecraft as it comes over the lunar horizon on it's eighth revolution. Here in Mission Control Center, Flight Director Milton Windler and his team of flight controllers are becoming busily involved in becoming prepared for the Trans-Earth Injection burn, scheduled to occur at 89 hours, 15 minutes. Particularly, the flight dynamics people down in the front of the Control Center. They are, of course, the gentlemen who will be coming up with the information needed by the crew for the maneuver, and they are very heavily involved in that at the present time. We'll stand by for Capsule Communicator Ken Mattingly to put in a call to the crew as we reacquire at the signal now at about 1 or 2 seconds."

083:42:18 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8.

083:42:21 Mattingly: Apollo 8, loud and clear.

083:42:24 Borman: Roger.

[Very long comm break.]
083:43:22 Borman (onboard): Fine, I'm fine.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control. During this pass on the eighth revolution across the front side of the Moon, we expect to begin passing up some information to the crew relevant to that Trans-Earth Injection maneuver. We do anticipate that both Lovell and Anders will be resting at this time. Shortly before we lost to the spacecraft, on the previous revolution, Borman advised us that Lovell was sleeping, and he said that he had removed a number of items from the Flight Plan in order that both Jim Lovell and Bill Anders would be able to get some rest before this Trans-Earth Injection maneuver. We'll continue to monitor here and anticipate that we will be having some conversation with Borman shortly."

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 83 hours, 54 minutes. We just put in a call to the spacecraft. Conversation with them at this time and we will pick that up for you at this time."

083:53:44 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston.

083:53:49 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

083:53:51 Mattingly: Roger, Apollo 8. Couple of notes for you: on the P52 you are coming up to on this rev, we've looked at your state vectors and all your information. The platform looks good, and it appears that it is your option if you would like to bypass this P52; your platform will still be good at the following TEI pass. And we would like to have your PRD reading and I guess we are behind the sleep summary, over.

083:54:28 Borman: Okay. Well, Jim and Bill are both resting now. I had about 3 or 4 hours earlier today.

083:54:41 Mattingly: Roger. Copy. (Pause.)

083:54:47 Borman: And this PRD now reads 144.

083:54:50 Mattingly: Copy, 144. And we have an update ready to go into your computer for the state vector if you want to go to P00 and Accept.

083:55:07 Borman: P00 and Accept.

083:55:09 Mattingly: Thank you.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Houston. We're continuing to stand by here for further conversation. At the present time, the spacecraft is transmitting back to us with their omni antennas and there will be about 12 or 13 minutes before we bring on the High Gain. At that point, we would expect that the noise level would drop off somewhat. We are also here in Mission Control going ahead with the TV circuits - calling up those circuits and maintaining on the assumption that we will have TV transmission at the scheduled time, and that is 85 hours, 40 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. At the beginning we have not had confirmation of that from the crew, and as you heard earlier, Borman indicated that he would be deleting some items from the Flight Plan. However, the feeling at the present time here in the Mission Control Center is that the television transmission will occur on schedule unless we are advised otherwise by the crew. We'll continue to monitor here for a short while. If we don't pick up some conversation, we'll take the circuit down and pick up again when we are in contact with the crew."

083:59:52 Borman: Now, we are standing by to copy the TEI-9 PAD. (Long pause.)

084:00:14 Mattingly: Okay, Apollo 8, we have completed with the computer. You can use the Verb 47 to transfer and I have the TEI-9 PAD.

084:00:26 Borman: That's Ken, isn't it? Just a minute and I'll take care of it.

084:00:30 Mattingly: Roger. (Long pause.)

084:01:08 Borman: Okay, I went to P00 and then Verb 47, and I'm ready to copy.

084:01:12 Mattingly: Okay. Do you have it in Block?

084:01:17 Borman: Say again.

084:01:18 Mattingly: I say, do you have the Up Telemetry in Block?

084:01:2X Borman: [onboard] It's in Block.

084:01:24 Borman: Roger.

084:01:26 Mattingly: Okay. This PAD is a TEI-9; SPS/G&N; 45597; minus 0.40, plus 1.57, 087:19:18.20; plus 3418.8, minus 0135.3, plus 0078.0; 180, 008, 001; November Alpha, plus 0018.7; 3422.3, 3:13, 34021; 42, 089.8, 25.3; 033, down 13.1, left 2.8; plus 07.58, minus 165.00; 1298.7, 36277, 146:48:16; primary star, Sirius; secondary, Rigel; 129, 155, 010; 4 quads, 15 second ullage; horizon's on 1.2-degree window line at T minus 3; use high speed procedure with minus Mike Alpha. After looking at the burn information from your previous SPS burns, it appears that the engine performance should give us a 3-second burn time, longer than what you have on the PAD. The PAD number should correspond with what you get out of the computer. So we have not factored this into the past data; however, you can anticipate the engine for a normal Delta-V to give you a 3-second - 3.7-second burn in excess of the computed times. Over.

084:05:52 Borman: Roger. Thank you.

084:06:02 Borman: TEI-9; SPS/G&N; 45597; minus 0.40, plus 1.57; 087:19:18.20; plus 3418.8, minus 0135.3, plus 0078.0; 180, 008, 001; N/A, plus 0018.7; 3422.3, 3:13, 3402.1; 42, 089.8, 25.3; 033, down 13.1, left 2.8; plus 07.58, minus 165.00; 1298.7, plus - or 36277, 146:48:16; and that's Sirus and Rigel; 129, 155, 010; 4 jet, 15 seconds; 1.2-degrees on the window at T minus 3, high speed minus MA, engine 3.7 seconds longer than given.

084:07:11 Mattingly: That's affirmative, Apollo 8. And when you get around to it, if you would like for us to dump your tape, we can do that when you get on High Gain.

084:07:25 Borman: Roger. (Long pause.)

084:08:06 Borman: Okay. Should have it on the High Gain now, Houston.

084:08:10 Mattingly: Roger. And we're going to go ahead and dump the tape.

084:08:20 Borman: Roger. (Long pause.)

084:08:42 Borman: Ken, will we get the real TEI PAD the next time around now? (Pause.)

084:09:04 Mattingly: Apollo 8, we'll have one for you the next time around, and we'll update it if necessary on the following rev.

084:09:14: Okay.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "At present time the spacecraft is crossing over the Sea of Tranquility, and it's approaching the terminator, the point at which it will go into darkness - actually not total darkness - that would be the area of the Moon that would be lighted by Earthshine, and from previous reports - Stand by. We have a call from the crew."

084:11:34 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8.

084:11:36 Mattingly: Go ahead.

084:11:40 Borman: Do you have any idea why quad B seems so much lower in quantity than the other three quads?

084:11:47 Mattingly: Stand by.

[Long comm break.]
084:15:48 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston.

084:15:52 Borman: Go ahead.

084:15:54 Mattingly: Okay. It looks to us like, although we're reading out the same thing you are on the quad quantity, using the computer program and all of the correction factors that are in there, it looks like all four of your quads are very close. In pounds, it looks like you have, for example. 193 pounds in quad A and 189 in B, 200 in C, and 190 in Delta. And the difference that you read on the gauge is attributed to the fact that you don't have all of the correction factors in there. This ground calculation has an accuracy of about plus or minus 6 percent and the best you can do onboard, even using your chart, is plus or minus 10 percent. Over.

084:16:44 Borman: Thank you.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 84 hours, 18 minutes. At this point, we have passed all of the information that Flight Director, Milton Windler wanted to get to the crew on this pass, on the 8th revolution, and we anticipate that any further conversation with the spacecraft before we lose signal in about 36 minutes, will be initiated by the crew. We'll continue to monitor and pick up the conversation as it develops. At the present time, it appears that Frank Borman is the active crewman. Lovell and Anders, we expect, are getting some rest at this time in preparation for the busy schedule they're going to have during the Trans-Earth Injection maneuver."

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. We've had one very brief conversation with the crew since our previous report, and we'll pick that up and come up live with conversation that is developing at this time."

084:24:35 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston. The tape recorder is back to you.

084:24:42 Borman: Thank you.

[Comm break.]
084:25:20 Lovell (onboard): Hey, Bill, (garble) aspirin.

084:25:24 Borman (onboard): You got a headache?

084:25:28 Borman (onboard): Hey, you don't have to tell them about aspirin. I told Berry (garble); just the other two.

084:25:39 Borman (onboard): Yes, you ought to be good and tired, too.

084:26:28 Borman (onboard): There's a magazine floating around. Can you grab that please, Jim?

084:26:47 Borman (onboard): Huh? It's for you to sleep.

084:26:51 Borman (onboard): Hey, this little radiometer that I got is up to 124 now. What's yours reading?

084:26:54 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston.

084:27:00 Borman: Go ahead.

084:27:02 Mattingly: Okay, we've just finished looking at all your systems and all the trajectory information, and you have the Go for another rev.

084:27:13 Borman: Thank you. [Long pause.]

084:27:14 Borman (onboard): Do what? Yes.

084:27:41 Borman: I understand we're Go for rev 9.

084:27:47 Mattingly: That's affirmative, 8.

[Comm break.]
084:27:52 Borman (onboard): I feel - I - Listen, I'll be the first to tell you I had enough sense; I went down and crapped out before.

084:29:01 Borman: How's the weather down there, Ken?

084:29:03 Mattingly: It's really beautiful; loud and clear, and just right in temperature.

084:29:12 Borman: How about the recovery area?

084:29:14 Mattingly: That's looking real good.

084:29:19 Borman: Very good.

084:29:24 Mattingly: Yeah. They told us that there is a beautiful Moon out there.

084:29:32: Now, I was just saying that there's a beautiful Earth out there.

084:29:36 Mattingly: It depends on your point of view.

084:29:40 Borman: Yeah. (Long pause.)

084:29:55 Borman (onboard): Almost...

084:29:54 Mattingly: If you're looking for things to do up there, Frank, you might hit that biomed switch over to the left position.

084:30:02 Borman: Okay. (Long pause.)

084:30:42 Borman: Are you ready?

084:30:44 Mattingly: All set.

084:30:46 Borman: 5, 4, 3 [hears Mattingly] - Say again.

084:30:53 Mattingly: We've got the computers waiting.

084:30:55 Borman: Ken, are you ready? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

084:31:00 Borman: Mark.

[Comm break.]
084:33:37 Borman (onboard): How do you read me on Omni A, Ken?

Public Affairs Officer - "Based on that count from Frank Borman aboard the spacecraft, we've concluded here in Mission Control, we have about a 3-second delay from the time the signal is sent until we receive it here."

084:34:07 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8. How do you read?

084:34:09 Mattingly: I'm reading you weak, but clear, Frank.

084:34:16 Borman: How about this antenna? Is that any better?

084:34:18 Mattingly: It's a little louder.

084:34:26 Borman: Okay.

[Long comm break.]
084:34:35 Borman (onboard): [Whistling.]

084:35:04 Lovell (onboard): [Garbled.] align (garble)?

084:35:06 Borman (onboard): We didn't have to do one, Jim. No, they said that they'd checked it, and it looked real good, and they'd let you sleep.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control. At the present time, we seem to be getting a fair amount of noise on the circuit. We'll stand by to pick up conversations again should they develop and take the circuit down at this time."

084:39:45 Borman: Hey, Ken, how'd you pull a duty on Satur - on Christmas Eve? You know, it happens to bachelors every time, doesn't it?

084:39:52 Mattingly: I wouldn't be anywhere else tonight.

[Comm break.]
084:39:55 Borman (onboard): Ha, ha.

084:42:08 Borman: Ken, how's the MSFN tracking on this lunar orbit coming out? [Long pause.]

084:42:27 Mattingly: Okay. Frank, it's looking like it's coming right down the pike. It's doing just what it is supposed to, and apparently, all our computer programs have got the right numbers in them because they're predicting where you're going.

084:42:42 Borman: Have they covered any of these anomalies due to hard spots [mascons]?

084:42:48 Mattingly: Rog. They're detectable, but they're not changing things enough to be anything more than - of interest.

084:42:58 Borman: Fine. Hope they are as good with the corridor as they were with the LOI. That was beautiful.

084:43:03 Mattingly: It sure was. That's - that's is textbook all the way.

[Comm break.]
084:44:24 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston.

084:43:29 Borman: Go ahead.

084:44:31 Mattingly: Okay. We're about - inside 10 minutes till LOS We'll be picking you up again at 85:40, and we'll have all of the TV types information standing by. In the event that the situation develops again for pointing accuracies, if I see anything that looks like a terminator or anything of that nature, I'm going to call the dark side of it 12 o'clock, and use that as a reference system, and we'll try that. If that doesn't dope out any problems with camera pointing, why I may try - call for a plus pitch and then I'll just correct what I see to account for it.

084:45:16 Borman: Roger. We're not going to use that telephoto lens. I don't believe we'll be able to get a picture of the Earth. It's going to have to be the terminator, the lunar surface. I'm looking at the Earth right now; and we won't see it again during that period.

084:45:31 Mattingly: Okay. Real fine then. And next time around, why, we'll take an extra special look at all of the parameters; we'll have our TEI PAD for you. And we'll use the last rev for a real good hack on all the systems. I'll give you a run down by system of all things we see, and where they stand.

084:45:55 Borman: Okay, fine.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 84 hours, 47 minutes into the flight. We've just reviewed with Frank Borman the procedures and plans we have for our television pass coming up on the next revolution, and we'll ... continue to follow for any live communications with the spacecraft."

084:50:15 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston. We're approaching 4 minutes to LOS. All systems are Go.

084:50:25 Borman: Roger. Thank you.

[Very long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "Part of the transmission on that last conversation was a little bit difficult to copy. We were able to copy Borman saying that he would not be able to get pictures of the Earth on this TV pass coming up on our next revolution. And he indicated that he did not plan to attempt to use the telephoto lens. The estimation here in Mission Control Center is that he will not be in a proper attitude to get a shot out the window of Earth, and therefore would not be using the telephoto lens. We're now 2 minutes, 35 seconds away from Loss Of Signal from the spacecraft. We'll reacquire again about 46 minutes after we lose contact. At 84 hours, 52 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control."

085:02:19 Borman (onboard): You sick, Jim?

085:07:03 Borman (onboard): Yes. Fine.

085:07:08 Borman (onboard): I'll call you all in about 15 minutes for that TV show.

085:12:32 Borman (onboard): You sick?

085:13:27 Borman (onboard): We might as well go ahead. We might as well go ahead. Yes, we've got about 15 minutes to get set up.

085:13:34 Borman (onboard): Huh? Well, we've got to get the TV out now. I don't think we ought to screw around with this.

085:13:40 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:14:34 Anders (onboard): (Garble) TV?

085:14:37 Borman (onboard): Well, let's talk about that; that's what I wanted.

085:14:40 Borman (onboard): Why don't we do this? Why don't you hold it out the window, like you did, and each one of us talk...

085:14:47 Anders (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:14:48 Borman (onboard): Well, they want to hang onto the terminator, but we'll go out, and then you talk about what you saw, and Jim will talk about what he saw, and I'll say a couple of words. And then we'll say something about how this kind of reminds you of how it might have started, and then you read the first four of those (lines of Genesis), and Jim reads the next four, and I'll read the last two, and we'll say good night.

085:15:08 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:15:11 Borman (onboard): No, just this one. I don't want to complicate it any more than that, because we got the High Gain Antenna problem and everything.

085:15:20 Lovell (onboard): Why don't we (garble)?

085:15:22 Borman (onboard): Hey, wait. We've got to do it up right because there will be more people listening to this than ever listened to any other single person in history.

085:15:39 Lovell (onboard): (Garble) first four (garble).

085:15:41 Borman (onboard): Let Bill say the first four, and you say the next four, and I'll say the last two. There's no more.

085:16:03 Borman (onboard): Just put it away; don't you have time to?

085:16:08 Borman (onboard): All right.

085:16:20 Borman (onboard): No, I don't know where the tape is.

085:16:23 Borman (onboard): Huh? What'd you say, Bill?

085:16:38 Borman (onboard): Okay?

085:17:03 Borman (onboard): Then as soon as we go, through this, we go into a GI party. Everything gets put up, and we'll concentrate on TEI. Okay?

085:17:17 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:17:18 Borman (onboard): We've got a lot of time.

085:17:23 Borman (onboard): Store all the cameras, store everything, because this burn will be a bang. How much do you need? What rate?

085:18:28 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:18:29 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:18:34 Borman (onboard): I can't hear you.

085:18:36 Borman (onboard): No. Yes, I got it completed.

085:18:43 Borman (onboard): That long? Here.

085:19:46 Borman (onboard): Why don't we each talk about one thing that impressed us most out of what we saw and describe it? Okay?

085:19:57 Borman (onboard): How much do you have? The same?

085:20:20 Borman (onboard): How (garble) a change?

085:20:26 Anders (onboard): We ought to make it perfectly.

085:20:28 Borman (onboard): Yes, they wanted it to drag on a little bit longer, but we'll cut it off when we feel like it. Okay?

085:20:43 Borman (onboard): Yes, then we could take all the lunar stuff and put it somewhere; you know, all the maps and things

085:20:48 Lovell (onboard): Yes, I got (garble).

085:20:49 Borman (onboard): ...and we'll put it all in one place and get the whole - Put all the cameras away and get the whole damn thing in shipshape.

085:21:02 Borman (onboard): Because now she's going to take us home!

085:21:13 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:21:39 Borman (onboard): Let's only have the stuff out we're going to need to operate with for the burn. Here's some stuff stuck up here. There's cameras floating all over the place. Jim, fix me one of those.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. 85 hours, 21 minutes into the flight. A little more than 20 minutes since we have been in touch with Apollo 8. We should reacquire in about 18 minutes. To recap a bit, the crew was given a few hours extra rest, particularly Jim Lovell. On the 7th rev, Bill Anders, we presume, is also getting some nap time prior to the trans-Earth burn a little later tonight. One or two things might be pointed up from today's revolutions around the Earth (means Moon), we have noted the temperature excursions that have occurred. They weren't entirely unpredicted but the variance interested people here on the consoles. Excursions over a 50 degree range. Another point that is proving interesting here, with the passage of each rev, is the fact that our apogee tends to grow ever so slightly and our perigee tends to shrink. This has not been the experience in Earth orbital flight. The apogee tends to shrink ever so slightly and the perigee usually remains stable coming down somewhat but in the Earth orbital experience is explained by the ever so slight amount of drag exercised on the spacecraft at perigee which tends to cool down the apogee to slow the spacecraft somewhat at perigee and the effect of it comes in at the high point of the orbit then tends to drop it down somewhat. Somewhat the opposite effect seems to be taking place in these revolutions around the Moon. We have plots here on the first rev of 60.5 miles for apogee versus 60.9 perigee. The next rev 60.4 apogee versus 61.7 perigee and a 62 versus 60.1 and a 62.3 apogee a versus a 59.8 and the curve continues in that way. It is slight but it is interesting and it does not conform to the orbiting experience. Again another reason for wanting to fly this navigational-operational Apollo 8 mission. At 83 hours, 24 minutes into the flight this is Apollo Control in Houston."

085:21:55 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:21:58 Borman (onboard): All right. Here comes a couple of magazines - I don't know what...

085:22:14 Borman (onboard): What are these?

085:22:25 Borman (onboard): That doesn't (garble) - You better put all the camera equipment away in one place.

085:22:29 Lovell (onboard): Here we go.

085:23:34 Borman (onboard): This one? Huh?

085:23:37 Borman (onboard): No, put everything away.

085:23:56 Borman (onboard): Got this big 16-millimeter camera and the camera cord.

085:24:03 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:24:06 Borman (onboard): It's about 10 minutes.

085:24:11 Borman (onboard): You want to tape that?

085:24:14 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:24:19 Borman (onboard): Where do these brackets go?

085:24:22 Borman (onboard): All right.

085:24:52 Borman (onboard): Man, I wonder how...

085:24:57 Borman (onboard): Huh? I wonder how in the hell it goes in here. Who took it out?

085:25:39 Borman (onboard): You sure this one came out of here, too, Bill?

085:25:42 Anders (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:25:46 Borman (onboard): Jim, where did you get this camera bracket out of?

085:25:49 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:25:51 Borman (onboard): They did?

085:25:56 Borman (onboard): Who's cutting - Somebody's closing off one of those inlets somewhere.

085:26:03 Borman (onboard): Is that toothpaste thing of yours going over that one, Bill.?

085:26:09 Borman (onboard): This one - this compressor started lugging down.

085:26:15 Lovell (onboard): What?

085:26:16 Borman (onboard): I said the compressor started lugging down.

085:27:16 Borman (onboard): Get all this junk off here, all the old P30's - There's - that monocular, too. Where did it go?

085:27:53 Borman (onboard): Huh? Where does that go?

085:28:17 Borman (onboard): There's a (garble).

085:28:19 Borman (onboard): No, put them all away.

085:28:51 Borman (onboard): I got that one; do you want to put them on?

085:29:03 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:29:27 Borman (onboard): I don't know - How - how does this store, Bill? Together or separately?

085:29:30 Anders (onboard): Take...

085:29:40 Borman (onboard): I guess that 150 - 250-millimeter comes off, and this one goes on.

085:30:05 Anders (onboard): Now, we'll open the (garble).

085:30:07 Borman (onboard): That goes on that other camera.

085:30:12 Anders (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:30:14 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

085:30:17 Borman (onboard): Let's take that clip off that wire there, too, shall we? I don't like that.

085:31:54 Lovell (onboard): (Coughing.)

085:32:10 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

085:32:13 Anders (onboard): Flight Plan.

085:32:17 Lovell (onboard): That's it.

085:32:19 Borman (onboard): R3 is open. I got the tape right here.

085:32:36 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:32:43 Borman (onboard): Bill, can we get through this place? Oops.

085:32:55 Borman (onboard): Did you stow the sextant bracket?

085:33:14 Borman (onboard): Bill? Want me to hold it? There it is.

085:34:00 Borman (onboard): After this (garble), I'll store the ORDEAL, too.

085:34:08 Borman (onboard): That should be...

085:34:15 Anders (onboard): (Garble) send down the update (garble).

085:34:20 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:34:23 Borman (onboard): Yes.

085:34:56 Anders (onboard): May I see that blurb - that (garble) thing?

085:34:59 Borman (onboard): The what, Bill?

085:35:00 Anders (onboard): The thing we're supposed to read?

085:35:02 Borman (onboard): Oh, yes, what time is it? 85 something?

085:35:05 Anders (onboard): 85:35.

085:35:07 Lovell (onboard): And then (garble) complicated.

085:35:17 Anders (onboard): There you go. Why don't you get a map, Jim, so we can tell the folks what you're looking at?

085:35:23 Anders (onboard): Which one do you want - What do you want me to read?

085:35:25 Borman (onboard): The first four.

085:35:37 Anders (onboard): Okay.

085:35:39 Borman (onboard): Okay?

085:35:47 Anders (onboard): What time is AOS?

085:35:50 Borman (onboard): I don't know. It should be any time now.

085:36:39 Anders (onboard): I can't see it. There's so much light on here.

085:36:41 Lovell (onboard): It's minus 63 degrees pitch, 350 degrees yaw.

085:37:02 Anders (onboard): I'm not getting anything. What are you going to try to - What window are you going to do it out of?

085:37:06 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:37:09 Anders (onboard): What are you going to do it out of? This side window here, the terminator, or what?

085:37:10 Borman (onboard): I can't hear you.

085:37:11 Anders (onboard): What window are you going to do it out of?

085:37:13 Borman (onboard): Well, wherever we can get the High Gain on. I'll point...

085:37:18 Anders (onboard): We're pointed straight up in the air, now.

085:37:20 Borman (onboard): No, we're not. We're just about horizontal.

085:37:23 Anders (onboard): Oh. My visual is off.

085:37:27 Lovell (onboard): (Singing.)

085:37:36 Lovell (onboard): (Singing.)

085:37:47 Borman (onboard): Probably be best out that rendezvous window there.

085:37:50 Anders (onboard): Yes. If you'd yaw about 30 degrees this way, you could probably pick the Earth coming up over the hill.

085:37:53 Borman (onboard): To the right?

085:37:55 Anders (onboard): Yes.

085:37:57 Borman (onboard): All right.

085:38:00 Anders (onboard): Where abouts are we?

085:38:02 Borman (onboard): Somewhere over the Moon.

085:38:05 Anders (onboard): Here, we'll take it out that window over there...

085:38:07 Borman (onboard): We'll have to yaw to the left, wouldn't I?

085:38:08 Anders (onboard): No, you'll have to yaw to the right, and - to get the rendezvous; maybe pitch up just a little bit.

085:38:15 Borman (onboard): Okay. It's...

085:38:22 Anders (onboard): It's on.

085:38:24 Borman (onboard): Are we getting them?

085:38:25 Anders (onboard): Well, it's just - The trouble is, I don't think would normally get it out the rendezvous window and have the High Gain, too, Frank.

085:38:42 Lovell (onboard): You tell me...

085:38:44 Anders (onboard): The thing to do would be, - if you want to get the Earth, to get the yaw - to yaw up and pitch up.

085:38:57 Borman (onboard): Try to get comm, will you, Bill?

085:39:03 Anders (onboard): Okay, well, gee - I don't see it out there anywhere. Do you? The Earth? I don't think we've had AOS yet.

085:39:14 Lovell (onboard): You're going down, it says right here.

085:39:16 Anders (onboard): I'll know when to get them as soon as we get on an Omni.

085:39:21 Anders (onboard): You'll have to pitch up, Frank; I can't get them now, on - on the...

085:39:24 Borman (onboard): Huh?

085:39:25 Anders (onboard): You'll have to pitch up; I can't get them on the High Gain there. Pitch or - or yaw - pitch up or yaw and/or yaw right.

085:39:34 Borman (onboard): I'll do both.

085:39:35 Anders (onboard): Okay.

Public Affairs Officer - "Apollo Control, Houston, here. 85 hours, 39 minutes and we're very nearly at the acquisition point. Only 10 seconds away. And we should, if we're on plan, move right into a television transmission. The time of 85 hours, 45 minutes has been passed to the crew. The prime site for this picture will be the Goldstone Station from California. We're getting telemetry now via Honeysuckle Creek the dish in Australia. No word yet on Goldstone. Getting a carrier nice, now it should be indicative of transmission coming."

085:39:52 Borman (onboard): How's that steam pressure, Bill?

085:39:53 Anders (onboard): Good.

085:39:54 Lovell (onboard): (Garble) Frank.

085:39:55 Anders (onboard): It isn't even boiling yet.

085:40:02 Anders (onboard): Yes, we just started.

085:40:09 Anders (onboard): Where's the PAD book? Doesn't it have the...

085:40:11 Borman (onboard): Here it comes!

085:40:12 Anders (onboard): Okay.

085:40:13 Borman (onboard): Oh boy!

085:40:14 Lovell (onboard): Get a good shot of her?

085:40:17 Borman (onboard): Yes, see it?

085:40:21 Lovell (onboard): Well, keep the camera there. Keep the camera.

085:40:23 Anders (onboard): Here it comes. Here it comes. But you're not on yet.

085:46:31 Anders (onboard): You got it - you got to do something.

085:40:37 Anders (onboard): Pitch up or yaw...

085:40:39 Borman (onboard): Yaw right?

085:40:46 Anders (onboard): Yaw right.

085:40:45 Lovell (onboard): Oh, Jesus.

085:40:46 Borman (onboard): Oh, I get it off this camera - window over here.

085:40:51 Anders (onboard): Okay.

085:40:54 Lovell (onboard): Houston, Apollo 8.

085:40:58 Anders (onboard): Roll her a little bit. Roll her a little bit to the - to the right.

085:41:06 Lovell (onboard): Here, you want me to fly it just to come a...

085:41:07 Anders (onboard): That one's got it, the roll. Yes, yes. It's the roll that's got it. Roll right, if you can.

085:41:12 Lovell (onboard): We're rolling.

085:41:18 Anders (onboard): Come on, gang.

085:41:25 Lovell (onboard): We're going to radial out. Are we - You got her coming up? You see her, Frank?

085:41:33 Borman (onboard): Yes, it's beautiful.

085:41:39 Anders (onboard): You got to roll.

085:41:41 Lovell (onboard): It's rolling.

085:41:43 Borman (onboard): Watch the gimbal lock.

085:41:45 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

085:42:00 Anders (onboard): You got to roll...

085:42:01 Lovell (onboard): Right.

085:42:02 Anders (onboard): ...and yaw.

085:42:05 Lovell (onboard): We're over 45 degrees in yaw right now.

085:42:10 Lovell (onboard): We're still yawing, and we're still rolling.

085:42:12 Anders (onboard): Where is it, Frank? Point to it.

085:42:13 Borman (onboard): I'm pointing right at it with the camera.

085:42:15 Anders (onboard): Then why in the hell we're not getting it? Okay.

085:42:18 Borman (onboard): Should be getting it.

085:42:20 Anders (onboard): Try again here.

085:42:36 Borman (onboard): Got it?

085:42:37 Lovell (onboard): There, you got it; you're on.

085:42:46 Anders (onboard): There you got it. It was in some kind of a gimbal lock up there.

[That is, lockup of the High Gain Antenna gimbals, not those on the IMU.]
085:42:51 Borman (onboard): Try - try it - call them.

Public Affairs Officer - "There are still no calls. We are a minute and a half into acquisition. The capsule communicator has been advised to pass to the crew, when we acquire, that all of the systems look good."

Public Affairs Officer - "Ten minutes now since we did acquire the spacecraft. Rather noisy data. The data of the 9th revolution around the Moon - we are doing an apogee of 63 miles of a perigee of 58.9 miles; velocity, 5,352 feet per second. We've got a picture here, but - we've got a voice to go with it. Bill Anders."

085:42:56 Anders: Houston.

085:42:57 Lovell (onboard): Houston - Go ahead, go ahead.

085:42:58 Mattingly: Loud and clear and an initial look at your systems are good.

085:42:59 Anders: Houston, Apollo 8. Over.

085:43:03 Mattingly: We've got a picture, Apollo 8.

085:43:07 Anders: Roger. We've got the T - Roger. We've got the TV [garbled]. [Pause.]

085:43:04 Lovell (onboard): Roll - roll left.

085:43:05 Anders (onboard): Huh?

085:43:06 Borman (onboard): Roll left a little, can you?

085:43:07 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

085:43:11 Borman (onboard): Did be say it was a good picture?

085:43:13 Anders: How's the picture look, Houston?

085:43:16 Mattingly: Loud and clear. [Pause.]

085:43:21 Anders: The TV look okay?

085:43:23 Mattingly: That's very good. [Pause.]

085:43:28 Lovell: Welcome from the Moon, Houston.

085:43:28 Borman (onboard): And the world.

085:43:33 Mattingly: Thank you. [Long pause.]

085:43:40 Lovell (onboard): Okay, why don't you describe what - where abouts are we here anyway?

085:43:45 Borman (onboard): Tell them - this camera's just the thing. Tell them what we're going to do.

085:43:54 Lovell (onboard): You got the - got the thingamajig? Want me to roll a little bit?

085:44:00 Anders: Houston, you're seeing a view of the Earth taken below the lunar horizon. We're going to follow the track until the terminator, where we will turn the spacecraft and give you a view of the long shadowed terrain at the terminator, which should come in quite well in the TV

085:44:26 Mattingly: Roger.

Public Affairs Officer - "We're theorizing here that that bright spot in the top left side of your picture is the Earth. That's not very clear."

085:44:28 Lovell: We don't know whether you can see it from the TV screen, but the Moon is nothing but a milky white - completely void.

085:44:35 Borman (onboard): You're going to have to show it out that picture now; I've lost it.

085:44:37 Anders (onboard): Okay.

085:44:41 Lovell: We're changing the cameras to the other window now. [Long pause.]

085:44:41 Anders (onboard): Can you pitch down now and...

085:44:44 Borman (onboard): Pitch down.

085:44:46 Anders (onboard): ...and let me get out the rendezvous window and yaw, maybe?

085:44:50 Lovell (onboard): Which way do you want to yaw?

085:44:50 Anders (onboard): Yaw toward me and away from - away from the Earth.

[For the next 23 minutes, Frank Borman directs a TV broadcast from the spacecraft that he has been concocting in his head for a while now. Realising the historic significance of the flight, and given his own faith, he has arranged a TV show that will extend across the lighted part of the Moon's near side. He has even worked out that the deep shadows of the terminator at the end of the show will look particularly good on the crude TV system thay have. His personal climax, however, will be to have the crew read passages from the Book of Genesis that relate to the creation of the Universe just as they pass into night, and then to keep quiet; to allow time for the significance of the moment to sink into the audience. In the view of this author, whose professional life is in broadcasting, Borman's vision is masterly in its execution. The power of the broadcast has never been forgotten, even if it has been eclipsed by Neil Armstrong's first step.]

[The ability of the TV system to reproduce the subtle tones of the lunar landscape lit by a high Sun is limited and until they near the terminator, the definition is poor. Journal contributors, Ren� and Jonathan Cantin, have produced an extraordinary WMV video file that covers the entire transmission and which uses a split-screen to illustrate and annotate the features in the landscape they are flying over. This is a well-made presentation of this historic transmission and, to keep the quality high, it is necessarily a very large file.]

Apollo 8 TV Broadcast 4. (172 MB)]

085:44:58 Borman: This is Apollo 8, coming to you live from the Moon. We've had to switch the TV camera now. We showed you first a view of Earth as we've been watching it for the past 16 hours. Now we're switching so that we can show you the Moon that we've been flying over at 60 miles altitude for the last 16 hours. Bill Anders, Jim Lovell, and myself have spent the day before Christmas up here doing experiments, taking pictures, and firing our spacecraft engines to maneuver around. What we'll do now is follow the trail that we've been following all day and take you on through to a lunar sunset. The Moon is a different thing to each one of us. I think that each one of - each one carries his own impression of what he's seen today. I know my own impression is that it's a vast, lonely, forbidding-type existence, or expanse of nothing, that looks rather like clouds and clouds of pumice stone...

085:46:09 Anders (onboard): Can't you get it down? I can't see it, Jim.

085:46:13 Borman (onboard): ...and it certainly would not appear to be a very...

085:46:12 Anders (onboard): (Garble) 30 degrees.

085:46:16 Borman:...inviting place to live or work. Jim what have you thought most about?

085:46:23 Lovell: Well, Frank, my thoughts are very similar. The vast loneliness up here of the Moon is awe inspiring, and it makes you realize just what you have back there on Earth. The Earth from here is a grand oasis in the big vastness of space.

085:46:41 Borman: Bill, what do you think?

085:46:44 Anders: I think the thing that impressed me the most was the lunar sunrises and sunsets. These in particular bring out the stark nature of the terrain, and the long shadows really bring out the relief that is here and hard to see at this very bright surface that we're going over right now.

085:47:05 Borman: You're describe - that's not color, Bill. Describe some of the physical features of what you're showing the people.

085:47:10 Anders (onboard): I'm changing to the other window now.

085:47:17 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston. We're not receiving a picture now. Over.

085:47:20 Anders (onboard): What sea are we coming up to? Smyth's Sea?

085:47:20 Lovell (onboard): Yes. Smyth's - Smyth's Sea.

085:47:24 Anders: We're now coming on to Smyth's Sea, a small mare region covered with a dark, level material. There is a fresh, bright, impact crater on the edge towards us and a mountain range on the other side.

085:47:43 Lovell (onboard): Pyrenees. Okay, hold it right there. Hold it.

085:47:46 Anders: These mountains are the Pyrenees. [onboard] Is that right?

085:47:49 Lovell (onboard): No, I take that back; it's [garbled].

087:47:48 Mattingly: Apollo 8, we're not receiving modulation on the signal; we do have sync.

085:47:58 Borman: Are you reading us? Apollo 8, Houston. [onboard] Maybe it's turned off, Bill.

087:48:02 Mattingly: Apollo 8, we're reading you loud and clear, but no picture. We have no modulation.

085:48:03 Borman (onboard): Somehow it got Off again.

085:48:04 Anders (onboard): What?

085:48:07 Lovell: Roger. We understand. Take a look now.

085:48:06 Anders (onboard): It's On now.

085:48:09 Lovell: How about now? Apollo.

085:48:11 Anders (onboard): Yaw it if you can.

085:48:12 Mattingly: Loud and clear. [Pause.]

085:48:13 Borman (onboard): Right or left?

085:48:15 Anders (onboard): Right.

085:48:17 Borman (onboard): Okay.

085:18:18 Anders (onboard): Roll.

085:48:18 Mattingly: Good picture. [Pause.]

085:48:20 Borman (onboard): Right.

085:48:25 Lovell: What you're seeing as we cross Smyth's Sea are the craters Castner and Gilbert...

085:48:30 Borman (onboard): Tell them there's a very bright impact crater now.

085:48:35 Lovell: ...and what we've noticed especially, that you cannot see from the Earth, are the small bright impact craters that dominate the lunar surface. [Long pause.]

085:48:44 Borman (onboard): How's that now, Bill?

085:48:45 Anders (onboard): Yes, the more right roll, the better.

085:48:47 Borman (onboard): All right, more right roll.

085:48:53 Borman (onboard): Can you show the horizon?

085:48:54 Anders (onboard): That's what I'm on.

085:48:57 Borman (onboard): Describe the horizon.

085:49:03 Anders: The horizon here is very, very stark.

085:49:03 Borman (onboard): I can't even see it is the trouble.

085:49:06 Anders: The sky is pitch black, and the Earth - or the Moon, rather, excuse me, is quite line. And the contrast between the sky and the Moon is a vivid dark line. Coming into the view of the camera now are some interesting old double ring craters, some interesting features that are quite common in the mare region and have been filled by some material - the same consistency of the maria and the same color. Here are three or four of these interesting features. Further on the horizon you see the Pyr - [Pause]. [onboard] These are the Pyrenees, aren't they?...

085:49:46 Lovell (onboard): After the Sea of Fertility; first, we're going over the Sea of Crises.

085:49:47 Anders (onboard): What are these mountains?

085:49:49 Lovell (onboard): Well, there's the Foaming Sea.

085:49:54 Anders: Okay. The mountains coming up now are heavily impacted with numerous craters whose central peaks you can see in many of the larger ones.

085:50:08 Lovell: Actually, I think the best way to describe this area is a vastness of black and white, absolutely no color. [Pause.]

085:50:22 Anders: The sky up here is also rather forbidding, foreboding expanse of blackness, with no stars visible when we're flying over the Ear - over the Moon in daylight. [Long pause.]

085:50:33 Lovell (onboard): Are we coming up near our - near our target area?

085:50:38 Borman (onboard): No, I don't think - we've got quite a ways to go.

085:50:47 Lovell (onboard): Do you need this anymore? I'll find out where we are here in a hurry.

085:50:52 Anders: You can see by the numerous craters...

085:50:54 Borman (onboard): Yes, you better leave it on there.

085:50:57 Anders (onboard): ...that this planet has been bombarded through the eons with numerous small asteroids and meteoroids, pock marking the surface every square inch.

085:51:11 Lovell: And one of the amazing features of the surface is the roundness that most of the craters - seems that most of them have a round mound type of appearance instead of sharp, jagged rocks.

085:51:23 Anders: Only the very newest feature is of any sharp definition to them, and eventually they get eroded down by the constant bombardment of small meteorites. [Long pause.]

085:51:33 Lovell (onboard): You hope.

085:51:37 Anders (onboard): Okay, there's two big craters coming up on the right. I don't know which ones they are.

085:51:43 Lovell (onboard): Where? What does it look like here?

085:51:45 Anders: How's the picture now, Houston? [Pause.]

085:51:50 Borman (onboard): Don't tell me we've broken lock.

085:51:53 Anders: Houston, are you reading us?

085:51:54 Mattingly: Loud and clear, and the picture looks real fine.

085:51:56 Borman (onboard): Good.

085:52:00 Anders: Thank you.

085:52:04 Anders: Can you see the two large craters to the - just to the right of our track, Houston? [Pause.]

085:52:15 Mattingly: That's affirmative. [Long pause.]

085:52:20 Anders (onboard): That might be Kastner and Gilbert, although I'm no too sure. I can't see out.

085:52:25 Anders (onboard): It's hard to get me and the camera in the window at the same time (laughter).

085:52:28 Lovell (onboard): Could I look out here just a second just to find out where we are? Well, we're still over the - Okay, we're still over the east side. Here comes Smyth's Sea now.

085:52:51 Anders: The very bright features you see are the new impact craters, and the longer a crater has been on the surface of the Moon, why, the more mottled and subdued it becomes. Some of the... [Stops himself. Long pause.]

[The Flight Director thinks voice contact has been lost and asks Mattingly to check with them.]
085:53:xx Borman (onboard): Hey, Bill, you're not talking to geologists.

085:53:07 Anders (onboard): What do you want me to say?

085:53:09 Lovell (onboard): Here's - here's where we are.

085:53:11 Anders (onboard): Okay. Go ahead...

085:53:12 Lovell (onboard): Smyth's Sea...

085:53:13 Anders (onboard): You read it off.

085:53:18 Lovell (onboard): Excuse me a second.

085:53:25 Mattingly: Apollo 8, we've apparently lost your voice; the picture is still good.

085:53:32 Anders: Roger. [Pause.]

085:53:37 Lovell:. Houston, we're passing over an area that's just to the east of Smyth's Sea now, in checking our charts. Smyth's Sea is coming up in a few minutes.

085:53:51 Mattingly: Roger. [Long pause.]

085:53:52 Anders (onboard): (Garble) that gimbal lock back.

085:53:56 Lovell (onboard): Yes, watch out for gimbal lock, please.

085:54:00 Lovell (onboard): How are you doing, Bill? Can you see it?

085:54:02 Anders (onboard): Yes, that's good. I can't see much out here with this camera in the way.

085:54:13 Borman (onboard): Huh? Bill.

085:54:12 Mattingly: Apollo 8, if you go to P00 and Accept, why, we'll uplink some information. [Long pause.]

[This is so Mission Control can uplink a revised state vector into the slots in memory normally reserved for the Lunar Module.]
085:54:20 Anders (onboard): (Laughter) We're not over Smyth's Sea.

085:54:35 Borman (onboard): Boy, that baby really took some (garble), didn't it?

085:54:43 Anders: We are now coming up towards the terminator, and I hope soon that we'll be able to show you the varying contrast of white as we go into the darkness. [Pause.]

085:54:51 Borman (onboard): Okay.

085:54:53 Lovell (onboard): Well, the terminator's...

085:54:56 Borman: Houston, we're in P00, and you have the computer.

085:54:58 Mattingly: Thank you. [Long pause.]

085:54:58 Lovell (onboard): ...is where we're ending.

085:55:02 Borman (onboard): Don't stop, Bill, (laughter) I didn't mean to cut you off.

085:55:05 Anders (onboard): We'll have another thought soon - there are a lot of holes down there.

085:55:16 Anders: We're now approaching a series of small impact craters. There is a dark area between us and them which could possibily be an old lava flow. [Long pause.]

085:55:37 Anders (onboard): We going sideways?

085:55:38 Borman (onboard): (or CMP) Yes.

085:55:42 Lovell (onboard): Is that crater on the backside called Tchaikovsky Kil - Kil - Kilkowsky [Tsiolkovsky] or something like that?

085:55:50 Anders (onboard): It's an old Russian name, isn't it? That's the Goddard of...

085:55:54 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

085:55:57 Anders: You can see the large mountains on the horizon now ahead of the spacecraft, to the north of our track. [Long pause.]

085:56:07 Lovell (onboard): Okay. (garble) his camera over there (garble).

085:56:08 Anders (onboard): Are those the Pyrenees?

085:56:14 Lovell (onboard): I'm checking that. No, we - think maybe - No, there's a bright crater right there.

Public Affairs Officer - "We estimated about 325 miles to the horizon just to help your reference."

085:56:25 Anders: The intensity of the Sun's reflection in this area...

085:56:24 Lovell (onboard): Unless we could have rotated off here.

085:56:28 Anders: ...makes it difficult for us to distinguish the features we see on the surface, and I suppose it's even harder on the television, but as we approach the terminator and the shadows become longer, you'll see a marked change. [Long pause.]

085:56:48 Lovell (onboard): I don't know where we are now because we yawed off so much.

085:56:51 Anders (onboard): We're going sideways. Frank's window would be the best one to look - Do you see the terminator coming yet, Frank?

085:56:55 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

085:56:56 Borman (onboard): I don't know which way it is. I - I didn't look to see which way we were going.

085:57:00 Anders: There's a very dark crater in the filling material in this valley in front of us now. It is rather unusual in that it is sharply defined, yet it's dark all over its interior walls, whereas most new-looking craters are of very bright interior. [Long pause.]

085:57:38 Anders: Small impact crater in front of us now in the little mare. It's well defined, quite new, and another one approaching. The spacecraft is facing north. From our track, we are going sideways to our left. [Long pause.]

085:57:57 Anders (onboard): What is that mare up there now, that big one?

085:58:00 Lovell (onboard): Straight ahead?

085:58:01 Anders (onboard): Yes.

085:58:03 Lovell (onboard): North? Okay, let me check it here. Well, there's the Sea of Crises coming up - Oh, that big one is the Sea of Crises over there.

085:58:11 Anders: You are now...

085:58:11 Lovell (onboard): I made a mistake with the...

085:58:12 Anders (onboard): ...seeing the Sea of Crises coming over the horizon. [Long pause.] [onboard] What's the name of that crater right between us and it?

085:58:16 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'll get it for you right now. That's - Condorcet Crater.

085:58:28 Anders (onboard): Condorcet?

085:58:30 Lovell (onboard): Let me see just to make sure. Are we under a sea right now, Smyth's Sea? That's the Condorcet Crater. Condorcet.

085:58:37 Anders: We believe the crater, the large dark crater between the spacecraft and the Sea of Crises is Condorcet crater. The Sea of Crises is amazingly smooth as far as the horizon and past this rather rough, mountainous region in front of the spacecraft. [Long pause.]

085:58:54 Lovell (onboard): How are you doing? (Garble).

085:58:56 Borman (onboard): (Garble.)

085:59:10 Mattingly: Apollo 8, we are through with the computer, if you go back to Block, and it looks like we are getting a lot of reflection off your window now. [Long pause.]

085:59:20 Borman (onboard): You want me to try it out this window?

085:59:21 Anders (onboard): Yes, that'll be better.

085:59:25 Anders: Roger. We'll switch windows. [Long pause.]

085:59:24 Borman (onboard): I'll have to watch out for gimabal lock this way

085:59:29 Borman (onboard): Is it still On, Bill?

085:59:31 Anders (onboard): Yes. Be careful when you grab that handle, because apparently you can turn it Off.

085:59:35 Borman (onboard): Ask him how that is.

085:59:39 Anders: How's that look now, Ken?

085:59:41 Mattingly: That's real fine. [Long pause.]

085:59:45 Anders (onboard): Okay, you'll have to - (garble) I can't see where you are, Frank.

085:59:58 Borman (onboard): I wonder what - Oh, hell.

086:00:02 Anders (onboard): Okay, what is the problem here? Okay.

086:00:11 Borman (onboard): Pitch up.

086:00:12 Lovell (onboard): I can't pitch up too much.

086:00:13 Anders (onboard): Can you roll? Don't pitch up, just roll You can roll...

086:00:18 Lovell (onboard): Right?

086:00:19 Anders (onboard): Roll right, and you can yaw - yaw left, - Get your right gimbal off a little bit. Roll right and yaw left.

086:00:26 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'm doing it.

086:00:26 Mattingly: Apollo 8, can you tell us which window you are looking out? And there is a large crater, looks like it is sticking up in the upper right hand corner of our picture. Can you identify that one? [Pause.]

086:00:35 Anders (onboard): All right, you better - We're going to lose it if you don't move over.

086:00:43 Anders: Roger. We are just about to lose our lock here. That's why we are slowing up a little bit. [onboard] You're alright.

086:00:50 Anders: We see the Sea of Crises in front of us now. We are looking out the left hand rendezvous window. [Pause.]

086:00:55 Lovell (onboard): That might be - Firmicus.

086:00:59 Borman (onboard): What's the name of the crater out in the Sea of Crises? That's probably the one they're talking about.

086:01:02 Lovell (onboard): Picard is right out there on the right-hand - left-hand side of it.

086:01:06 Anders: We... [Long pause.]

086:01:06 Borman (onboard): How are we going to keep lock now, Bill?

086:01:08 Anders (onboard): Okay, keep - the thing to do is to - is to roll right - is the best thing to do.

086:01:16 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'm rolling right. I've got - I'm in there right now...

086:01:20 Anders (onboard): Well, we're not able - That's their problem.

086:01:23 Borman (onboard): Their problem?

086:01:24 Lovell (onboard): Tell them that's Picard.

086:01:28 Anders: Houston, how you reading us now?

086:01:30 Mattingly: Loud and clear.

086:01:34 Anders: The crater you see on the horizon is the Sea of Crises. [Pause through static.] How are you reading us, Houston?

086:01:47 Mattingly: Loud and clear, Apollo 8, and we have a picture that's good.

086:01:53 Anders: Roger. We are getting a lot of static. The Sea of Crises is in front of us on the horizon, and the dark crater Picard can be seen in the middle. We are now breaking the Moon's sunrise or the spacecraft's sunset. This is an area that the Sun has just recently come up on the Moon. [Long pause.]

086:02:23 Anders (onboard): What's this - what sea are we over now, Jim?

086:02:28 Lovell (onboard): This is part of the Sea of...

086:02:29 Anders (onboard): Don't - don't - You better - you better yaw a little bit to the left. You're going to get the Sun on Frank's window now.

086:02:36 Borman (onboard): Yes, yaw left.

086:02:39 Lovell (onboard): Do you want me to still roll?

086:02:42 Anders: See the mare we're over now has a mottled look about it,...

086:02:45 Lovell (onboard): The Sea of Fertility we're on.

086:02:48 Anders: ...but not very heavily cratered, so it must be relatively new.

086:02:50 Lovell (onboard): We're over the Sea of Fertility.

086:02:53 Anders: This is the Sea of Fertility, and we're coming up on a large crater, the delta rim variety. [Pause.] Has a strange circular cracks pattern around the middle of it. [Long pause.]

086:03:14 Anders (onboard): How many miles across is that crater?

086:03:17 Lovell (onboard): Is that - You're looking at Taruntius?

086:03:20 Anders (onboard): Yes.

086:03:21 Lovell (onboard): Taruntius, probably.

086:03:24 Anders (onboard): Yes, how many - Just give me a guess. 20 miles? 30miles?

086:03:29 Lovell (onboard): Must be 30 or 40 miles.

086:03:31 Anders: The crater that you're seeing now is about 30 or 40 miles across. [Long pause.]

086:03:37 Anders (onboard): Ro - You better - You better roll left.

086:03:40 Lovell (onboard): Roll left?

086:03:41 Anders (onboard): Yes.

086:03:44 Borman (onboard): Yaw left, too. I see the - Here's Earth in our background.

086:03:49 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I'm rolling left.

086:03:51 Anders: How's your picture quality, Houston?

086:03:55 Mattingly: This is phenomenal!

086:04:00 Anders: There is an interesting rille directly in front of the spacecraft now, running along the edge of a small mountain: rather sinuous shape with right angle turns. [Long pause.] [onboard] What - what - Keep rolling - keep rolling - You're - Roll it left, Jim.

086:04:22 Lovell (onboard): Roll left, okay.

086:04:30 Lovell: This area just to the west of the Sea of Crises is called the Marsh of Sleep, and to the west of that is the Sea of Tranquillity.

086:04:40 Anders: Can you see the fracture patterns going across the mare in front of us now, Houston?

086:04:46 Borman (onboard): Now, you better stop the roll.

086:04:47 Mattingly: That doesn't quite stand out.

086:04:48 Anders (onboard): Yes.

086:04:49 Lovell (onboard): Cut the roll.

086:04:53 Anders: Roger. The series of cracks or faults across the middle of the mare; they drop down in about three steps to the south. The parallel fault pattern to the north has a drop-down in the center. [Long pause.] [onboard] I think you may be going too far now, Jim.

086:05:16 Lovell (onboard): Too far which way?

086:05:17 Anders (onboard): Yawing a little bit too far left.

086:05:19 Lovell (onboard): Yawing too far left?

086:05:20 Anders (onboard): Yes, why don't you yaw right a little bit?

086:05:22 Borman (onboard): Yaw right a little bit.

086:05:23 Anders (onboard): Yes, we want to...

086:05:24 Borman (onboard): Yaw right.

086:05:25 Anders (onboard): Or else, you may just - If you went to keep going, I'll put it out this window now.

086:05:28 Borman (onboard): That's fine on there - that's fine. Who do you want to give it to?

086:05:32 Lovell (onboard): Now, that crater right out there is - that nice round one is...

086:05:39 Anders (onboard): Well, they can - Frank is at the other one.

086:05:42 Anders: I hope that all of you back on Earth can see what we mean when we say that it's a rather foreboding horizon, a very - rather...

086:05:49 Borman (onboard): Stark, maybe.

086:05:50 Anders: ...stark and unappetizing looking place.

086:05:53 Anders (onboard): Is this our landing site we're going over now?

086:05:55 Lovell (onboard): Yes, this is our landing site right down here.

086:05:58 Anders (onboard): We're now going over our...

086:05:53 Lovell (onboard): Approaching our landing site.

086:06:00 Anders: ...approaching one of our future landing sites...

086:06:00 Lovell (onboard): Right now.

086:06:02 Anders: ...selected in this smooth region to...

086:06:05 Lovell (onboard): Called the Sea of Tranquility.

086:06:67 Anders: ...called the Sea of Tranquility - smooth in order to make it easy for the initial landing attempts in order to preclude having to dodge mountains. Now you can see the long shadows of the lunar sunrise. [Long pause.]

086:06:26 Borman (onboard): Hey, why don't we start reading that thing, and that would be a good place to end it.

086:06:34 Lovell (onboard): No, we've got to go into it very nicely. Why don't we - as we go into sunset...

086:06:36 Anders (onboard): Right.

086:06:37 Lovell (onboard): ...or is it sunrise? This is sunrise, yes. We're approaching lunar sunrise.

086:06:40 Anders: We are now approaching lunar sunrise, and for all the people back on Earth, the crew of Apollo 8 has a message that we would like to send to you.

086:06:56 Anders: In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth. And the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and God said, "Let there be light." And there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. [Pause.]

086:07:24 Lovell (onboard): You got it, Frank.

086:07:25 Borman (onboard): No, it's your...

086:07:29 Lovell: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. And let it divide the waters from the waters." And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. [Pause.]

086:07:59 Borman (onboard): Can you hold this camera?

086:08:00 Anders (onboard): You want to pass it over here, Jim?

086:08:02 Borman (onboard): No, it's perfect right where it is.

086:08:03 Anders (onboard): Okay.

086:08:07 Borman: And God said, "Let the waters under the Heavens be gathered together into one place. And let the dry land appear." And it was so. And God called the dry land Earth. And the gathering together of the waters called he seas. And God saw that it was good. And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas and God bless all of you - all of you on the good Earth.

[Comm break.]
086:08:39 Lovell (onboard): That's it.

086:08:40 Borman (onboard): Don't say anymore now.

086:08:41 Anders (onboard): I just turned it Off. You want it On again?

086:08:42 Borman (onboard): No. leave it Off. Great! Great!

086:08:43 Anders (onboard): Off?

086:08:44 Borman (onboard): Yes.

086:08:45 Anders (onboard): Okay.

086:08:46 Lovell (onboard): Camera's Off?

086:08:47 Anders (onboard): Yes.

086:08:49 Borman (onboard): Hey, how can you beat that? Geeze, we just went into the terminator right in time.

086:08:54 Lovell (onboard): Okay, let's get the spacecraft back in even keel again. Here, here's this, Frank.

086:09:06 Borman (onboard): All right, let's get the Flight Plan out here.

086:09:09 Borman (onboard): We've got to get it.

086:09:11 Lovell (onboard): Okay.

086:09:21 Anders (onboard): Whew! Pretty impressive out there.

086:09:22 Borman (onboard): Boy, it sure is.

086:09:37 Borman (onboard): Okay, men.

086:09:39 Lovell (onboard): It's 86 hours.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control, Houston. The speakers in the order that they read from what we believe to be chapters from Genesis were Bill Anders and Jim Lovell, and close out with Frank Borman. That's both biblical and a geological lesson that none of us will forget. At 86 hours and 9 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control, Houston."

086:09:46 Borman: Houston, how do you read? Apollo 8.

086:09:48 Mattingly: Loud and clear, Apollo 8. And thank you for a very good show. We have a maneuver PAD for you when you're ready to copy.

086:09:53 Borman (onboard): Don't tell me they didn't hear us.

086:10:00 Borman: Houston, Apollo 8.

086:10:02 Mattingly: Apollo 8, read you loud and clear.

086:10:07 Borman: Roger. Are we off the air now? [Long pause.]

086:10:18 Anders (onboard): Why don't you just roll-over to the right, Frank, and then you can ...

086:10:21 Mattingly: That's affirmative, Apollo 8. You are.

086:10:26 Borman: Did you read everything that we had to say there?

086:10:29 Mattingly: Loud and clear. Thank you for a real good show.

086:10:34 Borman: Okay. Now, Ken, we'd like to get all squared away for TEI here. Can you give us some good words like you promised?

086:10:41 Mattingly: Yes, sir. I have a maneuver PAD. I think we'd like to start by dumping the tape. If we can have that, I have your...

086:10:50 Lovell (onboard): You want me to get that, or...

086:10:49 Mattingly: ...TEI-10 maneuver PAD, and then we will run through a systems brief. [Pause.]

086:10:59 Borman: I understand this is a maneuver PAD that we will use for TEI. Is that correct? [Pause.]

086:11:11 Anders: And you got the tape, Houston.

086:11:13 Mattingly: Thank you. [Pause.]

086:11:18 Lovell: Ready to copy, Ken.

086:11:20 Mattingly: Roger. TEI-10; SPS/G&N; 45597; minus 0.40, plus 1.57; 089:19:15.64; plus 3518.9, minus 0151.3, minus 0034.6; 180, 007, 000; November Alpha, plus 0018.6; 3522.3, 3:18, 3501.9; 42, 092.8, 25.3; boresight star, Scorpi Delta - another name for it is Dzuba - down 07.1, left 4.5; plus 07.48, minus 165.00; 1299.5, 36300, 146:50:05; primary star, Sirius; secondary, Rigel; 129, 155, 010; four quads, 15 seconds ullage; horizon on the 2.9 window line at Tig minus 3; use high-speed procedure with minus Mike Alpha. Over.

086:14:40 Lovell: Okay. TEI PAD as follows: SPS/G&N; 45597; minus 0.40, plus 1.57; 089:19:15.64; plus 3518.9, minus 0151.3, minus 0034.6; 180, 007, 000; not applicable, plus 0018.6; 3522.3, 3:18, 3501.9; 42,092.8, 25.3; Scorpi Delta, Dzuba, down 07.1, left 4.5; plus 07.48, minus 165.00; 1299.5, 36300, 146:50:05; Sirius, Rigel, 129, 155, 010; four quads, 15 seconds; 2.9-degree window line at Tig minus 3; high-speed procedure minus MA.

086:16:09 Mattingly: That's correct, Apollo 8. [Pause.]

086:16:17 Borman: Ken, this is Frank. I want to - I want to make one thing certain. This the load that we are to use to burn with, right? This is not just a PAD data for a [TEI-]10 abort? [Pause.]

086:16:32 Mattingly: Okay, Apollo 8. We will update this PAD prior to the burn.

086:16:40 Borman: Oh, you will? Okay.

086:16:42 Mattingly: Yes, sir.

086:16:46 Borman: Say again.

[Comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control Houston at 86 hours, 18 minutes into the flight. Just a word or two on where the crew is looking. They are - they particularly - they identified the tracking extremely well as they moved along. But some of the areas were not so well identified because of the reading which concluded their pass. The reading came while they were moving across [Mare] Tranquility in a generally westerly direction. The look angle is to the northwest and to a series of mountains, rimming the northwest edge of the Sea of Tranquility. Earlier we, you recall, pointed out the Sea of Crises, concluding that the Picard Craters. And immediately after we lost the picture lock, we went back to work with this update. ..."

086:19:39 Mattingly: Apollo 8. Houston.

086:19:44 Borman: Go ahead, Houston. Apollo 8.

086:19:46 Mattingly: Roger. I am reading you with a lot of background noise. Can you read me clearly?

086:19:54 Borman: Roger.

086:19:56 Mattingly: Okay. I am going to give you a quick summary of systems. Basically, all systems are good. In respect to your return trajectory, we can still get to the mid-Pacific line at 146 hours by waiting as late as the 13th rev. After 138 seconds of the burn, you are on your way home. The weather in the recovery area looks good. Apollo 8, did you call?

086:20:43 Borman: Continue, Houston. [Long pause.]

086:21:05 Mattingly: Apollo 8. Houston. Could we have the High Gain for a little bit longer?

086:21:12 Borman: We broke scan on it, Ken.

086:21:15 Mattingly: Okay. You are coming in loud and clear now. Did you copy my trajectory information?

086:21:20 Borman: We're on omni B though.

086:21:23 Mattingly: Roger. That's fine.

086:21:24 Borman: Say again, please. Go ahead. We are 130 - Will you say it again, please?

086:21:29 Mattingly: Wilco. [Pause.] Apollo 8. First, if you can spare, we would like to have the High Gain to complete the dump. [Long pause.]

086:21:54 Borman: Stand by. We will try to get it for you.

086:21:56 Mattingly: Roger. [Long pause.]

086:22:17 Borman: In a couple of minutes there, Houston.

086:22:19 Mattingly: Roger. Thank you. [Long pause.]

086:22:47 Mattingly: Okay, Apollo 8. While we're... [Pause.]

086:22:57 Mattingly: Apollo 8 - while we are waiting for the High Gain, I will continue the trajectory summary. We can still get back to the mid-Pacific line in 146 hours from the thirteenth rev, and you're on your way after 138 seconds of the burn. That's 138 seconds, gets you clear of the butterfly region. We recommend not trying reignitions or restart after 20 seconds. If you go beyond 20 seconds, this may get the trajectory beyond the correction - RCS correction capability to a free return. The weather in recovery area is good. We have an AOS following TEI of 89 plus 28 plus 39, and an AOS without TEI of 89 plus 37 plus 24. During the burn, you may notice a slight change in chamber pressure and tank pressures due to the fuel exhaustion in the storage tank and going to the sump tank. This may occur somewhere around 2 to 5 seconds into the burn. It'll be a small change in pressures in both systems. Going down the systems, all systems are Go. In ECS, we want to stop water boiling after TEI for trajectory purposes. Your water dump situation looks good; you should be good to greater than 105 hours. We'll try to hold off the water dump until after MCC-5. In the EPS, we'd like to stir the cryos prior to TLI - correction TEI. The next purge on the fuel cells will occur at approximately 92 hours and that will be both hydrogen and oxygen. Your battery status: battery A, 34.9; battery B, 39.1; and Charlie, 38.5. We have the single tank cryo capability. SPS: looking at the performance of the previous burns, you can anticipate a normal burn taking approximately 3.7 seconds in excess of computed values. Engine performance looks nominal, and all parameters have been steady. RCS looks good; all four quads according to the computer programs have approximately the same capacity. You have a good REFSMMAT to take you through TEI. We'll have a post-TEI PTC attitude for you in a few minutes, and that just about wraps up what we have on systems. Over.

086:26:43 Lovell: Roger. Thank you, Houston. We appreciate the summary. We're trying to get High Gain.

086:26:49 Mattingly: Roger.

086:26:53 Lovell: I think we have it.

086:26:54 Borman: You do have the High Gain (antenna). Now, Ken, as I understand it, if it shuts down after 20 seconds of burn, you don't want us to try to relight it. Is that what you said?

086:27:04 Mattingly: Stand by. [Pause.]

086:27:12 Mattingly: Apollo 8, the intent was; do not delay ignitions beyond 20 seconds. Over.

086:27:21 Borman: Oh, do not delay ignition beyond 20 seconds. Roger.

086:27:24 Mattingly: That's affirm.

086:27:27 Borman: Okay. You want me to start it on bank A and then switch to B again, like we did on LOI, right? [Pause.]

086:27:39 Mattingly: That's affirmative.

086:27:43 Borman: Okay.

086:27:47 Borman: Did you put in this PAD for us? Should P30 and 40 be in our computer now? [Long pause.]

086:28:19 Mattingly: Apollo 8, that's negative. We had not uplinked this PAD. We'll put this one in on the next pass.

086:28:26 Borman: Okay. Roger.

[Long comm break.]
Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 86 hours, 33 minutes. Part of the information passed up to the crew during that last series of conversations was the information they will use for their Trans-Earth Injection maneuver. This is preliminary information. We do anticipate that it will be updated, probably on the next revolution. These figures, as they were read up to the crew, are as follows: the time of ignition is 89 hours, 19 minutes and 16 seconds; the burn duration will be 3 minutes, 17.8 seconds; that will give us a nominal change in velocity of 3,522.3 feet per second, and the maneuver will occur at 174 degrees east longitude and 9 degrees, 17 minutes south latitude over the Moon. This would give us a nominal return time to Earth of 146 hours, 49 seconds; and we do anticipate to update the burn information prior to the maneuver. At 86 hours, 34 minutes into the flight, this is Apollo Control."

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 86 hours, 48 minutes into the flight. At the present time, we have just about 5 minutes before Loss Of Signal, and we have had about a minute and a half of conversation with the crew since our last report. We'll ... stand by for any parting conversation from the crew before they go over the lunar horizon on this revolution."

086:33:28 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston. You have a Go for this rev.

086:33:34 Lovell: Roger, Houston.

[Long comm break.]
086:38:29 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston. We have completed the tape dump, and the recorder is yours.

086:38:35 Borman: Thank you.

[Long comm break.]
086:38:36 Borman (onboard): Thank you.

086:38:45 Lovell (onboard): (Singing)

086:39:14 Anders (onboard): Do you still have the (garble)?

086:39:17 Borman (onboard): I'll get it afterwards, Bill.

086:39:21 Lovell (onboard): That temporary storage bag, Bill, is located - Yes, it's up here.

086:39:28 Lovell (onboard): I got trash in that temporary storage bag I'm leaving there.

086:39:34 Anders (onboard): Okay.

086:39:38 Lovell (onboard): It stinks to high heaven.

086:39:40 Borman (onboard): All that urine always stinks real bad, too.

086:39:52 Borman (onboard): What was the time for the rev before?

086:39:55 Anders (onboard): 85:17.

086:39:59 Borman (onboard): No, I don't know what day it is. This is day 4. No, hell; eat it - it doesn't matter. Eat any one you want.

086:40:11 Lovell (onboard): 87:19.

086:40:12 Borman (onboard): What?

086:40:13 Lovell (onboard): 87:19.

086:40:16 Borman (onboard): Yes. What were the gimbal angles there? 180, 8 - See, it's about the same. And the horizon was what? 1.2?

086:40:22 Lovell (onboard): Degrees.

086:40:23 Borman (onboard): Okay. minus 3, right? So, we'll get the...

086:40:24 Lovell (onboard): (Garbled.)

086:40:25 Borman (onboard): This is the picture it's going to be right now.

086:40:26 Lovell (onboard): 52.9.

086:40:27 Borman (onboard): Huh?

086:40:29 Lovell (onboard): 52.9.

086:40:31 Borman (onboard): Yes. That's ours - The other one was 1.8.

086:40:34 Lovell (onboard): I've got to update this one.

086:40:35 Borman (onboard): Yes, but we'll see - see, what I'm saying is we'll see just as we come around into the - into the Sun now, we should see just the way it's going to be. See what I mean?

086:41:06 Lovell (onboard): Checking that boresight star is going to be kind of difficult.

086:41:08 Borman (onboard): Yes, you're looking right into the Earth's - the Earth. And it looks like the Sun's going to be right in our face, too.

086:41:27 Borman (onboard): You can probably check your star through the sextant while we're on the other side. Maybe.

086:41:35 Lovell (onboard): Well, if you maintain the same position we're burning as we go around...

086:41:38 Borman (onboard): Unless the platform drifts.

086:41:40 Lovell (onboard): ...I'll check it - It was like this. If we get a good enough - well, we won't though, see? We go around like this. I could check it when you're over here. Maybe I can.

086:42:05 Borman (onboard): We want to make sure that we're burning the way we're going, too. You know?

086:42:09 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

086:42:35 Borman (onboard): Okay, now we're on - I think you're supposed to go Manual on the other one, first. Yes.

086:42:51 Lovell (onboard): That's D.

086:42:53 Borman (onboard): I don't think that's any good. That's a good one.

086:42:58 Lovell (onboard): That's C.

086:43:01 Borman (onboard): C.

086:43:03 Anders: Houston, how do you read? Apollo 8 on omni C.

086:43:06 Mattingly: Loud and clear.

086:43:10: Thank you.

[Comm break.]
086:43:23 Lovell (onboard): Hey, look it. If you get to this attitude...

086:43:28 Borman (onboard): Yes?

086:43:29 Lovell (onboard): That's inertial, right?

086:43:30 Borman (onboard): Yes.

086:43:31 Lovell (onboard): It shouldn't make any difference what rev we're on.

086:43:34 Lovell (onboard): As far as I'm concerned, ...

086:43:35 Borman (onboard): (Garble) Earth, Moon, or what?

086:43:36 Lovell (onboard): No, I mean checking the boresight star.

086:43:39 Borman (onboard): Huh?

086:43:40 Lovell (onboard): Checking the boresight star.

086:43:42 Borman (onboard): But it isn't all - This isn't always the same - Yes, .you can take the difference...

086:43:45 Lovell (onboard): Oh, oh, oh, you're splitting the difference? Okay.

086:43:47 Borman (onboard): Yes.

086:43:51 Borman (onboard): Bill, where are you?

086:43:52 Anders (onboard): Right under here.

086:43:53 Borman (onboard): Okay, you're not - Are you under me?

086:43:54 Anders (onboard): Yes.

086:43:55 Borman (onboard): Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't? Huh? Good.

086:44:11 Lovell (onboard): Look for hardware junk that's floating around.

086:44:42 Lovell (onboard): (Singing.)

086:45:08 Lovell (onboard): Yes. Need some help down there?

086:45:47 Borman (onboard): See, here we are right now, right where it (garble).

086:45:59 Lovell (onboard): I'll be able to check it back here.

086:46:02 Borman (onboard): Think so?

086:46:03 Lovell (onboard): Well, if we come up like this.

086:46:05 Borman (onboard): Yes. Hey, look at that - Earthshine from somewhere, Oh, my gosh, look you can see the - Hey, look right ahead there. There's a star.

086:46:18 Lovell (onboard): I can't tell.

086:46:20 Borman (onboard): Son of a bitch, we're going backwards.

086:46:25 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

086:46:27 Borman (onboard): What time is this post burn supposed to be?

086:46:37 Lovell (onboard): You're right. They're coming up this way.

086:46:33 Borman (onboard): Huh?

086:46:39 Lovell (onboard): If you're looking like that, they're coming this way

086:46:42 Borman (onboard): From underneath.

086:46:49 Borman (onboard): What? I don't see that.

086:46:59 Borman (onboard): We're going to burn out this way, I guess, huh?

086:47:02 Lovell (onboard): But on the other side, right?

086:47:01 Borman (onboard): Yes.

086:47:05 Lovell (onboard): So it'll be upside down - We'll be upside down, forward. Okay.

086:47:09 Borman (onboard): What time is that supposed to be? 27 - 87 what? Yes. Yes, yes, yes, we're alright.

086:47:21 Lovell (onboard): Well, it ought to be 87:19.

086:47:22 Mattingly: Apollo 8, Houston. We're 5 minutes to LOS; We'll have AOS Honeysuckle at 87:38:42.

086:47:27 Borman (onboard): 87:19, huh?

086:47:36 Lovell: Roger.

[Long comm break.]
086:47:57 Borman (onboard): I'm going to take a leak, a little leak would feel good.

086:48:05 Lovell (onboard): ... went floating by here.

086:48:07 Borman (onboard): Huh?

086:48:09 Lovell (onboard): A bunch of crap just went floating by.

086:48:17 Borman (onboard): Where are you, Bill?

086:48:35 Lovell (onboard): Here's a little piece that got away from somebody.

086:49:29 Lovell (onboard): Okay, we're maneuvering up, Bill - Frank. You see?

086:49:51 Lovell (onboard): You want to leave these suits in the L-shaped bag?

086:50:36 Lovell (onboard): What say? Where? The tape? With the helmet? The helmet?

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control. I would like to clarify one aspect of the figures we gave you concerning that Trans-Earth Injection maneuver. The return time that was listed; Ground Elapsed Time of 146 hours, 49 minutes, 37 seconds; was the time in which the spacecraft could nominally reach 400,000 feet altitude. The splash time would be about 14 minutes, 10 seconds beyond that, and these numbers are close so we will be updating both prior to the Trans-Earth Injection maneuver, and also en route back to Earth, so we would expect some change in those, some update. We're now less than 2 minutes from Loss Of Signal and we will pick up the spacecraft again at a Ground Elapsed Time of 87 hours, 38 minutes, 43 seconds. At 86 hours, 50 minutes; this is Apollo Control."

086:51:52 Lovell (onboard): (Sneeze)

086:52:14 Mattingly: Apollo 8, everything looks good going over the hill.

086:52:21 Lovell: Roger, Ken. Thanks a lot. We'll see you around the next pass. Just have our TEI update for us when you're ready. Okay?

086:52:28 Mattingly: Roger.

[Very long comm break.]
086:52:51 Lovell (onboard): (Singing)

086:53:00 Lovell (onboard): - What did you say? 89. However, we have - we're checking, an 87 one, because it's going to be almost similar, to see what our attitude's going to be like.

086:53:16 Lovell (onboard): Yes.

086:53:20 Lovell (onboard): Where are you going to put the food after you make it?

086:53:23 Lovell (onboard): I'm not going to make mine until after the burn.

086:53:34 Lovell (onboard): ... Oh.

Public Affairs Officer - "This is Apollo Control at 86 hours, 54 minutes as the spacecraft went over the horizon and we lost the signal. Capsule Communicator Ken Mattingly passed up to the crew a all systems Go report. ..."

086:54:52 Borman (onboard): Did you get everybody out a meal, Bill?

086:54:55 Anders (onboard): I'm going to.

Public Affairs Officer - "We expect to reacquire Apollo 8 in 43 minutes, 52 seconds. This is Apollo Control at 86 hours, 55 minutes into the flight."

086:55:06 Lovell (onboard): Here - Boy, there's some things in my pocket they don't know about.

086:56:20 Lovell (onboard): I wouldn't say this was too good, would you?

086:56:40 Lovell (onboard): Anybody care to brush their teeth?

086:57:01 Lovell (onboard): We are maneuvering now, aren't we?I mean, you know, with respect to the...

086:57:08 Lovell (onboard): I say, our spacecraft is maneuvering with respect to the ...

086:57:14 Lovell (onboard): What did I say that TEI 9 time was?

086:58:03 Lovell (onboard): 87:19; that's - 22 minutes from now, 21 minutes from now. That's a TI 9 burn, which is the - one REV before this one - I want to see what our attitude is going to be. Here, you want some toothpaste? Huh?

086:58:55 Lovell (onboard): I'll get them; I'll get them. You might hit the IMU switch.

086:59:09 Lovell (onboard): Here you go, Bill.

086:59:25 Lovell (onboard): 87:19.

086:59:34 Lovell (onboard): We're just - Hold on just a second.

087:00:58 Lovell (onboard): Take a look at this - at your window position. We're at a bout - Let's see, Tig - was it Tig minus 2, that other one? 87:17? 87:17, your Tig position, your window position? Okay, it's in the - it's in the update book. Right up there. Yes?

087:02:57 Lovell (onboard): What's that?

087:03:07 Lovell (onboard): Let me see.

087:03:20 Lovell (onboard): Which is which? The moon is darker than the sky.

087:03:42 Lovell (onboard): So, who turned on the light?

087:03:55 Lovell (onboard): Well, I think we're in the proper position, though.

087:04:00 Borman (onboard): Why don't you check to make sure we're still posigrade?

087:04:32 Lovell (onboard): Supposed to be stars there.

087:04:44 Lovell (onboard): Man, I've got to get that star check early. I'll never ge t it this way. I have to get that star check early to - you know - I mean I - It can't be too early because the moon will be in the way, but it's got to be early enough so I can see.

087:05:00 Lovell (onboard): Okay. Hey, the DAP load ought to be pretty good, huh? You see if the DAP load changed any.

087:05:17 Lovell (onboard): Huh. load the DAP. Huh? You want this display in the position? Okay. Want to turn up your display just a little bit? Okay.

087:05:53 Borman (onboard): How are the boilers working, Bill?

087:05:57 DIP Okay, that's good for four quads. That's C is DAP; A, B, C, D. Right. Okay. Proceed. Zero is - Oh, the second one? The second one is the roll quad ... Okay, 45821, 45597. 45597. Alright, well, it went up two digits. I'll try it here now. That's already been done. 42 is Peacock.

087:08:29 Lovell (onboard): (Singing)

087:08:37 Lovell (onboard): Where are you?

087:08:54 Lovell (onboard): (yawn) 87 - 9 - 19. 87 - 9 - Wait a second, that's - For this time, it's 87:19. Do you have a good horizon? I see horizon right here.

087:09:28 Lovell (onboard): Well, I mean, where - Do you seethe horizon at all?

087:09:36 Lovell (onboard): Hey, I don't want to burn into it.

087:09:43 Lovell (onboard): Well, I see something down there. I see something down there.

087:09:49 Borman (onboard): That's the - You're seeing the terminator, not the horizon. Well - okay, that's the one we're going to burn on; you've got to get clear before we burn.

087:10:19 Lovell (onboard): What do you mean?

087:10:24 Lovell (onboard): Oh. Well, how far up are we - Oh, we've still got 9 minutes to go - 3 degrees per minute. What's the attitude here? 180? Pitch is - Let me read pitch off and then sec ... yaw.

087:10:47 Lovell (onboard): You want a 180, though. You want a 180.

087:10:54 Lovell (onboard): Oh, it's - it's - Get - Wait a second. Well, it says 180.

087:11:00 Anders (onboard): Roll 180.

087:11:01 Lovell (onboard): Oh, oh, oh, pitch 7, yes. Okay. You know what amazed me is that you can see in those shadows.

087:12:01 Anders (onboard): Yaw zero then?

087:12:05 Lovell (onboard): Yaw is zero. She calls 7 more minutes. And - Let me see here, 1 degree at Tig minus 3. 1 degree What's this? Is that - is that it? 87:19, that would be 87:19, that would be 87:16 - in 4 minutes.

087:13:07 Lovell (onboard): Okay, I see the horizon. Yes.

087:13:14 Lovell (onboard): Right on the edge here - here -We're swinging in like this to it.

087:13:20 Lovell (onboard): It's like doing a loop.

087:13:34 Lovell (onboard): Look at down there, Bill: all those lines in a straight row like sand dunes.

087:14:27 Lovell (onboard): Okay, 2 minutes - minute and a half. about.

087:14:37 Lovell (onboard): I think you're about right.

087:14:45 Lovell (onboard): 1.2 degrees? You're wide after Tig- At Tig minus 3, at 16. Yes. Should probably be -- it's probably going to be the horizon right here, because you're upside down.

087:15:43 Lovell (onboard): Got your checklist, Bill? Okay. No, I just wondered.

087:16:06 Lovell (onboard): That's your logbook.

087:16:16 Lovell (onboard): Now. Let's see. No, wait a second- In 18 seconds. Okay, how's it now?

087:16:26 Anders (onboard): ...

087:16:28 Lovell (onboard): Well, you can say it's 1.2 degrees, with - at Tig minus 3 .

087:16:34 Lovell (onboard): I think that's kind of hard to spot in there; don't you think, Bill? Oh, you're 39; you're just a couple seconds early.

087:16:51 Anders (onboard): We're going the right way now.

087:16:53 Lovell (onboard): Yes, we're upside down going that way. And we re going with the orbit.

087:17:29 Lovell (onboard): (Singing) Well, you still might be pitched down. It might be that you burn like this. You might be burning before you get to the top.

087:18:20 Lovell (onboard): I don't know, but I'll find out.

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