National Film Preservation Board (NFPB)
The National Film Preservation Board, an advisory body to the Librarian of Congress, is comprised of 44 individuals from the American film community working together to help preserve American's film heritage and increase public awareness of the vital need for preservation. As its chief duties, the Board counsels the Librarian on: 1) the annual selection of films to the National Film Registry and 2) national film preservation planning policy.
National Film Registry
The National Film Registry is a collection of culturally, historically or aesthetically significant films selected annually by the Librarian of Congress and the National Film Preservation Board. The 450 films now in the National Film Registry represent a stunning range of American filmmaking, including Hollywood features, documentaries, avant-garde and amateur productions, films of ethnic and regional interest, and animated and short film subjects - all deserving appreciation, preservation and access by future generations. Selection to the Registry denotes a recognition of the film's importance for American film and cultural history.
Visit the NFPB Web Site
National Recording Preservation Board (NRPB)
The National Recording Preservation Board, mandated by the National Recording Preservation Act of 2000, is a 44-person advisory body to the Librarian of Congress. It brings together a number of professional organizations and expert individuals concerned with the preservation of recorded sound. The Board duties are to advise on: 1) the annual selection of the National Recording Registry, and 2) formation of a comprehensive national program to ensure the survival, conservation, and increased public availability of America's sound recording heritage.
National Recording Registry
The Librarian of Congress and the National Recording Preservation Board annually select additions to the National Recording Registry, a collection of culturally, historically or aesthetically significant sound recordings. Presently numbering 225 titles, the Registry stands as a stunning showcase of our vibrant and diverse sonic heritage and an invaluable tool to increase public awareness of this unmatched heritage.
Visit the NRPB Web Site
Last Updated: 08/03/2007