2007 Registry Announced (May 14, 2008)

View the Full Registry

Alphabetical list of Registry credits.

Ongoing NPR series featuring selections from the National Recording Registry.

Nominate New Recordings

We are continuously accepting nominations to the National Recording Registry. For each year's Registry we accept public nominations up to the date we can comfortably compile the results for the National Recording Preservation Board. As this date varies from year to year, nominations which come in after that date are rolled over to the next year. Please see criteria and nomination procedures and complete a nomination form.

National Recording Preservation Act of 2000


"A bill to establish the National Recording Registry in the Library of Congress to maintain and preserve sound recordings and collections of sound recordings that are culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant, and for other purposes" (Public Law 106-474; H.R.4846). Complete Law text and summary information and the US code entry are available.

National Recording Preservation Board
c/o Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington DC 20540-4698
Email: recregistry@loc.gov