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jumping spider (Salticidae)
Jumping spider (Salticidae) (photo by K. Darrow 2008)

Karolyn Darrow, Scientific Illustrator & Web Manager

  • Phone:   202-633-1038
  • Fax:   202-786-3141
  • E-mail Address:  
  • Mailing Address:
    Smithsonian Institution
    PO Box 37012, MRC 165
    Washington, DC 20013-7012
  • Shipping Address:
    Smithsonian Institution
    National Museum of Natural History
    10th & Constitution NW
    Washington, DC 20560-0105
  • Education:
    BFA SMU, Dallas
    MS (Museum Studies, Biology) CU-Boulder

Duties & Interests:

My current duties include providing members of the department with their scientific illustration, digital photography, and computer graphics needs. I am also tasked with the redevelopment of the Department's web site.

Publications (as research collaborator):

Hulcr, J., S. E. Miller, G. P. Setliff, K. Darrow, N. D. Mueller, P. D. N. Hebert, and G. D. Weiblen. 2007. DNA barcoding confirms polyphagy in a generalist moth, Homona mermerodes (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 7:549-557. pdf

Novotny, V., S. E. Miller, Y. Basset, L. Cizek, K. Darrow, B. Kaupa, J. Kua, and G. D. Weiblen. 2005. An altitudinal comparison of caterpillar (Lepidoptera) assemblages on Ficus trees in Papua New Guinea. Journal of Biogeography 32: 1303-1314. pdf

V. G. Springer and G. David Johnson. 2004. Study of the dorsal gill-arch musculature of Teleostome Fishes, with special reference to the Actinopterygii. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington, number 11, (2 vols: text, 260 pp; plates, 205) pdf (sample pages)

Novotny, V., S. E. Miller, L. Cizek, J. Leps, M. Janda, Y. Basset, G. D. Weiblen and K. Darrow. 2003. Colonising Aliens: Caterpillars (Lepidoptera) Feeding on Piper aduncum and P. umbellatum in Rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Ecological Entomology 28(6):704-716.

Novotny, V., S. E. Miller, Y. Basset, L. Cizek, P. Drozd, K. Darrow, and J. Leps. 2002. Predictably Simple:  Communities of Caterpillars (Lepidoptera) Feeding on Rainforest Trees in Papua New Guinea. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 269:2337-2344. pdf

Thorington, R. W., Jr., K. Darrow, and C. G. Anderson. 1998. Wing Tip Anatomy and Aerodynamics in Flying Squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 79(1): 45-250 pdf

Thorington, R. W., Jr., K. Darrow, and A. D. K. Betts. 1997. Comparative Myology of the Forelimb of Squirrels (Sciuridae). Journal of Morphology 234:155-182 pdf

Thorington, R. W., Jr. and K. Darrow. 1996. Jaw Muscles of Old World Squirrels. Journal of Morphology 230:145-165. pdf

Thorington, R. W., Jr., A. L. Musante, C. G. Anderson, and K. Darrow. 1996. Validity of three Genera of Flying Squirrels: Eoglaucomys, Glaucomys, and Hylopetes. Journal of Mammalogy 77(1): 69-83. pdf illustrator:

Henry, T.J. 2007. A New Crataegus-feeding Plant Bug of the Genus Neolygus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Eastern United States. Jeffersoniana. 17:1-10. pdf - illustrated plate (illustrated figure)

Brown, J. W., S.M. Miller, and M. Horak. 2003. Notes on New Guinea moths. 2. A new species of Xenothictis Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Archipini). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 105: 1043-1052.

Trani, M. K., W. M. Ford, and B. R. Chapman (eds.) 2007. The Land Manager's Guide to Mammals of the South. The Nature Conservancy, Southeastern Region, Durham, NC, USA. 546 pp. (101 plates illustrating the dorsal, lateral and ventral views of the skulls of mammal species occurring in the southern United States. These pen & ink, stippled illustrations were prepared in 1995 and 1996.) pdf - sample pages (sample pages)

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