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Volcano Listserv

The purpose of the VOLCANO Listserv, administered by Jonathan Fink at Arizona State University, is to provide a means for rapid communication among members of the volcanology community and other interested people. Please use this facility for announcements or inquiries about any aspect of volcanology. All subscription requests and postings must first be approved by the moderator. GVP has no control over the content or administration of this list, but is simply another contributor. All questions or submissions should be sent to the moderator.

To join the list:

Send the message "SUBSCRIBE VOLCANO <your_full_name>" to listserv at

To leave the list:

Send the message "SIGNOFF VOLCANO <your_full_name>" to listserv at

To contribute to the list:

Send a message to: volcano at

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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