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"Hereby it is manifest that during the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man. For war consisteth not in battle only, or the act of fighting, but in a tract of time, wherein the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known: and therefore the notion of time is to be considered in the nature of war, as it is in the nature of weather. For as the nature of foul weather lieth not in a shower or two of rain, but in an inclination thereto of many days together: so the nature of war consisteth not in actual fighting, but in the known disposition thereto during all the time there is no assurance to the contrary. All other time is peace."--Thomas Hobbs, Leviathan, 85. From the series Great Ideas of Western Man.

1951 Leon Karp Born: New York, New York 1903 Died: New York, New York 1951 oil on canvas mounted on fiberboard 30 3/8 x 24 1/4 in. (77.2 x 61.6 cm.) Smithsonian American Art Museum Gift of Container Corporation of America 1984.124.138 Not currently on view

About Leon Karp

Born: New York, New York 1903 Died: New York, New York 1951