Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

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staff at work

The staff of the Department of Entomology is comprised of research scientists, museum specialists and technicians employed by the Smithsonian Institution as well as those employed by "affiliated" agencies including theUSDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory, the Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (DOD) and the Institute of Arthropodology and Parasitology at Georgia Southern University.Cheilonycha auripennis (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae)

All combined, the Entomology staff numbers about 80 full-time permanent employees and about 30 resident research associates, postdoctoral and predoctoral fellows, students, and volunteers.

Staff in residence at NMNH are listed below. Click on names to enter SI staff pages, click on USDA logo to enter the SEL web site.

SI Administraton
Terry L. Erwin Department Chair and
Research Entomologist: Coleoptera
Juanita Hall Secretary
Sharon Jones Secretary
Juel Rembert Management Support Specialist

SI Research Entomologists
Sean Brady Hymenoptera
John M. Burns Lepidoptera
Jonathan A. Coddington Arachnida & Myriapoda
Donald R. Davis Lepidoptera
Oliver S. Flint, Jr.  Neuropteroids (emeritus)
Wayne N. Mathis Diptera
Scott E. Miller Lepidoptera
Robert K. Robbins Lepidoptera
Ted R. Schultz Hymenoptera
Christy Jo (CJ) Geraci SI Post-Doctoral Fellow: Coleoptera 
Natasha Mehdiabadi
SI Post-Doctoral Fellow: Hymenoptera 
Molly Rightmyer SI Post-Doctoral Fellow: Hymenoptera 
Jeffrey Sosa-Calvo SI Pre-Doctoral Fellow: Hymenoptera 
Jason Hall Lepidoptera (Grant)
Owen Lonsdale Diptera (Grant)
Scott Solomon Hymenoptera (Grant)
SI Technical Staff
Karolyn Darrow Scientific Illustrator & Web Site Manager
      Dana DeRoche Museum Specialist: Arachnida & Myriapoda
Deborah Feher Museum Registration Systems Coordinator
David Furth Collections Manager
Patricia Gentili-Poole Museum Specialist: Lepidoptera
Brian Harris   Museum Specialist: Lepidoptera & Hymenoptera
Donald Harvey Museum Specialist: Lepidoptera
Lauren Helgen Museum Specialist: Lepidoptera
Gary Hevel Museum Specialist: Coleoptera
Jerry Louton Information Specialist
Vichai Malikul Scientific Illustrator
Mary Jo Molineaux Museum Specialist: Collections Management
Cynthia Murphy Lancaster Catalog Data Manager
Eugenia Okonski Museum Specialist: Hymenoptera
Linda Sims Information Specialist
Desmond Smith Collections Management Support Technician
Young Sohn Scientific Illustrator
Warren Steiner Museum Specialist: Coleoptera
Hollis Williams Museum Specialist: Diptera


Systematic Entomology Lab LogoUSDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory Staff in Residence at NMNH

Research Entomologists
John W. Brown Lepidoptera
Matthew L. Buffington Hymenoptera
Michael W. Gates Hymenoptera
Thomas J. Henry Hemiptera (& Unit Leader
Alexander S. Konstantinov Coleoptera
Robert Kula Hymenoptera
Steven W. Lingafelter Coleoptera
Stuart H. McKamey Homoptera
Allen L. Norrbom Diptera (& Unit Leader)
Michael G. Pogue Lepidoptera (& Location Leader
M. Alma Solis Lepidoptera (& Research Leader
F. Christian Thompson Diptera
Norman E. Woodley Diptera
Raymond J. Gagne Diptera (retired)
David R. Smith Hymenoptera (retired)
Jens Prena Coleoptera (Grant)
Technical Staff
David N. Adamski Support Scientist: Lepidoptera
Elaine B. Jamison Computer Assistant
Jon A. (Buck) Lewis Museum Specialist: Lepidoptera
J. Marie Metz Scientific Illustrator
Mark A. Metz Support Scientist: Lepidoptera
Charyn Micheli Museum Technician: Diptera
Terry P. Nuhn Museum Specialist: Hymenoptera
Elisabeth P. Roberts Museum Technician: Coleoptera
Lucrecia H. Rodriguez Museum Technician: Diptera
Michele A. Touchet Museum Technician: Hemiptera
Natalia J. Vandenberg Entomologist: Coleoptera


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