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Children birth to 3 years, their families, and the child care system that serves them

2005 estimated population: 509,294
U.S. Census 2005 Population Estimate

2000 population: 493,782
U.S. Census 2000

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  • An average of 1,580 children 0–3 are served per month by the Child Care and Development Fund
    (FY 2005 ACF-801 data)

  • In Federal Fiscal Year 2006 the Infant/Toddler Child Care and Development Fund Set-Aside = $137,338
    (FY 2006 CCDF Allocations and Earmarks, U.S. Dept. of HHS, ACF)

Early head Start  
  • 311 children served by 6 grantees are in Early Head Start
    (2006 Early Head Start Funded Enrollment)
    (EHSNRC Database-September 2006)

  • 43% of all the requests for child care to the child care resource and referral programs were for infant and toddler care (Child Care in America: 2006 State Fact Book, NACCRRA)
  • 828 children under 3 receive early intervention services under IDEA, Part C (U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Special Ed. Programs, Data Analysis System (DANS), 2005)
Credentials and Guidelines
Infant/Toddler Caregiver Credential: Yes
Infant/Toddler Child Development Associate (CDA)*:
*Council on Professional Recognition

19 issued in 2005
12 issued in 2002
6 issued in 1998

Early Learning Guidelines for 0-3: No
Infant/Toddler Specialist Network: No
Staff-to-Child Ratios


In Center-Based Care the staff-to-child ratios are

1:4, 2:8 or 3:10 for birth to 12 months; 1:5, 2:10 or 3:12 for 12 to 24 months; 1:8, 2:16 or 3:18 for 24 to 36 months

(State Licensing Regulations)

In Family Child Care the staff-to-child ratios are

Ratios for Family Child Care (homes and centers) are the same as for Child Care Centers

(State Licensing Regulations)


Children under 3 who live in Wyoming


19,194 Children under the age of 3 live in Wyoming

Under 1 6,539
1-2 years 6,397
2-3 years 6,258

U.S. Census 2005 Population Estimate


Labor Force Status of Women with Children Under the Age of 3


69% of Wyoming Women with Children Under the Age of 3 Are in the Labor Force

Employed 69%
Not in the labor force 31%
Unemployed 0%

Current Population Survey, March 2001


Annual Fees for Infant Child Care


Average annual fee for full-time child care for
an infant in center based care………………… $6,552

Cost of child care for an infant as percent of
median income for two-parent families …………. 11%

Cost of child care for an infant as percent of
median income for single parent families……… 36%           

Child Care in America: 2006 State Fact Book, NACCRRA
Wyoming Child Care Lead Agency

Wyoming Department of Family Services
Division of Early Childhood
2300 Capitol Ave.
Hathaway Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Voice:     307-777-5491
Fax:        307-777-3659

For the CCDF Administrator's contact information go to:

For more information about Wyoming go to:










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A project of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Family Assistance, Administration for Children and Families, Child Care Bureau, Last Updated January 31, 2007