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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Phoenix-area Air Force recruiters get new home
Phoenix-area Air Force recruiters get new home Print
Written by Daniel J. Calderón   
Thursday, 02 October 2008

PHOENIX – The Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District turned over a newly-completed office to the Air Force Health Professionals recruiting office Oct. 1.
“We’re proud to provide them with the new work space,” said Lisa Mineo, asset management specialist for the district’s Phoenix Area Office. “They had specific requirements and we were happy to make sure their needs were met.”

The office will house up to seven recruiters for the Air Force’s medical professionals and enlisted accession officers recruiting program. The Phoenix-based recruiters will be responsible for a portion of Southern California and all of Arizona. Among the requirements for construction in the office were completion of a custom-built reception area and installing glass fragment retention film for added security. The building’s owner – SunCor, a Tempe, Ariz.-based company – also contracted for re-painting and reconfiguring the walls inside the office suite to conform to Air Force standards.

“I think the build out went very well,” said Theresa E. Holder, SunCor’s assistant project manager for commercial development. “Originally, this was a spec suite ready for move in. We were able to build to meet all the Air Force’s needs, including adding a conference room to the space.”

The $63,000 project took three months to complete. The recruiters who will be using the office space said they were very pleased with the job done by the Corps and by SunCor.

“It’s definitely an upgrade from where we were before,” said Master Sgt. Kevin Eastman, area supervisor for the Air Force Health Professional Recruiting office. “We have a lot of professionals coming in to our offices to talk about joining so I’m glad we’ll have this type of environment for them.”

Holder said she is proud of the work her company did for the air Force and looks forward to working with the Corps again on future projects. The district is currently working on similar projects throughout Southern California, Nevada and Arizona.

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