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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps participates in the 8th Annual L.A. River Ride
Corps participates in the 8th Annual L.A. River Ride Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Monday, 09 June 2008

Public affairs specialist Jennie Ayala (right) demonstrates the wetlands model for visitors to the LA District information booth at Hollydale Park in South Gate Sunday.  Several District tem members took part in the 8th Annual LA River Ride.  (Photo by Jay Field)
Public affairs specialist Jennie Ayala (right) demonstrates the wetlands model for visitors to the LA District information booth at Hollydale Park in South Gate Sunday. Several District team members took part in the 8th Annual LA River Ride. (Photo by Jay Field)
Members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District family partnered with the Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy to help raise public awareness of the Los Angeles River during the eighth annual L.A. River Ride held June 8.  

The L.A. County Bicycle Coalition sponsored the ride. More than 2,000 bicycle riders rode trails of varying distance from Griffith Park to Long Beach, Calif.

There were also several events held the same day in conjunction with the ride. District team members participated in one such event -- the first Southeast Cities Family Fun Ride Festival at Hollydale Park in South Gate, Calif. Corps team members were on hand to share information about how the Corps directly impacts communities like theirs along the L.A. River.  The Corps provided an exhibit depicting historic and current photographs and an interactive watershed model to help communicate our role in providing flood protection, environmental restoration and recreational opportunities for the community.

“There are great recreational and environmental benefits we can realize along the L.A. River,” said Congresswoman Linda Sanchez.  “Today you’re helping to unite our community all along the river.”

Loriene Farley, wife of Corps team member Jim Farley, rides along the LA River near South Gate Sunday.  Farley was among thousand of riders participating in the 8th Annual LA River Ride over various distances from Griffith Park to Long Beach.  (Photo by Jay Field)
Loriene Farley, wife of Corps team member Jim Farley, rides along the LA River near South Gate Sunday. Farley was among thousand of riders participating in the 8th Annual LA River Ride over various distances from Griffith Park to Long Beach. (Photo by Jay Field)
Sanchez recognized the Corps for their help in removing graffiti along the river.

The Corps temporarily augmented their maintenance crew and adjusted their work schedules to meet the four-day challenge.  A crew of 15, including three dam tenders, used 1,000 gallons of paint to remove graffiti along eight miles of the L.A. River.  Members of the public and Corps employees and family agreed the effort by the paint crew helped make the ride a great experience.

Loriene Farley, wife of Jim Farley, Engineering Division participated in the 50-mile bike ride.  Loriene heard about the event from her husband and decided to get involved.  

“This is a great family opportunity,” said Farley. “I’m motivated by these types of bike rides because I’m able to raise money for a specific cause.”

She and her husband said they were looking forward to seeing more Corps family members get involved in the 2009 bike ride.

“We’ll see ya at the race next year,” she said.
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