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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Corps engages kids on environmental issues
Corps engages kids on environmental issues Print
Written by Jennie Ayala   
Monday, 28 April 2008

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District partnered with the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRP-MIC) for “Our Earth, Our Home, Let’s Protect It”, an environmental fair and clean up event on the reservation in Scottsdale, Ariz. on April 28.
The Corps’ display featured an interactive watershed model to teach children about ecosystem restoration.

“They had fun playing with water, while learning about the importance of wetlands and riparian areas,” said Scott Estergard, Senior Water Resource Planner.

Agencies hosted booths to promote environmental education and preservation and protection of the environment and our natural resources.

Planning and project management staff teamed-up with the community, the district’s sponsor, and project consultants, to clean-up trash and litter from an area near the Corps’ Va Shyl’ay Akimel project.

“The event gave us an opportunity to learn more about the SRP-MIC, and it allowed the community to learn more about the Corps of Engineers and our project,” said Mike Ternak, civil project manager.

Planning section’s Carmen Lara and Rich Legere, and Gwen Meyer of project management also participated in the day’s events and shared information about other ongoing Corps restoration projects along more than 35 miles of the Salt River in Maricopa County.

The Environmental Protection & Natural Resources Division, SRP-MIC, coordinated the 5th annual event at the community building on the reservation to demonstrate its commitment to enhancing the quality of life within the Salt River.

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