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Home arrow News Room arrow Stories arrow Phoenix Area Office hosts CFC kickoff
Phoenix Area Office hosts CFC kickoff Print
Written by Daniel J. Calderón   
Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Lisa Mineo, an asset management specialist with the Phoenix Area Office, admires an owl and a red-tailed hawk during their Oct. 21 visit to the office. The two Arizona birds of prey were on hand as part of a demonstration by Wild at Heart, one of two organizations who spoke to employees as part of the Combined Federal Campaign kickoff in the Phoenix office. The campaign, which is a once-a-year event, solicits money for charitable organizations from federal employees around the world. According to its web site, CFC is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with more than 300 CFC campaigns throughout the country and internationally to help to raise millions of dollars each year.
Lisa Mineo, an asset management specialist with the Phoenix Area Office, admires an owl and a red-tailed hawk during their Oct. 21 visit to the office. The two Arizona birds of prey were on hand as part of a demonstration by Wild at Heart, one of two organizations who spoke to employees as part of the Combined Federal Campaign kickoff in the Phoenix office. The campaign, which is a once-a-year event, solicits money for charitable organizations from federal employees around the world. According to its web site, CFC is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, with more than 300 CFC campaigns throughout the country and internationally to help to raise millions of dollars each year.
PHOENIX (Oct. 21, 2008) -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District held a kickoff for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) in the Phoenix Area Office today.

“We, as federal employees, are very fortunate,” said Darlene Tuel, a coordinator for the Maricopa County CFC. Tuel is a “loaned executive” who works for the Bureau of Reclamation. “Our jobs are more secure than some others in the community.”

Tuel said contributions are needed this year more severely than in some past years because of the economic downturn. She said the local St. Vincent DePaul charity has had to close one of its satellite offices.

In addition, two area organizations had representatives on hand to speak with Corps employees. Bob Fox with Wild at Heart, an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of Arizona's native wildlife through the rescue and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned birds of prey, relocation of displaced raptors, public education and habitat enhancement programs, brought in a selection of rehabilitated birds of prey to show district employees.

“They were awesome,” said Anna Alvarez, an asset management specialist in the Phoenix Area Office. “I wanted to pet them, especially the little owl.”

Katrina DeVinny, Recruiting, Placement and Mentoring coordinator for Arizona Project ChalleNGe, spoke about her project to district employees. The Arizona National Guard administers and operates the  program. The mission, according to its printed material, “is to intervene in the life of an at-risk youth and produce a program graduate with the values, skills, education and self-discipline necessary to succeed as an adult.”

“We’re really excited to be a part of the CFC this year,” DeVinny said. “There are only 28 programs across the country and we really need the help.”

Two Project ChalleNGe cadets were also at the Phoenix office to tell employees about how the program affected their lives.

“I used to be a lot lazier, into drugs and I just quit school,” said Cadet Chris Stamper, an 18-year old participant in the project. “My dad helped me enroll in the program. Since I’ve been in, I stand up straighter, I’m in better shape and the program has taught me a lot of skills I know I can use in my life.”

These are just two of the hundreds of programs available for assistance by federal employees who participate in the CFC.

“Everyone can be a star in someone’s life,” said Tuel as she encouraged employees to participate in the CFC.

According to its web site, CFC is the largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign in the world. There are more than 300 CFC campaigns throughout the country and internationally to help to raise millions of dollars each year. This year’s campaign will run through Nov. 7. Tuel said there will be weekly drawings for prizes and a drawing at the end of the campaign. For more information on eligible charities in Arizona, visit
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