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Seán Brady, Curator of Hymenoptera (Ants & Bees)

  • Phone:   301-238-1078
  • Fax:   202-786-2894
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    Smithsonian Institution
    Laboratories of Analytical Biology
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    Suitland, MD 20746
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  • Education:

    Ph.D. University of California, Davis

Sean Brady and ant nest

Research Interests:

  • Phylogenetics, molecular evolution, and systematics of ants and bees 
  • Social insect evolution and ecology
  • Coevolutionary dynamics, especially in fungus-growing ants
  • Phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary theory and methodology

My research concentrates on increasing our understanding of the origins, diversification, and molecular evolution of social insects, especially ants and bees.  I am particularly interested in applying comparative approaches that incorporate evidence from systematics, ecology, genetics, and genomics in order to address specific questions in ant and bee evolution.

Ant evolution. I am currently a co-PI on an NSF-funded Assembling the Tree of Life grant on ant phylogenetics, in collaboration with Phil Ward (UC Davis), Brian Fisher (Cal Academy of Sciences), and Ted Schultz (Smithsonian).  The major goals of this grant are to: (1) generate and implement new molecular and morphological data appropriate at several levels of evolutionary resolution, from taxon-wide questions down to species-level analyses; (2) estimate the timescale of ant evolution by combining molecular phylogenetic data with the aculeate fossil record; (3) use this evolutionary framework to study morphological and ecological traits of ants through evolutionary time; (4) provide up-to-date internet outlets and other educational resources for other scientists and the general public.  We have recently used our new molecular information to explore the origin and early diversification of ants (Brady et al. 2006), and we are currently engaged in several other projects focused on specific ant taxa.  We are also committed to expanding the contingent of genes available to all interested researchers; toward this goal I am presently identifying and developing many new genetic loci for ant molecular work at the Smithsonian’s Laboratories of Analytical Biology (LAB).

I am also working on several projects involving fungus-growing (attine) ants, in collaboration with Ted Schultz (Smithsonian), Ulrich Mueller (UT Austin), and Cameron Currie (University of Wisconsin).  This work uses molecular techniques to dissect the coevolutionary interactions among the four main participants in this complex system: the insect agriculturalists; the fungus that they exclusively raise and eat for sustenance; the pathogenic fungus that periodically invades these nests; and the bacterial symbionts utilized by the ants in order combat these pathogens.

Other current projects on ant evolution include a collaboration with John LaPolla (Towson University) in which we are conducting taxonomic and phylogenetic work on the highly-invasive “crazy ants” (genus Paratrechina) and their relatives.  My earlier work in ant evolution has included morphological and molecular studies of army ants (Brady 2003; Brady & Ward 2005) and bulldog ants (Ward & Brady 2003).  Although I am not currently engaged in projects on these taxa, I plan in the near future to continue my studies of these fascinating ant groups.

Bee evolution. I also have a strong interest in the evolution of bees, and working with Bryan Danforth (Cornell University) I have completed several research projects on this topic.  We have inferred the broad-scale evolutionary pattern of bees, with the surprising result that the earliest bees may have originated in Africa as host-plant specialists (Danforth et al., 2006).  We have also determined that the three separate origins of eusociality in halictid bees (sweat bees) occurred quite recently, each approximately 20-25 million years ago, and that their roughly simultaneous eusocial origins may be attributable in part to climatic changes (Brady et al., 2006).  Working with Smithsonian colleagues Molly Rightmyer and Sam Droege, I am currently conducting molecular barcoding and phylogenetic studies of the parasitic bees Nomada.

Molecular evolution and genomics.  In addition to my work in social insect evolution, I have an on-going interest in general topics in molecular evolution and phylogenetics.  In the past I have participated in projects exploring intron evolution in bees (Brady & Danforth, 2004); the evolution of resistance alleles in house flies (Rinkevich et al. 2006); long-branch attraction in angiosperms (Sanderson et al., 2000) and ants (Brady et al., 2006); and computer simulations of accuracy in large phylogenetic data sets (Bininda-Emonds et al., 2001).

My current interests in molecular evolution and genomics include: (1) the comparative analysis of genes found in ants and bees known to have significant functions in the social behavior of honeybees, in order to study the molecular evolution of these presumably adaptive genes across a range of taxa; (2) the refinement of molecular dating methods; (3) the use of more sophisticated modes of analyses to explore effects of long branch attraction and heterotachy in empirical data sets, (including ants, in which we have recently argued that LBA may have a significant impact [Brady et al., 2006]); (4) the development of methods to analyze complex coevolutionary systems containing more than two symbionts, as is the case found in fungus-growing ants.  My intent is that these projects not only address specific questions in social insect evolution, but also contribute to our general knowledge of molecular evolutionary processes.

Publications (organized by general category):

Ant evolution

Schultz, T. R. and Brady, S. G. 2008 Major evlolutionary transitions in ant agriculture. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 105:5435-5440. pdf

Brady, S. G., Schultz, T. R., Fisher, B. L., and Ward, P. S.  2006.  Evaluating alternative hypotheses for the early evolution and diversification of ants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 103:18172-18177. pdf

Brady, S. G. and Ward, P. S.  2005. Morphological phylogeny of army ants and other dorylomorphs (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).  Systematic Entomology 30:593-618.

Ward, P. S., Brady, S. G., Fisher, B. L., and Schultz, T. R.  2005.  Assembling the ant “Tree of Life”.  Myrmecologische Nachrichten 7:87-90.

Brady, S. G. 2003. Evolution of the army ant syndrome: the origin and long-term evolutionary stasis of a complex of behavioral and reproductive adaptations.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. 100: 6575-6579. pdf

Ward, P. S. and Brady, S. G.  2003.  Phylogeny and biogeography of the ant subfamily Myrmeciinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).  Invertebrate Systematics 17:361-386.

Brady, S. G., Gadau, J., and Ward, P. S.  2000.  Systematics of the ant genus Camponotus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): A preliminary analysis using data from the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I.  Pp. 131-139 in Austin, A. D., Dowton, M. (eds.)  Hymenoptera. Evolution, biodiversity and biological control.  Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing, xi + 468 pp.

Gadau, J., Brady, S. G., and Ward, P. S.  1999.  The systematics, distribution, and ecology of an endemic California Camponotus quercicola (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).  Annals of the Entomological Society of America 92: 514-522.

Bee evolution

Brady, S. G., Sipes, S., Pearson, A., and Danforth, B. N.  2006.  Recent and simultaneous origins of eusociality in halictid bees.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273:1643-1649.

Danforth, B. N., Sipes, S., Fang, J., and Brady, S. G.  2006.  The history of early bee diversification based on five genes plus morphology.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 103:15118-15123. pdf

Danforth, B. N., Brady, S. G., Sipes, S. D., and Pearson, A.  2004.  Single copy nuclear genes recover Cretaceous age divergences in bees.  Systematic Biology 53:309-326.

Molecular evolution and phylogenetics

Rinkevich, F. D., Zhang, L., Hamm, R. L., Brady, S. G., Lazzaro, B. P., and Scott, J. G.  2006.  Frequencies of the pyrethroid resistance alleles of Vssc1 and CYP6D1 in house flies from the eastern United States.  Insect Molecular Biology 15:157-167.

Brady, S. G. and Danforth, B. N.  2004.  Recent intron gain in elongation factor-1a of colletid bees (Hymenoptera: Colletidae).  Molecular Biology and Evolution 21:691-696.

Bininda-Emonds, O. R. P., Brady, S. G., Kim, J., and Sanderson, M. J.  2001.  Scaling of accuracy in extremely large phylogenetic trees.  Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 6: 547-558.  (The first two authors contributed equally.)

Sanderson, M. J., Wojciechowski, M.F., Hu, J.-M., Sher-Khan, T, and Brady, S. G.  2000.  Error, bias and longbranch attraction in data for two chloroplast photosystem genes in seed plants.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 17: 782-797.

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