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Children birth to 3 years, their families, and the child care system that serves them

2005 estimated population: 1,816,856
U.S. Census 2005 Population Estimate

2000 population: 1,808,344
U.S. Census 2000

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  • An average of 2,824 children 0–3 are served per month by the Child Care and Development Fund
    (FY 2005 ACF-801 data)

  • In Federal Fiscal Year 2006 the Infant/Toddler Child Care and Development Fund Set-Aside = $670,312
    (FY 2006 CCDF Allocations and Earmarks, U.S. Dept. of HHS, ACF)

Early head Start  
  • 342 children served by 5 grantees are in Early Head Start
    (2006 Early Head Start Funded Enrollment)
    (EHSNRC Database-September 2006)

  • 43% of all the requests for child care to the child care resource and referral programs were for infant and toddler care (Child Care in America: 2006 State Fact Book, NACCRRA)
  • 2,643 children under 3 receive early intervention services under IDEA, Part C (U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Special Ed. Programs, Data Analysis System (DANS), 2005)
Credentials and Guidelines
Infant/Toddler Caregiver Credential: No
Infant/Toddler Child Development Associate (CDA)*:
*Council on Professional Recognition

3 issued in 2005
9 issued in 2002
1 issued in 1998

Early Learning Guidelines for 0-3: No
Infant/Toddler Specialist Network: Yes
Staff-to-Child Ratios


In Center-Based Care the staff-to-child ratios are

1:4 for 6 weeks to 2 years; 1:8 for 2 to 3 years

(State Licensing Regulations)

In Family Child Care the staff-to-child ratios are

1:6 (with no more than 2 under 24 months of age)

(State Licensing Regulations)


Children under 3 who live in West Virginia


61,785 Children under the age of 3 live in West Virginia

Under 1 21,036
1-2 years 20,633
2-3 years 20,116

U.S. Census 2005 Population Estimate


Labor Force Status of Women with Children Under the Age of 3


45% of West Virginia Women with Children Under the Age of 3 Are in the Labor Force

Employed 45%
Not in the labor force 49%
Unemployed 6%

Current Population Survey, March 2001


Annual Fees for Infant Child Care


Average annual fee for full-time child care for
an infant in center based care………………… $7,613

Cost of child care for an infant as percent of
median income for two-parent families …………. 15%

Cost of child care for an infant as percent of
median income for single parent families……… 52%           

Child Care in America: 2006 State Fact Book, NACCRRA
West Virginia Child Care Lead Agency

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
Bureau for Children and Families
Division of Early Care and Education
350 Capitol Street, Room B18
Charleston, WV 25301

Voice:     304-558-1885
Fax:        304-558-2059

For the CCDF Administrator's contact information go to:

For more information about West Virginia go to:










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A project of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Family Assistance, Administration for Children and Families, Child Care Bureau, Last Updated January 31, 2007