Summer 2007   

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18) Summer 2006

Mexico to publish industrial pollution data
Report profiles chemicals and children’s health
Green Energy in North America
Churches lend support to ‘eco-palm’ harvesters
North American environmental agenda enhanced by RETC
Renewable energy for remote communities
Public interest groups, government agencies spar over environmental solutions


17) Spring 2006

Greening the supply chain: small business, big environmental gains
Three countries add watershed information to atlas
Logging in Tarahumara leads to factual record
First children’s health and environment indicators
Green business: the next environmental victory
Green building focus of new independent report


16) Fall 2005

The e-legal wildlife trade
How green is your paper?
Conservation plans unveiled for six wildlife species
A pesticide’s toxic legacy
Symposium an opportunity to reflect on trade-environment relationship
JPAC charts its own strategic path
CEC tests maternal blood for toxics
New and upcoming publications
CEC Council Session in photos - Quebec City, 2005


15) Summer 2005

Air pollution from ships a growing concern
Scientists identify priority areas in Pacific
Report flags lead emissions, small facilities
Churches celebrate ‘eco-palm’ Sunday
'Think Continentally - Act Locally'
Meeting tackles biodiversity monitoring
Q&A: Testing two views of trade’s environmental impacts
Third North American Symposium on Assessing the Environmental Effects of Trade 2005


14) Winter 2004-2005

Hi-tech trash a global threat
The grass-fed is always greener
First look at air pollution from over 1,000 fossil-fuel power plants in North America
Turtles, townsfolk and tourism
Secretariat completes maize and biodiversity study
Mexico to eliminate toxic chemical lindane
The Puebla Declaration charts a new path forward
JPAC reviews ten-year report
Highlights of 2004 publications


13) Summer 2004

Taking stock of mercury air pollution
Public reporting on industrial pollution in Mexico almost a reality
A popular funding program comes to a close
Power plan for renewables
CEC: The next decade starts today
A new North America
Oaxaca hosts public consultation on maize report
Three species get trinational protection
New JPAC chair for 2004


12) Winter 2004

Transgenic maize goes under the microscope
Report spotlights regional effects of global issue
Mexican farmers seek action from governments
Maize farmers unhappy with NAFTA's price
Top experts to counsel NAFTA governments on maize
Food fight! The polarized GM food debate
Americans and Canadians react to Mexico corn-troversy


11) Fall 2003

Border traffic leaving children in respiratory distress
Task force concerned with effects of chemical on children
Protecting marine resources in the Pacific Northeast
'Cool Shops' program heating up
An interview with Kennedy
Top environment officials commit to biodiversity strategy
Copper mine subject of factual record
CEC subject of new book
Committee to review NAFTA's environmental side accord


10) Summer 2003

Unsustainable palm harvest prompts survey of churches
Waste or wasted opportunity?
Intensive livestock operations in North America
'Mothers' fight air pollution with buckets
Scientists try to put 'killer algae' on ice
A measure of continental cooperation
Symposium sparks debate, demonstration
Taking stock of the CEC's Taking Stock
New factual record released, others pending


9) Spring 2003

The illegal trade in chemicals that destroy ozone
North America eliminates use of chlordane
Mercury hot spots of North America
Local projects seek borderless protection for grey whales
Doing together what cannot be done alone
NAFTA Chapter 11 and the future
The spirit of cooperation
Is it really the flu, or an environmental illness?
Six nominations to the JPAC announced
Calendar of Events


8) Autumn 2002

Calculated risks
How safe is safe enough for pesticides?
Empowering investments
Renewable energy certificates start to pay dividends
Fishing for a future
On Mexico's Yucatán coast, Xcalak fights to save its economy and its soul
On the trail of the disappearing owl
Balancing act
Helping free trade and fresh air to co-exist
Goodbye to an environmental pioneer
Program notes
News and Updates from CEC


7) Spring 2002

Borderline hazards
Controlling the toxic waste trade
Measured success
Tracking industrial pollution across North America
Pollutants see the light in Mexico
Taking the poison out of pottery
News and updates from the CEC
Aguascalientes takes the initiative
Metales y Derivados
Citizen Submissions up close
A community fights back


6) Winter 2002

NAFTA Partnership Grounds Bird Smugglers
Taking the Pulse of North America
Clearing the Air
With a US$25,000 NAFEC grant, Alaskan activists hope to curb dioxin-producing incinerators in their state.
Voices of Energy
Experts Speak Out at CEC Electricity Symposium
CEC Names Children’s Health Board
Citizen Submission Updates
Program Notes
CEC Info and Updates


5) Fall 2001

Looking for the green lining in the changing electricity market
Discussion paper for public review, November symposium—key milestones in CEC’s Article 13 initiative
In search of a diversity of thought on electricity and the environment
Tracking air pollution
CEC begins development of trinational air emissions inventory
Biodiversity in peril: help for North America’s most wanted species
Mexico holds first national Workshop on Children's Health and the Environment
Environment and Health Secretaries sign joint declaration
Lead and children’s health
NAFEC grants announced for 2001
Citizen submission process proves valuable in BC Hydro case


4) Summer 2001

Improving the citizen submission process
What is the “Citizen Submission Process”?
Former SEM director reviews progress
Factual record helped in Cozumel pier case, says submitter
Whale watching
An opportunity to conserve biodiversity through sustainable tourism
Asthma increasingly affecting North American children
Air pollution contributing to respiratory problems
June Council session a chance to renew the Commission's vision
Financing and the environment
Investment opportunities for small and medium-size companies in Mexico and the emerging climate agenda
Mercury pollution from the automobile industry
North America ahead of the game on DDT elimination
Winnipeg workshop on greening trade corridors
New nominations to the Joint Public Advisory Committee
The CEC Secretariat welcomes new staff members


3) Spring 2001

Guided tours to help gray wolf’s come-back
Christine Todd Whitman named new head of EPA
David Anderson elected President of UNEP’s Governing Council
Electricity and the Environment
CEC examines environmental opportunities and challenges from evolving electricity sector
Mexico affirms commitment to PRTR
The Oriole, the Coyote and the Cup of Coffee
Making the North American environment safer for our children
Summit of the Americas: Lessons from NAFTA on trade and environment
Summit of the Americas: Reflecting on the CEC experience
Saving North America’s birds
The North American Bird Conservation Initiative
Chemical industry sees benefits in reporting pollutant emissions
The power of markets and the promise of green goods and services
CEC Secretariat welcomes two new staff members
Taking Stock 1998 coming soon
A preview of improvements to CEC’s pollutant report


2) Winter 2000-2001

Super invaders spreading fast
Lichtinger named Mexican environment secretary
JPAC elects chair for 2001
CEC project tracks emerging trends and public opinion in pondering future
Public forum sheds light on environmental effects of trade
Delivering the goods without damaging the environment
CEC to consult public on trade corridors
Toward pollutant reporting in Mexico
CEC workshop reveals progress
CEC setting biodiversity priorities
Making a living on the land
NAFEC helps link cultural survival, environmental health and the market
Peace on Earth


1) Fall 2000

Tracking dioxins to the Arctic
CEC study tracks dioxins from Canada, Mexico and United States to the Arctic
Assessing the environmental effects of free trade
CEC organizes first public symposium
Millennium Trek and NAFEC
A fight for cultural survival in the high Arctic
Bringing the enforcement facts to light
JPAC to help resolve concerns about implementation of the Citizen Submissions Process
The power of pollutant information
Reducing mercury in the North American environment
CEC launches North American Regional Action Plan
Helping industry improve its environmental performance
Welcome to Trio


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   ISSN 1609-0810
   Created on: 06/10/2000     Last Updated: 21/06/2007
   © Commission for Environmental Cooperation