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All Agents >> Biotoxins >> RICIN >> Additional Sampling and Analysis Information

Additional Sampling and Analysis Information
Biotoxin: RICIN

References are provided for the convenience of the reader and do not imply endorsement by NIOSH.

    Gatto-Menking DL, Hao Y, Bruno JG, Goode MT, Miller M, Zulich AW. [1995]. Sensitive detection of biotoxoids and bacterial spores using an immunomagnetic electrochemiluminescence sensor. Biosens Bioelectron 10(6-7):501-507.

    O’Brien T, Johnson LH III, Aldrich JL, Allen SG, Liang LT, Plummer AL, Krak SJ, Boiarski AA [2000]. The development of immunoassays to four biological threat agents in a bidiffractive grating biosensor. Biosens Bioelectron 14(10-11):815-828.

    Taitt CR, Anderson GP, Lingerfelt BM, Feldstein MJ, Ligler FS [2002]. Nine-analyte detection using an array-based biosensor. Anal Chem 74(23):6114-6120.

    No references were identified for this sampling matrix for this agent.

    Gatto-Menking DL, Hao Y, Bruno JG, Goode MT, Miller M, Zulich AW [1995]. Sensitive detection of biotoxoids and bacterial spores using an immunomagnetic electrochemiluminescence sensor. Biosens Bioelectron 10(6-7):501-507.

    Anderson GP, King KD, Gaffney KL, Johnson LH [2000]. Multi-analyte interrogation using the fibre optic biosensor. Biosens Bioelectron 14(10-11):771-777.

    Bayler SA, Rees DA [1982]. Analysis of the proteins, glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans of fibroblast adhesions to substratum. Biochim Biophys Acta (BBA)—Biomembranes 689(2):351-362.

    Narang U, Anderson GP, Ligler FS, Burans J [1997]. Fiber optic-based biosensor for ricin. Biosens Bioelectron12(9-10):937-945.

    O’Brien T, Johnson LH III, Aldrich JL, Allen SG, Lian LT, Plummer AL, Krak SJ, Boiarski AA [2000]. The development of immunoassays to four biological threat agents in a bidiffractive grating biosensor. Biosens Bioelectron 14(10-11):815-828.

    Smallshaw JE, Firan A, Fulmer JR, Ruback SL, Ghetie V, Vitetta ES [2002]. A novel recombinant vaccine which protects mice against ricin intoxication. Vaccine 20:(27-28):3422-3427.

    Taitt CR, Anderson GP, Lingerfelt BM, Feldstein MJ, Ligler FS [2002]. Nine-analyte detection using an array-based biosensor. Anal Chem 74(23):6114-6120.

    Wadkins RM, Golden JP, Pritsiolas LM, Ligler FS [1998]. Detection of multiple toxic agents using a planar array immunosensor. Biosens Bioelectron 13(3-4):407-415.

    Wannemacher RW Jr., Hewetson JF, Lemley PV, Poli MA, Dinterman RE, Thompson WL, Franz DR [1992]. Comparison of detection of ricin in castor bean extracts by bioassays, immunoassays, and chemical procedures. Toxicon 30(5-6):562.

    Wellner RB, Hewetson JF, Ploi MA [1995]. Ricin–mechanism of action, detection, and intoxication. J Toxicol-Toxin Rev 14(4):483-522.

    Xinglong Y, Lequn Z, Hong J, Haojuan W, Chunyong Y, Shenggeng Z [2001]. Immunosensor based on optical heterodyne phase detection. Sensors Actuators B: Chem 76(1-3):199-202.

    Anderson GP, King KD, Gaffney KL, Johnson LH [2000]. Multi-analyte interrogation using the fibre optic biosensor. Biosens Bioelectron 14(10-11):771-777.

    Carter RM, Jacobs MB, Lubrano GJ, Guilbault GG [1995]. Piezoelectric detection of ricin and affinity-purified goat anti-ricin antibody. Anal Lett 28(8):1379-1386.

    Darby SM, Miller ML, Allen RO [2001]. Forensic determination of ricin and the alkaloid marker ricinine from castor bean extracts. J Forensic Sciences 46(5):1033-1042.

    Delehanty JB, Ligler FS [2002]. A microarray immunoassay for simultaneous detection of proteins and bacteria. Anal Chem 74(21):5681-5687.

    Despeyroux D, Walker N, Perace M, Fisher M, McDonnell M, Bailey SC, Griffiths GD, Watts P [2000]. Characterization of ricin heterogeneity by electrospray mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis and resonant mirror. Anal Biochem 279(1):23-36.

    Gatto-Menking DL, Hao Y, Bruno JG, Goode MT, Miller M, Zulich AW. [1995]. Sensitive detection of biotoxoids and bacterial spores using an immunomagnetic electrochemiluminescence sensor. Biosens Bioelectron 10(6-7):501-507.

    Griffiths GD, Newman H, Gee DJ [1986]. Identification and quantification of ricin toxin in animal tissues using ELISA. J Forensic Sci Soc 26(5):349-358.

    Hines HB, Brueggemann EE [1994]. Factors affecting the capillary electrophoresis of ricin, a toxic glycoprotein. J Chromatogr A 670(1-2):199-208.

    Koja N, Shibata T, Mochida K [1980]. Emzyme-linked immunoassay of ricin. Toxicon 18(5-6):611-618.

    Mi JQ, Gao J, Li YZ, Chang WB, Ci YX [2001]. Ricin determination by temperature controlled phase-separation immunoassay. Anal Lett 34(7):1143-1151.

    Narang U, Anderson GP, Ligler FS, Burans J [1997]. Fiber optic-based biosensor for ricin. Biosens Bioelectron 12(9-10):937-945.

    Poli MA, Rivera VR, Hewetson JF, Merrill GA [1994]. Detection of ricin by colorimetric and chemiluminescence ELISA. Toxicon 32(11):1371-1377.

    Puu G [2001]. An approach for analysis of protein toxins based on thin films of lipid mixtures in an optical biosensor. Anal Chem 73(1):72-79.

    Shyu HF, Chiao DJ, Liu HW, Tang SS [2002]. Monoclonal antibody-based enzyme immunoassay for detection of ricin. Hybridoma and Hybridomics 21(1):69-73.

    Taitt CR, Anderson GP, Lingerfelt BM, Feldstein MJ, Ligler FS [2002]. Nine-analyte detection using an array-based biosensor. Anal Chem 74(23):6114-6120.

    Yu H, Raymonda JW, McMahon TM, Campagnari AA [2000]. Detection of biological threat agents by immunomagnetic microsphere-based solid-phase fluorogenic and electrochemiluminescence. Biosens Bioelectron 14(10-11):829-840.

Page last updated:August 22, 2008
Page last reviewed:August 1, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Education and Information Division