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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced


Project Title: Mental Health Services for Young Neglected Children
Grant/Contract Number: K20 MH01279
Type of Project: Research Training
Funding Agency: National Institute of Mental Health
Agency Contact Person: Kimberly Hoagwood
(301) 443-3364
Principal Investigator: Robert B. Clyman, M.D.
Mailing Address: Kemp Prevention Center
1825 Marion Street
Denver, CO 80218
Total Project Duration: 01/95 to 12/99
FY 98 Total Costs: $148,041
Total Project Budget: $793,930
Child Maltreatment Focus: Primary
Type of Abuse: Neglect
Sample Size: Not specified
Age of Subjects: Not specified
Child Abuse and Neglect Focus
of This Project:
Not specified

The purpose of this Scientist Development Award for Clinicians is to provide Dr. Clyman with the methodology and conceptual foundations for a research career focused on mental health services for young children and their families, with particular attention to children who are victims of neglect. A series of research studies are underway on neglected children to examine how mental health and protective services can reduce out-of-home placement and recurrence of maltreatment, improve parenting, enhance children's socioemotional competence, and facilitate successful school performance.