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Project Title: Impact of Family Violence on Women's Drug Use
Grant/Contract Number: R01 DA06795-06
Type of Project: Research
Funding Agency: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Agency Contact Person: Coryl LaRue Jones, Ph.D.
(301) 443-6637
Principal Investigator: Brenda Miller, Ph.D.
Mailing Address: Institute on Addictions
1021 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14203
Total Project Duration: 09/22/92 to 07/30/98
FY 98 Total Costs: $560,424
Total Project Budget: $3,158,109
Child Maltreatment Focus: Secondary
Type of Abuse: Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Neglect; Undifferentiated
Sample Size: 180
Age of Subjects: 18-44 years old
Child Abuse and Neglect Focus
of This Project:
Origins and Consequences

Subjects in this prospective longitudinal study of the impact of family violence in childhood and of partner violence in adulthood on women's drug use represent women in drug treatment programs, community shelters, matched controls, with a substudy on incarcerated women. Extensive life histories and two prospective waves of data collection regarding contemporary patterns of drug use, partner and family violence, parenting practices, and associated risk factors and consequences will assess the etiology of partner violence and drug use in terms of each woman's history of family violence and drug and alcohol use and the contemporary etiology and consequences of drug use in the context of partner violence.