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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced


Project Title: Child Abuse, Risk and Protective Factors, Drug Abuse
Grant/Contract Number: P30 HD32041
Type of Project: Research
Funding Agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Agency Contact Person: Reid Lyon
(301) 496-9849
Principal Investigator: Cathy Spatz Widom
Mailing Address: Center for Social and Demographic Analysis
Albany, NY 12222
Total Project Duration: 9/30/97 to 6/30/00
FY 98 Total Costs: $57,814
Total Project Budget: $103,682
Child Maltreatment Focus: Primary
Type of Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Neglect; Differentiated
Sample Size: 1,114
Age of Subjects: Adults
Child Abuse and Neglect Focus
of This Project:
Origins and Consequences

The goals of this project are (1) to determine whether childhood victimization increases the development of drug abuse or dependence; (2) to examine consequences of victimization by gender, race/ethnicity, age, and type of maltreatment; (3) to explore the role of protective factors in mediating drug abuse/dependence; (4) to compare the prevalence of drug in a sample of maltreated children and controls with a sociodemographically matched general population sample; (5) to assess the extent the comorbidity in the abused and neglected individuals; (6) to examine relationships among childhood victimization, drug abuse, and criminal behavior, including violence and prostitution; and (7) to determine the extent of mortality for the abused and neglected individuals and controls.