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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture

Gao and Wang Research
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Reducing Fumigant Emissions


Dr. Suduan Gao


Dr.Gao conducts research on emission reductions from pre-plant soil fumigation. The goal of this research is to develop agricultural practices (effective, economic, and environmentally sound methods) using tarps, irrigation and soil amendments to minimize fumigant emissions while providing good efficacy. 


Gao Research Team taking emissions samples in a strawberry field.  

Dr. Dong Wang


Dr. Wang conducted laboratory, field, and modeling studies on understanding the environmental fate and transport and developing emission reduction techniques of methyl bromide alternative chemicals for pre-plant soil fumigation.  His recent research interest is to field test alternative soil fumigation methods for controlling soilborne replant diseases in grapevines.


Fumigation with methyl bromide alternatives.  



Last Modified: 12/07/2007