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Program Data Reports






Table 1 (PDF; 26 Kb)
Federal and Cooperative Funding by Resource Category
dividing line

Table2 (PDF; 72 Kb)
Expenditures for Conservation of Threatened and Endangered Species
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Table 3 (PDF; 994 Kb)
Resource Losses Reported to WS
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Table 4a (PDF;175 Kb)
Number of Technical Assistance Projects (Personal, Telephone, Written Consult)
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Table 4b (PDF; 85 Kb)
Number of Other Technical Assistance Projects Conducted by WS Personnel
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Table 4c (PDF; 89 Kb)
Number of Participants for other Technical Assistance Projects Conducted by WS
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Table 5 (PDF;133 Kb)
Bird Depredation Permits Recommended by WS
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Table 6 (PDF; 81 Kb)
Number of Animals Dispersed and Methods used by WS
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Table 7a (PDF; 28 Kb)
Equipment and Non-Chemical Materials Loaned for Cooperator Use by WS
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Table 7b (PDF; 20 Kb)
Irretrievable Equipment and Non-Chemical Materials Distributed or Sold for Cooperator Use by WS
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Table 8 (PDF; 74 Kb)
Chemical Products Used and Supervised by WS
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Table 9 (PDF; 21 Kb)
Chemical Products Distributed, Sold, or Demonstrated by the WS Program and Whose Use Was Not Supervised by WS Personnel
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Table 10F (PDF; 64 Kb)
Number of Animals Freed and Methods Used by WS
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Table 10T (PDF;132 Kb)
Number of Animals Killed and Methods Used by WS
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Table 11 (PDF; 66 Kb)
Harvest and Population Data of Selected SpDecember 11, 2008t="dividing line" width="368" height="10" border="0" />

Last Modified: December 11, 2008