With Wings as Eagles - From Fantasie to Flight
Myth and Fantasy
Early Science
Balloons and Airships
Kites and Gliders
Wright Brothers
Flying Higher: After the Wright Brothers
Myth and Fantasy
Journal by Alexander Graham Bell, from November 7, 1901, to April 29, 1902 (Bell’s notes on ancient flight)

(1600s etching) Dies (print portraying the mythological story of Icarus)

Mythology - Mercury, god of commerce and messenger of the gods (engraving)

Humorous portrayal of a man who flies with wings attached to his tunic (1800 and 1830 lithograph)

Astronomical chart showing a winged virgin (1825 print)

Wandering sprite (1859 sheet music)

Design drawing for a man-powered flying machine designed by Sir George Cayley (1860s design of ornithopter)

Voyage a la lune (1860s French cartoon)

Etchings - The True Story of the Capture of Pegasus (etching from 1871 Scribners Monthly)

The coming mode of travel, Prof. Harriman's Steam Air-Ship (1890s circus poster)

Tlingit canoe with winged figurehead (1903 photograph)

American poets' ambulances in Italy (1917 poster showing ambulance being pulled by a winged horse)

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Last updated 09/18/2003