Therapist Professional Advisory Committee

Educational Opportunities


Upcoming Courses/Conferences/Meetings for Therapists as of September 30, 2008




Location/Contact Info




COL Kersey Advanced Clinical and Operational Course

San Antonio, Texas

Fort Sam Houston

POC: LCDR Jessica Feda

507-287-0674 ext 5070



Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention And Treatment of the Neuropathic Foot (Online Course)

Sponsored by the National Hansen’s Disease Programs

See brochure




US Public Health Service Professional Conference

Category Day Presentations Now available in pdf format.

Cincinnati, OH



US Public Health Service Professional Conference

Category Day Presentations Now available in pdf format.

Denver, CO


Some of the courses listed on this site are supported at least in part with funds from the Therapist Category Special Project Fund with the Henry M. Jackson Foundation. If you take advantage of these educational opportunities, please consider making a contribution to the account if you have not already done so this calendar year.

Other professional society websites have information on continuing education, evidence-based courses, and fellowship opportunities for therapists including:
the American Physical Therapy Association,
the American Occupational Therapy Association,
the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association,
the American Public Health Association,
and the Association of Schools of Public Health.

The Joint Career and Development Committee (OCCO) has created a compilation of additional educational opportunities available to Public Health Service officers. It includes resources for degree opportunities, continuing education courses, online educational opportunities, fellowship opportunities, and financial resources. Please review the Training Opportunities and Resources Collaboration Paper (pdf format) for this information .

Officers also are advised to consult the HHS University for course opportunities.

In addition, training opportunities to enhance officership and readiness are available from
the Commissioned Officers Training Academy
OFRD Training
and the Centers for Disease Control at two sites.

NIH Training Opportunity: The Physical Therapy Section at NIH offers a Clinical Research and Training Fellowship Program for Post Graduates, Academicians and Students. The program is comprised of two tracks: a two to six month program (Track A) or a six to one-year program (Track B). Career development opportunities also exist for those interested in CCRF clinical hours. Development in areas of clinical expertise include Metabolic Exercise Testing, Orthotic/brace training, and Pediatrics. Contact CDR Michaele Smith for more information: at or 301-402-3014.

Army-Baylor programs. Program information on the transitional DPT through the Army-Baylor program for graduates of their masters program is available on their website

The U.S. Army-Baylor program also offers a postprofessional doctoral program in orthopaedic and manual physical therapy through the U.S. Army Orthopaedic and Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. It is open to all accredited physical therapy graduates. Prospective applicants should contact:

LTC Dan Rendeiro, Program Director
Office phone: (210) 916-2651
Fax: (210) 816-4074
or mail to: LTC Dan Rendeiro, MCHE-DOR-PT
Brooke Army Medical Center
3851 Roger Brooke Drive
Fort Sam Houston, TX, 78234

If you have any new information or corrections to the above information, please submit them to LCDR Jessica Feda or LT Felipe Zamarron, thank you.

LCDR Jessica Feda

LT Felipe Zamarron

Bureau of Prisons

phone: 507-287-0674 ext 5070






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Last updated October 2008