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Compilation of Titles IV-B, IV-E and Related Sections of the Social Security Act (Revised 12/03)

Title IV 1

Part B—Child and Family Services

Subpart 1—Child Welfare Services


SEC. 420. [42 U.S.C. 620] (a) For the purpose of enabling the United States, through the Secretary, to cooperate with State public welfare agencies in establishing, extending, and strengthening child welfare services, there is authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year the sum of $325,000,000.

(b) Funds appropriated for any fiscal year pursuant to the authorization contained in subsection (a) shall be included in the appropriation Act (or supplemental appropriation Act) for the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which such funds are available for obligation. In order to effect a transition to this method of timing appropriation action, the preceding sentence shall apply notwithstanding the fact that its initial application will result in the enactment in the same year (whether in the same appropriation Act or otherwise) of two separate appropriations, one for the then current fiscal year and one for the succeeding fiscal year.

Allotments to States

SEC. 421. [42 U.S.C. 621] (a) The sum appropriated pursuant to section 420 for each fiscal year shall be allotted by the Secretary for use by cooperating State public welfare agencies which have plans developed jointly by the State agency and the Secretary as follows: He shall first allot $70,000 to each State, and shall then allot to each State an amount which bears the same ratio to the remainder of such sum as the product of (1) the population of the State under the age of twenty-one and (2) the allotment percentage of the State (as determined under this section) bears to the sum of the corresponding products of all the States.
(b) The "allotment percentage" for any State shall be 100 per centum less the State percentage; and the State percentage shall be the percentage which bears the same ratio to 50 per centum as the per capita income of such State bears to the per capita income of the United States; except that (1) the allotment percentage shall in no case be less than 30 per centum or more than 70 per centum, and (2) the allotment percentage shall be 70 per centum in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.
(c) The allotment percentage for each State shall be promulgated by the Secretary between October 1 and November 30 of each even-numbered year, on the basis of the average per capita income of each State and of the United States for the three most recent calendar years for which satisfactory data are available from the Department of Commerce. Such promulgation shall be conclusive for each of the two fiscal years in the period beginning October 1 next succeeding such promulgation.
(d) For purposes of this section, the term "United States" means the fifty States and the District of Columbia.

State Plans for Child Welfare Services2

SEC. 422. [42 U.S.C. 622] (a) In order to be eligible for payment under this subpart, a State must have a plan for child welfare services which has been developed jointly by the Secretary and the State agency designated pursuant to subsection (b)(1), and which meets the requirements of subsection (b).
(b) Each plan for child welfare services under this subpart shall--

(1) provide that (A) the individual or agency that administers or supervises the administration of the State's services program under title XX will administer or supervise the administration of the plan (except as otherwise provided in section 103(d) of the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980), and (B) to the extent that child welfare services are furnished by the staff of the State agency or local agency administering the plan, a single organizational unit in such State or local agency, as the case may be, will be responsible for furnishing such child welfare services;
(2) provide for coordination between the services provided for children under the plan and the services and assistance provided under title XX, under the State program funded under part A, under the State plan approved under subpart 2 of this part, under the State plan approved under part E, and under other State programs having a relationship to the program under this subpart, with a view to provision of welfare and related services which will best promote the welfare of such children and their families.
(3) provide that the standards and requirements imposed with respect to child day care under title XX shall apply with respect to day care services under this subpart, except insofar as eligibility for such services is involved;
(4) provide for the training and effective use of paid paraprofessional staff, with particular emphasis on the full-time or part-time employment of persons of low income, as community service aides, in the administration of the plan, and for the use of nonpaid or partially paid volunteers in providing services and in assisting any advisory committees established by the State agency;
(5) contain a description of the services to be provided and specify the geographic areas where such services will be available;
(6) contain a description of the steps which the State will take to provide child welfare services and to make progress in--

(A) covering additional political subdivisions,
(B) reaching additional children in need of services, and
(C) expanding and strengthening the range of existing services and developing new types of services, along with a description of the State's child welfare services staff development and training plans;

(7) provide, in the development of services for children, for utilization of the facilities and experience of voluntary agencies in accordance with State and local programs and arrangements, as authorized by the State;
(8) provide that the agency administering or supervising the administration of the plan will furnish such reports, containing such information, and participate in such evaluations, as the Secretary may require;
(9) provide for the diligent recruitment of potential foster and adoptive families that reflect the ethnic and racial diversity of children in the State for whom foster and adoptive homes are needed;
(10) provide assurances that the State--

(A) since June 17, 1980, has completed an inventory of all children who, before the inventory, had been in foster care under the responsibility of the State for 6 months or more, which determined--

(i) the appropriateness of, and necessity for, the foster care placement;
(ii) whether the child could or should be returned to the parents of the child or should be freed for adoption or other permanent placement; and
(iii) the services necessary to facilitate the return of the child or the placement of the child for adoption or legal guardianship;

(B) is operating, to the satisfaction of the Secretary--

(i) a statewide information system from which can be readily determined the status, demographic characteristics, location, and goals for the placement of every child who is (or, within the immediately preceding 12 months, has been) in foster care;
(ii) a case review system (as defined in section 475(5) for each child receiving foster care under the supervision of the State;
(iii) a service program designed to help children--

(I) where safe and appropriate, return to families from which they have been removed; or
(II) be placed for adoption, with a legal guardian, or, if adoption or legal guardianship is determined not to be appropriate for a child, in some other planned, permanent living arrangement; and

(iv) a preplacement preventive services program designed to help children at risk of foster care placement remain safely with their families; and

(C)(i) has reviewed (or within 12 months after the date of the enactment of this paragraph will review) State policies and administrative and judicial procedures in effect for children abandoned at or shortly after birth (including policies and procedures providing for legal representation of such children); and
(ii) is implementing (or within 24 months after the date of the enactment of this paragraph will implement) such policies and procedures as the State determines, on the basis of the review described in clause (i), to be necessary to enable permanent decisions to be made expeditiously with respect to the placement of such children;

(11) contain a description, developed after consultation with tribal organizations (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act) in the State, of the specific measures taken by the State to comply with the Indian Child Welfare Act;
(12) contain assurances that the State shall develop plans for the effective use of cross-jurisdictional resources to facilitate timely adoptive or permanent placements for waiting children;
(13) contain a description of the activities that the State has undertaken for children adopted from other countries, including the provision of adoption and post-adoption services; and
(14) provide that the State shall collect and report information on children who are adopted from other countries and who enter into State custody as a result of the disruption of a placement for adoption or the dissolution of an adoption, including the number of children, the agencies who handled the placement or adoption, the plans for the child, and the reasons for the disruption or dissolution.

Payment to States

SEC. 423. [42 U.S.C. 623] (a) From the sums appropriated therefor and the allotment under this subpart, subject to the conditions set forth in this section, the Secretary shall from time to time pay to each State that has a plan developed in accordance with section 422 an amount equal to 75 per centum of the total sum expended under the plan (including the cost of administration of the plan) in meeting the costs of State, district, county, or other local child welfare services.
(b) The method of computing and making payments under this section shall be as follows:

(1) The Secretary shall, prior to the beginning of each period for which a payment is to be made, estimate the amount to be paid to the State for such period under the provisions of this section.
(2) From the allotment available therefor, the Secretary shall pay the amount so estimated, reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum (not previously adjusted under this section) by which he finds that his estimate of the amount to be paid the State for any prior period under this section was greater or less than the amount which should have been paid to the State for such prior period under this section.

(c)(1) No payment may be made to a State under this part, for any fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1979, with respect to State expenditures made for (A) child day care necessary solely because of the employment, or training to prepare for employment, of a parent or other relative with whom the child involved is living, (B) foster care maintenance payments, and (C) adoption assistance payments, to the extent that the Federal payment with respect to those expenditures would exceed the total amount of the Federal payment under this part for fiscal year 1979.
(2) Expenditures made by a State for any fiscal year which begins after September 30, 1979, for foster care maintenance payments shall be treated for purposes of making Federal payments under this part with respect to expenditures for child welfare services, as if such foster care maintenance payments constituted child welfare services of a type to which the limitation imposed by paragraph (1) does not apply; except that the amount payable to the State with respect to expenditures made for other child welfare services and for foster care maintenance payments during any such year shall not exceed 100 per centum of the amount of the expenditures made for child welfare services for which payment may be made under the limitation imposed by paragraph (1) as in effect without regard to this paragraph.
(d) No payment may be made to a State under this part in excess of the payment made under this part for fiscal year 1979, for any fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1979, if for the latter fiscal year the total of the State's expenditures for child welfare services under this part (excluding expenditures for activities specified in subsection (c)(1)) is less than the total of the State's expenditures under this part (excluding expenditures for such activities) for fiscal year 1979.


SEC. 424. [42 U.S.C. 624] (a) IN GENERAL.-- Subject to subsection (b), the amount of any allotment to a State under section 421 for any fiscal year which the State certifies to the Secretary will not be required for carrying out the State plan developed as provided in section 422 shall be available for reallotment from time to time, on such dates as the Secretary may fix, to other States which the Secretary determines (1) have need in carrying out their State plans so developed for sums in excess of those previously allotted to them under section 421 and (2) will be able to use such excess amounts during such fiscal year. Such reallotments shall be made on the basis of the State plans so developed, after taking into consideration the population under the age of twenty-one, and the per capita income of each such State as compared with the population under the age of twenty-one, and the per capita income of all such States with respect to which such a determination by the Secretary has been made. Any amount so reallotted to a State shall be deemed part of its allotment under section 421.
(b) EXCEPTION RELATING TO FOSTER CHILD PROTECTIONS.-- The Secretary shall not reallot under subsection (a) of this section any amount that is withheld or recovered from a State due to the failure of the State to meet the requirements of section 422(b)(10).


SEC. 425. [42 U.S.C. 625] (a)(1) For purposes of this title, the term "child welfare services" means public social services which are directed toward the accomplishment of the following purposes:(A) protecting and promoting the welfare of all children, including handicapped, homeless, dependent, or neglected children; (B) preventing or remedying, or assisting in the solution of problems which may result in, the neglect, abuse, exploitation, or delinquency of children; (C) preventing the unnecessary separation of children from their families by identifying family problems, assisting families in resolving their problems, and preventing breakup of the family where the prevention of child removal is desirable and possible; (D) restoring to their families children who have been removed, by the provision of services to the child and the families; (E) placing children in suitable adoptive homes, in cases where restoration to the biological family is not possible or appropriate; and (F) assuring adequate care of children away from their homes, in cases where the child cannot be returned home or cannot be placed for adoption.
(2) Funds expended by a State for any calendar quarter to comply with section 422(b)(10) or 476(b), and funds expended with respect to nonrecurring costs of adoption proceedings in the case of children placed for adoption with respect to whom assistance is provided under a State plan for adoption assistance approved under part E of this title, shall be deemed to have been expended for child welfare services.
(b) For other definitions relating to this part and to part E of this title, see section 475 of this Act.

Research, Training, or Demonstration Projects

SEC. 426. [42 U.S.C. 626] (a) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year such sums as the Congress may determine--

(1) for grants by the Secretary--

(A) to public or other nonprofit institutions of higher learning, and to public or other nonprofit agencies and organizations engaged in research or child-welfare activities, for special research or demonstration projects in the field of child welfare which are of regional or national significance and for special projects for the demonstration of new methods or facilities which show promise of substantial contribution to the advancement of child welfare;
(B) to State or local public agencies responsible for administering, or supervising the administration of, the plan under this part, for projects for the demonstration of the utilization of research (including findings resulting there- from) in the field of child welfare in order to encourage experimental and special types of welfare services; and
(C) to public or other nonprofit institutions of higher learning for special projects for training personnel for work in the field of child welfare, including traineeships described in section 429 with such stipends and allowances as may be permitted by the Secretary; and

(2) for contracts or jointly financed cooperative arrangements with States and public and other organizations and agencies for the conduct of research, special projects, or demonstration projects relating to such matters.

(b)(1) There are authorized to be appropriated $4,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1988, 1989, and 1990 for grants by the Secretary to public or private nonprofit entities submitting applications under this subsection for the purpose of conducting demonstration projects under this subsection to develop alternative care arrangements for infants who do not have health conditions that require hospitalization and who would otherwise remain in inappropriate hospital settings.
(2) The demonstration projects conducted under this section may include--

(A) multidisciplinary projects designed to prevent the inappropriate hospitalization of infants and to allow infants described in paragraph (1) to remain with or return to a parent in a residential setting, where appropriate care for the infant and suitable treatment for the parent (including treatment for drug or alcohol addiction) may be assured, with the goal (where possible) of rehabilitating the parent and eliminating the need for such care for the infant;
(B) multidisciplinary projects that assure appropriate, individualized care for such infants in a foster home or other non-medical residential setting in cases where such infant does not require hospitalization and would otherwise remain in inappropriate hospital settings, including projects to demonstrate methods to recruit, train, and retain foster care families; and
(C) such other projects as the Secretary determines will best serve the interests of such infants and will serve as models for projects that agencies or organizations in other communities may wish to develop.

(3) In the case of any project which includes the use of funds authorized under this subsection for the care of infants in foster homes or other non-medical residential settings away from their parents, there shall be developed for each such infant a case plan of the type described in section 475(1) (to the extent that such infant is not otherwise covered by such a plan), and each such project shall include a case review system of the type described in section 475(5) (covering each such infant who is not otherwise subject to such a system).
(4) In evaluating applications from entities proposing to conduct demonstration projects under this subsection, the Secretary shall give priority to those projects that serve areas most in need of alternative care arrangements for infants described in paragraph (1).
(5) No project may be funded unless the application therefor contains assurances that it will--

(A) provide for adequate evaluation;
(B) provide for coordination with local governments;
(C) provide for community education regarding the inappropriate hospitalization of infants;
(D) use, to the extent practical, other available private, local, State, and Federal sources for the provision of direct services; and
(E) meet such other criteria as the Secretary may prescribe.

(6) Grants may be used to pay the costs of maintenance and of necessary medical and social services (to the extent that these costs are not otherwise paid for under other titles of this Act), and for such other purposes as the Secretary may allow.
(7) The Secretary shall provide training and technical assistance to grantees, as requested.
(c) Payments of grants or under contracts or cooperative arrangements under this section may be made in advance or by way of reimbursement, and in such installments, as the Secretary may determine; and shall be made on such conditions as the Secretary finds necessary to carry out the purposes of the grants, contracts, or other arrangements.

Payments to Indian Tribal Organizations

SEC. 428. [42 U.S.C. 628] (a) The Secretary may, in appropriate cases (as determined by the Secretary) make payments under this subpart directly to an Indian tribal organization within any State which has a plan for child welfare services approved under this subpart. Such payments shall be made in such manner and in such amounts as the Secretary determines to be appropriate.
(b) Amounts paid under subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a part of the allotment (as determined under section 421) for the State in which such Indian tribal organization is located.
(c) For purposes of this section, the terms "Indian tribe" and "tribal organization" shall have the meanings given such terms by subsections (e) and (l) of section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b), respectively.

Child Welfare Traineeships

SEC. 429. [42 U.S.C. 628a] The Secretary may approve an application for a grant to a public or nonprofit institution for higher learning to provide traineeships with stipends under section 426(a)(1)(C) only if the application--
(1) provides assurances that each individual who receives a stipend with such traineeship (in this section referred to as a "recipient") will enter into an agreement with the institution under which the recipient agrees--

(A) to participate in training at a public or private nonprofit child welfare agency on a regular basis (as determined by the Secretary) for the period of the traineeship;
(B) to be employed for a period of years equivalent to the period of the traineeship, in a public or private nonprofit child welfare agency in any State, within a period of time (determined by the Secretary in accordance with regulations) after completing the postsecondary education for which the traineeship was awarded;
(C) to furnish to the institution and the Secretary evidence of compliance with subparagraphs (A) and (B); and
(D) if the recipient fails to comply with subparagraph (A) or (B) and does not qualify for any exception to this subparagraph which the Secretary may prescribe in regulations, to repay to the Secretary all (or an appropriately prorated part) of the amount of the stipend, plus interest, and, if applicable, reasonable collection fees (in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary);

(2) provides assurances that the institution will--

(A) enter into agreements with child welfare agencies for onsite training of recipients;
(B) permit an individual who is employed in the field of child welfare services to apply for a traineeship with a stipend if the traineeship furthers the progress of the individual toward the completion of degree requirements; and
(C) develop and implement a system that, for the 3-year period that begins on the date any recipient completes a child welfare services program of study, tracks the employment record of the recipient, for the purpose of determining the percentage of recipients who secure employment in the field of child welfare services and remain employed in the field.

National Random Sample Study of Child Welfare

SEC. 429A. [42 U.S.C. 628b] (a) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary shall conduct (directly, or by grant, contract, or interagency agreement) a national study based on random samples of children who are at risk of child abuse or neglect, or are determined by States to have been abused or neglected.
(b) REQUIREMENTS.--The study required by subsection (a) shall--

(1) have a longitudinal component; and
(2) yield data reliable at the State level for as many States as the Secretary determines is feasible.

(c) PREFERRED CONTENTS.--In conducting the study required by subsection (a), the Secretary should--

(1) carefully consider selecting the sample from cases of confirmed abuse or neglect; and
(2) follow each case for several years while obtaining information on, among other things--

(A) the type of abuse or neglect involved;
(B) the frequency of contact with State or local agencies;
(C) whether the child involved has been separated from the family, and, if so, under what circumstances;
(D) the number, type, and characteristics of out-of-home placements of the child; and
(E) the average duration of each placement.

(d) REPORTS.--

(1) IN GENERAL.--From time to time, the Secretary shall prepare reports summarizing the results of the study required by subsection (a).
(2) AVAILABILITY.--The Secretary shall make available to the public any report prepared under paragraph (1), in writing or in the form of an electronic data tape.
(3) AUTHORITY TO CHARGE FEE.--The Secretary may charge and collect a fee for the furnishing of reports under paragraph (2).

(e) APPROPRIATION.--Out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated to the Secretary for each of fiscal years 1996 through 2002 $6,000,000 to carry out this section.


Findings and Purpose

SEC. 430. (a) FINDINGS.-The Congress finds that there is a continuing urgent need to protect children and to strengthen families as demonstrated by the following:

(1) Family support programs directed at specific vulnerable populations have had positive effects on parents, children, or both. The vulnerable populations for which programs have been shown to be effective include teenage mothers with very young children and families that have children with special needs.
(2) Family preservation programs have been shown to provide extensive and intensive services to families in crisis.
(3) The time lines established by the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 have made the prompt availability of services to address family problems (and in particular the prompt availability of appropriate services and treatment addressing substance abuse) an important factor in successful family reunification.
(4) The rapid increases in the annual number of adoptions since the enactment of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 have created a growing need for postadoption services and for service providers with the particular knowledge and skills required to address the unique issues adoptive families and children may face.

(b) PURPOSE.-The purpose of this program is to enable States to develop and establish, or expand, and to operate coordinated programs of community-based family support services, family preservation services, time-limited family reunification services, and adoption promotion and support services to accomplish the following objectives:

(1) To prevent child maltreatment among families at risk through the provision of supportive family services.
(2) To assure children's safety within the home and preserve intact families in which children have been maltreated, when the family's problems can be addressed effectively.
(3) To address the problems of families whose children have been placed in foster care so that reunification may occur in a safe and stable manner in accordance with the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997.
(4) To support adoptive families by providing support services as necessary so that they can make a lifetime commitment to their children.


SEC. 431. [42 U.S.C. 629a] (a) IN GENERAL.--As used in this subpart:

(1) FAMILY PRESERVATION SERVICES.--The term "family preservation services" means services for children and families designed to help families (including adoptive and extended families) at risk or in crisis, including--

(A) service programs designed to help children--

(i) where safe and appropriate, return to families from which they have been removed; or
(ii) be placed for adoption, with a legal guardian, or, if adoption or legal guardianship is determined not to be safe and appropriate for a child, in some other planned, permanent living arrangement;

(B) preplacement preventive services programs, such as intensive family preservation programs, designed to help children at risk of foster care placement remain safely with their families;
(C) service programs designed to provide followup care to families to whom a child has been returned after a foster care placement;
(D) respite care of children to provide temporary relief for parents and other caregivers (including foster parents);
(E) services designed to improve parenting skills (by reinforcing parents' confidence in their strengths, and helping them to identify where improvement is needed and to obtain assistance in improving those skills) with respect to matters such as child development, family budgeting, coping with stress, health, and nutrition; and
(F) infant safe haven programs to provide a way for a parent to safely relinquish a newborn infant at a safe haven designated pursuant to a State law.

(2) FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES.--The term "family support services" means community-based services to promote the safety and well-being of children and families designed to increase the strength and stability of families (including adoptive, foster, and extended families), to increase parents' confidence and competence in their parenting abilities, to afford children a safe, stable and supportive family environment, to strengthen parental relationships and promote healthy marriages, and otherwise to enhance child development.
(3) State agency.--The term "State agency" means the State agency responsible for administering the program under subpart 1.
(4) State.--The term "State" includes an Indian tribe or tribal organization, in addition to the meaning given such term for purposes of subpart 1.
(5) Tribal organization.--The term "tribal organization" means the recognized governing body of any Indian tribe.
(6) Indian tribe.--The term "Indian tribe" means any Indian tribe (as defined in 482(i)(5), as in effect before August 22, 19863) and any Alaska Native organization (as defined in 482(i)(7)(A), as so in effect).

(A) IN GENERAL.--The term 'time-limited family reunification services' means the services and activities described in subparagraph (B) that are provided to a child that is removed from the child's home and placed in a foster family home or a child care institution and to the parents or primary caregiver of such a child, in order to facilitate the reunification of the child safely and appropriately within a timely fashion, but only during the 15-month period that begins on the date that the child, pursuant to section 475(5)(F), is considered to have entered foster care.
(B) SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED.--The services and activities described in this subparagraph are the following:

(i) Individual, group, and family counseling.
(ii) Inpatient, residential, or outpatient substance abuse treatment services.
(iii) Mental health services.
(iv) Assistance to address domestic violence.
(v) Services designed to provide temporary child care and therapeutic services for families, including crisis nurseries.
(vi) Transportation to or from any of the services and activities described in this subparagraph.

(8) ADOPTION PROMOTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES.--The term 'adoption promotion and support services' means services and activities designed to encourage more adoptions out of the foster care system, when adoptions promote the best interests of children, including such activities as pre- and post-adoptive services and activities designed to expedite the adoption process and support adoptive families.
(9) NON-FEDERAL FUNDS.--The term 'non-Federal funds' means State funds, or at the option of a State, State and local funds.

(b) Other Terms.--For other definitions of other terms used in this subpart, see section 475.

State Plans

SEC. 432. [42 U.S.C. 629b] (a) PLAN REQUIREMENTS.--A State plan meets the requirements of this subsection if the plan--

(1) provides that the State agency shall administer, or supervise the administration of, the State program under this subpart;
(2)(A)(i) sets forth the goals intended to be accomplished under the plan by the end of the 5th fiscal year in which the plan is in operation in the State, and (ii) is updated periodically to set forth the goals intended to be accomplished under the plan by the end of each 5th fiscal year thereafter;
(B) describes the methods to be used in measuring progress toward accomplishment of the goals;
(C) contains assurances that the State--

(i) after the end of each of the 1st 4 fiscal years covered by a set of goals, will perform an interim review of progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and on the basis of the interim review will revise the statement of goals in the plan, if necessary, to reflect changed circumstances; and
(ii) after the end of the last fiscal year covered by a set of goals, will perform a final review of progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and on the basis of the final review (I) will prepare, transmit to the Secretary, and make available to the public a final report on progress toward accomplishment of the goals, and (II) will develop (in consultation with the entities required to be consulted pursuant to subsection (b)) and add to the plan a statement of the goals intended to be accomplished by the end of the 5th succeeding fiscal year;

(3) provides for coordination, to the extent feasible and appropriate, of the provision of services under the plan and the provision of services or benefits under other Federal or federally assisted programs serving the same populations;
(4) contains assurances that not more than 10 percent of expenditures under the plan for any fiscal year with respect to which the State is eligible for payment under section 434 for the fiscal year shall be for administrative costs, and that the remaining expenditures shall be for programs of family preservation services, community-based family support services, time-limited family reunification services, and adoption promotion and support services, with significant portions of such expenditures for each such program;
(5) contains assurances that the State will--

(A) annually prepare, furnish to the Secretary, and make available to the public a description (including separate descriptions with respect to family preservation services, community-based family support services, time-limited family reunification services, and adoption promotion and support services) of--

(i) the service programs to be made available under the plan in the immediately succeeding fiscal year;
(ii) the populations which the programs will serve; and
(iii) the geographic areas in the State in which the services will be available; and

(B) perform the activities described in subparagraph (A)--

(i) in the case of the 1st fiscal year under the plan, at the time the State submits its initial plan; and
(ii) in the case of each succeeding fiscal year, by the end of the 3rd quarter of the immediately preceding fiscal year;

(6) provides for such methods of administration as the Secretary finds to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the plan;
(7)(A) contains assurances that Federal funds provided to the State under this subpart will not be used to supplant Federal or non-Federal funds for existing services and activities which promote the purposes of this subpart; and
(B) provides that the State will furnish reports to the Secretary, at such times, in such format, and containing such information as the Secretary may require, that demonstrate the State's compliance with the prohibition contained in subparagraph (A);
(8) provides that the State agency will furnish such reports, containing such information, and participate in such evaluations, as the Secretary may require; and
(9) contains assurances that in administering and conducting service programs under the plan, the safety of the children to be served shall be of paramount concern.


(1) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary shall approve a plan that meets the requirements of subsection (a) only if the plan was developed jointly by the Secretary and the State, after consultation by the State agency with appropriate public and nonprofit private agencies and community-based organizations with experience in administering programs of services for children and families (including family preservation, family support, time-limited family reunification, and adoption promotion and support services).

(A) EXEMPTION FROM INAPPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS.--The Secretary may exempt a plan submitted by an Indian tribe from any requirement of this section that the Secretary determines would be inappropriate to apply to the Indian tribe, taking into account the resources, needs, and other circumstances of the Indian tribe.
(B) SPECIAL RULE.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the Secretary may not approve a plan of an Indian tribe under this subpart to which (but for this subparagraph) an allotment of less than $10,000 would be made under section 433(a) if allotments were made under section 433(a) to all Indian tribes with plans approved under this subpart with the same or larger numbers of children.

Allotments to States

SEC. 433. [42 U.S.C. 629c] (a) INDIAN TRIBES.--From the amount reserved pursuant to section 436(b)(3) for any fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each Indian tribe with a plan approved under this subpart an amount that bears the same ratio to such reserved amount as the number of children in the Indian tribe bears to the total number of children in all Indian tribes with State plans so approved, as determined by the Secretary on the basis of the most current and reliable information available to the Secretary.
(b) TERRITORIES.--From the amount described in section 436(a) for any fiscal year that remains after applying section 436(b) for the fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each of the jurisdictions of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa an amount determined in the same manner as the allotment to each of such jurisdictions is determined under section 421.

(1) IN GENERAL.--From the amount described in section 436(a) for any fiscal year that remains after applying section 436(b) and subsection (b) of this section for the fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each State (other than an Indian tribe) which is not specified in subsection (b) of this section an amount equal to such remaining amount multiplied by the food stamp percentage of the State for the fiscal year.

(A) IN GENERAL.--As used in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the term "food stamp percentage" means, with respect to a State and a fiscal year, the average monthly number of children receiving food stamp benefits in the State for months in the 3 fiscal years referred to in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, as determined from sample surveys made under section 16(c) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977, expressed as a percentage of the average monthly number of children receiving food stamp benefits in the States described in such paragraph (1) for months in such 3 fiscal years, as so determined.
(B) FISCAL YEARS USED IN CALCULATION.--For purposes of the calculation pursuant to subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall use data for the 3 most recent fiscal years, preceding the fiscal year for which the State's allotment is calculated under this subsection, for which such data are available to the Secretary.

(d) REALLOTMENTS.- The amount of any allotment to a State under this section for any fiscal year that the State certifies to the Secretary will not be required for carrying out the State plan under section 432 shall be available for reallotment using the allotment methodology specified in this section. Any amount so reallotted to a State is deemed part of the allotment of the State under the preceding provisions of this section.

Payments to States

SEC. 434. [42 U.S.C. 629d] (a) ENTITLEMENT.-Each State that has a plan approved under section 432 shall be entitled to payment of the lesser of--

(1) 75 percent of the total expenditures by the State for activities under the plan during the fiscal year or the immediately succeeding fiscal year; or
(2) the allotment of the State under section 433 for the fiscal year.


(1) NO USE OF OTHER FEDERAL FUNDS FOR STATE MATCH.--Each State receiving an amount paid under subsection (a) may not expend any Federal funds to meet the costs of services under the State plan under section 432 not covered by the amount so paid.
(2) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.--A State may not expend any amount paid under subsection (a) for any fiscal year after the end of the immediately succeeding fiscal year.

(c) DIRECT PAYMENTS TO TRIBAL ORGANIZATIONS OF INDIAN TRIBES.--The Secretary shall pay any amount to which an Indian tribe is entitled under this section directly to the tribal organization of the Indian tribe.

Evaluations; Research; Technical Assistance.

SEC. 435. [42 U.S.C. 629e] (a) EVALUATIONS.--

(1) IN GENERAL..-The Secretary shall evaluate and report to the Congress biennially on the effectiveness of the programs carried out pursuant to this subpart in accomplishing the purposes of this subpart, and may evaluate any other Federal, State, or local program, regardless of whether federally assisted, that is designed to achieve the same purposes as the program under this subpart, in accordance with criteria established in accordance with paragraph (2).
(2) CRITERIA TO BE USED.--In developing the criteria to be used in evaluations under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall consult with appropriate parties, such as--

(A) State agencies administering programs under this part and part E;
(B) persons administering child and family services programs (including family preservation and family support programs) for private, nonprofit organizations with an interest in child welfare; and
(C) other persons with recognized expertise in the evaluation of child and family services programs (including family preservation and family support programs) or other related programs.

(3) TIMING OF REPORT.-Beginning in 2003, the Secretary shall submit the biennial report required by this subsection not later than April 1 of every other year, and shall include in each such report the funding level, the status of ongoing evaluations, findings to date, and the nature of any technical assistance provided to States under subsection (d).

(b) COORDINATION OF EVALUATIONS.--The Secretary shall develop procedures to coordinate evaluations under this section, to the extent feasible, with evaluations by the States of the effectiveness of programs under this subpart.
(c) RESEARCH.-The Secretary shall give priority consideration to the following topics for research and evaluation under this subsection, using rigorous evaluation methodologies where feasible:

(1) Promising program models in the service categories specified in section 430(b), particularly time-limited reunification services and postadoption services.
(2) Multi-disciplinary service models designed to address parental substance abuse and to reduce its impacts on children.
(3) The efficacy of approaches directed at families with specific problems and with children of specific age ranges.
(4) The outcomes of adoptions finalized after enactment of the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997.

(d) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.-To the extent funds are available therefor, the Secretary shall provide technical assistance that helps States and Indian tribes to-

(1) develop research-based protocols for identifying families at risk of abuse and neglect of use in the field;
(2) develop treatment models that address the needs of families at risk, particularly families with substance abuse issues;
(3) implement programs with well-articulated theories of how the intervention will result in desired changes among families at risk;
(4) establish mechanisms to ensure that service provision matches the treatment model; and
(5) establish mechanisms to ensure that postadoption services meet the needs of the individual families and develop models to reduce the disruption rates of adoption.

Authorization of Appropriations; Reservation of Certain Amounts

SEC. 436. (a) AUTHORIZATION.-There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out the provisions of this subpart $305,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2002 through 2006.
(b) RESERVATION OF CERTAIN AMOUNTS.-From the amount specified in subsection (a) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall reserve amounts as follows:

(1) EVALUATION, RESEARCH, TRAINING, AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.-The Secretary shall reserve $6,000,000 for expenditure by the Secretary-

(A) for research, training, and technical assistance costs related to the program under this subpart; and
(B) for evaluation of State programs based on the plans approved under section 432 and funded under this subpart, and any other Federal, State, or local program, regardless of whether federally assisted, that is designed to achieve the same purposes as the State programs.

(2) STATE COURT IMPROVEMENTS.-The Secretary shall reserve $10,000,000 for grants under section 438.
(3) INDIAN TRIBES.-The Secretary shall reserve 1 percent for allotment to Indian tribes in accordance with section 433(a).

Discretionary Grants.

SEC. 437. (a) LIMITATIONS ON AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.-In addition to any amount appropriated pursuant to section 436, there are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $200,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2002 through 2006.
(b) RESERVATION OF CERTAIN AMOUNTS.-From the amount (if any) appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall reserve amounts as follows:

(1) EVALUATION, RESEARCH, TRAINING, AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.-The Secretary shall reserve 3.3 percent for expenditure by the Secretary for the activities described in section 436(b)(1).
(2) STATE COURT IMPROVEMENTS.-The Secretary shall reserve 3.3 percent for grants under section 438.
(3) INDIAN TRIBES.-The Secretary shall reserve 2 percent for allotment to Indian tribes in accordance with subsection (c)(1).


(1) INDIAN TRIBES.-From the amount (if any) reserved pursuant to subsection (b)(3) for any fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each Indian tribe with a plan approved under this subpart an amount that bears the same ratio to such reserved amount as the number of children in the Indian tribe bears to the total number of children in all Indian tribes with State plans so approved, as determined by the Secretary on the basis of the most current and reliable information available to the Secretary.
(2) TERRITORIES.-From the amount (if any) appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) for any fiscal year that remains after applying subsection (b) for the fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each of the jurisdictions of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa an amount determined in the same manner as the allotment to each of such jurisdictions is determined under section 421.
(3) OTHER STATES.-From the amount (if any) appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) for any fiscal year that remains after applying subsection (b) and paragraph (2) of this subsection for the fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each State (other than an Indian tribe) which is not specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection an amount equal to such remaining amount multiplied by the food stamp percentage (as defined in section 433(c)(2)) of the State for the fiscal year.

(d) GRANTS.-The Secretary may make a grant to a State which has a plan approved under this subpart in an amount equal to the lesser of-

(1) 75 percent of the total expenditures by the State for activities under the plan during the fiscal year or the immediately succeeding fiscal year; or
(2) the allotment of the State under subsection (c) for the fiscal year.

(e) APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN RULES.-The rules of subsections (b) and (c) of section 434 shall apply in like manner to the amounts made available pursuant to this section.

Entitlement Funding for State Courts to Assess and Improve Handling of Proceedings Relating to Foster Care and Adoption.4

SEC. 438. (a) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary shall make grants, in accordance with this section, to the highest State courts in States participating in the program under part E, for the purpose of enabling such courts-

(1) to conduct assessments, in accordance with such requirements as the Secretary shall publish, of the role, responsibilities, and effectiveness of State courts in carrying out State laws requiring proceedings (conducted by or under the supervision of the courts)-

(A) that implement parts B and E;
(B) that determine the advisability or appropriateness of foster care placement;
(C) that determine whether to terminate parental rights; and
(D) that determine whether to approve the adoption or other permanent placement of a child; and

(2) to implement improvements the highest state courts deem necessary as a result of the assessments, including-

(A) to provide for the safety, well-being, and permanence of children in foster care, as set forth in the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-89); and
(B) to implement a corrective action plan, as necessary, resulting from reviews of child and family service programs under section 1123A of this Act.

(b) APPLICATIONS.-In order to be eligible for a grant under this section, a highest State court shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such form, and including such information and assurances as the Secretary shall require.

(1) IN GENERAL.-Each highest State court which has an application approved under subsection (b), and is conducting assessment and improvement activities in accordance with this section, shall be entitled to payment, for each of fiscal years 2002 through 2006, from the amount reserved pursuant to section 436(b)(2) (and the amount, if any, reserved pursuant to section 437(b)(2)), of an amount equal to the sum of $85,000 plus the amount described in paragraph (2) of this subsection for the fiscal year.
(2) FORMULA.-The amount described in this paragraph for any fiscal year is the amount that bears the same ratio to the amount reserved pursuant to section 436(b)(2) (and the amount, if any, reserved pursuant to section 437(b)(2)) for the fiscal year (reduced by the dollar amount specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection for the fiscal year) as the number of individuals in the State who have not attained 21 years of age bears to the total number of such individuals in all States the highest State courts of which have approved applications under subsection (b).

(d) FEDERAL SHARE.-Each highest State court which receives funds paid under this section may use such funds to pay not more than 75 percent of the cost of activities under this section in each of fiscal years 2002 through 2006.

Grants for Programs for Mentoring Children of Prisoners.



(A) In the period between 1991 and 1999, the number of children with a parent incarcerated in a Federal or State correctional facility increased by more than 100 percent, from approximately 900,000 to approximately 2,000,000. In 1999, 2.1 percent of all children in the United States had a parent in Federal or State prison.
(B) Prior to incarceration, 64 percent of female prisoners and 44 percent of male prisoners in State facilities lived with their children.
(C) Nearly 90 percent of the children of incarcerated fathers live with their mothers, and 79 percent of the children of incarcerated mothers live with a grandparent or other relative.
(D) Parental arrest and confinement lead to stress, trauma, stigmatization, and separation problems for children. These problems are coupled with existing problems that include poverty, violence, parental substance abuse, high-crime environments, intrafamilial abuse, child abuse and neglect, multiple care givers, and/or prior separations. As a result, these children often exhibit a broad variety of behavioral, emotional, health, and educational problems that are often compounded by the pain of separation.
(E) Empirical research demonstrates that mentoring is a potent force for improving children's behavior across all risk behaviors affecting health. Quality, one-on-one relationships that provide young people with caring role models for future success have profound, life-changing potential. Done right, mentoring markedly advances youths' life prospects. A widely cited 1995 study by Public/Private Ventures measured the impact of one Big Brothers Big Sisters program and found significant effects in the lives of youth-cutting first-time drug use by almost half and first-time alcohol use by about a third, reducing school absenteeism by half, cutting assaultive behavior by a third, improving parental and peer relationships, giving youth greater confidence in their school work, and improving academic performance.

(2) PURPOSE.-The purpose of this section is to authorize the Secretary to make competitive grants to applicants in areas with substantial numbers of children of incarcerated parents, to support the establishment or expansion and operation of programs using a network of public and private community entities to provide mentoring services for children of prisoners.

(b) DEFINITIONS.-In this section:

(1) CHILDREN OF PRISONERS.-The term 'children of prisoners' means children one or both of whose parents are incarcerated in a Federal, State, or local correctional facility. The term is deemed to include children who are in an ongoing mentoring relationship in a program under this section at the time of their parents' release from prison, for purposes of continued participation in the program.
(2) MENTORING.-The term 'mentoring' means a structured, managed program in which children are appropriately matched with screened and trained adult volunteers for one-on-one relationships, involving meetings and activities on a regular basis, intended to meet, in part, the child's need for involvement with a caring and supportive adult who provides a positive role model.
(3) MENTORING SERVICES.-The term 'mentoring services' means those services and activities that support a structured, managed program of mentoring, including the management by trained personnel of outreach to, and screening of, eligible children; outreach to, education and training of, and liaison with sponsoring local organizations; screening and training of adult volunteers; matching of children with suitable adult volunteer mentors; support and oversight of the mentoring relationship; and establishment of goals and evaluation of outcomes for mentored children.

(c) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.-From the amounts appropriated under subsection (h) for a fiscal year that remain after applying subsection (h)(2), the Secretary shall make grants under this section for each of fiscal years 2002 through 2006 to State or local governments, tribal governments or tribal consortia, faith-based organizations, and community-based organizations in areas that have significant numbers of children of prisoners and that submit applications meeting the requirements of this section, in amounts that do not exceed $5,000,000 per grant.
(d) APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS.-In order to be eligible for a grant under this section, the chief executive officer of the applicant must submit to the Secretary an application containing the following:

(1) PROGRAM DESIGN.-A description of the proposed program, including-

(A) a list of local public and private organizations and entities that will participate in the mentoring network;
(B) the name, description, and qualifications of the entity that will coordinate and oversee the activities of the mentoring network;
(C) the number of mentor-child matches proposed to be established and maintained annually under the program;
(D) such information as the Secretary may require concerning the methods to be used to recruit, screen support, and oversee individuals participating as mentors, (which methods shall include criminal background checks on the individuals), and to evaluate outcomes for participating children, including information necessary to demonstrate compliance with requirements established by the Secretary for the program; and
(E) such other information as the Secretary may require.

(2) COMMUNITY CONSULTATION; COORDINATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMS.-A demonstration that, in developing and implementing the program, the applicant will, to the extent feasible and appropriate-

(A) consult with public and private community entities, including religious organizations, and including, as appropriate, Indian tribal organizations and urban Indian organizations, and with family members of potential clients;
(B) coordinate the programs and activities under the program with other Federal, State, and local programs serving children and youth; and
(C) consult with appropriate Federal, State, and local corrections, workforce development, and substance abuse and mental health agencies.

(3) EQUAL ACCESS FOR LOCAL SERVICE PROVIDERS.-An assurance that public and private entities and community organizations, including religious organizations and Indian organizations, will be eligible to participate on an equal basis.
(4) RECORDS, REPORTS, AND AUDITS.- An agreement that the applicant will maintain such records, make such reports, and cooperate with such reviews or audits as the Secretary may find necessary for purposes of oversight of project activities and expenditures.
(5) EVALUATION.-An agreement that the applicant will cooperate fully with the Secretary's ongoing and final evaluation of the program under the plan, by means including providing the Secretary access to the program and program-related records and documents, staff, and grantees receiving funding under the plan.


(1) IN GENERAL.-A grant for a program under this section shall be available to pay a percentage share of the costs of the program up to-

(A) 75 percent for the first and second fiscal years for which the grant is awarded; and
(B) 50 percent for the third and each succeeding such fiscal years.

(2) NON-FEDERAL SHARE.-The non-Federal share of the cost of projects under this section may be in cash or in kind. In determining the amount of the non-Federal share, the Secretary may attribute fair market value to goods, services, and facilities contributed from non-Federal sources.

(f) CONSIDERATIONS IN AWARDING GRANTS.-In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall take into consideration-

(1) the qualifications and capacity of applicants and networks of organizations to effectively carry out a mentoring program under this section;
(2) the comparative severity of need for mentoring services in local areas, taking into consideration data on the numbers of children (and in particular of low-income children) with an incarcerated parents (or parents)5 in the areas;
(3) evidence of consultation with existing youth and family service programs, as appropriate; and
(4) any other factors the Secretary may deem significant with respect to the need for or the potential success of carrying out a mentoring program under this section.

(g) EVALUATION.- The Secretary shall conduct an evaluation of the programs conducted pursuant to this section, and submit to the Congress not later than April 15, 2005, a report on the findings of the evaluation.

(1) AUTHORIZATION.-There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $67,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2002 and 2003, and such sums as may be necessary for each succeeding fiscal year.
(2) RESERVATION.-The Secretary shall reserve 2.5 percent of the amount appropriated for each fiscal year under paragraph (1) for expenditure by the Secretary for research, technical assistance, and evaluation related to programs under this section.

Part E—Federal Payments for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance

Purpose: Appropriation

SEC. 470. [42 U.S.C. 670] For the purpose of enabling each State to provide, in appropriate cases, foster care and transitional independent living programs for children who otherwise would have been eligible for assistance under the State's plan approved under part A (as such plan was in effect on June 1, 1995) and adoption assistance for children with special needs, there are authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year (commencing with the fiscal year which begins October 1, 1980) such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this part. The sums made available under this section shall be used for making payments to States which have submitted, and had approved by the Secretary, State plans under this part.

State Plan for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance

SEC. 471. [42 U.S.C. 671] (a) In order for a State to be eligible for payments under this part, it shall have a plan approved by the Secretary which--

(1) provides for foster care maintenance payments in accordance with section 472 and for adoption assistance in accordance with section 473;
(2) provides that the State agency responsible for administering the program authorized by subpart 1 of part B of this title shall administer, or supervise the administration of, the program authorized by this part;
(3) provides that the plan shall be in effect in all political subdivisions of the State, and, if administered by them, be mandatory upon them;
(4) provides that the State shall assure that the programs at the local level assisted under this part will be coordinated with the programs at the State or local level assisted under parts A and B of this title, under title XX of this Act, and under any other appropriate provision of Federal law;
(5) provides that the State will, in the administration of its programs under this part, use such methods relating to the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis as are found by the Secretary to be necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the programs, except that the Secretary shall exercise no authority with respect to the selection, tenure of office, or compensation of any individual employed in accordance with such methods;
(6) provides that the State agency referred to in paragraph (2) (hereinafter in this part referred to as the "State agency") will make such reports, in such form and containing such information as the Secretary may from time to time require, and comply with such provisions as the Secretary may from time to time find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports;
(7) provides that the State agency will monitor and conduct periodic evaluations of activities carried out under this part;
(8) provides safeguards which restrict the use of or disclosure of information concerning individuals assisted under the State plan to purposes directly connected with (A) the administration of the plan of the State approved under this part, the plan or program of the State under part A, B, or D of this title or under title I, V, X, XIV, XVI (as in effect in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands), XIX, or XX, or the supplemental security income program established by title XVI, (B) any investigation, prosecution, or criminal or civil proceeding, conducted in connection with the administration of any such plan or program, (C) the administration of any other Federal or federally assisted program which provides assistance, in cash or in kind, or services, directly to individuals on the basis of need, (D) any audit or similar activity conducted in connection with the administration of any such plan or program by any governmental agency which is authorized by law to conduct such audit or activity, and (E) reporting and providing information pursuant to paragraph (9) to appropriate authorities with respect to known or suspected child abuse or neglect; and the safeguards so provided shall prohibit disclosure, to any committee or legislative body (other than an agency referred to in clause (D) with respect to an activity referred to in such clause), of any information which identifies by name or address any such applicant or recipient; except that nothing contained herein shall preclude a State from providing standards which restrict disclosures to purposes more limited than those specified herein, or which, in the case of adoptions, prevent disclosure entirely;
(9) provides that the State agency will--

(A) report to an appropriate agency or official, known or suspected instances of physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, or negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child receiving aid under part B or this part under circumstances which indicate that the child's health or welfare is threatened thereby; and
(B) provide such information with respect to a situation described in subparagraph (A) as the State agency may have;

(10) provides for the establishment or designation of a State authority or authorities which shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining standards for foster family homes and child care institutions which are reasonably in accord with recommended standards of national organizations concerned with standards for such institutions or homes, including standards related to admission policies, safety, sanitation, and protection of civil rights, and provides that the standards so established shall be applied by the State to any foster family home or child care institution receiving funds under this part or part B of this title;
(11) provides for periodic review of the standards referred to in the preceding paragraph and amounts paid as foster care maintenance payments and adoption assistance to assure their continuing appropriateness;
(12) provides for granting an opportunity for a fair hearing before the State agency to any individual whose claim for benefits available pursuant to this part is denied or is not acted upon with reasonable promptness;
(13) provides that the State shall arrange for a periodic and independently conducted audit of the programs assisted under this part and part B of this title, which shall be conducted no less frequently than once every three years;
(14) provides (A) specific goals (which shall be established by State law on or before October 1, 1982) for each fiscal year (commencing with the fiscal year which begins on October 1, 1983) as to the maximum number of children (in absolute numbers or as a percentage of all children in foster care with respect to whom assistance under the plan is provided during such year) who, at any time during such year, will remain in foster care after having been in such care for a period in excess of twenty-four months, and (B) a description of the steps which will be taken by the State to achieve such goals;
(15) provides that--

(A) in determining reasonable efforts to be made with respect to a child, as described in this paragraph, and in making such reasonable efforts, the child's health and safety shall be the paramount concern;
(B) except as provided in subparagraph (D), reasonable efforts shall be made to preserve and reunify families--

(i) prior to the placement of a child in foster care, to prevent or eliminate the need for removing the child from the child's home; and
(ii) to make it possible for a child to safely return to the child's home;

(C) if continuation of reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) is determined to be inconsistent with the permanency plan for the child, reasonable efforts shall be made to place the child in a timely manner in accordance with the permanency plan, and to complete whatever steps are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child;
(D) reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) shall not be required to be made with respect to a parent of a child if a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that--

(i) the parent has subjected the child to aggravated circumstances (as defined in State law, which definition may include but need not be limited to abandonment, torture, chronic abuse, and sexual abuse);
(ii) the parent has--

(I) committed murder (which would have been an offense under section 1111(a) of title 18, United States Code, if the offense had occurred in the special maritime or territorial jurisdiction of the United States) of another child of the parent;
(II) committed voluntary manslaughter (which would have been an offense under section 1112(a) of title 18, United States Code, if the offense had occurred in the special maritime or territorial jurisdiction of the United States) of another child of the parent;
(III) aided or abetted, attempted, conspired, or solicited to commit such a murder or such a voluntary manslaughter; or
(IV) committed a felony assault that results in serious bodily injury to the child or another child of the parent; or

(iii) the parental rights of the parent to a sibling have been terminated involuntarily;

(E) if reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B) are not made with respect to a child as a result of a determination made by a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with subparagraph (D)--

(i) a permanency hearing (as described in section 475(5)(C)) shall be held for the child within 30 days after the determination; and
(ii) reasonable efforts shall be made to place the child in a timely manner in accordance with the permanency plan, and to complete whatever steps are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child; and

(F) reasonable efforts to place a child for adoption or with a legal guardian may be made concurrently with reasonable efforts of the type described in subparagraph (B);

(16) provides for the development of a case plan (as defined in section 475(1)) for each child receiving foster care maintenance payments under the State plan and provides for a case review system which meets the requirements described in section 475(5)(B) with respect to each such child;
(17) provides that, where appropriate, all steps will be taken, including cooperative efforts with the State agencies administering the program funded under part A and plan approved under part D, to secure an assignment to the State of any rights to support on behalf of each child receiving foster care maintenance payments under this part;
(18) not later than January 1, 1997, provides that neither the State nor any other entity in the State that receives funds from the Federal Government and is involved in adoption or foster care placements may--

(A) deny to any person the opportunity to become an adoptive or a foster parent, on the basis of the race, color, or national origin of the person, or of the child, involved; or
(B) delay or deny the placement of a child for adoption or into foster care, on the basis of the race, color, or national origin of the adoptive or foster parent, or the child, involved;

(19) provides that the State shall consider giving preference to an adult relative over a non-related caregiver when determining a placement for a child, provided that the relative caregiver meets all relevant State child protection standards;
(20)(A) unless an election provided for in subparagraph (B) is made with respect to the State, provides procedures for criminal records checks for any prospective foster or adoptive parent before the foster or adoptive parent may be finally approved for placement of a child on whose behalf foster care maintenance payments or adoption assistance payments are to be made under the State plan under this part, including procedures requiring that--

(i) in any case in which a record check reveals a felony conviction for child abuse or neglect, for spousal abuse, for a crime against children (including child pornography), or for a crime involving violence, including rape, sexual assault, or homicide, but not including other physical assault or battery, if a State finds that a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that the felony was committed at any time, such final approval shall not be granted; and
(ii) in any case in which a record check reveals a felony conviction for physical assault, battery, or a drug-related offense, if a State finds that a court of competent jurisdiction has determined that the felony was committed within the past 5 years, such final approval shall not be granted; and

(B) subparagraph (A) shall not apply to a State plan if the Governor of the State has notified the Secretary in writing that the State has elected to make subparagraph (A) inapplicable to the State, or if the State legislature, by law, has elected to make subparagraph (A) inapplicable to the State;

(21) provides for health insurance coverage (including, at State option, through the program under the State plan approved under title XIX) for any child who has been determined to be a child with special needs, for whom there is in effect an adoption assistance agreement (other than an agreement under this part) between the State and an adoptive parent or parents, and who the State has determined cannot be placed with an adoptive parent or parents without medical assistance because such child has special needs for medical, mental health, or rehabilitative care, and that with respect to the provision of such health insurance coverage--

(A) such coverage may be provided through 1 or more State medical assistance programs;
(B) the State, in providing such coverage, shall ensure that the medical benefits, including mental health benefits, provided are of the same type and kind as those that would be provided for children by the State under title XIX;
(C) in the event that the State provides such coverage through a State medical assistance program other than the program under title XIX, and the State exceeds its funding for services under such other program, any such child shall be deemed to be receiving aid or assistance under the State plan under this part for purposes of section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(I); and
(D) in determining cost-sharing requirements, the State shall take into consideration the circumstances of the adopting parent or parents and the needs of the child being adopted consistent, to the extent coverage is provided through a State medical assistance program, with the rules under such program;

(22) provides that, not later than January 1, 1999, the State shall develop and implement standards to ensure that children in foster care placements in public or private agencies are provided quality services that protect the safety and health of the children;
(23) provides that the State shall not--

(A) deny or delay the placement of a child for adoption when an approved family is available outside of the jurisdiction with responsibility for handling the case of the child; or
(B) fail to grant an opportunity for a fair hearing, as described in paragraph (12), to an individual whose allegation of a violation of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph is denied by the State or not acted upon by the State with reasonable promptness; and

(24) include a certification that, before a child in foster care under the responsibility of the State is placed with prospective foster parents, the prospective foster parents will be prepared adequately with the appropriate knowledge and skills to provide for the needs of the child, and that such preparation will be continued, as necessary, after the placement of the child.

(b) The Secretary shall approve any plan which complies with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section.

Foster Care Maintenance Payments Program

SEC. 472. [42 U.S.C. 672] (a) Each State with a plan approved under this part shall make foster care maintenance payments (as defined in section 475(4)) under this part with respect to a child who would have met the requirements of section 406(a) or of section 407 (as such sections were in effect on July 16, 1996) but for his removal from the home of a relative (specified in section 406(a) (as so in effect), if--

(1) the removal from the home occurred pursuant to a voluntary placement agreement entered into by the child's parent or legal guardian, or was the result of a judicial determination to the effect that continuation therein would be contrary to the welfare of such child and (effective October 1, 1983) that reasonable efforts of the type described in section 471(a)(15) for a child have been made;
(2) such child's placement and care are the responsibility of (A) the State agency administering the State plan approved under section 471, or (B) any other public agency with whom the State agency administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under section 471 has made an agreement which is still in effect;
(3) such child has been placed in a foster family home or child care institution as a result of the voluntary placement agreement or judicial determination referred to in paragraph (1); and
(4) such child--

(A) would have received aid under the State plan approved under section 402 (as in effect on July 16, 1996) in or for the month in which such agreement was entered into or court proceedings leading to the removal of such child from the home were initiated, or
(B)(i) would have received such aid in or for such month if application had been made therefor, or (ii) had been living with a relative specified in section 406(a) (as in effect on July 16, 1996) within six months prior to the month in which such agreement was entered into or such proceedings were initiated, and would have received such aid in or for such month if in such month he had been living with such a relative and application therefor had been made.

In any case where the child is an alien disqualified under section 245A(h), 210(f), or 210A(d)(7) of the Immigration and Nationality Act from receiving aid under the State plan approved under section 402 in or for the month in which such agreement was entered into or court proceedings leading to the removal of the child from the home were instituted, such child shall be considered to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (4) (and the corresponding requirements of section 473(a)(2)(B)), with respect to that month, if he or she would have satisfied such requirements but for such disqualification. In determining whether a child would have received aid under a State plan approved under section 402 (as in effect on July 16, 1996), a child whose resources (determined pursuant to section 402(a)(7)(B), as so in effect) have a combined value of not more than $10,000 shall be considered to be a child whose resources have a combined value of not more than $1,000 (or such lower amount as the State may determine for purposes of such section 402(a)(7)(B)).
(b) Foster care maintenance payments may be made under this part only on behalf of a child described in subsection (a) of this section who is--

(1) in the foster family home of an individual, whether the payments therefor are made to such individual or to a public or nonprofit private child-placement or child care agency, or
(2) in a child care institution, whether the payments therefor are made to such institution or to a public or nonprofit private child-placement or child care agency, which payments shall be limited so as to include in such payments only those items which are included in the term "foster care maintenance payments" (as defined in section 475(4)).

(c) For the purposes of this part, (1) the term "foster family home" means a foster family home for children which is licensed by the State in which it is situated or has been approved, by the agency of such State having responsibility for licensing homes of this type, as meeting the standards established for such licensing; and (2) the term "child care institution" means a private child care institution, or a public child care institution which accommodates no more than twenty-five children, which is licensed by the State in which it is situated or has been approved, by the agency of such State responsible for licensing or approval of institutions of this type, as meeting the standards established for such licensing, but the term shall not include detention facilities, forestry camps, training schools, or any other facility operated primarily for the detention of children who are determined to be delinquent.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, Federal payments may be made under this part with respect to amounts expended by any State as foster care maintenance payments under this section, in the case of children removed from their homes pursuant to voluntary placement agreements as described in subsection (a), only if (at the time such amounts were expended) the State has fulfilled all of the requirements of section 422(b)(10).
(e) No Federal payment may be made under this part with respect to amounts expended by any State as foster care maintenance payments under this section, in the case of any child who was removed from his or her home pursuant to a voluntary placement agreement as described in subsection (a) and has remained in voluntary placement for a period in excess of 180 days, unless there has been a judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction (within the first 180 days of such placement) to the effect that such placement is in the best interests of the child.
(f) For the purposes of this part and part B of this title, (1) the term "voluntary placement" means an out-of-home placement of a minor, by or with participation of a State agency, after the parents or guardians of the minor have requested the assistance of the agency and signed a voluntary placement agreement; and (2) the term "voluntary placement agreement" means a written agreement, binding on the parties to the agreement, between the State agency, any other agency acting on its behalf, and the parents or guardians of a minor child which specifies, at a minimum, the legal status of the child and the rights and obligations of the parents or guardians, the child, and the agency while the child is in placement.
(g) In any case where--

(1) the placement of a minor child in foster care occurred pursuant to a voluntary placement agreement entered into by the parents or guardians of such child as provided in subsection (a), and
(2) such parents or guardians request (in such manner and form as the Secretary may prescribe) that the child be returned to their home or to the home of a relative, the voluntary placement agreement shall be deemed to be revoked unless the State agency opposes such request and obtains a judicial determination, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that the return of the child to such home would be contrary to the child's best interests.

(h)(1) For purposes of titles XIX, any child with respect to whom foster care maintenance payments are made under this section is deemed to be a dependent child as defined in section 406 (as in effect as of July 16, 1996) and deemed to be a recipient of aid to families with dependent children under part A of this title (as so in effect). For purposes of title XX, any child with respect to whom foster care maintenance payments are made under this section is deemed to be a minor child in a needy family under a State program funded under part A of this title and is deemed to be a recipient of assistance under such part.
(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), a child whose costs in a foster family home or child care institution are covered by the foster care maintenance payments being made with respect to the child's minor parent, as provided in section 475(4)(B), shall be considered a child with respect to whom foster care maintenance payments are made under this section.

Adoption Assistance Program

SEC. 473. [42 U.S.C. 673] (a)(1)(A) Each State having a plan approved under this part shall enter into adoption assistance agreements (as defined in section 475(3)) with the adoptive parents of children with special needs.

(B) Under any adoption assistance agreement entered into by a State with parents who adopt a child with special needs, the State--

(i) shall make payments of nonrecurring adoption expenses incurred by or on behalf of such parents in connection with the adoption of such child, directly through the State agency or through another public or nonprofit private agency, in amounts determined under paragraph (3), and
(ii) in any case where the child meets the requirements of paragraph (2), may make adoption assistance payments to such parents, directly through the State agency or through another public or nonprofit private agency, in amounts so determined.

(2) For purposes of paragraph (1)(B)(ii), a child meets the requirements of this paragraph if such child--

(A)(i) at the time adoption proceedings were initiated, met the requirements of section 406(a) or section 407 (as such sections were in effect on July 16, 1996) or would have met such requirements except for his removal from the home of a relative (specified in section 406(a) (as so in effect)), either pursuant to a voluntary placement agreement with respect to which Federal payments are provided under section 474 (or 403) (as such section was in effect on July 16, 1996) or as a result of a judicial determination to the effect that continuation therein would be contrary to the welfare of such child,
(ii) meets all of the requirements of title XVI with respect to eligibility for supplemental security income benefits, or
(iii) is a child whose costs in a foster family home or child care institution are covered by the foster care maintenance payments being made with respect to his or her minor parent as provided in section 475(4)(B),
(B)(i) would have received aid under the State plan approved under section 402 (as in effect on July 16, 1996) in or for the month in which such agreement was entered into or court proceedings leading to the removal of such child from the home were initiated, or
(ii)(I) would have received such aid in or for such month if application had been made therefor, or (II) had been living with a relative specified in section 406(a) (as in effect on July 16, 1996) within six months prior to the month in which such agreement was entered into or such proceedings were initiated, and would have received such aid in or for such month if in such month he had been living with such a relative and application therefor had been made, or
(iii) is a child described in subparagraph (A)(ii) or (A)(iii), and

(C) has been determined by the State, pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, to be a child with special needs.
The last sentence of section 472(a) shall apply, for purposes of subparagraph (B), in any case where the child is an alien described in that sentence. Any child who meets the requirements of subparagraph (C), who was determined eligible for adoption assistance payments under this part with respect to a prior adoption, who is available for adoption because the prior adoption has been dissolved and the parental rights of the adoptive parents have been terminated or because the child's adoptive parents have died, and who fails to meet the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) but would meet such requirements if the child were treated as if the child were in the same financial and other circumstances the child was in the last time the child was determined eligible for adoption assistance payments under this part and the prior adoption were treated as never having occurred, shall be treated as meeting the requirements of this paragraph for purposes of paragraph (1)(B)(ii).
(3) The amount of the payments to be made in any case under clauses (i) and (ii) of paragraph (1)(B) shall be determined through agreement between the adoptive parents and the State or local agency administering the program under this section, which shall take into consideration the circumstances of the adopting parents and the needs of the child being adopted, and may be readjusted periodically, with the concurrence of the adopting parents (which may be specified in the adoption assistance agreement), depending upon changes in such circumstances. However, in no case may the amount of the adoption assistance payment made under clause (ii) of paragraph (1)(B) exceed the foster care maintenance payment which would have been paid during the period if the child with respect to whom the adoption assistance payment is made had been in a foster family home.
(4) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, (A) no payment may be made to parents with respect to any child who has attained the age of eighteen (or, where the State determines that the child has a mental or physical handicap which warrants the continuation of assistance, the age of twenty-one), and (B) no payment may be made to parents with respect to any child if the State determines that the parents are no longer legally responsible for the support of the child or if the State determines that the child is no longer receiving any support from such parents. Parents who have been receiving adoption assistance payments under this section shall keep the State or local agency administering the program under this section informed of circumstances which would, pursuant to this subsection, make them ineligible for such assistance payments, or eligible for assistance payments in a different amount.
(5) For purposes of this part, individuals with whom a child (who has been determined by the State, pursuant to subsection (c), to be a child with special needs) is placed for adoption in accordance with applicable State and local law shall be eligible for such payments, during the period of the placement, on the same terms and subject to the same conditions as if such individuals had adopted such child. (6)(A) For purposes of paragraph (1)(B)(i), the term "nonrecurring adoption expenses" means reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees, and other expenses which are directly related to the legal adoption of a child with special needs and which are not incurred in violation of State or Federal law.
(B) A State's payment of nonrecurring adoption expenses under an adoption assistance agreement shall be treated as an expenditure made for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan for purposes of section 474(a)(3)(E).
(b)(1) For purposes of title XIX, any child who is described in paragraph (3) is deemed to be a dependent child as defined in section 406 (as in effect as of July 16, 1996) and deemed to be a recipient of aid to families with dependent children under part A of this title (as so in effect) in the State where such child resides.
(2) For purposes of title XX, any child who is described in paragraph
(3) is deemed to be a minor child in a needy family under a State program funded under part A of this title and deemed to be a recipient of assistance under such part.
(3) A child described in this paragraph is any child--

(A)(i) who is a child described in subsection (a)(2), and
(ii) with respect to whom an adoption assistance agreement is in effect under this section (whether or not adoption assistance payments are provided under the agreement or are being made under this section), including any such child who has been placed for adoption in accordance with applicable State and local law (whether or not an interlocutory or other judicial decree of adoption has been issued), or
(B) with respect to whom foster care maintenance payments are being made under section 472.

(4) For purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2), a child whose costs in a foster family home or child care institution are covered by the foster care maintenance payments being made with respect to the child's minor parent, as provided in section 475(4)(B), shall be considered a child with respect to whom foster care maintenance payments are being made under section 472.
(c) For purposes of this section, a child shall not be considered a child with special needs unless--

(1) the State has determined that the child cannot or should not be returned to the home of his parents; and
(2) the State had first determined (A) that there exists with respect to the child a specific factor or condition (such as his ethnic background, age, or membership in a minority or sibling group, or the presence of factors such as medical conditions or physical, mental, or emotional handicaps) because of which it is reasonable to conclude that such child cannot be placed with adoptive parents without providing adoption assistance under this section or medical assistance under title XIX, and (B) that, except where it would be against the best interests of the child because of such factors as the existence of significant emotional ties with prospective adoptive parents while in the care of such parents as a foster child, a reasonable, but unsuccessful, effort has been made to place the child with appropriate adoptive parents without providing adoption assistance under this section or medical assistance under title XIX.

Adoption Incentive Payments

SEC. 473A. [42 U.S.C. 673b] (a) GRANT AUTHORITY.--Subject to the availability of such amounts as may be provided in advance in appropriations Acts for this purpose, the Secretary shall make a grant to each State that is an incentive-eligible State for a fiscal year in an amount equal to the adoption incentive payment payable to the State under this section for the fiscal year, which shall be payable in the immediately succeeding fiscal year.
(b) INCENTIVE-ELIGIBLE STATE.--A State is an incentive-eligible State for a fiscal year if--

(1) the State has a plan approved under this part for the fiscal year;

(A) the number of foster child adoptions in the State during the fiscal year exceeds the base number of foster child adoptions for the State for the fiscal year; or
(B) the number of older child adoptions in the State during the fiscal year exceeds the base number of older child adoptions for the State for the fiscal year;

(3) the State is in compliance with subsection (c) for the fiscal year;
(4) in the case of fiscal years 2001 through 2007, the State provides health insurance coverage to any child with special needs (as determined under section 473(c)) for whom there is in effect an adoption assistance agreement between a State and an adoptive parent or parents; and
(5) the fiscal year is any of fiscal years 1998 through 2007.


(1) IN GENERAL.--A State is in compliance with this subsection for a fiscal year if the State has provided to the Secretary the data described in paragraph (2)--

(A) for fiscal years 1995 through 1997 (or, if the first fiscal year for which the State seeks a grant under this section is after fiscal year 1998, the fiscal year that precedes such 1st fiscal year); and

(B) for each succeeding fiscal year that precedes the fiscal year.

(2) DETERMINATION OF NUMBERS OF ADOPTIONS BASED ON AFCARS DATA. The Secretary shall determine the numbers of foster child adoptions, of special needs adoptions that are not older child adoptions, and of older child adoptions in a State during each of fiscal years 2002 through 2007, for purposes of this section, on the basis of data meeting the requirements of the system established pursuant to section 479, as reported by the State and approved by the Secretary by August 1 of the succeeding fiscal year.

(B) ALTERNATIVE DATA SOURCES PERMITTED FOR FISCAL YEARS 1995 THROUGH 1997.--For purposes of the determination described in subparagraph (A) for fiscal years 1995 through 1997, the Secretary may use data from a source or sources other than that specified in subparagraph (A) that the Secretary finds to be of equivalent completeness and reliability, as reported by a State by April 30, 1998, and approved by the Secretary by July 1, 1998.

(3) NO WAIVER OF AFCARS REQUIREMENTS.--This section shall not be construed to alter or affect any requirement of section 479 or of any regulation prescribed under such section with respect to reporting of data by States, or to waive any penalty for failure to comply with such a requirement.


(1) IN GENERAL.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the adoption incentive payment payable to a State for a fiscal year under this section shall be equal to the sum of--

(A) $4,000, multiplied by the amount (if any) by which the number of foster child adoptions in the State during the fiscal year exceeds the base number of foster child adoptions for the State for the fiscal year;
(B)$2,000, multiplied by the amount (if any) by which the number of special needs adoptions that are not older child adoptions in the State during the fiscal year exceeds the base number of special needs adoptions that are not older child adoptions for the State for the fiscal year; and
(C) $4,000, multiplied by the amount (if any) by which the number of older child adoptions in the State during the fiscal year exceeds the base number of older child adoptions for the State for the fiscal year.

(2) PRO RATA ADJUSTMENT IF INSUFFICIENT FUNDS AVAILABLE.--For any fiscal year, if the total amount of adoption incentive payments otherwise payable under this section for a fiscal year exceeds the amount appropriated pursuant to subsection (h) for the fiscal year, the amount of the adoption incentive payment payable to each State under this section for the fiscal year shall be--

(A) the amount of the adoption incentive payment that would otherwise be payable to the State under this section for the fiscal year; multiplied by
(B) the percentage represented by the amount so appropriated for the fiscal year, divided by the total amount of adoption incentive payments otherwise payable under this section for the fiscal year.

(e) 2-YEAR AVAILABILITY OF INCENTIVE PAYMENTS.--Payments to a State under this section in a fiscal year shall remain available for use by the State through the end of the succeeding fiscal year.
(f) LIMITATIONS ON USE OF INCENTIVE PAYMENTS.--A State shall not expend an amount paid to the State under this section except to provide to children or families any service (including post-adoption services) that may be provided under part B or E. Amounts expended by a State in accordance with the preceding sentence shall be disregarded in determining State expenditures for purposes of Federal matching payments under sections 423, 434, and 474.
(g) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:

(1) FOSTER CHILD ADOPTION.--The term 'foster child adoption' means the final adoption of a child who, at the time of adoptive placement, was in foster care under the supervision of the State.
(2) SPECIAL NEEDS ADOPTION.--The term 'special needs adoption' means the final adoption of a child for whom an adoption assistance agreement is in effect under section 473.
(3) BASE NUMBER OF FOSTER CHILD ADOPTIONS.--The term 'base number of foster child adoptions for a State' means--

(A) with respect to fiscal year 2003, the number of foster child adoptions in the State in fiscal year 2002; and
(B) with respect to any subsequent fiscal year, the number of foster child adoptions in the State in the fiscal year for which the number is the greatest in the period that begins with fiscal year 2002 and ends with the fiscal year preceding that subsequent fiscal year.

(4) BASE NUMBER OF SPECIAL NEEDS ADOPTIONS THAT ARE NOT OLDER CHILD ADOPTIONS.--The term 'base number of special needs adoptions for a State' means--

(A) with respect to fiscal year 2003, the number of special needs adoptions that are not older child adoptions in the State in fiscal year 2002; and
(B) with respect to any subsequent fiscal year, the number of special needs adoptions that are not older child adoptions in the State in the fiscal year for which the number is the greatest in the period that begins with fiscal year 2002 and ends with the fiscal year preceding that subsequent fiscal year.

(5) BASE NUMBER OF OLDER CHILD ADOPTIONS. The term 'base number of older child adoptions for a State' means---

(A) with respect to fiscal year 2003, the number of older child adoptions in the State in fiscal year 2002; and
(B) with respect to any subsequent fiscal year, the number of older child adoptions in the State in the fiscal year for which the number is the greatest in the period that begins with fiscal year 2002 and ends with the fiscal year preceding that subsequent fiscal year.

(6) OLDER CHILD ADOPTIONS. -- The term 'older child adoptions' means the final adoption of a child who has attained 9 years of age if---

(A) at the time of the adoptive placement the child was in foster care under the supervision of the State; or
(B) an adoption assistance agreement was in effect under section 473 with respect to the child.


(1) IN GENERAL.--For grants under subsection (a), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary--

(A) $20,000,000 for fiscal year 1999;
(B) $43,000,000 for fiscal year 2000;
(C) $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2001 through 2003; and
(D) $43,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2004 through 2008.

(2) AVAILABILITY.--Amounts appropriated under paragraph (1), or under any other law for grants under subsection (a), are authorized to remain available until expended, but not after fiscal year 2008.


(1) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary may, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance to assist States and local communities to reach their targets for increased numbers of adoptions and, to the extent that adoption is not possible, alternative permanent placements, for children in foster care.
(2) DESCRIPTION OF THE CHARACTER OF THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.--The technical assistance provided under paragraph (1) may support the goal of encouraging more adoptions out of the foster care system, when adoptions promote the best interests of children, and may include the following:

(A) The development of best practice guidelines for expediting termination of parental rights.
(B) Models to encourage the use of concurrent planning.
(C) The development of specialized units and expertise in moving children toward adoption as a permanency goal.
(D) The development of risk assessment tools to facilitate early identification of the children who will be at risk of harm if returned home.
(E) Models to encourage the fast tracking of children who have not attained 1 year of age into pre-adoptive placements.
(F) Development of programs that place children into pre-adoptive families without waiting for termination of parental rights.

(3) TARGETING OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO THE COURTS.--Not less than 50 percent of any amount appropriated pursuant to paragraph (4) shall be used to provide technical assistance to the courts.
(4) LIMITATIONS ON AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.--To carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Health and Human Services not to exceed $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2004 through 2006.

Payments to States; Allotments to States

SEC. 474. [42 U.S.C. 674] (a) For each quarter beginning after September 30, 1980, each State which has a plan approved under this part shall be entitled to a payment equal to the sum of--

(1) an amount equal to the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in section 1905(b) of this Act) of the total amount expended during such quarter as foster care maintenance payments under section 472 for children in foster family homes or child care institutions; plus
(2) an amount equal to the Federal medical assistance percentage (as defined in section 1905(b) of this Act) of the total amount expended during such quarter as adoption assistance payments under section 473 pursuant to adoption assistance agreements; plus
(3) an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary for the provision of child placement services and for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan--

(A) 75 per centum of so much of such expenditures as are for the training (including both short-and long-term training at educational institutions through grants to such institutions or by direct financial assistance to students enrolled in such institutions) of personnel employed or preparing for employment by the State agency or by the local agency administering the plan in the political subdivision,
(B) 75 percent of so much of such expenditures (including travel and per diem expenses) as are for the short-term training of current or prospective foster or adoptive parents and the members of the staff of State-licensed or State-approved child care institutions providing care to foster and adopted children receiving assistance under this part, in ways that increase the ability of such current or prospective parents, staff members, and institutions to provide support and assistance to foster and adopted children, whether incurred directly by the State or by contract,
(C) 50 percent of so much of such expenditures as are for the planning, design, development, or installation of statewide mechanized data collection and information retrieval systems (including 50 percent of the full amount of expenditures for hardware components for such systems) but only to the extent that such systems--

(i) meet the requirements imposed by regulations promulgated pursuant to section 479(b)(2);
(ii) to the extent practicable, are capable of interfacing with the State data collection system that collects information relating to child abuse and neglect;
(iii) to the extent practicable, have the capability of interfacing with, and retrieving information from, the State data collection system that collects information relating to the eligibility of individuals under part A (for the purposes of facilitating verification of eligibility of foster children); and
(iv) are determined by the Secretary to be likely to provide more efficient, economical, and effective administration of the programs carried out under a State plan approved under part B or this part; and

(D) 50 percent of so much of such expenditures as are for the operation of the statewide mechanized data collection and information retrieval systems referred to in subparagraph (C); and
(E) one-half of the remainder of such expenditures; plus

(4) an amount equal to the amount (if any) by which-

(A) the lesser of-

(i) 80 percent of the amounts expended by the State during the fiscal year in which the quarter occurs to carry out programs in accordance with the State application approved under section 477(b) for the period in which the quarter occurs (including any amendment that meets the requirements of section 477(b)(5)); or
(ii) the amount allotted to the State under section 477(c)(1) for the fiscal year in which the quarter occurs, reduced by the total of the amounts payable to the State under this paragraph for all prior quarters in the fiscal year; exceeds

(B) the total amount of any penalties assessed against the State under section 477(e) during the fiscal year in which the quarter occurs.

(b) (1) The Secretary shall, prior to the beginning of each quarter, estimate the amount to which a State will be entitled under subsection (a) for such quarter, such estimates to be based on (A) a report filed by the State containing its estimate of the total sum to be expended in such quarter in accordance with subsection (a), and stating the amount appropriated or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditures in such quarter, and if such amount is less than the State's proportionate share of the total sum of such estimated expenditures, the source or sources from which the difference is expected to be derived, (B) records showing the number of children in the State receiving assistance under this part, and (C) such other investigation as the Secretary may find necessary.

(2) The Secretary shall then pay to the State, in such installments as he may determine, the amounts so estimated, reduced or increased to the extent of any overpayment or underpayment which the Secretary determines was made under this section to such State for any prior quarter and with respect to which adjustment has not already been made under this subsection.
(3) The pro rata share to which the United States is equitably entitled, as determined by the Secretary, of the net amount recovered during any quarter by the State or any political subdivision thereof with respect to foster care and adoption assistance furnished under the State plan shall be considered an overpayment to be adjusted under this subsection.
(4) (A) Within 60 days after receipt of a State claim for expenditures pursuant to subsection a), the Secretary shall allow, disallow, or defer such claim.

(B) Within 15 days after a decision to defer such a State claim, the Secretary shall notify the State of the reasons for the deferral and of the additional information necessary to determine the allowability of the claim.
(C) Within 90 days after receiving such necessary information (in readily reviewable form), the Secretary shall--

(i) disallow the claim, if able to complete the review and determine that the claim is not allowable, or
(ii) in any other case, allow the claim, subject to disallowance (as necessary)--

(I) upon completion of the review, if it is determined that the claim is not allowable; or
(II) on the basis of findings of an audit or financial management review.

(c) AUTOMATED DATA COLLECTION EXPENDITURES.--The Secretary shall treat as necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan all expenditures of a State necessary in order for the State to plan, design, develop, install, and operate data collection and information retrieval systems described in subsection (a)(3)(C), without regard to whether the systems may be used with respect to foster or adoptive children other than those on behalf of whom foster care maintenance payments or adoption assistance payments may be made under this part.
(d) (1) If, during any quarter of a fiscal year, a State's program operated under this part is found, as a result of a review conducted under section 1123A, or otherwise, to have violated paragraph (18) or (23) of section 471(a) with respect to a person or to have failed to implement a corrective action plan within a period of time not to exceed 6 months with respect to such violation, then, notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section and any regulations promulgated under section 1123A(b)(3), the Secretary shall reduce the amount otherwise payable to the State under this part, for that fiscal year quarter and for any subsequent quarter of such fiscal year, until the State program is found, as a result of a subsequent review under section 1123A, to have implemented a corrective action plan with respect to such violation, by--

(A) 2 percent of such otherwise payable amount, in the case of the 1st such finding for the fiscal year with respect to the State;
(B) 3 percent of such otherwise payable amount, in the case of the 2nd such finding for the fiscal year with respect to the State; or
(C) 5 percent of such otherwise payable amount, in the case of the 3rd or subsequent such finding for the fiscal year with respect to the State.

In imposing the penalties described in this paragraph, the Secretary shall not reduce any fiscal year payment to a State by more than 5 percent.

(2) Any other entity which is in a State that receives funds under this part and which violates paragraph (18) or (23) of section 471(a) during a fiscal year quarter with respect to any person shall remit to the Secretary all funds that were paid by the State to the entity during the quarter from such funds.
(3) (A) Any individual who is aggrieved by a violation of section 471(a)(18) by a State or other entity may bring an action seeking relief from the State or other entity in any United States district court.

(B) An action under this paragraph may not be brought more than 2 years after the date the alleged violation occurred.

(4) This subsection shall not be construed to affect the application of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978.

(e) DISCRETIONARY GRANTS FOR EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING VOUCHERS FOR YOUTHS AGING OUT OF FOSTER CARE.-- From amounts appropriated pursuant to section 477(h)(2), the Secretary may make a grant to a State with a plan approved under this part, for a calendar quarter, in an amount equal to the lesser of-

(1) 80 percent of the amounts expended by the State during the quarter to carry out programs for the purposes described in section 477(a)(6); or
(2) the amount, if any, allotted to the State under section 477(c)(3) for the fiscal year in which the quarter occurs, reduced by the total of the amounts payable to the State under this subsection for such purposes for all prior quarters in the fiscal year.

(f)(1) If the Secretary finds that a State has failed to submit to the Secretary data, as required by regulation, for the data collection system implemented under section 479, the Secretary shall, within 30 days after the date by which the data was due to be so submitted, notify the State of the failure and that payments to the State under this part will be reduced if the State fails to submit the data, as so required, within 6 months after the date the data was originally due to be so submitted.

(2) If the Secretary finds that the State has failed to submit the data, as so required, by the end of the 6-month period referred to in paragraph (1) of this sub-section, then, notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section and any regulations promulgated under section 1123A(b)(3), the Secretary shall reduce the amounts otherwise payable to the State under this part, for each quarter ending in the 6-month period (and each quarter ending in each subsequent consecutively occurring 6-month period until the Secretary finds that the State has submitted the data, as so required), by-

(A) 1/6 of 1 percent of the total amount expended by the State for administration of foster care activities under the State plan approved under this part in the quarter so ending, in the case of the 1st 6-month period during which the failure continues; or
(B) 1/4 of 1 percent of the total amount so expended, in the case of the 2nd or any subsequent such 6-month period.


SEC. 475. [42 U.S.C. 675] As used in this part or part B of this title:

(1) The term "case plan" means a written document which includes at least the following:

(A) A description of the type of home or institution in which a child is to be placed, including a discussion of the safety and appropriateness of the placement and how the agency which is responsible for the child plans to carry out the voluntary placement agreement entered into or judicial determination made with respect to the child in accordance with section 472(a)(1).
(B) A plan for assuring that the child receives safe and proper care and that services are provided to the parents, child, and foster parents in order to improve the conditions in the parents' home, facilitate return of the child to his own safe home or the permanent placement of the child, and address the needs of the child while in foster care, including a discussion of the appropriateness of the services that have been provided to the child under the plan.
(C) To the extent available and accessible, the health and education records of the child, including--

(i) the names and addresses of the child's health and educational providers;
(ii) the child's grade level performance;
(iii) the child's school record;
(iv) assurances that the child's placement in foster care takes into account proximity to the school in which the child is enrolled at the time of placement;
(v) a record of the child's immunizations;
(vi) the child's known medical problems;
(vii) the child's medications; and
(viii) any other relevant health and education information concerning the child determined to be appropriate by the State agency.

(D) Where appropriate, for a child age 16 or over, a written description of the programs and services which will help such child prepare for the transition from foster care to independent living.
(E) In the case of a child with respect to whom the permanency plan is adoption or placement in another permanent home, documentation of the steps the agency is taking to find an adoptive family or other permanent living arrangement for the child, to place the child with an adoptive family, a fit and willing relative, a legal guardian, or in another planned permanent living arrangement, and to finalize the adoption or legal guardianship. At a minimum, such documentation shall include child specific recruitment efforts such as the use of State, regional, and national adoption exchanges including electronic exchange systems.

(2) The term "parents" means biological or adoptive parents or legal guardians, as determined by applicable State law.
(3) The term "adoption assistance agreement" means a written agreement, binding on the parties to the agreement, between the State agency, other relevant agencies, and the prospective adoptive parents of a minor child which at a minimum (A) specifies the nature and amount of any payments, services, and assistance to be provided under such agreement, and (B) stipulates that the agreement shall remain in effect regardless of the State of which the adoptive parents are residents at any given time. The agreement shall contain provisions for the protection (under an interstate compact approved by the Secretary or otherwise) of the interests of the child in cases where the adoptive parents and child move to another State while the agreement is effective.
(4)(A) The term "foster care maintenance payments" means payments to cover the cost of (and the cost of providing) food, clothing, shelter, daily supervision, school supplies, a child's personal incidentals, liability insurance with respect to a child, and reasonable travel to the child's home for visitation. In the case of institutional care, such term shall include the reasonable costs of administration and operation of such institution as are necessarily required to provide the items described in the preceding sentence.

(B) In cases where--

(i) a child placed in a foster family home or child care institution is the parent of a son or daughter who is in the same home or institution, and
(ii) payments described in subparagraph (A) are being made under this part with respect to such child, the foster care maintenance payments made with respect to such child as otherwise determined under subparagraph (A) shall also include such amounts as may be necessary to cover the cost of the items described in that subparagraph with respect to such son or daughter.

(5) The term "case review system" means a procedure for assuring that--

(A) each child has a case plan designed to achieve placement in a safe setting that is the least restrictive (most family like) and most appropriate setting available and in close proximity to the parents' home, consistent with the best interest and special needs of the child, which--

(i) if the child has been placed in a foster family home or child care institution a substantial distance from the home of the parents of the child, or in a State different from the State in which such home is located, sets forth the reasons why such placement is in the best interests of the child, and
(ii) if the child has been placed in foster care outside the State in which the home of the parents of the child is located, requires that, periodically, but not less frequently than every 12 months, a caseworker on the staff of the State agency of the State in which the home of the parents of the child is located, or of the State in which the child has been placed, visit such child in such home or institution and submit a report on such visit to the State agency of the State in which the home of the parents of the child is located,

(B) the status of each child is reviewed periodically but no less frequently than once every six months by either a court or by administrative review (as defined in paragraph (6)) in order to determine the safety of the child, the continuing necessity for and appropriateness of the placement, the extent of compliance with the case plan, and the extent of progress which has been made toward alleviating or mitigating the causes necessitating placement in foster care, and to project a likely date by which the child may be returned to and safely maintained in the home or placed for adoption or legal guardianship,
(C) with respect to each such child, procedural safeguards will be applied, among other things, to assure each child in foster care under the supervision of the State of a permanency hearing to be held, in a family or juvenile court or another court (including a tribal court) of competent jurisdiction, or by an administrative body appointed or approved by the court, no later than 12 months after the date the child is considered to have entered foster care (as determined under subparagraph (F)) (and not less frequently than every 12 months thereafter during the continuation of foster care), which hearing shall determine the permanency plan for the child that includes whether, and if applicable when, the child will be returned to the parent, placed for adoption and the State will file a petition for termination of parental rights, or referred for legal guardianship, or (in cases where the State agency has documented to the State court a compelling reason for determining that it would not be in the best interests of the child to return home, be referred for termination of parental rights, or be placed for adoption, with a fit and willing relative, or with a legal guardian) placed in another planned permanent living arrangement and, in the case of a child described in subparagraph (A)(ii), whether the out-of-State placement continues to be appropriate and in the best interests of the child, and, in the case of a child who has attained age 16, the services needed to assist the child to make the transition from foster care to independent living; and procedural safeguards shall also be applied with respect to parental rights pertaining to the removal of the child from the home of his parents, to a change in the child's placement, and to any determination affecting visitation privileges of parents;
(D) a child's health and education record (as described in paragraph (1)(A)) is reviewed and updated, and supplied to the foster parent or foster care provider with whom the child is placed, at the time of each placement of the child in foster care;
(E) in the case of a child who has been in foster care under the responsibility of the State for 15 of the most recent 22 months, or, if a court of competent jurisdiction has determined a child to be an abandoned infant (as defined under State law) or has made a determination that the parent has committed murder of another child of the parent, committed voluntary manslaughter of another child of the parent, aided or abetted, attempted, conspired, or solicited to commit such a murder or such a voluntary manslaughter, or committed a felony assault that has resulted in serious bodily injury to the child or to another child of the parent, the State shall file a petition to terminate the parental rights of the child's parents (or, if such a petition has been filed by another party, seek to be joined as a party to the petition), and, concurrently, to identify, recruit, process, and approve a qualified family for an adoption, unless--

(i) at the option of the State, the child is being cared for by a relative;
(ii) a State agency has documented in the case plan (which shall be available for court review) a compelling reason for determining that filing such a petition would not be in the best interests of the child; or
(iii) the State has not provided to the family of the child, consistent with the time period in the State case plan, such services as the State deems necessary for the safe return of the child to the child's home, if reasonable efforts of the type described in section 471(a)(15)(B)(ii) are required to be made with respect to the child;

(F) a child shall be considered to have entered foster care on the earlier of--

(i) the date of the first judicial finding that the child has been subjected to child abuse or neglect; or
(ii) the date that is 60 days after the date on which the child is removed from the home; and

(G) the foster parents (if any) of a child and any preadoptive parent or relative providing care for the child are provided with notice of, and an opportunity to be heard in, any review or hearing to be held with respect to the child, except that this subparagraph shall not be construed to require that any foster parent, preadoptive parent, or relative providing care for the child be made a party to such a review or hearing solely on the basis of such notice and opportunity to be heard.

(6) The term "administrative review" means a review open to the participation of the parents of the child, conducted by a panel of appropriate persons at least one of whom is not responsible for the case management of, or the delivery of services to, either the child or the parents who are the subject of the review.
(7) The term 'legal guardianship' means a judicially created relationship between child and caretaker which is intended to be permanent and self-sustaining as evidenced by the transfer to the caretaker of the following parental rights with respect to the child: protection, education, care and control of the person, custody of the person, and decisionmaking. The term 'legal guardian' means the caretaker in such a relationship.

Technical Assistance; Data Collection and Evaluation

SEC. 476. [42 U.S.C. 676] (a) The Secretary may provide technical assistance to the States to assist them to develop the programs authorized under this part and shall periodically (1) evaluate the programs authorized under this part and part B of this title and (2) collect and publish data pertaining to the incidence and characteristics of foster care and adoptions in this country.
(b) Each State shall submit statistical reports as the Secretary may require with respect to children for whom payments are made under this part containing information with respect to such children including legal status, demographic characteristics, location, and length of any stay in foster care.

John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program

SEC. 477. [42 U.S.C. 677] (a) PURPOSE.-- The purpose of this section is to provide States with flexible funding that will enable programs to be designed and conducted--

(1) to identify children who are likely to remain in foster care until 18 years of age and to help these children make the transition to self-sufficiency by providing services such as assistance in obtaining a high school diploma, career exploration, vocational training, job placement and retention, training in daily living skills, training in budgeting and financial management skills, substance abuse prevention, and preventive health activities (including smoking avoidance, nutrition education, and pregnancy prevention);
(2) to help children who are likely to remain in foster care until 18 years of age receive the education, training, and services necessary to obtain employment;
(3) to help children who are likely to remain in foster care until 18 years of age prepare for and enter postsecondary training and education institutions;
(4) to provide personal and emotional support to children aging out of foster care, through mentors and the promotion of interactions with dedicated adults;
(5) to provide financial, housing, counseling, employment, education, and other appropriate support and services to former foster care recipients between 18 and 21 years of age to complement their own efforts to achieve self-sufficiency and to assure that program participants recognize and accept their personal responsibility for preparing for and then making the transition from adolescence to adulthood; and
(6) to make available vouchers for education and training, including postsecondary training and education, to youths who have aged out of foster care.


(1) IN GENERAL.--A State may apply for funds from its allotment under subsection (c) for a period of five consecutive fiscal years by submitting to the Secretary, in writing, a plan that meets the requirements of paragraph (2) and the certifications required by paragraph (3) with respect to the plan.
(2) STATE PLAN.--A plan meets the requirements of this paragraph if the plan specifies which State agency or agencies will administer, supervise, or oversee the programs carried out under the plan, and describes how the State intends to do the following:

(A) Design and deliver programs to achieve the purposes of this section.
(B) Ensure that all political subdivisions in the State are served by the program, though not necessarily in a uniform manner.
(C) Ensure that the programs serve children of various ages and at various stages of achieving independence.
(D) Involve the public and private sectors in helping adolescents in foster care achieve independence.
(E) Use objective criteria for determining eligibility for benefits and services under the programs, and for ensuring fair and equitable treatment of benefit recipients.
(F) Cooperate in national evaluations of the effects of the programs in achieving the purposes of this section.

(3) CERTIFICATIONS.--The certifications required by this paragraph with respect to a plan are the following:

(A) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that the State will provide assistance and services to children who have left foster care because they have attained 18 years of age, and who have not attained 21 years of age.
(B) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that not more than 30 percent of the amounts paid to the State from its allotment under subsection (c) for a fiscal year will be expended for room or board for children who have left foster care because they have attained 18 years of age, and who have not attained 21 years of age.
(C) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that none of the amounts paid to the State from its allotment under subsection (c) will be expended for room or board for any child who has not attained 18 years of age.
(D) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that the State will use training funds provided under the program of Federal payments for foster care and adoption assistance to provide training to help foster parents, adoptive parents, workers in group homes, and case managers understand and address the issues confronting adolescents preparing for independent living, and will, to the extent possible, coordinate such training with the independent living program conducted for adolescents.
(E) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that the State has consulted widely with public and private organizations in developing the plan and that the State has given all interested members of the public at least 30 days to submit comments on the plan.
(F) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that the State will make every effort to coordinate the State programs receiving funds provided from an allotment made to the State under subsection (c) with other Federal and State programs for youth (especially transitional living youth projects funded under part B of title III of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974), abstinence education programs, local housing programs, programs for disabled youth (especially sheltered workshops), and school-to-work programs offered by high schools or local workforce agencies.
(G) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that each Indian tribe in the State has been consulted about the programs to be carried out under the plan; that there have been efforts to coordinate the programs with such tribes; and that benefits and services under the programs will be made available to Indian children in the State on the same basis as to other children in the State.
(H) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that the State will ensure that adolescents participating in the program under this section participate directly in designing their own program activities that prepare them for independent living and that the adolescents accept personal responsibility for living up to their part of the program.
(I) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that the State has established and will enforce standards and procedures to prevent fraud and abuse in the programs carried out under the plan.
(J) A certification by the chief executive officer of the State that the State educational and training voucher program under this section is in compliance with the conditions specified in subsection (i), including a statement describing methods the State will use--

(i) to ensure that the total amount of educational assistance to a youth under this section and under other Federal and Federally supported programs does not exceed the limitation specified in subsection (i)(5); and
(ii) to avoid duplication of benefits under this and any other Federal or Federally assisted benefit program.

(4) APPROVAL.--The Secretary shall approve an application submitted by a State pursuant to paragraph (1) for a period if--

(A) the application is submitted on or before June 30 of the calendar year in which such period begins; and
(B) the Secretary finds that the application contains the material required by paragraph (1).

(5) AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT CERTAIN AMENDMENTS; NOTIFICATION.--A State with an application approved under paragraph (4) may implement any amendment to the plan contained in the application if the application, incorporating the amendment, would be approvable under paragraph (4). Within 30 days after a State implements any such amendment, the State shall notify the Secretary of the amendment.
(6) AVAILABILITY.--The State shall make available to the public any application submitted by the State pursuant to paragraph (1), and a brief summary of the plan contained in the application.


(1) GENERAL PROGRAM ALLOTMENT.-From the amount specified in subsection (h)(1) that remains after applying subsection (g)(2) for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall allot to each State with an application approved under subsection (b) for the fiscal year the amount which bears the ratio to such remaining amount equal to the State foster care ratio, as adjusted in accordance with paragraph (2).

(A) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary shall allot to each State whose allotment for a fiscal year under paragraph (1) is less than the greater of $500,000 or the amount payable to the State under this section for fiscal year 1998, an additional amount equal to the difference between such allotment and such greater amount.
(B) RATABLE REDUCTION OF CERTAIN ALLOTMENTS.--In the case of a State not described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall reduce the amount allotted to the State for the fiscal year under paragraph (1) by the amount that bears the same ratio to the sum of the differences determined under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph for the fiscal year as the excess of the amount so allotted over the greater of $500,000 or the amount payable to the State under this section for fiscal year 1998 bears to the sum of such excess amounts determined for all such States.

(3) VOUCHER PROGRAM ALLOTMENT.-From the amount, if any, appropriated pursuant to subsection (h)(2) for a fiscal year, the Secretary may allot to each State with an application approved under subsection (b) for the fiscal year an amount equal to the State foster care ratio multiplied by the amount so specified.
(4) STATE FOSTER CARE RATIO.-In this subsection, the term 'State foster care ratio' means the ratio of the number of children in foster care under a program of the State in the most recent fiscal year for which the information is available to the total number of children in foster care in all States for the most recent fiscal year.


(1) IN GENERAL.--A State to which an amount is paid from its allotment under subsection (c) may use the amount in any manner that is reasonably calculated to accomplish the purposes of this section.
(2) NO SUPPLANTATION OF OTHER FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR SAME GENERAL PURPOSES.--The amounts paid to a State from its allotment under subsection (c) shall be used to supplement and not supplant any other funds which are available for the same general purposes in the State.
(3) TWO-YEAR AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.--Payments made to a State under this section for a fiscal year shall be expended by the State in the fiscal year or in the succeeding fiscal year.
(4) REALLOCATION OF UNUSED FUNDS.-If a State does not apply for funds under this section for a fiscal year within such time as may be provided by the Secretary, the funds to which the State would be entitled for the fiscal year shall be reallocated to 1 or more other States on the basis of their relative need for additional payments under this section, as determined by the Secretary.


(1) USE OF GRANT IN VIOLATION OF THIS PART.--If the Secretary is made aware, by an audit conducted under chapter 75 of title 31, United States Code, or by any other means, that a program receiving funds from an allotment made to a State under subsection (c) has been operated in a manner that is inconsistent with, or not disclosed in the State application approved under subsection (b), the Secretary shall assess a penalty against the State in an amount equal to not less than 1 percent and not more than 5 percent of the amount of the allotment.
(2) FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH DATA REPORTING REQUIREMENT.--The Secretary shall assess a penalty against a State that fails during a fiscal year to comply with an information collection plan implemented under subsection (f) in an amount equal to not less than 1 percent and not more than 5 percent of the amount allotted to the State for the fiscal year.
(3) PENALTIES BASED ON DEGREE OF NONCOMPLIANCE.--The Secretary shall assess penalties under this subsection based on the degree of noncompliance.


(1) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary, in consultation with State and local public officials responsible for administering independent living and other child welfare programs, child welfare advocates, Members of Congress, youth service providers, and researchers, shall--

(A) develop outcome measures (including measures of educational attainment, high school diploma, employment, avoidance of dependency, homelessness, nonmarital childbirth, incarceration, and high-risk behaviors) that can be used to assess the performance of States in operating independent living programs;
(B) identify data elements needed to track--

(i) the number and characteristics of children receiving services under this section;
(ii) the type and quantity of services being provided; and
(iii) State performance on the outcome measures; and

(C) develop and implement a plan to collect the needed information beginning with the second fiscal year beginning after the date of the enactment of this section.

(2) REPORT TO THE CONGRESS.--Within 12 months after the date of the enactment of this section, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate a report detailing the plans and timetable for collecting from the States the information described in paragraph (1) and a proposal to impose penalties consistent with paragraph (e)(2) on States that do not report data.


(1) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary shall conduct evaluations of such State programs funded under this section as the Secretary deems to be innovative or of potential national significance. The evaluation of any such program shall include information on the effects of the program on education, employment, and personal development. To the maximum extent practicable, the evaluations shall be based on rigorous scientific standards including random assignment to treatment and control groups. The Secretary is encouraged to work directly with State and local governments to design methods for conducting the evaluations, directly or by grant, contract, or cooperative agreement.
(2) FUNDING OF EVALUATIONS.--The Secretary shall reserve 1.5 percent of the amount specified in subsection (h) for a fiscal year to carry out, during the fiscal year, evaluation, technical assistance, performance measurement, and data collection activities related to this section, directly or through grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements with appropriate entities.

(h) LIMITATIONS ON AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.--To carry out this section and for payments to States under section 474(a)(4), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary for each fiscal year-

(1) $140,000,000, which shall be available for all purposes under this section; and
(2) $60,000,000, which are authorized to be available for payments to States for education and training vouchers for youths who age out of foster care, to assist the youths to develop skills necessary to lead independent and productive lives.

(i) EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING VOUCHERS.-- The following conditions shall apply to a State educational and training voucher program under this section:

(1) Vouchers under the program may be available to youths otherwise eligible for services under the State program under this section.
(2) For purposes of the voucher program, youths adopted from foster care after attaining age 16 may be considered to be youths otherwise eligible for services under the State program under this section.
(3) The State may allow youths participating in the voucher program on the date they attain 21 years of age to remain eligible until they attain 23 years of age, as long as they are enrolled in a postsecondary education or training program and are making satisfactory progress toward completion of that program. (4) The voucher or vouchers provided for an individual under this section--

(A) may be available for the cost of attendance at an institution of higher education, as defined in section 102 of the Higher Education Act of 1965; and
(B) shall not exceed the lesser of $5,000 per year or the total cost of attendance, as defined in section 472 of that Act.

(5) The amount of a voucher under this section may be disregarded for purposes of determining the recipient's eligibility for, or the amount of, any other Federal or Federally supported assistance, except that the total amount of educational assistance to a youth under this section and under other Federal and Federally supported programs shall not exceed the total cost of attendance, as defined in section 472 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, and except that the State agency shall take appropriate steps to prevent duplication of benefits under this and other Federal or Federally supported programs.
(6) The program is coordinated with other appropriate education and training programs.

Rule of Construction.

SEC. 478. [42 U.S.C. 678] Nothing in this part shall be construed as precluding State courts from exercising their discretion to protect the health and safety of children in individual cases, including cases other than those described in section 471(a)(15)(D).

Collection of Data Relating to Adoption and Foster Care

SEC. 479. [42 U.S.C. 679] (a)(1) Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall establish an Advisory Committee on Adoption and Foster Care Information (in this section referred to as the "Advisory Committee") to study the various methods of establishing, administering, and financing a system for the collection of data with respect to adoption and foster care in the United States.

(2) The study required by paragraph (1) shall--

(A) identify the types of data necessary to--

(i) assess (on a continuing basis) the incidence, characteristics, and status of adoption and foster care in the United States, and
(ii) develop appropriate national policies with respect to adoption and foster care;

(B) evaluate the feasibility and appropriateness of collecting data with respect to privately arranged adoptions and adoptions arranged through private agencies without assistance from public child welfare agencies;
(C) assess the validity of various methods of collecting data with respect to adoption and foster care; and
(D) evaluate the financial and administrative impact of implementing each such method.

(3) Not later than October 1, 1987, the Advisory Committee shall submit to the Secretary and the Congress a report setting forth the results of the study required by paragraph (1) and evaluating and making recommendations with respect to the various methods of establishing, administering, and financing a system for the collection of data with respect to adoption and foster care in the United States.
(4)(A) Subject to subparagraph (B), the membership and organization of the Advisory Committee shall be determined by the Secretary.

(B) The membership of the Advisory Committee shall include representatives of--

(i) private, nonprofit organizations with an interest in child welfare (including organizations that provide foster care and adoption services),
(ii) organizations representing State and local governmental agencies with responsibility for foster care and adoption services,
(iii) organizations representing State and local governmental agencies with responsibility for the collection of health and social statistics,
(iv) organizations representing State and local judicial bodies with jurisdiction over family law,
(v) Federal agencies responsible for the collection of health and social statistics, and
(vi) organizations and agencies involved with privately arranged or international adoptions.

(5) After the date of the submission of the report required by paragraph (3), the Advisory Committee shall cease to exist.

(b)(1)(A) Not later than July 1, 1988, the Secretary shall submit to the Congress a report that--

(i) proposes a method of establishing, administering, and financing a system for the collection of data relating to adoption and foster care in the United States,
(ii) evaluates the feasibility and appropriateness of collecting data with respect to privately arranged adoptions and adoptions arranged through private agencies without assistance from public child welfare agencies, and
(iii) evaluates the impact of the system proposed under clause (i) on the agencies with responsibility for implementing it.

(B) The report required by subparagraph (A) shall--

(i) specify any changes in law that will be necessary to implement the system proposed under subparagraph (A)(i), and
(ii) describe the type of system that will be implemented under paragraph (2) in the absence of such changes.

(2) Not later than December 31, 1988, the Secretary shall promulgate final regulations providing for the implementation of--

(A) the system proposed under paragraph (1)(A)(i), or
(B) if the changes in law specified pursuant to paragraph (1)(B)(i) have not been enacted, the system described in paragraph (1)(B)(ii). Such regulations shall provide for the full implementation of the system not later than October 1, 1991.

(c) Any data collection system developed and implemented under this section shall--

(1) avoid unnecessary diversion of resources from agencies responsible for adoption and foster care;
(2) assure that any data that is collected is reliable and consistent over time and among jurisdictions through the use of uniform definitions and methodologies;
(3) provide comprehensive national information with respect to--

(A) the demographic characteristics of adoptive and foster children and their biological and adoptive or foster parents,
(B) the status of the foster care population (including the number of children in foster care, length of placement, type of placement, availability for adoption, and goals for ending or continuing foster care),
(C) the number and characteristics of--

(i) children placed in or removed from foster care,
(ii) children adopted or with respect to whom adoptions have been terminated, and
(iii) children placed in foster care outside the State which has placement and care responsibility, and

(D) the extent and nature of assistance provided by Federal, State, and local adoption and foster care programs and the characteristics of the children with respect to whom such assistance is provided; and

(4) utilize appropriate requirements and incentives to ensure that the system functions reliably throughout the United States.

Annual Report

SEC. 479A. [42 U.S.C. 679b] The Secretary, in consultation with Governors, State legislatures, State and local public officials responsible for administering child welfare programs, and child welfare advocates, shall--

(1) develop a set of outcome measures (including length of stay in foster care, number of foster care placements, and number of adoptions) that can be used to assess the performance of States in operating child protection and child welfare programs pursuant to parts B and E to ensure the safety of children;
(2) to the maximum extent possible, the outcome measures should be developed from data available from the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System;
(3) develop a system for rating the performance of States with respect to the outcome measures, and provide to the States an explanation of the rating system and how scores are determined under the rating system;
(4) prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to ensure that States provide to the Secretary the data necessary to determine State performance with respect to each outcome measure, as a condition of the State receiving funds under this part; and
(5) on May 1, 1999, and annually thereafter, prepare and submit to the Congress a report on the performance of each State on each outcome measure, which shall examine the reasons for high performance and low performance and, where possible, make recommendations as to how State performance could be improved.

Title XI—General Provisions, Peer Review, and Administrative Simplification6

Effect of Failure to Carry Out State Plan7

SEC. 1123. [42 U.S.C. 1320a-2] In an action brought to enforce a provision of the Social Security Act, such provision is not to be deemed unenforceable because of its inclusion in a section of the Act requiring a State plan or specifying the required contents of a State plan. This section is not intended to limit or expand the grounds for determining the availability of private actions to enforce State plan requirements other than by overturning any such grounds applied in Suter v. Artist M., 112 S. Ct. 1360 (1992), but not applied in prior Supreme Court decisions respecting such enforceability: Provided, however, That this section is not intended to alter the holding in Suter v. Artist M. that section 471(a)(15) of the Act is not enforceable in a private right of action.

Reviews of Child and Family Services Programs, and of Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Programs, for Conformity with State Plan Requirements

SEC. 1123A. [42 U.S.C. 1320a-1a] (a) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary, in consultation with the State agencies administering the State programs under parts B and E of title IV, shall promulgate regulations for the review of such programs to determine whether such programs are in substantial conformity with--

(1) State plan requirements under such parts B and E,
(2) implementing regulations promulgated by the Secretary, and
(3) the relevant approved State plans.

(b) ELEMENTS OF REVIEW SYSTEM.--The regulations referred to in subsection (a) shall--

(1) specify the timetable for conformity reviews of State programs, including--

(A) an initial review of each State program;
(B) a timely review of a State program following a review in which such program was found not to be in substantial conformity; and
(C) less frequent reviews of State programs which have been found to be in substantial conformity, but such regulations shall permit the Secretary to reinstate more frequent reviews based on information which indicates that a State program may not be in conformity;

(2) specify the requirements subject to review, and the criteria to be used to measure conformity with such requirements and to determine whether there is a substantial failure to so conform;
(3) specify the method to be used to determine the amount of any Federal matching funds to be withheld (subject to paragraph (4)) due to the State program's failure to so conform, which ensures that--

(A) such funds will not be withheld with respect to a program, unless it is determined that the program fails substantially to so conform;
(B) such funds will not be withheld for a failure to so conform resulting from the State's reliance upon and correct use of formal written statements of Federal law or policy provided to the State by the Secretary; and
(C) the amount of such funds withheld is related to the extent of the failure to so conform; and

(4) require the Secretary, with respect to any State program found to have failed substantially to so conform--

(A) to afford the State an opportunity to adopt and implement a corrective action plan, approved by the Secretary, designed to end the failure to so conform;
(B) to make technical assistance available to the State to the extent feasible to enable the State to develop and implement such a corrective action plan;
(C) to suspend the withholding of any Federal matching funds under this section while such a corrective action plan is in effect; and
(D) to rescind any such withholding if the failure to so conform is ended by successful completion of such a corrective action plan.

(c) PROVISIONS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND JUDICIAL REVIEW.--The regulations referred to in subsection (a) shall--

(1) require the Secretary, not later than 10 days after a final determination that a program of the State is not in conformity, to notify the State of--

(A) the basis for the determination; and
(B) the amount of the Federal matching funds (if any) to be withheld from the State;

(2) afford the State an opportunity to appeal the determination to the Departmental Appeals Board within 60 days after receipt of the notice described in paragraph (1), (or, if later after failure to continue or to complete a corrective action plan); and
(3) afford the State an opportunity to obtain judicial review of an adverse decision of the Board, within 60 days after the State receives notice of the decision of the Board, by appeal to the district court of the United States for the judicial district in which the principal or headquarters office of the agency responsible for administering the program is located.

Demonstration Projects


(1) IN GENERAL.--The Secretary may authorize States to conduct demonstration projects pursuant to this section which the Secretary finds are likely to promote the objectives of part B or E of title IV.
(2) LIMITATION.--The Secretary may authorize not more than 10 demonstration projects under paragraph (1) in each of fiscal years 1998 through 2003.

(A) If an appropriate application therefor is submitted, the Secretary shall consider authorizing a demonstration project which is designed to identify and address barriers that result in delays to adoptive placements for children in foster care.
(B) If an appropriate application therefor is submitted, the Secretary shall consider authorizing a demonstration project which is designed to identify and address parental substance abuse problems that endanger children and result in the placement of children in foster care, including through the placement of children with their parents in residential treatment facilities (including residential treatment facilities for post-partum depression) that are specifically designed to serve parents and children together in order to promote family reunification and that can ensure the health and safety of the children in such placements.
(C) If an appropriate application therefor is submitted, the Secretary shall consider authorizing a demonstration project which is designed to address kinship care.

(4) LIMITATION ON ELIGIBILITY.--The Secretary may not authorize a State to conduct a demonstration project under this section if the State fails to provide health insurance coverage to any child with special needs (as determined under section 473(c)) for whom there is in effect an adoption assistance agreement between a State and an adoptive parent or parents.
(5) REQUIREMENT TO CONSIDER EFFECT OF PROJECT ON TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CERTAIN COURT ORDERS.--In considering an application to conduct a demonstration project under this section that has been submitted by a State in which there is in effect a court order determining that the State's child welfare program has failed to comply with the provisions of part B or E of title IV, or with the Constitution of the United States, the Secretary shall take into consideration the effect of approving the proposed project on the terms and conditions of the court order related to the failure to comply.

(b) WAIVER AUTHORITY.--The Secretary may waive compliance with any requirement of part B or E of title IV which (if applied) would prevent a State from carrying out a demonstration project under this section or prevent the State from effectively achieving the purpose of such a project, except that the Secretary may not waive--

(1) any provision of section 427 (as in effect before April 1, 1996), section 422(b)(9) (as in effect after such date), or section 479; or
(2) any provision of such part E, to the extent that the waiver would impair the entitlement of any qualified child or family to benefits under a State plan approved under such part E.

(c) TREATMENT AS PROGRAM EXPENDITURES.--For purposes of parts B and E of title IV, the Secretary shall consider the expenditures of any State to conduct a demonstration project under this section to be expenditures under subpart 1 or 2 of such part B, or under such part E, as the State may elect.
(d) DURATION OF DEMONSTRATION.--A demonstration project under this section may be conducted for not more than 5 years, unless in the judgment of the Secretary, the demonstration project should be allowed to continue.
(e) APPLICATION.--Any State seeking to conduct a demonstration project under this section shall submit to the Secretary an application, in such form as the Secretary may require, which includes

(1) a description of the proposed project, the geographic area in which the proposed project would be conducted, the children or families who would be served by the proposed project, and the services which would be provided by the proposed project (which shall provide, where appropriate, for random assignment of children and families to groups served under the project and to control groups);
(2) a statement of the period during which the proposed project would be conducted;
(3) a discussion of the benefits that are expected from the proposed project (compared to a continuation of activities under the approved plan or plans of the State);
(4) an estimate of the costs or savings of the proposed project;
(5) a statement of program requirements for which waivers would be needed to permit the proposed project to be conducted;
(6) a description of the proposed evaluation design; and
(7) such additional information as the Secretary may require.

(f) EVALUATIONS; REPORT.--Each State authorized to conduct a demonstration project under this section shall--

(1) obtain an evaluation by an independent contractor of the effectiveness of the project, using an evaluation design approved by the Secretary which provides for--

(A) comparison of methods of service delivery under the project, and such methods under a State plan or plans, with respect to efficiency, economy, and any other appropriate measures of program management;
(B) comparison of outcomes for children and families (and groups of children and families) under the project, and such outcomes under a State plan or plans, for purposes of assessing the effectiveness of the project in achieving program goals; and
(C) any other information that the Secretary may require; and

(2) provide interim and final evaluation reports to the Secretary, at such times and in such manner as the Secretary may require.

(g) COST NEUTRALITY.--The Secretary may not authorize a State to conduct a demonstration project under this section unless the Secretary determines that the total amount of Federal funds that will be expended under (or by reason of) the project over its approved term (or such portion thereof or other period as the Secretary may find appropriate) will not exceed the amount of such funds that would be expended by the State under the State plans approved under parts B and E of title IV if the project were not conducted.


1 NOTE CAREFULLY: This compilation, dated 12/03, was prepared by ACYF/CB and reviewed by the Office of General Counsel. While HHS staff have striven to ensure that the compilation is accurate and complete, we cannot guarantee that it is free from error. Users needing to know the precise text of the law (for example, for purposes of citation in a legal document) are advised to check the text of this compilation against the slip law or the published volumes of the United States Code. Back

2 P.L. 96-272, §103(a), amended §422 in its entirety effective June 17, 1980, except that in the case of Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, §422(b)(1) shall be deemed to read as follows:

(1) provide that (A) the State agency designated pursuant to section 402(a)(3) to administer or supervise the administration of the plan of the State approved under part A of this title will administer or supervise the administration of such plan for child welfare services, and (B) to the extent that child welfare services are furnished by the staff of the State agency or local agency administering such plan for child welfare services, the organizational unit in such State or local agency established pursuant to section 402(a)(15) will be responsible for furnishing such child welfare services; Back

3 This date is cited in error, and should be understood to reference August 22, 1996, which is the date of enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193). Back

4 Public Law 107-133, Sec. 107(e) amended and redesignated Section 13712 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. 670 note) as section 438 of the Act. Back

5 This is apparently a drafting error and should be understood to read "…an incarcerated parent (or parents)." Back

6 We included sections of title XI of the Act that are related to titles IV-B and IV-E of the Act only. Back

7 This section was mistakenly codified in two sections of the Social Security Act and the U.S. Code. The section is repeated at Section 1130A of the Act [42 U.S.C. 1320a-10]. Back