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Solid Waste Storage



Solid Waste Image Solid waste is generated at every Federal facility in the forms of office trash (primarily paper and cardboard), food waste, plant waste, and garbage. Some Federal facilities also generate medical waste in the form of infectious waste or pathological wastes. The process of renovating or constructing new facilities are also sources of large amount of solid waste.

Focus Areas

Construction and Demolition Waste
Waste generated during the renovation, demolition, or construction of facilities. This includes wood, insulation, brick, metal reinforcement, dry wall, concrete, piping, asphalt, roofing, wall board, carpet, and steel beams.

Food Waste
This encompasses leftover food (human or animal), waste grease from cooking, and other organic wastes generated during the preparation and serving of food.

The disposal of paper, cardboard, toner cartridges, waste packaging, plastics, aluminum cans, and glass containers is usually the largest source of solid waste at a federal facility.

Medical Waste
This includes the handling, storage, and management of sharps, blood, pathological waste and infectious waste both for humans and animals.

Open Dumping
The disposal of unwanted items, whether the dumping is done by Federal personnel or facility neighbors and visitors.

Plant Waste
Grass clipping, branches, and other organic waste generated in the process of landscape maintenance.

The re-use of wastes in the development of new items.

Waste Tires
The disposal of tires from vehicles such as automobiles, bulldozers, cranes, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.

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Last Updated: December 30, 2008