
Vehicle Maintenance


Car Wash Image Vehicle maintenance includes the maintenance of motor vehicles or heavy equipment regardless of whether it is Agency-owned or GSA-owned. Vehicle maintenance includes procedures such as changing oil, changing antifreeze, re-charging air conditioners, washing, rotating and balancing tires, as well as the complete reworking of airframes, engines, and avionics.

Focus Areas

Air Conditioning
The maintenance of motor vehicle air conditioning is regulated to prevent the escape of CFCs.

Vehicle brake pads and clutch linings may still contain asbestos.

Any device or piece of equipment that is used to clean or remove soils from any surface. Common compounds of concern in degreasing fluids are:

  • Methylene chloride,
  • Perchloroethylene,
  • Trichloroethylene,
  • 1,1,1-trichloroethane,
  • Carbon tetrachloride, and
  • Chloroform.

Emissions Testing
In metropolitan areas vehicles may have to undergo emissions testing and get a sticker proving they have done so.

Fuel Dispensing
The distribution of fuel into motor vehicles from fueling pumps.

Mercury in Vehicles
The use of mercury in automotive switches is of particular concern during the maintenance of such switches and in the ultimate disposal of the car.

Paint Booths
The painting and depainting of vehicles beyond a touch up of a scratch.

Common waste reduction strategies for vehicles maintenance areas include plastics, antifreeze recycling, used oil recycling, beverage can recycling, fluorescent lightbulb recycling, laundering of shop towels, recycling lead-acid batteries and turning in metal as scrap.

Used Oil
Motor oil that is drained from a motor vehicle or heavy equipment.

Underground Injection Control Well
The process of permanently disposing of fluid underground is also called Underground Injection. Wells are divided into five classes, from deep to shallow. Shallow injection wells inject or dispose of fluids into or above shallow aquifers and therefore pose a risk to water quality. Wells that are used for injection of hazardous waste are called “Class IV” wells and are prohibited. All other shallow injection wells, such as wells that are used for storm water, exterior vehicle wash water, sanitary waste, and other non-toxic fluids are included in the “Class V” category of injection wells. For detailed information on underground injection wells other than Class V, see http://www.epa.gov/safewater/uic.html

Vehicle Washing
The removal of dirt and other residues from a vehicle. This may be done with a hose and rag or a formal washrack.

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