[graphic] National Historic Landmarks Program header[graphic]NPS Arrowhead and link to www.nps.gov[photo] Chrysler Building, New York[photo] Brown Chapel AME Church, Selma AL[phtoto] Cape Hatteras Light Station, Buxton, North Carolina[photo] Pioneer Deep Space Station, Fort Irwin, CA

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Monitoring of National Historic Landmarks is carried out by National Park Service staff in our regional offices. Every two years this information is compiled and presented in an online update under "News" on the NHL homepage at www.nps.gov/history/nhl.

The NPS appreciates the value to stewards and other preservation partners of providing access to up-to-date information on the condition and threats to NHLs as a tool for fund raising and influencing public policy. Despite the lack of Congressional requirement for an official report, regional NHL program staff continue to monitor and provide updates on the


condition of NHLs to our Washington headquarters. We find that it is useful in planning our work programs to assist and educate NHL stewards, useful to the stewards themselves, and helpful in making decisions on the awarding of grants such as Save America's Treasures and the Challenge Cost Share Grants. (Please visit the NPS web-site at www.nps.gov/history for information on these grants).

The update reflects the status of each NHL at the time of compilation. A landmark's status may change between the biennial updates. The latest available information can be found on individual downloadable sheets for each landmark found under "Search for an NHL."

Past Reports are archived in a PDF format.


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[graphic] Link to National Parks Services's Links to the Past at www.cr.nps.gov