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Livestock Guarding Dogs

Selected Bibliography

ANDELT, W. F. 1995. Livestock guard dogs, llamas, and donkeys for reducing livestock losses to predators. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, Fort Collins, Colorado.

ANDELT, W. F. 1999. Use of livestock guarding animals to reduce predation on livestock. Sheep and Goat Research Journal 19:72-75.

ANDELT, W. F., AND S. N. HOPPER. 2000. Livestock guard dogs reduce predation on domestic sheep in Colorado. Journal of Range Management 53:259-267.

BANGS, E., J. JIMENEZ, C. NIEMEYER, T. MEIER, V. ASHER, J. FONTAINE, M. COLLINGE, L. HANDEGARD, R. KRISCHKE, D. SMITH, AND C. MACK. 2005. Livestock guarding dogs and wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains of the United States. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 8:32-39.

COPPINGER, R., L. COPPINGER, G. LANGLOH, L. GETTLER, AND J. LORENZ. 2008. A decade of use of livestock guarding dogs. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 13:209-214.

DAWYDIAK, O., AND D. E. SIMS. 2004. Livestock Protection Dogs. Alpine Blue Ribbon Books, Loveland, Colorado.

GENTZEL, J. B. 2008. Great Pyrenees Owner's Handbook. Pyrenean Journal, Jefferson, Georgia.

GREEN, J. S. 1983. The use of livestock guarding dogs to protect sheep from predators in North America: a summary of research at the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station. Proceedings of the Eastern Wildlife Damage Management conference 1:119-124.

GREEN, J. S., R. A. WOODRUFF, AND T. T. TUELLER. 1984. Livestock guarding dogs for predator control: costs, benefits, and practicality. Wildlife Society Bulletin 12:44-50.

GREEN, J. S., AND R. A. WOODRUFF. 1988. Breed comparisons and characteristics of use of livestock guarding dogs. Journal of Range Management 41:249-251.

GREEN, J. S., AND R. A. WOODRUFF. 1990. ADC guarding dog program update: a focus on managing dogs. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 14:233-236.

GREEN, J. S., R. A. WOODRUFF, AND W. F. ANDELT. 1994. Do livestock guarding dogs lose their effectiveness over time? Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 16:41-44.

IDAHO COUNCIL ON INDUSTRY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2005. Carnivore Damage Prevention News. (Special Issue on Livestock Guarding Dogs) No. 9: December 2005.

LARSON, J. 1987. How to train a guard dog. J. Flores, Rosemead, California.

MCGREW, J. C. 1985. Livestock guardian dogs: a method for reducing livestock losses. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, Fort Collins, Colorado.

RIGG, R. 2001. Livestock guarding dogs: their current use world-wide. IUCN Canid Specialist Group Occasional Paper (www. canids. org/occasionalpaper/livestock_guarding_dogs. htm).

SMITH, M. E., J. D. C. LINNELL, J. ODDEN, AND J. E. SWENSON. 2000. Review of methods to reduce livestock depredation. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica-Section A: Animal Science 50:279-290.

VERCAUTEREN, K. C., M. J. LAVELLE, AND G. E. PHILLIPS. 2008. Livestock protection dogs for deterring deer from cattle and feed. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1443-1448.

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Last Modified: October 6, 2008