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National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC)


Human Conflicts with Wildlife: Economic Considerations

Larry Clark, Editor
Jim Hone, John A. Shivik, Richard A. Watkins, Kurt C. VerCauteren and Jonathan K. Yoder, Associate Editors

Proceedings of the Third NWRC Special Symposium
August 1-3, 2000
Fort Collins, CO


Fundamentals of Economic Principles of Wildlife Management…..Peter W. Schuhmann and Kurt A. Schwabe (PDF; 397KB)


Damage Abatement and Compensation Programs as Incentives for Wildlife Management on Private Land…..Jonathan K. Yoder (PDF; 250KB)


The Endangered Species Act and Private Landowner Incentives…..Jeffrey A. Michael (PDF; 279KB)


Economic Considerations of Damage Assessment..... Richard M. Engeman (PDF; 322KB)


Spreadsheets Response Surfaces and Intervention Decisions in Wildlife Damage Management …..Ray T. Sterner (PDF; 595KB)


Impacts of House Mice on Crops in Australia – Costs and Damage…..Peter R. Brown and Grant R. Singleton (PDF; 556KB)


Development of a Model to Assess Rodent Control in Swine Facilities….. Kurt C. Vercauteren, Scott E. Hygnstrom, Robert M. Timm, Robert M. Corrigan, John Beller, Larry L. Bitney, Michael C. Brumm, Daniel Meyer, Dallas R. Virchow and Robert W. Wills (PDF; 855KB)


Using Bioeconomic Models to Maximize Benefits From Vertebrate Pest Control: Lamb Predation by Feral Pigs….. David Choquenot and Jim Hone (PDF; 1,749KB)


Economics of Predation Management in Relation to Agriculture, Wildlife, and Human Health and Safety.....Michael J. Bodenchuk, J. Russell Mason, and William C. Pitt (PDF; 211KB)


An Analysis of Deer-Vehicle Collisions: The Case of Ohio…..Kurt A. Schwabe, Peter W. Schuhmann, Michael J. Tonkovich and Ellen Wu (PDF; 242KB)


The Economics of Managing Belding’s Ground Squirrels in Alfalfa in Northeastern California…..Desley A. Whisson, Steve B. Orloff, and Donald L. Lancaster (PDF; 141KB)


Economic Analysis of a Large Scale Oral Vaccination Program to Control Raccoon Rabies….. Philip Kemere, Michael K. Liddel, Phylo Evangelou, Dennis Slate, and Steven Osmek (PDF; 651KB)


Economic Tools for Managing Urban Canada Goose Impacts…..Nicole H. McCoy (PDF; 124KB)


Evaluation of Wildlife Damage to Forests in Germany…..Markus J. Schaller (PDF; 127KB)


Brown Treesnake Control: Economy of Scales…..Daniel S. Vice and Mikel E. Pitzler (PDF; 106KB)


Has an Integrated Pest Management Approach Reduced Blackbird Damage to Sunflower?..... George M. Linz, Brian D. Peer, H. Jeffrey Homan, Ryan L. Wimberly, David L. Bergman and William J. Bleier (PDF; 164KB)


Cormorant Depredation Losses and Their Prevention at Catfish Farms: Economic Considerations…..James F. Glahn, Scott J. Werner, Terry Hanson and Carole R. Engle (PDF; 311KB)


The Costs of Bird Strikes and Bird Strike Prevention…..John R. Allan (PDF; 133KB) 


Pieces of Silver: Examples of the Economic Impact and Management of the Silver Gull (Larus Novaehollandiae) in Melbourne, Australia…..Ian D. Temby (PDF; 423KB)


Wildlife Impacts on Forest Resources….Dale L. Nolte, and Mike Dykezeul (PDF; 123KB)


The Economic Impact of Invasive Species to Wildlife Services' Cooperators ….David L. Bergman, Monte D. Chandler, and Adrienne Locklear (PDF; 1,271KB)


CLARK, L., J. HONE, J. A. SHIVIK, R. A. WATKINS, K. C. VERCAUTEREN, AND J. K. YODER, editors. 2002. Human conflicts with wildlife: economic considerations. Proceedings of the Third NWRC Special Symposium. National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.



Last Modified: October 10, 2007