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Religious Education, Modernization and Conflict: Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines
Grant Program Presentation

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Schoolgirls in Karachi, PakistanStudents in Karachi, Pakistan. (Courtesy: UN)

Friday, June 24, 2005
10:00 AM–12:00 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.

Faith-based schools—Madaris and missionary schools—play an important educational role in many of the world's most populous countries. A number of those countries suffer from political instability and violent conflict. As communities and governments work to balance traditional identity with modernization, what is the role of religious education in promoting conflict or tolerance?

In particular, what is the relationship between religious education and conflict or peace between Muslims and non-Muslims? What can we learn from different styles of religious education? Three recipients of USIP grants explored these and other questions based on their field work in Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines.


  • Saleem Ali, University of Vermont
  • Jeffrey Milligan, Florida State University
  • John Raines, Temple University
  • Christine Fair, U.S. Institute of Peace, Discussant
  • Taylor Seybolt, U.S. Institute of Peace, Moderator

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