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Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN)

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Patricia A. McNerney heads the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation. ISN leads the U.S. effort to prevent the spread of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, their related materials, and their delivery systems.

The ISN Bureau:

  • spearheads efforts to promote international consensus on WMD proliferation through bilateral and multilateral diplomacy;
  • leads the development of diplomatic responses to specific bilateral and regional WMD proliferation challenges, including today’s threats posed by Iran, North Korea, and Syria. Develops and supports strategic dialogues with India, Pakistan, China, and other key states or groups of states.
  • addresses WMD proliferation threats posed by non-state actors and terrorist groups by improving physical security, using interdiction and sanctions, and actively participating in the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI);
  • works closely with the UN, the G-8, NATO, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other international institutions and organizations to reduce and eliminate the threat posed by WMD
  • supports efforts of the international community to prevent, protect against, and respond to the threat or use of WMD by terrorists; leads coordination for the U.S. government's as co-chair to the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, a partnership of 75 countries (and growing) committed to preventing, protecting against, and responding to nuclear terrorism.

Treasury Designation of Two Iranian EntitiesTied to Proliferation Activities
December 17, 2008

Bank Melli was designated by the United States under Executive Order 13382 in October 2007, was identified in UN Security Council Resolution 1803 as a bank of proliferation concern warranting greater scrutiny, and was designated by the European Union in August 2008 for its support for proliferation. Bank Melli provides financial services, including opening letters of credit and maintaining accounts, for Iranian front companies and entities engaged in proliferation activities. [more]

Nuclear Power: Benefits and Responsibilities
November 10, 2008

The United States strongly supports the development of safeguarded, well-regulated nuclear power around the world. Because of its inherent risks, however, we must all work hard to ensure that nuclear power is deployed in the most responsible manner possible. At a minimum, this will mean a clear commitment to the highest possible standards of nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation. Full Text

Treasury Designation of the Export Development Bank of Iran (EDBI) and Affiliated Entities for Proliferation Activities
October 22, 2008

It is critical that we work to maintain the integrity of the sanctions by remaining vigilant to new methods and entities used by Iran to engage in proliferation, and by taking action against them. We hope that these targeted measures will help dissuade Iran from continuing down the path of isolation. Full Text

On the Record Briefing: Special Envoy for the Six-Party Talks Ambassador Sung Kim, Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Sean McCormack, Assistant Secretary of State for Verification, Compliance, and Implementation Paula DeSutter, and Acting Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation Patricia McNerney on North Korea
Oct. 10, 2008

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary McNerney (Oct. 11): “Verifying North Korea’s nuclear declaration will be a serious challenge and we’re not going into this naïvely. This is the most secret and opaque regime in the entire world. Secretary Rice outlined, for that reason, some of the elements that we need to see in a declaration. These included – this was her statement of June 18th – and these include on-site access to facilities and sites in North Korea; collection and removal of environmental and material samples; forensic analysis of materials and equipment; access to documents and other records; as well as interviews with North Korean personnel involved in the nuclear program. The agreement that we are discussing today meets all of these criteria.” Full Text

Congressional Approval of the U.S.-India Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (123 Agreement)
Oct. 2, 2008

I applaud Congressional approval last evening of the U.S.-India Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (123 Agreement). This would not have been possible without strong bipartisan support and close cooperation from the Congress over the past three years. I especially appreciate the support of the leadership of both parties to expedite approval of the initiative in recent weeks. Statement by Secretary Rice


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Media Note: The President Approves Ratification of the U.S.-IAEA Additional Protocol, (Dec. 31)

Establishing the International Framework to Deter Development of Weapons Technology Amidst the Global Nuclear Renaissance
Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary Hayward (Dec. 3): "As we face the challenges of the nuclear renaissance, it is good to know that many key components of the nonproliferation framework are already in place. However, the expected expansion of nuclear energy worldwide will place unprecedented strain on the present framework. This is why we must continue to develop, reinforce and strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation framework."

11-6-08 Treasury Revokes "U-Turn" License for Iran [more]

Release at the 23rd Missile Technology Control Regime Plenary Meeting, November 5-7, 2008, Canberra, Australia [more]

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