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The USITC Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb provides international trade statistics and U.S. tariff data to the public full-time and free of charge.

U.S. import statistics, U.S. export statistics, U.S. tariffs, U.S. future tariffs and U.S. tariff preference information are available on a self-service, interactive basis. The USITC DataWeb responds to user-defined queries integrating international trade statistics with complex tariff and customs treatment, and allows both expert and non-expert users to create and save customized country and product lists for future re-use from anywhere in the world.

International trade data are available for years 1989- present on a monthly, quarterly, annual, or year-to-date basis and can be retrieved in a number of classification systems, including the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS), the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), or the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Pre-defined reports on international trade statistics are also available by geographic region and partner country. Current U.S. tariffs, which are maintained and published by the USITC as a statutory responsibility, can be accessed via the USITC DataWeb, and retrieved with relevant international trade data.

The ITC DataWeb will be down on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 from 9:30 am until approx. 12:30 pm in order to perform the monthly update processing cycle of the Trade Database which will include November 2008 data.

October, 2008 trade data are now posted.

ITC TRADE DATAWEB--Direct access to trade data; customized reports; instant answers.

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Contact us if you have dataweb questions or comments.

DataWeb Links
Trade Remedy Investigations
- Antidumping and countervailing duty investigations
- Intellectual property infringement and other unfair acts (section 337 investigations)
- Global and special safeguards
Industry and Economic Analysis
- Ongoing Investigations
- Research & Analysis
Tariff Information Center
- Official Harmonized Tariff Schedule
- Other Related Information
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Employment Center
Help/Contact Us

United States International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436
Telephone: 202-205-2000